Hey, guys!
So what you need to know before reading this: it's mostly smut (sex) so you've been warned... Anyways if you haven't read the summary, this is a series of smutty one-shots between female summoners (hence the title) and their champions (which for some reason are all males :D)
Also special thanks to my beta Maxaro for helping with this chapter :D
Lanaya ended her connection to the summoners rift with a triumphant grin on her face, quickly walking over to the lobby where the champions from the game would be appearing. She had just finished a ranked game, winning it to her amusement with an almost perfect score of 14/1/24. What made her even more proud was the fact that it was her first time playing Shen in ranked. She was a mid-laner at heart, and her best champion was and had always been Zed, but when a summoner wasn't willing to give her that lane she found herself stuck at top with only one option; Shen.
Top wasn't her strong suit, and considering her go-to top laner was banned. She found that her only option was the blue-clad ninja, since he was on free rotation. Who knew she'd do such a good job? Of course she'd tried him out during regular matches once or twice, but to do this well in ranked with him?
The summoner couldn't get the grin off her face.
Lanaya opened the door into the lobby, finding that most of the champions had already left, but luckily Shen was still there talking to his allies. A few other summoners were also present, congratulating or arguing with their champions. Lanaya quickly flattened down the material of her robe, making sure her newly earned platinum ranking crest was showing on the left side of her chest. She had finally completed her series and she had a certain ninja to thank.
"Hey Shen!" She called out happily, the kinkou ninja glanced over at her at the sound of her voice, his eyes lighting up ever so slightly as he walked over.
"Summoner Lanaya," he replied formally and Lanaya noted how deep and smooth his voice was. To her surprise his gaze was locked on the ground, avoiding eye contact as if he was nervous around her.
"That match was great! We were so powerful together!" Lanaya began, her excitement clearly showing, "We really did a number on those scrubs!"
"Indeed," Shen commented, a slight hint of amusement in his voice.
"Well anyways," the summoner smiled after taking a moment to make her voice calmer. "Thanks for letting me summon you, I really needed the promotion."
"Of course," he said before adding in a lighter tone, "Feel free to summon me again."
As the ninja took his leave, Lanaya turned to the exit—she couldn't wait to rant to her friends about her new rank—but as the summoner exited the room she felt a hand grab hold of the sleeve of her robe and tug her into a much darker hallway. For a moment she panicked, pulling her wrist away and whirling around, but when her eyes settled on just who it was that had dragged her away the panic dissipated.
"What the hell, Zed?" She grumbled. "Could give a girl a warning before you pull her away. Almost gave me a heart attack."
The armoured ninja merely scoffed, clearly showing how he couldn't care less, something the summoner had become quite used too.
"The crest on your robe... you've been promoted?" He noted, his voice cold and dark.
"Oh! Yeah!" Lanaya's earlier excitement returned as a proud smile flashed over her face. "Just got it, isn't it great!"
"Why didn't you summon me?" Zed blurted out suddenly. "I knew you had a match this morning, you've been ranting about it since last night. When you didn't summon me... I thought something had happened. Explain yourself."
For a second the summoner tilted her head in confusion—was it just her or did it sound like Zed was actually concerned for her? She quickly dismissed the idea, though. No, it wasn't possible. Someone like him wouldn't bother with the likes of her. But then again, the shadow ninja did let her summon him willingly whenever she wanted too, and he would spend time with her even after matches. Sometimes they even sat together in the cafeteria and Zed would voluntarily listen to her talk on about the most random things. Of course every champion had their favourite summoners, but to think he actually came here looking for her? The simple thought warmed Lanaya's heart.
"Explain!" Zed suddenly repeated, his voice sharper and more demanding as he pulled her out of her thoughts.
"Err..." she thought for a moment before finally answering. "Mid was taken, and I got stuck with top and you know how terrible I am with you at top so I summoned Shen instead."
