
I've been staring at my phone for the past five minutes, the glowing words still processing though my mind. Approx. four hours until you reach your destination. Four fucking hours? Time is money, and I'm losing both. This traffic is insanely ridiculous. Absolutely unacceptable. But I can't do anything about it, with my billions upon billions, I cannot pay anyone to get rid of this God damn traffic. What's the point of having all this money if it doesn't help me get through these fucking problems in life?

"Taylor?" I say from the backseat and see him wince. One could say I'm fairly agitated.

"Yes, sir?" He asks very cautiously, as if I am a rabid dog about to bite.

"When do you think," I start off very calmly and he seems to relax a bit. Oh no, I'm not done yet. "We are going to get out of this fucking car?!" I end up screaming like a child who has had his toy taken away from him, but Taylor doesn't react. HE knows not to when I'm like this. We are in the middle of a fucking highway, miles away from Seattle skyscrapers and my beloved company. Miles away from anything! I have very little battery on my phone that probably wont last half a phone call and I'm ripping my hair out. I sit back in my seat, haven given up all my options, hoping that Ros could go on without me.

As I get out of the car to see whatever the hold up is, as others do, I see, or rather, hear, very loud music booming from a car. As if my headache couldn't get any worse.

"For fucks sake, turn that god damned music off!" I scream at the car before I think. I hear the music stop and I'm relieved. They listened to my request and without a word they obliged! As I'm walking back to my car, I hear someone scream at me.

"Hey! You! In the suit!" I turn around slowly and see an enraged, blonde, woman with her hands pointed at me. What did I do now?

"Kate, No!" says a hidden voice in the car that was blasting music. That's who she is! Crazy car lady! What is she getting herself into?

"Who do you think you are?" A billionaire. "Nobody- and I mean nobody- stops me from having a good time with my friends. I'm trying to make the most of this aggravating traffic by having a good time, ever heard of it?" She screams, "Now, I'm going to put on my music and you better not come back crying, 'Oh, this music is too loud for my fancy shmancy eardrums!' or, 'Turn it off! The music is making everyone happy and I don't like that!'" She finished with a deep intake of breath. The look she's giving me is legitimately scaring me, but I'm not gonna let her know that. I give her a more intimidating look but she refuses to step down. "See you around, gorgeous." She says as she gets in her car.

"Kate, what the hel-" is the last thing I hear before someone goes and and turns on the music, louder than before. I am infuriated and blinded by rage. I need to hit something. Yell at someone. Or something. Doesn't matter. What really matters is that I am not going to be able to control my fucking anger and no matter how many times I count or breath in through my nose out through my mouth, this anger is really becoming too much. Just as I'm about to give this girl a piece of my mind, someone with dark brown hair is rushing to my side. Great. Just my luck. Just as this girl is arriving by my side, another person gets out of the car and walks towards me. Why me?!

So... What do you think? This is my first story I've ever written because the idea for this story wouldn't leave my head. Once I see the reaction there is to this story I'll continue it! This is just a small snippet of what is to come.