Miraxus one- shot I wrote a while back. May continue it at a later date, just publishing to see what feedback I can get. Hopefully you enjoy it!

Mirajane ~ April 3rd X792

"Oh Laxus" I gasped as he held me against him, our lips crashing together like a war between oceans.

I slipped slightly from his grasp and his hold on me loosened.

"They're gonna fuckin see us here" he muttered and looked down so I could meet his eyes.

"Oh god... I totally forgot about that!" I raised a hand to my mouth, to try to hide the shock wave that rushed through my bones as he said those words. What if Lisanna came through the back and saw us? Or Cana? The word would spread like wildfire. A fire to big for even Natsu to put out.

The little 'adventure' we had going on had started a little over three months ago just after New Year. It was unexpected, yes. But it was just what we both needed for a little release.

Every few days we would go to the storage cupboard and have some 'fun' It was like that in the beginning anyway. Then those days would turn to hours. We never realised how bad it had gotten until Lisanna had asked me why I needed so many things from back there when it was one of the quietest times of the year.

Then I realised the one thing that could be worse than death. We had became attracted to one another. At first, I knew he was attractive, sexy even. But then I saw the other side of him, outside of his cocky, arrogant, assholish exterior, was a slightly less horrible person. He wasn't all bad. He could show happiness. And laughter. And he did care.

And so did I.

That was when it got worse. We began sneaking about, in places other than the storage cupboard. Fake jobs to spend a few days alone in a hotel outside of Fiore, sneaking into each others houses in the middle of the night. Going on 'dates' far from Magnolia. And it was nice.

I was happy. And now I guess it's time to tell you how it all started.

New Years Eve. December 31st X791

I glanced at the clock in my bedroom. It was quarter past seven. The guilds New Years party began at nine on the dot, so I had plenty time to get ready with Lisanna.

Since us siblings stuck together we all rented apartments in the same building. Luckily the building only had 3 apartments we only locked the main outside door so we could walk freely between each others rooms. But we usually stuck to our own except when we ate meals or other sibling activities. So we all got the privacy aswell as the family we wanted.

My apartment was similar to the others. The door opened into the living room where the big Lacrima TV was mounted to the wall on the doors left with a nice polished oak table and white corner sofa facing it. The kitchen was to the right of the door. It had a open design so you could travel between the two and a bar like counter giving a small boundary between. The walls of the two rooms were a pale turquoise colour and there were various white wall arts and shelves decorating the walls.

The bedroom was a separate area to the right of the living room. This time the walls were a bright sky blue and the big double bed sat in the centre of it against the wall. Various pillows covered the sheets with various quotes and images adorning them. The covers themselves were white with blue birds splashed across it . The rest of the room contained a white bookshelf, some silver and gold beanbags, a coffee table, another lacrima TV, and a gaming lacrima.

And of course there was a walk in closet. It was organised into tops, bottoms, dresses, shoes and accessories. I walked right inside and flicked through my Dresses. I had eight dresses. A pale purple one with a halter neck. Two floral sundresses. The dark pink dress I usually wear. The black dress I wore at the GMG. A yellow lace above the knee t shirt style dress. A floor length tie dye strapless dress, and a above the knee blue and white polka dot dress. I held up the yellow dress and the polka dot one throwing them up and down a little with my hands.

"Lis?" I shout to her and she heads into my closet wearing a baby pink above the knee dress with sparkles around the neck, sleeves and bottom.

"Do you need my help Mira-nee?" She sweetly asked and I nodded my head.

She scanned the two pieces of clothing and took them from my hands, comparing the look of them by holding it infront of me. She nodded and grinned, handing me the yellow dress and hanging the polkadot one back in its place.

I moved behind the changing screen and put the dress on as Lisanna picked some matching accessories.

Once the dress was on I looked in the mirror and smiled. I looked cute.

Lisanna passed me some yellow feather earrings and a white quartz pendant for around my neck.

"You look brilliant Mira-nee!" Lisanna squealed and pulled on some pink wedges. "Grab some shoes and I'll get the hair curlers heated up!"

When Lisanna finished my hair it looked great. The mild waves had been turned into bouncy curls and my fringe had been neatened and left down.

Lisanna had kept her hair the same but I applied a light coat of eyeshadow and lipstick for her.

"Let's get Elf-nee-chan and go!" Lisanna grinned and I followed her downstairs to get Elfman.

You could hear the music from three streets away. No one would be sleeping tonight, Fairy Tail member or not.

When we arrived the party was in full swing. Kinana was serving drinks and I made a beeline toward her.

