This is probably the smallest chapter I have written for this story. Just something to tide you over really. Hope you enjoy.
The wedding came upon them quicker than they expected, but neither minded. When the week of the wedding was upon them they both felt butterflies in their stomachs.
"I cannot wait to call you my wife." Fitz said one morning in bed which lead to the first round of love making for the day.
The wedding was scheduled for Saturday with many of the guest arriving throughout the week. Carolyn, Sam and Victoria (George had to stay in England for school) were arriving on the Wednesday, Teddy on Thursday, the other kids and Olivia's dad on Friday. Everyone else (Cyrus, James, Ella, and the OPA team) were staying down town and were arriving on Thursday because Karen and Jerry had, without Fitz and Olivia knowing, arrange a surprise Hens and Bucks night for them both for the Thursday night.
Thursday afternoon Fitz and Olivia was relaxing on the back verandah, having a cup of tea when Cyrus, James, Franklin, Jerry, Andre, Andrew, Sam, Huck, Harrison and Steven all came out from the stables dressed in hiking gear, and clip clopping of heels could be heard on the wooden floors inside. They turned around to see Karen, Carolyn, Michelle, Abby, Quinn, Georgia and Lilly with a pink feather boa. Karen draped it around Olivia's neck.
Before either of them knew it the girls were dragging Olivia away, and the boys had kidnapped Fitz. They looked at each other slightly frightened by what their nights would look like but they waved and were out of sight soon after.
The boys told Fitz they were going to be camping by the river. They were walking over there, each holding a beer. When they arrived there were 5 tents set up, with log seats around the middle of them with a fire pit in the middle. There were some ice buckets filled with beer and soft drink, and some meat for cooking. Huck got straight on to the fire, while Andre and Jerry went fishing, Fitz decided to join them. Franklin and Sam kicked a soccer ball around and everyone else was sitting around the now lit fire, talking.
When the girls stole Olivia, Karen had dragged her upstairs to her walk in wardrobe and picked her out a black dress she was yet to wear, and a pair of heels. She let her put on some makeup and put her hair up before she put a sash on her and dragged her back out.
They walked out the front door to find a bright pink stretch Hummer waiting for them. She saw the door open and Teddy and Ella climb out. Olivia turned to Karen.
"Liv, I asked Teddy's Nanny to come over for tonight. She will look after Vicki too." Karen said. When Olivia saw that Carolyn appeared fine with the arrangement she gave Teddy and Ella a hug each before getting in the Hummer. It was the most ridiculous thing Olivia had seen, but also kind of cool. She had been in many limo's but never as bright as this.
When everyone was in, Olivia thought to ask what they were even doing.
"Magic Mike at the movies, then some cocktails and then some dancing."
"Karen, please tell me you didn't get strippers." Olivia said, really hoping she didn't.
"I didn't."
"But there will be topless waiters." Abby said, clearly it was her idea.
"Ok Liv, just cause you are marrying President McDreamy, don't take the eye candy away from the rest of us!" she said. Olivia laughed.
"So long as there are no strippers." Olivia said. Abby rolled her eyes.
"Fine." She huffed as she reached for her phone.
"Abby!" Quinn said hitting her arm.
"What?" Abby asked.
"You ordered a stripper." Quinn said.
"I did, but I'm cancelling it now." She said showing everyone her phone. Everyone burst out laughing.
A few minutes later they popped open a bottle of champage and poured everyone a glass. They cheersed to a good night and sipped their champagne. When they arrived at the movies they were each handed a bag and a cocktail. The bag had some popcorn, some lollies, a bottle of water, some chocolate, some bubbles, a stick of lipstick and some novelty pink item that everyone had to wear.
With continual service of cocktails throughout the movie, by the time it was over everyone was feeling buzzed. They went to a room off the cinemas and there was a couple of tables and some handsome and topless men with plates of canapés. This was were the traditional hens night games were played.
