Epilogue ~10 years later~

"Avengers, assemble!" Shouted Steve as he threw his shield to ricochet between a few cars and enemies, being caught by his lover, Bucky who used it to bash the strange demon that had come pouring out of a swirling massive portal.

"The hell!?" came Tony's voice over the comms. "Are these... Dark Elves fused with Chitauri!?"

"Fuck!?" Sam, one of the newest Avengers cried when his head was nearly taken off by said creature. "Who the hell opened that Portal!?"

"I do not know..." Scarlet Witch's voice came over the comm as well, she sounded annoyed and was rightly so. "But I think I see what is holding it open!"

"Need a lift, sister?" Pietro asked, running by his sister, easily picking her up and running off with her on his back, dodging on coming fire and using the knives he was gifted to cut a few Chitauri/Elf hybrids down.

"If you can close it, then do it!" Steve ordered. "Nat, Clint, where are you!?"

"I'm a little busy!" Nat snapped, kicking the crap out of what looked like a reanimated Runin Warrior fused with what looked like one of the aliens from the Movie Alien. "Bruce, I could use the Other Guy!"

A roar echoed both through the comms and through the air before something large and green came barreling through the the city street, whatever these Necros were, got smashed along the way.

"Mr. Stark sir... I'm not sure I know what to do about this?" came a young voice.

"Peter, these things are already dead. Don't hold back. Treat them like the Doombots!" Tony ordered.

"Did you bring that kid with you!?" came his wife's furious voice.


"Don't you 'Pep' me!" Pepper snapped. "When our children are born, you are NOT training them or taking them into battle do you hear me Anthony Howard Stark!?"

"Ouch, real first name and middle name..." hissed an amused voice. "And from the Preggo wife. Hey writer lady, you are so mean!"

"Deadpool, who the hell are you talking to?" Clint demanded.

"Focus people!" Steve grunted.

Suddenly a thunderstorm rained down and a bolt landed in the middle of a huge mob of the Necros and from it appeared Thor, who looked older, bigger and if possibly even more frightening than he ever had before. He wore a helmet with wings rising from it, his crimson read cloak flowed around him as the wind sang, his trusted Iron Lady in his hand.

"Enough!" He bellowed and all stilled, the Necros turned to him, staring dumbly. "You shall return from whence you came..."

The Creatures shared a look and charged back into battle as a monstrous creature appeared out of the Portal next.

"Fine..." Thor sighed, spinning his hammer and throwing it in a wide arch around him, thunder and lightning following its path. "Greetings friends."

"Hey Bolt boy!" Tony grinned, flying by, laughing when Thor simply clapped his hands producing a crack of thunder that blasted the flying monkey and spider hybrids back into Hulk's rampage, Natasha on her husband's back as he smashed anything that tried to get to her.

"Thor!" Darcy cheered as she ran through the chaos, dancing around it, casting spells and the like as she did so, her father's hunting knife on her thigh in case she wanted to stab an idiot or two.

"Sister Darcy, I've missed you."

"Scarlet found what is making the Portal, can you help me close it?"

"Magic is not my strong suit..." He blushed in shame.

"Shit!?" Bucky yelped, drawing their attention when the monstrous creature that had emerged finally stepped through, but instead of attack the Avengers and the innocents around the area, it threw its head back and howled, the Necros all dropping and cowering. "The fuck is that!?"

"Ah, there you are Saritua!" He smiled before it turned to a frown as he held up his hand, catching Mjolnir as she returned to him, he floated into the air, one arm around Darcy as he floated to the beast's face and sure enough he saw what he was looking for. "Hel, what are you doing here? I know you did not unleash this madness... because if you did you will not like the punishment awaiting you at your grandmother's hand."

The young girl sitting on the Beast's head smiled up at him, unrepentant, but the dim look in her green eyes told him that she feared his threat.

"No, Father, I did not do this. There is one thing that Granny has told me it is never to mess with the Departed. This is magics fouler than my Necro Arts." She informed him and he nodded his head.

"Wait... did that little girl just-" Darcy gasped.

"Thor's a Dad?!" cried several voices.

"Excuse me, but I believe we are still in the middle of battle." came Vision's cool voice over the comms.

"Right! Saritua! Let's put these restless souls back where they belong!" the child cheered and then she began to speak in dark tongues, the beast below her feet opened its jaws and a large orb appeared before smaller beams fired out of it and each one struck a Necro, the creatures letting out dying wails or trying to flee, but soon they were gone and the girl, Hel was finishing her black speech with a pray so soft and sweet, one would not think she was capable of the dark magic needed to use Necromancy "There! Granny Star will be most pleased and uncle Mors will like a nice break too!"