Instead of replying, the ninja went quiet and it almost felt as if the atmosphere had grown thicker and colder as the silence prolonged for what felt like forever.
"Zed?" Lanaya asked, concern in her voice as the ninja continued to stay quiet.
Instead of replying, he once again grabbed the summoner by the wrist—still not bothering to speak as he pulled her down the hall. Lanaya didn't resist the action, after all, she did trust Zed with her life, but the she couldn't help but be curious about what was going on inside the stoic man's head.
"What are you doing?" She asked, "Where are we going?"
There were no replies, but soon she found herself in the champion dorm hall. Doors leading to the champion's personal quarters lined the walls and she recognized one with Zed's name on a golden plaque over it. Without a word, he kicked it open, pulling her inside and slamming it close once they were in.
This wasn't the first time Lanaya had been in here. In fact, she'd often intrude in and interrupt him during his meditations—insisting that he should get out more. He would never admit it, but Zed really appreciated her presence in his life. She was, in fact, one of the only positive, happy, comforting things in his dark life, and the fact that she had been with his worst enemy bothered him. To think his Lanaya had spent a whole match connected to Shen? The very thought disgusted him.
True, she could be irritating at times, and way too optimistic for her own good, but to Zed, she was still his, and it seemed now he needed to make that clear.
"Talk to me, please Zed," Lanaya suddenly spoke up. "What's wrong? Are you mad at me?"
Was he mad at her? Hell yes.
The master of shadows easily threw the summoner onto his bed, noticing how she let out a little yelp of surprise as he got on top of her, pinning her wrists down against the mattress with his own hands.
"What are you doing?!" She squeaked, and it was practically the cutest thing Zed had ever heard.
"I am your champion, and you are my summoner," he replied coldly, his grip unrelenting. "How dare you summon my greatest enemy to replace me? I understand that sometimes you and I cannot always battle together, but there are always more options than him. You will never summon him again." There was no question in Zed's words. Only a statement. An order.
A moment of silence passed between them, the only thing breaking the quiet being the slight creaking of the bed underneath their combined weight, but then Lanaya's lips parted and a small whisper escaped from between them.
"Why...?" She breathed out quietly.
"Because, dear summoner," Zed answered just as quietly, smirking underneath his mask. "You're mine."
The summoner only blinked at him.
"And it seems," he continued, "You need help realizing that."
Lanaya let out a little whimper as the ninja kept one hand holding down her wrists, utilizing the blade on his free one to tear through her robes, easily throwing them aside. Once her chest had been exposed to him, Zed backed up ever so slightly to admire his work.
Laying underneath him was the girl he hadn't been able to help but fall for. The girl who soothed his war-ravaged heart. With her dark red hair, stormy grey eyes, and angelic complexion, Lanaya was stunningly beautiful. And the fact that she was now only wearing black lacy undergarments turned that stunningly beautiful into a stunningly sexy.
"Zed..." Lanaya whimpered once again as a light pink blush crept over her fair cheeks.
Quietly, Zed began to unclasp the blades over his wrists, tossing them aside as he undid his armour, almost smirking when the summoner's eyes widened as his toned and sculpted chest was put on display. His body, much like all other ninjas, had been trained and tested to physical perfection. He had a large scar on his side, measuring to his lower abdomen, but other than that he looked like the very definition of statuesque.
With only his pants left on, his hand hesitantly hovered over his mask. The shadow-master wanted to take it off, but at the same time, he felt slightly insecure.
Nervously, he glanced down at Lanaya—his summoner. She was looking up at him with scared but curious eyes, the innocence in her expression made some semblance of relief wash over him. Had it been anyone else, Zed wouldn't even consider it, but with her... it was different.
She deserved to see this, he thought, before letting out a sigh as he tore his mask off, letting it drop to the ground with a small, metallic clink.
