I don't own Grimm

When you feel my heat, look into my eyes;
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide," - "Demons" Imagine Dragons

Sean was standing in his office, just staring at the window and imagining all the things that could have gone wrong with his plan when his phone finally rang. It wasn't even able to ring twice before he accepted the call.

"Is it done?" He asked immediately.

"The plane just took off," Meisner's voice informed him and it felt as if a thousand pound weight had been lifted off his chest. "But the Verrat were waiting for us. Fortunately our contact got here first."

"Any one hurt?" He asked, but both he and Meisner knew he was asking exclusively about Adalind and his daughters.

"Six dead, all of them Verrat."

"Who was the contact?"

"I have no idea, but I'm glad she was on our side." Sean couldn't help but be surprised that a woman had been the Resistance choice to get Adalind and his children out of Austria.


"After seeing what she did to the Verrat," Meisner continued. "I'm confident Adalind and the girls are in safe hands."

"What about Magdalene?" Sean asked. "The last time we spoke you said her powers were flaring up."

"And still are," Meisner insisted. "She killed one of the Verrat without even touching him. He choked on his own blood, but it was strange."

"Strange how?"

"Whenever Magdalene uses her powers her eyes turn blue and it's as if she's...deaf to the world. It's like something takes over."

"And this only happens when there's a threat?"

"I suppose," Meisner allowed. "But when it happened the first time her powers were directed at me. Magdalene knows that I'm not a threat."

"But you did yell at her," Sean reminded him. "She could've perceived that as a threat towards herself or even the baby."

"You're saying that her powers are like some kind of hyped up guard dog that only comes out when it senses danger?"

"Possibly..." Sean didn't know what else to say- or, even what he would do when he finally had Magdalene. The flaring up of her powers could be dangerous, but that was a problem for a later time. "What about Sebastien..."

Once the plane was in the air and she was able to lie down, Magdalene had been lucky enough to sleep through most of the ride. She, most likely, would have slept through the entire ride if she hadn't been awaken by her sister.

She had been lying down on one of the two cots near the cockpit when she felt a light tugging at the back of her neck. Thinking that it was just the chain of her necklace being pulled, she reached up to move it only to make contact with the skin of her chest. Her eyebrows furrowed, but she didn't open her eyes as she felt around for the locket. Finally opening her eyes, she realized why she could no longer feel it around her neck.

Only a couple inches in front of her face, hovering in the air, was her necklace. It was being whirled around in a slow fashion along with another necklace- a golden locket. Their chains swirled around each other, but didn't get tangled. Magdalene held out her hand and the necklaces swirled around each other as they slowly landed in her palm.

"She's been trying to wake you since you fell asleep." A voice said and Magdalene turned her head to see the woman who had saved them from the Verrat holding Adalind's baby.

Planting her feet on the ground, she pulled herself into a sitting position. "How long was that?"

"Only a few hours," The woman told her. "The little one has been trying to wake you for about half of that."

"Well, she succeeded." Magdalene stood, stretching her limbs for a moment before making her way over to the woman. She held out the locket. "Is this yours?" Before she even had the chance to reach for it, the locket lifted from Magdalene's palm and floated towards the baby who reached out with the small arm she had wiggled out of her swaddle.

"I think it's hers now." Magdalene opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by one of the pilots who had left the cockpit.

"I managed to find a couple of old airfields on the computer," The pilot told the woman.

"Take the baby," She said as she stood and, without giving Magdalene a chance to accept or decline, deposited the baby in the young girl's arms before disappearing into the cockpit with the pilot. The baby stared up at her older sister, her baby blues shifting to a bright purple. Magdalene began to feel her own eyes burn and shut them quickly. She was tired of her stupid powers taking over and she was sure that a plane above the ocean wasn't the best place to let them out.

The burning got worse before it got better, but Magdalene persevered. Once the sensation stopped and she was sure that it wouldn't start up again, she opened her eyes and looked down at the baby, whose eyes had also turned back to normal. "You have to stop that," Magdalene told her. "I'm not like you; I can't control my powers like you can."

"Like who can?" Magdalene turned around to see that Adalind had awaken and was sitting up on her cot, stretching out her arms.

"Nothing," Magdalene lied quickly as she made her way over to the blonde. "She probably just wants her mother." Adalind was barely ready before her baby was pushed into her arms. She looked at the teen in worry as she made her way back to the seats on the other side of the plane.

"Is everything okay?" Adalind asked and Magdalene nodded. "Did something happen?"

"Everything's fine." Adalind was a hundred percent sure that everything was not fine, but the woman left the cockpit and joined them in the cargo hold before she could ask what.

"We're about to land," She told the two. "Get ready."