When everyone had had more than enough to drink the group went off to a local place to dance. They spent hours dancing to an aray of music before they decided to head home. The pink Hummer picked them up again and drove Michelle home, Abby and Quinn to their hotel and everyone else back to the house. They stumbled out of the Hummer with no shoes on and giggling.
When they got in the house they all stumbled into bed and were asleep before their heads hit the pillow.
Back at the boys camp they cooked themselves some dinner and after almost an hour of catching nothing Franklin had pushed Jerry in and started a game that ended in Jerry, Franklin, Andre, Sam and Fitz in the water.
They spend the rest of the night chatting about women and life in general, getting to know Sam a little better and making crude jokes.
It was late when Cyrus and James headed into their tents, and gradually, the others followed.
Olivia awoke to Teddy and Ella sleeping in her bed with her. She smiled even as she realised she was hungover but she had a really good night last night. She watched the little ones sleep for a little before getting up and showering. When she returned she was feeling a little better and decided to wake them up. She stroked their heads until they stired. Ella rolled over and hugged Olivia tightly and Teddy groaned at being woken, just like Fitz.
"Come on Teds. Do you want some jam on toast?" She asked knowing how much he loved it. He smiled at her with his head still on the bed and nodded. "Come on then." She said and Teddy rolled out of bed. Olivia tried to roll out too but Ella was stuck to her.
"Carry me Aunty Liv." She said and Olivia groaned.
"You are getting entirely too big for this ya know." And Ella giggled. She carried Ella down and placed her on a stood. Teddy climbed up on the one next to her. She took their jam orders and began making their toast and put on the kettle and some coffee, for when everyone else woke up.
Back at the boys camp they all awoke to the crackle of bacon and came out to find Tom cooking breakfast. Once the food was cooked they all sat down for some food, before they decided to head back.
When they arrived they found the women all in the kitchen having breakfast. Fitz walked right over to Olivia and kissed her wrapping his arms around her. "Hello Mrs Grant." He smiled.
"I'm not Mrs Grant until tomorrow Mister." She said smiling back at him.
"I can't wait." He said kissing her again.
Later that night when Teddy and Ella were getting sleepy Olivia told Ella she could sleep with her tonight.
"Liv?" Fitz asked confused.
"You cant see the bride the night before the wedding."
"Seriously?" He asked. "Where am I going to sleep?" He asked.
"In Ella's bed."
"But we had to sleep apart last night, and your making me to do it again." He pouted.
"Please." She asked back and he gave in. So they each went to put Ella and Teddy to bed.
Throughout the day, those who needed to took a walk to where the ceremony would occur the next day, a kind of rehearsal.
Today was the day! The day Olivia became Olivia Grant, even though for business purposes etc she was going to keep Pope. Almost 9 years ago she would never have thought this day would come, but here it was. She woke up to a sleeping Ella half on top of her. She lay there for a while longer before deciding to get up. She slowly moved Ella off her before going to the bathroom. She had a quick shower.
Fitz, on the other side of the house woke with excitement. He was up pretty early and decided to make breakfast. He could hear Olivia walking around above him as he did so and decided to take breakfast to her. He put everything on a tray and took it upstairs. He stopped at the door and knocked.
"Liv, it's me. I heard you were awake and thought you might want some breakfast. I will leave it here on the floor." He said.
When Olivia heard him knock she went to the door and leaned next to it. She smiled as he spoke.
"Thank you." She said back. Fitz moved closer to the door.
"How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Nervous, but excited." She said moving her head to rest against the door with Fitz on the other side. "How are you feeling?" She asked back.
"Unbelievably excited, today I marry the love of my life." He said sweetly.
"Can you believe we are here, after everything?"
"Yes. I always knew we would get here eventually." He said proudly. They both sighed, wanting to see the other.
"I can't wait to see you." He said softly.
"Me either." She whispered back.
"I'll see you soon Livvie." He said and she heard him move away from the door.
"Bye." She said back. She waited until she thought he would be downstairs before she opened the door to get the breakfast he had left. Not long after Ella woke up and went to go play with Teddy.