"Hel..." Thor sighed. "We are among the mortals, you must soften your magics and Saritua's form is too demonic and monstrous for them as well."

"Oh! Right!" She cast a spell and as her familiar shrank, she was safely lowered to the floor until she was scooping up a tiny Yorkie into her arms. "Better, Father?"

"Indeed, my daughter." Thor chuckled as he landed, and set Darcy down.

The others made their way back and they turned to Scarlet who was working impressive magic to contain the book that was sitting almost innocently under the portal.

"Wanda!" Pietro tried to warn her, but was too late when a fist socked her in the face, sending her flying, but she did not go far as something suddenly grew behind her into a full sized man. "Thank you, Scott!"

"No problem..." The man stated, as he held the woman who was dazed and sure to pass out in a moment.

Vision was looked thunderous at the bastard that had dared to harm his wife. But stopped when he saw who had hit her.

"Malekith..." Thor growled. "I killed you too quickly last time..."

"Malekith? Is he not the one who-"

"Yes, he hurt not only your Grandmother, but everyone in the universe as well, especially those of the Nine Realms." Thor nodded, his daughter looking the Necro who leered at them, picking up the book and snapping it shut, closing the portal as well.

"It's been a long time, Thunderer... Where is my Queen?"

"You have no queen, I do however and my love is currently cleaning up the mess you made of our home. So do not worry you will face my love soon enough." Thor promised.

"You dare touch what was always mine!?"

"He dares just fine thank you!" A voice called from behind before he felt the stabbing pain of a knife in his back before he was punched in the back of the head, a kick was then swung into his gut, causing him to double over, allowing his attacker to stomp on him a few times before grinding his decaying face into the ground below. "No wonder my mother is as mad as she is! It is insanity to keep the world ordered while also causing the right amount of chaos to keep things from getting boring!"

"Loki!" the women of the group smiled seeing their friend.

"Hello again my friends!" Loki chuckled softly, grinding his foot down harder. "Aunt Seren will be most furious to know that one of her former attendants gave you gave you her book... Hel, come take this to your Granny!"

"Yes, mother!" Hel giggled, running up to her mama and grabbing the book with great care and vanishing into a portal that looked oddly like blood.

"Wait... Mother?!" several people cried out.

"Yes, mother." Loki rolled his eyes. "I thought I explained to you all that as Jotun I'm intersexed, I have both sexual organs of a man and woman! I can clearly sire and birth my own children should I choose to do so! And I have birthed my own darling children!"

"Indeed. We have 3 sons and a daughter, with two more on the way!" Thor was quite pleased with himself as Loki huffed, finally crushing Malekith's head under boot.

Everyone winced at the sound and the sight of the gore, but Loki did not care, he moved over to his husband and leaned on him with a tired whine.

"I am quite famished, Thor. Feed me and these two spawns of yours!" He demanded.

"Of course, but shall we wait for our children to finish and join us? After all we were supposed to be meeting our friends so they can meet their Godchildren!" Thor smiled, caressing the the just showing baby bump that was hidden by the fabrics and armor his mate wore.

"Holy shit..." Tony gasped. "Did you just say we have Godchildren?! As in literal GODchildren!?"

"Yes and yes." Loki hummed and soon another portal appeared and Hel and her brothers stepped forth from it.

"Well..." Steve cleared his throat. "It seems we're done and Lady Nubia's people are already underway with clean up..."

"Who's up for takeout and a massive sleepover over at Avenger Tower!?" Tony perked up, never one to linger too long on something.

They all agreed and soon were on their way to the tower. Once in the safety of their home, everyone found places to sit or lay down, with their respective partners or lovers.

"It's been like 10 years since we saw you!" Tony laughed, his arm around his very pregnant wife, their 10 year old son sitting on his other side.

"It was longer for us... time flows differently and for each realm, a day could pass here and an entire age could pass on Asgard or half a millennia on Jotunheim." Thor chuckled. "Finally took the Lady Potts for a wife, did you Lord Stark? And such a fine son you have! And another on the way too!"

"Yes, Pep and I have been married since a little after our little hostile takeover of Asgard! This our son, Jarvis." Tony smiled. "Vision thought it only fitting that my first son had the name of his Uncle."

Vision looked sheepish as he held his wife close to him, she was awake now and in post mission meditation.

"And I've married Wanda... We are attempting to have a child. Though I do not think it will be possible." he murmured.

"It will happen, my friend, do not doubt that. My mother spoke of a few surprises for a few of you." Loki chuckled, holding his youngest son and daughter to his sides while his elder sons cuddled into their father.

"Good, I look forward to parenthood." Vision smiled.