"Where are we?" Magdalene asked as she and Adalind watched the plane take off into the sky. The woman, who still hadn't given a name, had left to figure out where they were in whatever country they had been dropped off in.

"I'm not sure," Adalind admitted just as a muddy, green truck drove towards them. "We've got company."

The truck came to a stop ten or so feet away from them and a man- white with brown hair, wearing jeans and a brown jacket- exited. "Did you get out of that plane?" He asked, stopping a few feet in front of them.

"Can you give us a ride?" Adalind asked, hoping he would let it go.

He didn't. "What are you doing out here?"

"Please, we need your help."

"The only help you're gonna get is from the Sheriff," The man told her as he made his way back towards his truck. Suddenly, only just before his hand could grasp the handle, he stopped and coughed once or twice before clutching at his throat. Adalind stepped back as he fell. When she realized that Magdalene had yet to move, she looked to the girl to see her eyes were once again burning bright blue.

"Magdalene, stop," She ordered watching at the man writhed on the ground, his face turning bright red. "Magdalene, stop!" She said louder. "You'll kill him!" The man continued to choke on the ground. Seeing no other choice, Adalind woged before letting out a high pitched scream. Magdalene clutched at her ears and the man stopped moving on the ground as his eyes closed. Satisfied, Adalind felt her face relax just as the woman came back into view from behind the truck. She must've come back while Magdalene was still choking him.

"What the hell was that?"

"Sorry," Adalind apologized, turning to Magdalene as the woman went to the man on the ground. "Magdalene?" She asked and touched the girl's shoulder. When she looked up, Adalind was relieved to see that her eyes had gone back to their normal green. "Are you okay?"

"My ears are ringing," She complained before she spotted the man on the ground. "Oh, my God." She looked to Adalind. "Did I kill him?!"

"No," The woman said as she stood. "He's just knocked out, but he'll be fine." She looked to Adalind and then Magdalene. "What did you do to him?"

"I...I don't know." She admitted before looking back down at the man with guilt written all over her face.

"We should go," The woman said before heading over to the truck. Taking one of Magdalene's hands, Adalind pulled her after the woman. Going to the other side of the truck, Adalind pulled open the door to the backseat and allowed Magdalene to get in before getting in the front. The woman started driving and they drove in silence for only a few moments before she looked to Adalind. "What happened back there?"

Adalind looked back to see that Magdalene had once again fallen asleep. Normally, she'd find it strange that someone so young slept so much, but there was nothing normal about their situation. She figured that using her powers took a lot out of the young girl. "Exactly what Magdalene said," Adalind claimed. "I don't know."

When Magdalene finally opened her eyes, it was dark and raining.

Sitting up from where she lay in the backseat of the stationary, stolen truck, Magdalene pushed her long blonde hair out of her face. "Where are we?" Of the two adults in the front seat, only one looked back to answer her.

"Portland," Adalind told her. "This is where your father lives." At that, Magdalene straightened up.

"Is that where we're going?"

"Not yet," The woman answered. "Right now, we just need to get somewhere safe. We can't take the truck any further, so you're gonna need something to cover up with." Looking around, Magdalene found nothing but a tool box and fast food wrappers on the floor. Not seeing any other choice, she pulled off her thin sweater and put it over her head as she slid out of the truck. The woman had already exited the car, holding a jacket over Adalind and her baby. "Follow us!" She called to Magdalene over the sound of the rain.

Magdalene did as told, but eventually her sweater could no longer protect her from the rain and only made her wetter, but she didn't put it down. By the time they got to wherever the woman was taking them, she was soaked.

Walking up the stone steps that led to the porch of a large house, Magdalene let her sweater drop to the ground with a heavy, wet plop sounding on the wood. The woman knocked hard on the door and Magdalene waited patiently behind her for it to open. Impatient, the woman knocked on the door a few more times until a voice sounded from inside; "I'm coming!" It was a man's voice. Only a moment later, the door opened, but Magdalene couldn't see over the woman's curly hair. "...Mom?"

"Shut the door," The woman said as she led Adalind inside, Magdalene following obediently. "Get inside. There's a lot I need to tell you."

"When did you get here?" The man asked and a woman joined them in the foyer of the house, but Magdalene was too busy reveling in how warm it was. After walking through a freezing forest, snow, and rain, Magdalene would never say a bad word about her cardigans ever again.

While the woman- Kelly, the woman who joined them had called her- spoke with her son, Magdalene helped Adalind pull off the large coat that had been draped over her. She draped it over a chair just as Adalind turned around, her heart jumping when she saw who Kelly had brought her to. "Oh, God!"

The woman started towards Adalind who backed up with Magdalene behind her, but the man stopped her before she could do anything. "No, no, no, no," Kelly said looking to Adalind. "You're safe here. This is my son, Nick."

