Where it fits in the timeline: This is a scenario in which Naruto and Sasuke meet when they're 21 after Naruto flies to New York because he's on one of his "breaks" from Shion. It's the angstiest of the stories so far, or so I hear. It's not particularly smutty (like, at all), so I don't recommend it if all you read for is sex.
I recommend you at least reread the sidefics "Halloween" and "Sasuke's Past and Path".
Also, check out profile for announcement about Drama CD, "Break Free".
Maybe it wasn't his most brilliant idea ever. After all, flying to New York when the weather was colder than in DeKalb didn't make a whole lot of sense as an escape plan. Naruto thought he knew a guy who lived here, but it turned out that the dude moved back to his hometown in Minneapolis three months ago. So, what's a 21-year-old to do all alone in the Big Apple when walking around for five minutes outside induces frost bite?
Find the closest bar, clearly.
Since rooms seemed to be cheaper in the lower part of Manhattan, he ended up in a hotel on Delancey Street, and that meant every time he wanted to take the subway up to Times Square (like he had any idea where else to go in this city), the train ride was about 15 to 20 minutes. It was a cool hotel, though, despite the tiny room. He was pretty sure his girlfriend's closet was bigger, but it had been a steal at $80 a night on Priceline.
On the way out of his room, he grabbed his headphones to put around his neck, gave one brief glance in the mirror to adjust his hair, and took the elevator down to the lobby. There was a line for the concierge, so he decided to approach one of the bellhops standing at the door. One of them - a kind of tall man in his early 30s with a thick Brooklyn accent - suggested going to a place called the Back Room. Apparently it was built in the style of a speakeasy.
"Cool, thanks." Naruto slipped on his headphones and started in the direction they'd pointed.
He'd be happy so long as it was warm inside, the booze was decent, and he could do a little bit of people watching.
The interior of the bar was pretty awesome, and even at about 5.30, was starting to fill up with people he assumed had just gotten off of work. Luckily, he'd changed into something nicer than jeans and a hooded sweatshirt before leaving the hotel. The lighting was dark, but it fit the atmosphere, reminding him of the gentleman's lounge inside the Joliet Country Club. He used to work there as a caddy when he was in high school. Some of the members used to buy him a drink or two following a round of golf.
He saw a few seats open at the end of the bar, and having come alone, decided to make himself inconspicuous. It didn't take long before the bartender walked over to ask what he'd like, so he ordered an Old Fashioned. Usually he'd keep it simple and get a beer, but whiskey might warm him up faster. From this angle, he was able to watch everyone as they came in through the entrance. There sure were a lot of attractive people in this city, and he didn't mean just the women. Naruto knew he was a fairly good looking man himself, but he almost felt outclassed. Yeah, so he was kind of from the Chicago area, but he spent way more time in Joliet and DeKalb than in the city. In fact, he didn't even likegoing into the city all that much unless he was forced to. It was crowded, traffic sucked, the people were rude, and, of course, who could forget the high crime rate?
A few minutes later, and the bartender set down his drink in front of him.
"Visiting from out of town?" He asked.
The man had kind of shaggy brown hair that reminded Naruto of one of his friends back home.
"Is it that obvious?" Naruto smiled at him crookedly.
"Well, you're alone and no tie, so you didn't come from work I'm guessing."
"I could be waiting for someone, right?"
"You could be, but you probably wouldn't have ordered a drink as soon as you sat down."
"Hm, maybe." He cocked his head to the side.
"Alright, well let me know if I can get you anything else."
Naruto picked up his glass and sipped, watching a group of good looking women take a seat at the opposite end of the bar: two blondes and a red-head. Maybe not a whole lot older than him. He eyed them long enough to not feel overly creepy and then pulled out his phone to see if he had any messages. Truth be told, he and his girlfriend were actually on a "break", and not for the first time. It wasn't a huge deal. They'd been dating on and off for the last couple of years. Usually it was her that instigated some kind of fight and needed a couple of weeks to clear her head or go visit some sorority friend in Miami.
Miami, why hadn't he thought of that? Or anywhere warm. Wisconsin might actually be warmer than here? Yeah, he totally should've gone up for a Packers' game or something, but New York kind of fit the mood he was in, and he still had a week left before classes started again. He had this best friend, Kiba, but Kiba and their other friend Ino had just officially "gotten together" so they were in that honeymoon stage. Naruto didn't want to rain on their parade. Well, really it was more like he didn't want to hang around them when all they did was make out and have sex.
He sighed as he ran the pad of his finger around the rim of the glass. The bar was really starting to fill up to the point that there was only the single stool next to him. And, okay, so yeah he and Shion were just on a break, but it wouldn't be so bad if a beautiful woman sat next to him, took pity, and indulged him by having a friendly conversation. Naruto was very much a people person, but, so far, he'd observed that New Yorkers didn't quite enjoy small talk as much as Midwestern folks. Not necessarily a bad thing, but he found himself biting his tongue a lot and thought that the silent rides on the subway felt more awkward than relaxing.