Lanaya shuddered inside. Never before had she seen Zed with that mask off and she felt a mixture of emotions bubble within her. To her, it felt like she was seeing the ninja for the first time. His hair was silvery-ash white, with his bangs slightly covering his deep red eyes. His pale complexion was flawed with only a single scar that ran across his cheek, but it didn't bother her. His eyes held a certain sadness to them, they were eyes that had seen too much bloodshed. That had felt too much pain. That knew betrayal inside out.
He was tragically beautiful.
Lanaya was suddenly pulled out of her trance as Zed's lips crashed into her own, reminding her of the situation she was still in. He bit down gently on her lower lip, asking for entrance, and involuntarily she granted it, gasping as his tongue pushed into her mouth. Before she knew it, her tongue was fighting the ninja for dominance, a battle he easily won; pinning her tongue down and relishing in victory.
The summoner was so lost in the kiss, she didn't notice how his now bare hands trailed down her stomach, his knees parting her legs as his fingers ran over the fabric of her underwear. She let out a squeal of surprise as his fingers stroked her from outside her undergarments. To her dismay, Lanaya felt herself wanting him closer, wanting him to touch her more.
As Zed continued to tease the redhead with his fingers, he pulled away from her mouth, letting her take a deep breath as he dipped his head into her neck—forging a trail of chaste kisses towards her ear. He licked at the sensitive lobe before biting down gently as another gasp escaped her lips.
Reactively, Lanaya arched her hips against the ninja's own, unknowingly grinding against his length and earning a deep groan from him. Suddenly, he sat up straighter, pulling her underwear down and tossing it aside before rubbing his index finger against her folds, causing the summoner to moan and lay back against the bed, not even bothering to struggle as he removed his other hand from her wrists to pull her hips closer.
Lanaya's eyes were half closed, and she breathed slowly as Zed continued to stimulate her, his finger now teasing her clit as he slowly rubbed circles over it. She began to feel pleasure build up inside her and let out another encouraging moan. The question about whether this was right or wrong didn't matter to her anymore. Her morals didn't mean anything anymore—her heart had already made its decision. And that decision was the man on top of her.
Suddenly, she felt his middle finger plunge into her core, her wetness making it easy for him to add another finger and slowly pump them in and out. In response she let out little cries of pleasure, her hips moving along with his fingers, trying to keep them inside longer. Gently, Zed wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her up into a laid back sitting position as he continued to pump his fingers into her throbbing womanhood. Now it was much easier for him to unclasp her bra, throwing it aside as he gazed down at Lanaya's pale breasts. They were fairly large, but not too big, and complimented with light pink nipples. Not slowing down at all, he attacked her mounds aggressively with his lips, taking a nipple into his mouth and teasing it in between his teeth, occasionally darting his tongue out to lick at the creamy skin.
Soon the ninja could feel Lanaya's insides tightening around his finger, a clear sign of her closeness. The needy but adorable noises she was making only supported that theory, and Zed quickly pulled his fingers out, pushing the summoner back onto the bed as he pulled down his pants. He saw her gulp slightly as she took in his length, he was a proud nine inches and her simple reactions and noises had him as hard as ever.
Not being able to wait any longer, he let her fall back onto the mattress as he pulled both her perfect legs to rest against his firm chest and shoulders—lining up his length against her core. However, before Zed could comply to the images that were playing in his head, he noticed fear and panic flash over Lanaya's face. Surprisingly, he found himself freeze up.
"What's wrong?" He asked in his usual cold tone, though he couldn't help but let a little concern seep into his words.
"I've never..." Lanaya's voice was laced with panic and nervousness as she spoke up quietly. "I mean I... I'm a... I've..."
Zed merely raised an eyebrow in question, and she took a deep breath.
"I'm a virgin..." the summoner confessed, looking almost embarrassed.
"Good," he replied much to Lanaya's surprise.
"What do you mean good?" She scoffed. "You'd probably want someone more experienced..."
"Not at all," Zed whispered as he smiled down at her, the carnal desire in his eyes growing. "This way I'll be your first. You first and only. The only one who'll ever give you so much pleasure, that'll fill you up and ram into you until your torn apart and screaming my name."