"I am not safe here!" Adalind insisted looking to Kelly and then Nick. "He won't protect me! He'll kill me!" Magdalene squeezed her eyes shut as they slowly began to burn. 'Not here,' She pleaded in her head. 'Not now.'

'He'll kill me!' Adalind's voice echoed in her head and the burning in her eyes got worse. She groaned lighted as she pressed her hands over them, but not loud enough to gain any attention. 'He'll kill me!'

"He'll kill me." Adalind said once again and the burning behind Magdalene's eyes became unbearable.

"As if I don't have a good reason!" Nick reminded her. Suddenly, the house began to shake violently. He nearly fell over, but grabbed on to Juliet to stabilize himself. "What's happening?!" He looked to Adalind accusingly. Picture frames began to crack and break while some of the windows shattered, letting the wind and rain inside.

"It's not me!" She insisted before looking down, expecting to see her daughter's eyes turning purple. Her heart jumped when she saw that they were still blue, that only left... "Magdalene!" She looked over to see the young girl staring at Nick with her eyes burning blue. "Magdalene, stop!"

"She's doing this?!" Juliet demanded as Adalind blocked Magdalene's view of Nick.

"Magdalene, stop!" She yelled again, letting her Hexenbiest side take over. "Stop!" It seemed to do the trick.

The house stopped shaking and Magdalene's eyes turned back to normal. Adalind relaxed her face before the blonde could take sight of it. Trying to blink away the pain in her eyes, Magdalene looked around at the shocked and wary faces staring at her before she looked to Adalind. "What happened?"

"Nothing this time. "Adalind promised as she noticed Magdalene's swaying body. Unfortunately, she didn't manage to right herself and almost fell to the floor. Surprisingly, it was Nick who caught her.

"Is she okay?"

"She gets weak after using her powers," Adalind said as Magdalene was helped up. "It probably doesn't help that she's soaking wet and hasn't eaten in a day."

"I'm okay," Magdalene claimed as she stood up straight.

"Adalind's right," Nick said and Adalind held in a snort, knowing it wouldn't be appreciated. He looked to Juliet. "Could you..?" He was reluctant to leave Juliet alone with a girl who had just shaken his entire house, but he knew that Adalind wouldn't risk something happening to her baby.

She nodded. "Yeah," She looked to Adalind and then Magdalene. "Upstairs," She ordered before heading towards the stairs. Once they were all out of hearing range, Nick looked to his mother.

"You need to explain," He told her. "Now."

"Here are some dry clothes," Juliet handed them to Magdalene through a small crack in the door. Juliet had taken the girl's sopping wet clothes- and the sweater she had left on the porch- and thrown them in the dryer. Until then, she had been given old clothes that Juliet couldn't fit anymore. Now she was changing in the bathroom.

"Thank you." Juliet didn't leave the side of the door, not wanting to leave the girl alone. Of course, she hadn't wanted to trust Adalind alone in the guest room, but the girl was weak. The last thing anyone needed was for her to pass out and hit her head on the way to the ground.

"So...what are you doing with Adalind?" Juliet hated how accusatory she sounded, but it was already out.

"She's my friend," Magdalene answered, her voice slightly muffled by the door that separated them. "She and Meisner helped get me away from the castle."

"Who's Meisner?"

"A friend of my fathers. That's were I was supposed to be going, but some things got in the way."

"Well, who's your father? Maybe I know him." Juliet doubted that she actually knew her father, but she'd rather make conversation than wait in silence.

"His name is Sean," Magdalene answered. "Sean Renard." Juliet's eyebrows shot up to her hairline. Who knew that Sean had a kid? "He lives here in Portland." Not knowing what Nick would want the girl to know, Juliet waited until Magdalene left the bathroom, dressed in an old pair of her jeans, a T-shirt, and a hoodie, before taking her to the guest room where Adalind was waiting with her freshly swaddled baby. "Thank you for the clothes," Magdalene thanked before Juliet. Once the door was fully closed and Juliet's steps could no longer be heard, Adalind rushed over to the teenager.

"Magdalene, we have to go." She whispered hurriedly.


"We're not safe here." Adalind insisted. "Nick is a Grimm and I know that you don't know what that is, but it's not good for people like you and me."

"Kelly wouldn't let him hurt us."

"Kelly is his mother." Adalind told her. "I used to live here and I did a lot of bad things to Juliet and Nick and they want me dead. I can take you to Sean-"

That got her attention. "You can take me to my father?" Adalind nodded.

"But first I need your help to get out of here."