As he was finishing the last of his drink, he noticed somebody coming to claim the stool next to him. He tried not to be disappointed that it was a young Asian man with sleeked back jet black hair, a sharp weathered leather jacket, which, as he removed it, revealed a white button-down dress shirt and crisp cobalt blue tie. Naruto almost started to smile to be polite, but the man had a terse frown on his face and looked as though someone had just ran over his dog. Better to leave him alone.
Oddly, the bartender seemed to appear out of nowhere right when the man sat down. He asked if the gentleman wanted his usual, and then, turning to Naruto, inquired if he would like another of the same. Naruto nodded and gave him thanks. Immediately, the other man pulled out his phone, frowned at it, and then shoved it back into the pocket of his coat.
Naruto, again, had to bite his tongue. He didn't like when others were unhappy and having taken the last remaining stool, clearly was not waiting on friends to meet him.
"Tough day?" He asked.
The stranger glanced over at him suspiciously, looked Naruto up and down, and then sneered.
"You could say that," he answered.
"That sucks."
The man snorted. "A very eloquent way of putting it."
"Uh, yeah." Naruto took his tone as a decisive attempt to end any and all conversation, so he was thankful when the bartender arrived with both of their drinks - another Old Fashioned for himself and a craft beer he'd never heard of for his cranky friend.
Maybe about five somewhat tense minutes passed before he happened to look left when the man beside him glanced right. Their eyes met, but for some reason, neither of them looked away. Naruto did little more than raise an eyebrow.
"A tourist?"
"Rude," Naruto immediately replied but couldn't help a tiny quirk to his lips.
Something indiscernible flashed in the other man's dark eyes. He appeared intelligent. Not like book-nerd smart, but just... sharp. Almost intimidating. He'd probably be a great Poker player since he looked like he could spot a line of bullshit from a mile away.
"Okay," the man sad, tucking a strand of hair behind an ear. "You're here alone? The weather's miserable, so you might be here on... business? Although," he swept his eyes over Naruto's outfit again, "It doesn't look as though you've just left work. You smile too much. You thanked the bartender. I'd guess... Iowa? Kansas?"
"Wow, are you some sort of fortune teller? If you are, I'd say don't quit your day job. I mean, unless that is your day job, then you might wanna quit that."
The man blinked at him, one corner of his mouth curling into a very scary kind of smirk. He turned toward Naruto on the stool and leaned an elbow on the bartop.
"What?" Naruto asked.
The stranger narrowed his eyes. "I've killed a man over a lot less."
Naruto's mouth fell open, but then he noticed the glint in the man's eyes and scowled. "You think homicide is somethin' to joke about?"
"On occasion," he said, bringing the bottle to his lips and grinning malevolently at Naruto. "Depends on the company. I didn't necessarily mean to offend, but I was placing you somewhere more... wholesome."
"I dunno about wholesome, but," and Naruto almost paused at giving out any personal information to someone so unpleasant, "...Illinois."
"So I was in the ballpark. You're from the Midwest."
"You're not going to ask if I'm from Chicago?"
"Why would I do that?"
"Well, usually people outside of Illinois can't think of any other city so they presume I'm from Chicago."
"I don't like to presume or assume anything," he said matter-of-factly.
Naruto stared at him for a handful of seconds before blurting accusingly, "What's your name?"
The man raised an eyebrow, and in a deadpan manner asked, "Why? Have you fallen for me already?"
"More like just the opposite," Naruto retorted.
"Hm. Usually men fall all over themselves to have my attention."
"Do they now?" Naruto asked with little interest. "You sound very pleased with yourself about that." The insinuation was not lost on him, but, lacking in any empathy, he found he truly didn't care one way or the other if that really was an admission of sorts. "Anyway, you just looked like you were havin' a bad day, thought I'd make small talk. Sorry if I offended you."
He knew his posture changed, body stiffening, and blank gaze shifting sharply to the other end of the bar. He refused to look to his left and considered putting on his headphones, but this wasn't exactly the kind of establishment that would allow him to pull it off without looking like a douche. Instead, he sipped vigorously at his drink until it was empty.
Naruto felt it before he actually saw it occur, but the other man leaned into his space.
"Sasuke," he said to Naruto.
"What?" Naruto snapped irritably.
"My name."
"Oh." Naruto continued to frown, but taking it as a sort of apology, he automatically loosened up.
"Your name is...?"
He chewed his lip first before deciding to answer. "Naruto."
"Naruto, I see I've offended you. Let me buy you a drink. I wouldn't want you to go back to Illinois with the impression that all cityfolk are dicks."