Gray and Natsu were having an arm wrestling contest, with Erza as a referee to make sure things didn't get out of hand. Cana was challenging Macao and Wakaba to a drinking contest, one they'd definitely loose. And Laxus, Laxus was being Laxus. Sitting in the sulky corner drinking with the few members of the Rajinshu that hadn't left for their soon to be significant other. Laxus was left with Freed. And being honest, he didn't look to happy about that fact.

I laughed and headed up to the stage. Everyone got slightly quieter and turned to face me, minus Gray and Natsu.

"You're going down fire face!"

"Don't be so sure about that ice prick!"

"As if you'd beat me pyro"

"Just you wait ice prince- oww! Erza! Why'd ya do that!"

The redhead simply pointed to the stage. Now it was quiet.

"Happy New Year everybody! Already another year has passed us. During this time we've accomplished so much. We've became the strongest guild again. We've beaten Tartarus. Nothing can stop us! I hope we have another great year to come with victories and success! CHEERS!" as soon as I finished speaking every hand in the room rose in the fairy tail salute and cheers erupted from every area of the hall.

"But. At midnight, you all know the tradition! No one leaves until they have kissed or been kissed by someone!" I smiled and thought of the OTPs.

"Enjoy the night everyone!" I exclaim happily and head off the stage.

"Laxus. You can just sit here all night. Get up and dance. Please! Be happy! It's a celebration!" I sang.

"I don't dance."

I tugged on his jacket. "Come on! It's a party!"

"Fine. But you owe me big time." He grumbled and got off his feet.

"Yay!" I smiled and pulled him to the middle of the floor where some tables had been moved to create a temporary dance floor. Max and Warren were on the second floor DJing.

I grabbed his hands and dragged him to the centre of the floor.

"No way." He replied to my action and pulled us back to the outskirts.

"Please" I pulled puppy eyes.



"People will think things." He muttered.

"M. Okay then" I reluctantly agreed and he danced with me.

He actually tried as he danced. He was doing a pretty good job.

"Did someone teach you to dance?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yeah." He sighed. "Evergreen made us all take lessons for a fancy ball we had to go to to guard some diamonds or something like that"

I cracked a smile. "She forced you into a tux?" He nodded and I laughed.

"So, onto a different subject, who's your new years kiss?" I asked. If he had a girl then I needed to begin a shipping chart and a probability scale and a compatability char-

"I was just gonna sneak out" he said.

I slapped his arm and laughed. "I made Freed rune the place."

"Mira... It worked the past four years I've done it."

"I realised people escaped last year because Elfman confessed to it. I now have a back up plan."

"Dang it demon. You're pretty smart."

"Who are you gonna kiss then" he twisted the question.

"Uh. Well, I said the rune only allowed people who had been kissed or actually kissed someone. I never specified where they kiss them."

"So I could kiss your hand and leave?" He asked and I nodded.

"Smart. You made it so you had a way out but everyone bar Freed is too stupid to realise that." I grinned.

"Still a demon." He muttered


"Nothing." He replied.

"But, if you wanted to kiss someone you could." He said. "And use the excuse that it was only to get out if they don't kiss back."

"I guess."

"So protecting your own feelings aswell as not making things awkward."

"You're putting way too much thought into this." I said and began to start up a dance with him again. Max had began to play a slow song.

"So I could kiss anyone I wanted." He spoke.

"Like Freed?" I asked. He immediately jumped. "What The Hell!"

"Don't stay things like that. I'm not gay."

"I was kidding" I smiled.

"Alright guys it's almost midnight! You have one minute to find that special someone for your midnight kiss!" Warren announced and people began shuffling about. I noticed Gray hiding under a table as Juvia skipped around calling for Gray-sama.

"Why aren't you leaving to find Freed?" I teased the blonde man before me.

He grimaced. "I don't like you saying things like that. I was just gonna kiss your head and leave."

"I guess I'm okay with that."




I looked up at him and nodded my head towards the bar. He followed behind me and together we crouched behind the counter.




"Why are we back here?"

"So that when you kiss my forehead your badass image isn't ruined."

"You're so considerate. You sure Freed isn't hiding somewhere or something?"

"Positive." I smile. "Kiss me now so I can see the OTPs."

A small laugh escaped him and he kissed my forehead.


Now I'm thinking, Laxus is quite hot.


He'd be great for a first kiss. Shut up inner me!


See? You're already leaning closer to him.


Stop it now Mira! Do you want him to break your heart?


Wait. He leaned a bit closer aswell.


I guess we're doing it. I took a breath.

Happy New Year!

That's when our lips collided.