"How?" Magdalene asked, shaking her head. "We're on the second floor and I don't think we can get past Kelly without her knowing." Adalind had to admit that she had a point. Maybe if it was just her and Magdalene, they could get away, but they had a small, fragile baby with them and Adalind didn't know if her powers could keep her safe- that was it. Adalind knew what she had to do.

"Do you trust me?"

Magdalene nodded. "Yes." Holding her breath, Adalind didn't hesitate before smacking the younger girl right across the face causing her head to snap to the left. Only a second later she looked straight at Adalind, but her eyes were now bright blue again. Adalind didn't know much about Magdalene's powers, but she had realized that they took control whenever there was a threat, so Adalind made one. "Can you understand me?" She asked hesitantly as she held her baby closer. Whatever it was that had taken over Magdalene's body, nodded. "I didn't want to hurt her, but it as necessary because I needed to talk to you- not Magdalene, you." She specified. "She's not safe here, none of us are and I need your help to get Magdalene and her sister to their father. All I need you to do is get us outside and I can do the rest. Can you do that?" Magdalene nodded once more and Adalind let out the breath she had been holding.

Adalind hadn't been sure about exactly what happened, but she didn't question it; one moment they were standing in the guest room and the next they were standing outside where it had- thankfully- stopped raining. Once they had retraced their steps back to the vehicle they had stolen with Kelly, Magdalene seemed to take control of her body.

"Wha-" She immediately began looking around, confused about how she had gotten into a moving car. "What was that? How did I-" She looked at Adalind accusingly. "Did you hit me?"

"Sorry," Adalind apologized as she turned the corner. "I needed to get us out of there before Nick decided that he wanted to kill me."

"Where are we going?"

Adalind let out a breath. "To see your dad."

It didn't take Adalind long to navigate her way from the Burkhardt house to Sean's high rise apartment building. She practically moaned in delight when she, Magdalene and the baby got out of the cold rain and into the toasty warm lobby. However, the security guards seemed to have other ideas.

"I'm sorry ladies, but you can't be in here." One of them insisted. "You'll have to find somewhere else to get away from the rain."

Adalind shook her head. "No, we're here to-"

"Tenants only," The second guard interrupted rudely. "There's a soup kitchen down on third. It's open all night, now get the hell o-" But he suddenly cut himself off. Both he and the other guard got a dazed look on their faces as they turned away from Adalind and went back to where they had been standing before the trio walked in.

"What the..." Confused by their strange behavior, Adalind looked to Magdalene only to see her eyes burning bright blue once more, but- for once- no one was coughing up blood or dying. "You didn't kill them..."

Magdalene turned her eyes on Adalind. "Would you have preferred I did?" Adalind was surprised that she spoke. She was even more surprised that the voice that came out wasn't just Magdalene's; it was covered by a much deeper, yet still feminine voice.

"You can talk?" Is all Adalind found herself saying. Magdalene simply turned her eyes forward and began walking. "Wait! Hey!" Adalind rushed forward and put herself in the way. As Magdalene's bright blue eyes glared down at her, Adalind was suddenly very away of how much shorter she was than the teen. "I need some answers."

"No, you don't."


"Don't call me that!" The voice ordered and Adalind took a breath.

"Then talk to me," She insisted trying to keep...whatever it was calm. "If you're not Magdalene, what do I call you?"

"I'm her to protect her," The deep voice said. "She has power than she knows what to do with and she can't protect herself."

Adalind nodded as she began to understand. "That's why you come out when she's afraid," She realized. "But you're killing people and I don't know if you understand, but that isn't exactly helping."

"I'm keeping her safe-"

"You're making her kill people!" Adalind practically yelled before lowering her voice. Thankfully, the guards were still being affected whatever trance they had been put under. "And I don't know if you've noticed, but she isn't okay with that."

"Why do you think I left the guards alive?" The voice asked. "She's fragile; in body and mind. I'll stop killing the ones that don't pose any real threat, but the rest are fair game."

She tried to continue walking, but Adalind grabbed her arm. "Wait," She requested and quickly let go of the arm when she saw the look she was getting. "I still don't know what to call you."

"...Call me Aliya." It requested before walking ahead, leaving Adalind to catch up.

Aliya and Adalind spent the elevator ride up to Sean's apartment in silence- the only sounds coming from Adalind's cranky child.

"When are you letting Magdalene back up?" Adalind questioned as they stopped in front of the apartment door.

"Soon," Aliya answered as she knocked. "Her arm isn't fully healed from when she broke it. I'll be gone as soon as it is." The sound of the doorknob turning got both of their attentions. Only a second later the door opened and Sean Renard appeared; the shock clear as day on his face.

Not knowing what to do, Adalind shifted the baby in her arms as she tried not to look too pathetic as she stood there, soaking wet and dripping water on his welcome mat. "Hi, Sean,"