Olivia heard the house come alive and she waited, basking in the quiet, because she knew she would soon be bombarded with people. Carolyn was the first to come and check on her. She knocked before entering. Olivia was sitting on a chair in her robe watching out the glass window. Carolyn walked over to her and kissed her head.
"You ok?" She asked sitting down next to Olivia.
"Just nervous."
"That's totally normal." She smiled at her. She felt slightly reassured, she didn't know if her nerves stemmed from something other than the fact that she was getting married. Olivia grabbed her hand.
"Thank you for coming. It really means a lot to me." She said squeezing her hand.
"After everything, there was no way I was missing this." She said smiling. There was a knock at the door. It was Karen with the hair and makeup girls. Olivia greeted them both, knowing them from the trials.
"So who's first?" They both asked at the same time and everyone laughed.
So one by one the girls had their hair and makeup done, Olivia last (before Vicky and Ella). While Olivia was having her hair done her nerves became more prominent.
"Karen, can you go check on your Dad for me please." She asked. Karen didn't bother arguing, knowing she just needed to check he was ok. She returned not long after with a tray of nibbles.
"He's cooking." Karen said. "He just can't do nothing, but he is ok." She told Liv. She nodded gently. Slowly, everyone started moving out of the room to get dressed, giving Olivia's hand a reassuring squeeze, or a hug before they left. Abby and Quinn were already dressed, but were going to give her some privacy when she asked them to stay back. Olivia moved to her wardrobe and picked up a box. She returned and opened it to show them the contents. There were 15 pins inside. Each pin was encircled with diamonds, with the letters O & F overlapping in the centre of it.
"Could you please give one to everyone. They can put them wherever they want." She said handing the box to Quinn.
"Of course Liv." Quinn said and they both went to leave. Olivia grabbed Abby's hand and Quinn left the room.
"I need a hand with my dress." She said to Abby and Abby smiled more brightly than Olivia had ever seen.
They both went into the wardrobe and Olivia picked up the dress. Silently the two of the worked her dress on. Abby zipped her up and secured a button at the top. Once the dress was on Olivia ran her hands down her legs and made sure everything sat properly.
"Oh my god Liv. You look amazing." Abby said standing back.
"Thank you." Olivia smiled. "Abby, would you mind getting my shoes?" Olivia asked and Abby got the box from the cupboard. Olivia sat down on the bench in the middle of the room and put the shoes on. "Thank you Abby. You should probably head to the gazebo." She said.
"I'll see you out there Liv." Abby smiled before leaving. She walked past Franklin on her way out.
"Is she ready?" He asked.
"I think so." She smiled and headed out.
Franklin had given her the morning with the girls, she though they would be a good distraction, but Abby leaving meant she was now alone, alone with her thoughts. He told Olivia's Dad she wouldn't be long and headed upstairs. He slowly entered the master bedroom and when she wasn't there he went to the wardrobe.
"Hey." He said sticking his head around the corner. She looked up at him.
"Hey." She said back.
"You ok?" He asked. Tears welled in her eyes. "Hey, no crying, you just had your makeup done." He said moving to sit next to her, grabbing her hand.
"I don't know how to be someones wife. I don't know how to be married. What if I screw everything up. What if I am the worst wife in the world." She spewed out.
"Well, lucky for you, Fitz would love you anyways." He joked. Olivia didn't laugh. "Liv, you didn't know how to be a mum until I came along, so I'm sure you will figure out how to be married when it happens too."
"I'm scared." She said.
"That's ok." Was all he said, knowing he had nothing else he could say to sooth her fears. "Come on, we should go." He said standing up with her hand. She smiled at him and grabbed her brooch bouquet from beside her.
"Lets get you married." He said and they walked down the stairs to the back door together.
"Olivia, you look beautiful." Her Dad greeted her. She smiled shyly. Franklin looked at his watch.
"Shall we go?" And Olivia nodded.