A hot shiver went down her spine, but the summoner couldn't help but become more aroused at those words.
"That," he added, "Is a promise."
Nervously, Lanaya bit down on her lower lip, her eyes locking with the ninja's as he pushed the hair away from her face, rubbing her cheek affectionately before continuing on with his prior plans.
Lanaya waited in anticipation, not sure what to expect, but anything she could have imagined was nothing compared to the pure pain she felt as she was penetrated for the first time. Her nails dug into the bed sheets and she let out a scream, her hips squirming in a pointless escape—only making the pain worse. With a grunt, Zed placed his hands on the side of her hips, holding her still so she wouldn't hurt herself as he waited for her to adjust.
"Relax," he instructed, his voice darkening with lust. "I won't move until you're ready..." he really didn't want to wait, his instincts were screaming at him to start thrusting, but he truly did care for her, and he wanted her to be ready.
After what felt like forever, Lanaya finally replied.
"I-I'm rea-ready..."
Despite how unsure she sounded, Zed couldn't wait any longer. He began to thrust, pulling out to one inch before ramming back in with full force, slamming into her hilt as Lanaya cried out. The position made it easier for him to get deeper inside her, and he relished in the feelings of her tight walls around him. Soon he began hitting a perfect spot inside of her, turning her pain into pleasure as she moaned, her hips began to rise to meet his thrusts as he picked up the pace.
Feeling more at ease with her willingness, he stopped holding back, giving into his carnal desire as his trained and powerful body aggressively tore into the summoner's tight entrance, now setting a brutal pace as she mewled and moaned underneath him. Her body writhed against his as she felt pleasure build up inside her, but her pleasure was nothing compared to his. The way he was feeling was unbelievable.
The ninja was not a stranger to sex, but never before had anything felt so right, and the pleasure within him was taking him to impossible heights. His vision was blurring with ecstasy, and in a final attempt for release, he tightened his grip on Lanaya's waist, his fingers digging into her soft skin as he buried himself as far he could go before climaxing with a growl.
He came on a perfect spot inside her, and reactively she grabbed onto him, her nails raking at his back as she threw her head back—screaming out his name as she rode through her own orgasm.
As their breathing returned back to normal, Zed gently pulled himself out of her and rolled onto his back—beside her—while Lanaya, on the other hand, just stared at the ceiling, her body still trembling from the pleasure which easily managed to cover up the slight soreness she felt.
"How do you feel?" Zed asked after a while, making Lanaya glance at him with her usual innocent expression.
"Well," she sighed, followed by a giggle. "Being promoted is no longer the highlight of my day."
The ninja just chuckled softly along with her, running a hand through the summoner's hair affectionately.
"And I don't think you'll have to worry about Shen anymore," she added, "I don't think I'll ever be able to face him again after this."
"Glad to hear it," Zed replied with a smirk.
"I should... probably go wash up," Lanaya muttered after another moment of silent breathing passed between them, "Once I can move again that is..."
"That'll take a while," the master of shadows scoffed, before turning onto his side and planting another more gentle kiss on her lips.
"Did you enjoy it at least?" He asked and she blushed.
"Yes... I did," she replied nervously, her cheeks turning pink with embarrassment.
"Good," he replied before sitting up and reaching for his clothes. "Because this time I went easy on you. Next time I'll have you begging."
"Will you now?" The summoner challenged, her nervousness making way for a more playful demeanour.
"You doubt me?" Zed challenged right back.
"And what if I do?"
He dropped his clothes back on the ground and turned to her.
"That means it's time for round two."
Liked it? Hope you did...
Anyways, please follow and favourite but mostly just review; because I love me some reviews and they're super encouraging. If there's a champion you want me to do you can suggest them in a pm or review, I probably will unless he's someone I hate XD (Do keep in mind I only do male champions.)