"I wasn't gonna go back thinkin' all of 'em were dicks," he said. "Just one in particular."
"Touche. As you perceived earlier... my day wasn't what you'd call spectacular."
"No shit," he said and smiled, albeit crookedly. "Work stuff?"
The man nodded and waved the bartender over with a single wag of his fingers. While still looking the other way, he confirmed, "Work stuff."
"What do you do?"
"I work for a talent agency."
"Like, actin' and stuff?" Naruto asked.
"Music. Hold on."
Naruto remained quiet as Sasuke ordered him another Old Fashioned and a water.
"You're not tryin' to get me drunk, are you?" Naruto teased when Sasuke's attention and eyes returned to him.
"What good would that do me exactly?" Sasuke inquired, unexpectedly serious.
"Er," Naruto fumbled and started to scratch at the back of his neck. "It was... a joke?"
"You're uncomfortable."
"Is that an observation or a question?" Naruto asked.
"Observation." Sasuke offered a brief smile. "So, you're from Illinois. But not Chicago."
"Mm. Joliet, but I'm goin' to college in DeKalb. At Northern Illinois University?"
"You're in college? And here I thought you were in high school."
Naruto half-glared at him. "I can't tell if you're kiddin' or not."
"That makes two of us."
His new drink arrived, but rather than sip at it, Naruto wrapped his fingers around the glass and started to spin it in circles. He only noticed he was doing it when Sasuke's gaze dropped to observe the motion.
"You look young is all I'm saying," Sasuke said in a softer, more gruff tone of voice.
"So do you, but I figured maybe you recently graduated, or... I dunno. Skipped a few grades."
"I dropped out actually."
Naruto's expression must've reflected his surprise.
"Why do you look so shocked?" Sasuke asked.
He shook his head. "I dunno. I guess I just expected you to be a Columbia graduate. Somewhere Ivy League."
"I guess that means we'd both make lousy fortune tellers."
Naruto laughed quietly. "I guess so." He picked up his glass. "So... why did you drop out?"
Something dark flashed across Sasuke's face, telling Naruto he'd accidentally stepped on an emotional landmine.
"Sorry," he started to say, "You don't have to answer that if it's too personal."
Sasuke looked grave, uncomfortable even. "It is, but..." Very briefly, he pressed his teeth into his bottom lip, "It's fine. I dropped out because...of some family issues, and that's honestly more than I tell most people about it." He picked up his beer and took a long swig. Another one was placed beside it before he even had to ask for it.
"You must come here often, huh?" Naruto asked, wanting to alleviate the tension.
"Almost sounds like a pick up line, Naruto." Sasuke moved the empty bottle to the side and picked up the other.
"Yeah..." He shifted on the stool. "So, you work for a talent agency that works with musicians? Anyone I'd know?"
"Probably, yes," Sasuke answered.
"But you're not gonna tell me?"
"No, because then you'll ask me for backstage passes and tickets for your friends."
"I would not," he said, almost offended.
"Why, you don't have any friends to give them to?"
"Ass," Naruto said without thinking, "Of course I have friends. It makes more sense that you wouldn't." He stopped when he realized what he'd said.
"Name calling already? Buy a guy a drink first." Sasuke smirked at him and, just for an instant, bestowed Naruto with a genuine smile that caused him to smile, too.
"You're funny," he said.
"It's a common trait of even the best cynics."
"You're cynical?" Naruto asked sarcastically. "Like, totally no way."
Sasuke's eyebrow lifted. "Do that accent again."
Naruto narrowed his eyes. "No."
Naruto felt an unexpected pang of fondness stab at his heart. He always had a soft spot for sarcasm and banter since that was so similar to his own sense of humor.
"Are you my soulmate, Sasuke?" He asked playfully.
"Why do you ask that?" Sasuke shifted, turning more so in Naruto's direction.
He shook his head. "Well, when you first sat down and opened your mouth, I thought you were a total ass, but now..."
"You're realizing how witty I am?"
"Well, no. I still think you're an asshole, but you're..." Naruto struggled to find the words. "Different."
"Different? Short bus different or something else?"
Naruto laughed. "Something else. There's nothin' about you that says 'short bus'."
"Short Round, maybe," Sasuke murmured.
Naruto paused for a second. "You can't say that! It's racist."
"True. He was Vietnamese. I'm Japanese. In case you were curious."
"Nah, I like to live my life inspired by that Counting Crows' song."
"I can already tell you'd make a great partner for Trivial Pursuit night," Sasuke said dryly and, tilting his head, gazed at Naruto with something akin to interest, as if he'd officially warmed up to him.
"You don't strike me as the board game type of guy." Naruto started playing with the corner of his napkin, tearing at it.
When he glanced up, he noticed Sasuke was watching what he was doing. "Not really."