The three of them walked to a golf buggy which would take her the majority of the way to the ceremony. The butterflies in her stomach intensified with each passing second. It took a couple of minutes to arrive at their destination and when they did Franklin gave her a kiss on the cheek, a squeeze of her hand and then he walked off.
Her Dad came around the buggy and held out his arm. She smiled at him and linked arms with him.
When they heard the music begin Olivia and her father started walking. They walked past a row of trees before turning to face the gazebo, the guests, and the groom. She was rooted to the spot as everyone turned to look at her. Her father waited, sensing she was not ready to proceed.
This was the first look most people had of her dress. While it was in no way a traditional dress, it was Olivia through and through. It was made of a relatively thick, but flowy material. It had a mermaid bottom, with a sweetheart neckline that continued to her collarbone with sheer fabric. The long sleeves copied the neckline, solid fabric on the bottom, sheer on top. It was tight, but perfectly so.
When she was ready she put one foot in front of the other and began closing the gap between herself and Fitz. He was giving her his best smile and it was contagious. She didn't even notice the butterflies fly away as she was busy looking at him. As she arrived at the steps of the gazebo her father stopped and kissed Olivia's cheek. She took the three steps up and was level with Fitz. He instantly grabbed her hands.
"You look amazing." He said to her.
"You look rather handsome yourself." She smiled.
"Totally worth the wait." He commented. She stood there looking at each other until the celebrant cleared her throat.
"Sorry to interrupt." She said and everyone chuckled.
They decided on traditional vowes. They didn't want anything too fancy. Nobody needed them to say how deep their love was, because everyone present already knew. They didn't need to tell their story, because everyone already knew. There wasn't a dry eye in the house (so to speak) as they promised their lives to one another. Their rings were also simple, gold bands, handed to them by Franklin.
When the celebrant said he could kiss the bride Fitz smiled broadly, pulled her close by her waist and kissed her. They got lost in one another and only broke when Jerry said "Ok you two, save it for tonight." And everyone laughed again.
Then came the formalities. Carolyn and Franklin witnessed the marriage certificate and then they were presented as Mr and Mrs Grant. Fitz took the opportunity to kiss her again, more briefly this time before they walked down the gazebo steps to everyone. They all hugged and congratulated them.
The photographer, who no one had really noticed until that moment, spoke to discuss photo ideas. They spend another half an hour or so taking photo's before they headed back to the marque near the house for the 'reception'. The alcohol started flowing and everyone let loose.
They had discussed what their song should be to dance to and when Franklin had recommended "You are the Sunshine of My Life", always associating that song with them, they couldn't think of a better song and when it began Fitz walked Olivia onto the dance floor.
They danced together, and slowly everyone joined them. When the song ended and the next began they were still dancing, wrapped up in one another. Eventually Eli asked if he could have the next dance, and Karen stole her Dad away. Eli told Olivia how proud he was, how happy he was to be there today and she was truly happy to have him there.
After a few more dances, there was food served and they all sat down to eat.
They were just finished eating when Franklin stood and clinked a wine glass, drawing everyone's attention.
"I would just like to say how happy I am for these two." He said looking to Fitz and Olivia. "There love is seriously like something from a romance novel, and it has been a pleasure watching both your dreams come true today. I want to thank you both for being a becon of light of what love is like, and I think you have helped us all realise what true love is. So here's to the two of you. Congratulations and Cheers." He said and everyone raised a glass.
After dessert was served the party really started, all the kids dancing, even the adults joining. The feel good juices were flowing and everyone was having a good time. The little ones were running around together, Sam and Vicky were getting to know everyone, as well as Carolyn. Olivia looked around and was filled with happiness.
It was late when Tom came in to tell them their ride was here. Everyone walked to the front of the house to see them off as they headed to the airport and to an island off to a small Greek island. The cans of the just married signed rattled behind them as everyone waved them off.
Hope you enjoyed it. Honeymoon to come :)
Please review!