"Right, you need to meet some new faces and not so new faces!" Tony chirped. "You know Sam and Rhoda! They are official Avengers now! Sam's Falcon and Rhodey is War Machine! The UN and the President tried to push the Iron Patriot shtick but after some prick I once dicked over when I was beyond smashed back 99 leading into the 2000s, decided he was gonna kidnap my pregnant wife and experiment on her. Now thanks to him my son can set things on fire if he gets emotional enough."

Thor frowned, "and is this man alive still?"

"No. I killed him." Pepper purred. "He nearly cost me my child and husband, like hell was I letting him breath another moment."

"A woman after my own heart." Loki almost swooned.

"You know Wanda and Pietro, they finally got the Green card to be Avengers after they went to a specialized school where they learned to control their powers and the like!" Darcy smiled. "They kept their old names of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver!"

"Indeed, it is good that they learned." Thor chuckled at Loki's evil grin when Wanda gulped, remembering her training sessions with him.

"This is Scott Lang, a former criminal, a computer genius and quite the hacker! He's got a special suit that allows him to shrink and grow as he pleases and he can command various forms of insects though namely ants, bees and their various breeds. His girlfriend's not here at the moment, she over in Japan dealing with some people, but she's called Wasp and Scott is called Ant-Man!" Darcy laughed.

"Then there is this kid, Peter Parker, quite the little genius, overly eager and a nerd to boot, but he's got heart and is quite the agile, little spider! He calls himself Spiderman."

"I got bit by a radioactive spider and it gave me quite a few perks, I can climb walls, sense danger to some degree, I'm agile like Mr. Stark said, and I'm quite strong, not as strong as the Hulk though." Peter blushed. "Oh this is Wade Wilson- he's a bit of an acquired taste, so sorry if he's a bit much."

"Aww, so mean Spidey!" Wade whined under his hood, self conscious of his rather grotesque looks around strangers, though he had grown comfy around the Avengers over the years and mostly worked for the good guys and for free, he was still a Merc and weapons and his collection were not cheap you know! "So you're the main characters of this story!? I think the Writer forgot her main plot line!"

"What?" Thor and Loki blinked confused.

"Ignore him, he tends to say things at random that make no sense or speaks to two entities that only he can hear that he calls White and Yellow, apparently they are boxes." Natasha waved off. "As for myself, I'm quite happy with Bruce, we've been going slowly, working at his pace, but it seems after our little trip to Asgard, he and Hulk have come to an agreement of sorts, I do not mind, I love both the man and the beast."

"As do I Lady Widow." Loki smiled as he looked at his own husband, who grinned, showing off inhumanly sharp teeth.

"Bucky and I finally tied the knot and we're thinking of adopting a few kids." Steve smiled at his husband who hugged him close, kissing his temple, his metal arm had clearly been upgraded by Stark as it was sleeker, stronger and had a synthetic dermal layer to hide the fact it was metal and gave him sensations of having a flesh arm again.

"Coulson's still a fanboy and a creeper though." Bucky snorted.

"Yes, the Son of Coul... do I need to speak with him?"

"No, he's the best Super Nanny we've got! And the only Super Nanny who wasn't a secret Hydra goon!" Tony shouted. "He's the only who puts up with our kids!"

"Yeah, now that things have calmed down, my wife and kids can live with me again, though we still got our safe house for when shit hits the fan." Clint smiled. "Two boys and a girl with another baby on the way, we're hoping for another girl who we plan to call Natalie."

"Congrats." came the consensus from the others in the room.

"We got a new handler as well, her name is Sharon Carter, or Agent 13 and she and Pietro are dancing around one another." Sam smirked when the speedy mutant glared at him.

"Oh can't forget his highness Prince T'Challa of Wakanda." Tony added, waving his hand to the silent man who was observing them from the corner, his bodyguard sitting prim on her stool, she would shook Natasha a dark look every now and again. "And I believe that is it. Fury and Hill are still our bosses, and SHIELD is being overhauled still from the Hydra infestation, but your mother and her people have been a big help!"

"Alright, then it is our turn. As you know my mother implemented several changes, many far reaching and trans dimensional." Loki stated. "Thor has been a fair and just King, our people adore him and my father has passed the crown to Byleístr, who is courting a young Mage in training. I believe my brother's rule will be a long and peaceful one. Helblindi and Lucian have had twin daughters and live quite happily on Muspelheim, though I get frequent visits from my nieces since my brother is trying to get pregnant with sons now."

Thor chuckled as he pulled his eldest children into his arms proud of them. "Aye, Helblindi was quite envious when we had Sleipnir, our eldest, Jörmungandr, our second, Fenrir our third and our only daughter, Hel. With two more on the way. We do not know if they will be male or female or even both, but I love my children no matter what they are."