"I suppose you're right. I'm more of the... go out every night-type."
"To bars by yourself?" Naruto asked jokingly.
"No, not at all. This is a fluke, really. I'd usually head home after work." He glanced at Naruto's fingers again. "I live in Brooklyn with a roommate."
"A significant other?" Naruto asked and almost wanted to smack himself, but he was curious.
Sasuke stared at him perceptively, but all he answered was, "No. Just a friend. A friend of my brother's actually."
"You have a brother?"
"I do." Sasuke started picking at the label on the bottle.
"Where is he?"
"Back in Seattle."
"Seattle?" Naruto asked and made a low humming noise. "Is that where you're from originally then?"
"I suppose I can tell you that much," Sasuke replied, "Since you seem to be writing my biography."
"You make me feel like I need a pet name for you now. You have so many for me, and they're all so equally pleasant."
Naruto shifted on his own seat, turning more toward Sasuke now as he placed an elbow on the ledge of the bar.
"What?" Sasuke asked when Naruto gave no reply.
"Nothin'." He shook his head. "It's nothin'."
"Really now, Naruto. Don't get shy on me."
Naruto found himself smiling - to the point it almost hurt. "You... are very interesting, Sasuke."
"I told you," he said, "Everyone usually falls all over me."
"You said 'men' the first time."
"Did I?"
Naruto started to bite at his lip; Sasuke's gaze dropped to his mouth. Naruto was pretty sure he had his answer, which aroused a couple of conflicting emotions in himself. Luckily, the three drinks he'd had so far dulled the part of his brain that might've focused more on that if he'd been more sober.
"So, Naruto. How long are you in town?"
"Only until Sunday," he answered.
"That's not very long. Are you skipping classes to be here?"
"We're still on holiday break."
"Is your break really that long?"
"Yeah. A whole five weeks."
"And why did you choose to come here?" Sasuke was still picking at the corner of the label. "You realize we're amidst blizzard season, correct?"
"I just... it felt right. Actually, I was..." He didn't know how to phrase it without sounding stupid and overdramatic.
"It's personal?" Sasuke asked and began drumming his fingers on the bar.
Naruto's eyes became trained to the movement. Sasuke's fingers were long and almost graceful. He wanted to ask if he played the piano, but it seemed such a weird, stupid question to ask someone he didn't know.
"Hey, Sasuke?" He continued to keep his eyes on the other man's fingers.
"Do you... have any plans for tonight?"
When Sasuke didn't respond right away, Naruto glanced up, wondering if he'd taken it the wrong way. Sasuke looked deep in thought about something before he caught Naruto's eye.
"Not anything I can't get out of," he replied. "Why? Do you have something in mind?"
"I don't. And don't take this the wrong way, but...
"What's up?"
Naruto shook his head. "How do you feel about bein' my tour guide?"
"I'd say moderately disgruntled."
"Isn't that your normal reaction to everything?"
Sasuke's lips parted in surprise.
"I... sorry. I didn't mean - " Naruto started to stammer.
Sasuke waved his hand. "No. It's fine. I am anything but sunshine and rainbows, especially living in a city like this."
"You're not so bad once you warm up to a person."
"I don't warm up to people very often," Sasuke replied decidedly.
"Does that make me special?" Naruto reached over and placed a hand on Sasuke's forearm - not intentionally, but just because he was a touchy-feely sort of person.
Sasuke eyed his hand before replying, "You're not very bright, are you?"
"You'd be surprised how often I hear that."
"I doubt it," Sasuke said swiftly.
"Hey!" Naruto removed his hand. "Fine, go home to your roommate."
"I'd rather not, and my own friends have been especially annoying and clingy lately."
Naruto frowned at him. "You shouldn't talk that way about your friends."
Sasuke reached for his tie and slid his fingers down the length of it, where he flipped it a couple of times as if mulling something over.
"Hey, don't feel like you gotta do anything I say. We hardly know each other, after all."
"I'm just putting together things in my head."
"Huh? Puttin' what kinds of things together?"
"Nothing," Sasuke answered. "How about, another couple of rounds here, and then I'll take you somewhere else? Sound like a plan?"
Naruto flashed him a huge grin. "Yeah. Definitely."
"Are you going to bring those with you?"
"Bring wha - ? Oh." He felt for the headphones still around his neck. "Forgot. I guess I could take them back to my hotel room? It's not very far from here."
"You want to take me back to your hotel room?" Sasuke smirked. "We're definitely more alike than I realized."
"Shut up," Naruto mumbled and touched his cheek, knowing it was burning. "That's not what I meant."
"No? Too bad. Definitely beats what I had in mind."
Naruto stared, a couple of questions on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't quite get them out.
"You...," he began to say.
Naruto squinted at him. "You're trouble. I can tell."
"Funny," said Sasuke. "I was going to say the same about you."