Summary: Nico is a pretty popular Youtuber. He's about half way to three million. Will is the sort of prodigious blogger who is the son of the very popular musician "Apollo" aka Andrew Solace, and the nephew of The women's rights activist "Artemis" aka Diana Solace, his dad's twin sister. All Will wants is to make some real friends that don't just hang out with him to meet his dad. He wanted a family that wasn't just compiled of his many half siblings (whom he loved, but he didn't get to talk to all of them a whole lot because their mothers disliked each other). All Nico wanted was to reach out to his viewers and make sure that they all can get through whatever life is putting them through, and, of course, he wanted his dam contacts. Mortal AU
Whenever they do videos, just to make it easier, I'm going to borrow the method of another fanfic writer. I'm pretty sure other people use it too, this person was just the first person to come to mind. When they are in videos, depending on who's speaking the text will change. Most will be set in stone except for when it's someone different that's rarely there. And anything in "( )" are just like movement or ways they say something (like childishly or sarcastically)
However they don't make a video in this chapter so that's besides the point. By the way the cat whiskers are what I use as line breaks.
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and The Olympians or Heroes of Olympus
Just once. Just once could he have everything. Nico was filming a video, but, of course, he out of contacts. Dammit. We love your glasses, wear them, everyone loves them! No. Well, yes, his viewers weirdly like his glasses but his roomate, Percy, was being stupid and stomping around and unknowingly knocked them off the table and them proceeded to accidentally step on them. Now, Nico wore cracked glasses that were taped in the middle part, and it's to dangerous for him to drive with broken glasses so now his other roomate, Jason, had to drive him to their local pharmacy.
"Are you sure I shouldn't-"
"Jason, I'll be fine. I'm shot a child." Nico said to his paranoid friend as he got out of the car. He walked into the Pharmacy and looked around. There was no one behind the desk. He looked around. It was deserted, except for the blond haired cashier a few feet away. He walked over and sort of stood there awkwardly for a moment.
"Um, hi." He said. The cashier looked up form the book he was reading.
"Oh, sorry. It's just a really good book." He replied awkwardly.
"It's fine. I was just wondering if you knew where the Pharmasist was?" Nico asked. The guy looked over.
"God dammit Trevor." He said before walking out from behind the counter. "I swear I'd make a better Pharmasist and I'm still a college student.
"Ok..." Nico said, following. The guy practically hopped over the counter and them turned back to looked at him.
"So what do you need?" He asked.
"Well, I'm here to pick up my contacts. I called about them earlier. I talked to some sleepy guy." Nico replied.
"That'd be Dr. Trevor. Great guy, bad worker." He said. "Name?"
"Nico do Angelo." He replied, hands in his pockets.
"Nico di Angelo? As in the Youtuber?" The guy asked.
"Wait. You know me?" Nico asked.
"Yeah of course I do, most of the Internet does." He laughed. "I'm Will, Will Solcace."
"You mean Will Solace, the prodigious son of Apollo that chose to go to college and live on his own instead of living with daddy in a pent house with cameras following you at all times?" Nico asked, recognizing the name of the somewhat popular blogger that he followed.
"Wait, whoa, whoa. You know me?!" Will said, amazed.
"Yeah, duh. I read your blog. Plus the media is always talking about you, either about how far you've come or when you'll 'break' and go crawling back to your father begging for money." Nico said a matter-of-fact-ly
"Wow, really? Rude." Will said. Nico laughed.
"That's the media. Always fawning over someone's achievement while waiting for them to f*ck up." Nico said. Will chuckled. Then a tall and fat man with greying hair and a receding hairline walked in from an office behind the desk. He looked all scruffy, like he'd just woken up.
"Will, what are you doing back here?" He asked.
"Nothing, Doc. Just getting this customer's contacts." Will replied nonchalantly. He walked over to look through the shelves. The doctor looked at Nico.
"I'm sorry, my son needed help with homework and I was up helping all night." The Doctor said.
"It's fine." Nico said. Will popped up from behind a shelf.
"Found them!" He walked back over to the counter.
"I'll take that." The doctor said, taking the bag.
"No, it's fine, Doc." Will said, taking the bag back.
"No, I have to do my job." The doctor said taking the bag back.
"No, no. You're tired it's fine." Will said, once again, taking the bag. This went on for another few minutes while Nico watched, amused
"Can I just have my dam contacts?" Nico asked after a bit. They two looked over and Will snatched the bag and then put it down in front of Nico. He leaned on the counter as Nico paid.
"See ya', Solace." Nico said, about to leave.
"Adios, di Angelo." Will said.