"Do you still get Cranky?" Darcy wondered. "And where is my wife!? She hasn't visited in so long!"

"Sif is playing diplomat to a few stubborn tribes on the out edges of Vanaheim with the Warriors, she should be back any day no and will most likely find her way into your bed sooner rather later. And I do not become Cranky any more because the Beast and I have come to an agreement, we've fused and become one."

"When Thor becomes Cranky now, he goes into the Berserker Rage and only I, our mothers and our children can pull him back from it." Loki smiled darkly. "I was too fond of the Beast and the Man to pick one over of the other so I altered Lady Jalan's curse and turned it into a blessing. However, because of my magics and Thor's rather animalistic characteristics, our children have quirks of their own... Sleipnir can turn into an 8 legged Horse, Jörmungandr can become a snake and grow to any size and Fenrir turns into a dire Ice Wolf. Each obviously take after their namesakes and my dear sweet Hel is getting the best tutelage from Hela the Current Queen of Helheim. It seems my mother brought my children from the last time and had them keep the Realms somewhat in balance since I've never met my wife Sigyn, who is the ancestor of Lady Darcy."

"Yay, I'm somewhat related to the best Badass Mage in the Universe!" Darcy crowed, making the others laugh.

"Indeed." Loki chuckled.

"We had not expected for Malekith's soul to break free of Helheim nor to seduce one of Lord Death's attendants nor to steal his book and unleash the dishonored and tormented souls. He attempted to make it look like Hel was doing it, but my daughter knows better than to mess with the Dead in such a way."

"My Necro Arts are meant to help others and to lend aid, but it doesn't mean I will not summon them to wipe out a threat to my family." She sniffed.

"Hel." Loki sighed. "I regret allowing you to spend so much time with Lady Seren..."

"That's so mean!" giggled a soft voice as they all jumped seeing two women appear from nowhere.

"Granny! Granny Star!" the children cried running to the two women who smiled.

"Hello darlings... we were just coming by to give your Auntie Natasha something and then we have to go away for a while. It seems some little shit is starting a war on the other side of the Galaxy and it is annoying us to no end." Rhyg smiled, kissing her grandchildren on their brows before she tossed something to the former Russian spy.

"Wait! Before you go I have to ask, all this started with the Infinity stones, and obviously we broke all of them expect the one in Vision, but where are the real ones?" Tony called. "It's been bugging me to no end."

"..." Seren and Rhyg shared a look and burst into laughter. "Sorry!"

"Not Sorry!" Rhyg cackled. "Oh man, that was a good laugh! But to answer your question, I hid them in plain view, all six together and literally under your noses."

They blinked looking around the room before Rye rolled her eyes and walked up to Loki, he blinked as his mother grabbed his left wrist and ran her fingers lovingly over the bracelet. Suddenly a dawning look entered his eyes and gasped.


"Yep. I said it before, only a Mischief has the potential to become the next Chaos. And there is a reason you are so powerful, my son. It takes vast amounts of power to hold the Universe in a constant dance of Chaos and Order." She winked and then she and Seren were gone.

"Wait! She didn't answer-"

"She did..." Loki chuckled, holding his left hand to his face as he looked at his bracelet, seeing the six colorful stones and now knowing the truth behind the gift. "My mother and aunt work in mysterious ways and no one can truly understand their mad plans except for them because why not have something powerful and dangerous hidden and protected by something equally as powerful and dangerous..."

"Mommy?" Hel called and he smiled at her, taking his hand from his face. "Granny gave them to someone like her?"

"Indeed and they will guard the secret to their death after all if no one knows by now where they are, then they will never know..."

"You mom is crazy."

"Chaos." the Godly family stated, making everyone laugh.

"What did she give you, Nat?" Clint wondered.

Natasha looked over the bottle in her hands and the folded note tied to it. She and Bruce read it over and gasped, Natasha bursting into tears which startled everyone but Loki, who smiled brightly when she looked up at him.


"I'm a Mage, and married to the God of Thunder and Fertility, mortals cannot hope to beat our magics." Loki smiled.

"Thank you!" Bruce smiled, glad his secret wife was going to finally have her dream come true.

"What is it!?" everyone else cried.

"A potion... to reverse what they did to me when I completed my training... I can have children!" She cried and tackled Bruce with a bruising kiss as the others all began to celebrate.

As they descended into familial chaos, Thor and Loki smiled softly, kissing as their children went to go make friends with the few others there.

"And to think this all started because my sire could not keep it in his pants..."

"Indeed. I love you, Thor..."

"I love you, Civip Kethend..."
