Another story in the ASOIAF/GoT world. See more notes at the end of the chapter to get a grasp on what's happening.

Chapter 1

The morning rays flew through the room and laid across the bedchamber, a beam found itself across the bed in order to reveal the Lord Commander of the Queensguard.

He dared to wipe the blurriness from his vision, swiping away any sleep that may have remained. It had been a long time since he'd slept full, duties in his position often went beyond the boundaries of the night.

He arose from the bed with a small gasp, the recently stitched scar at the side of his hip still squirmed a little. The black hair was thick on his face and grew into a small beard, he often debated whether to shave it off but he became rather accustomed to it.

After bathing and cleaning, he finally stepped into the room where his armour stood tall on a mannequin. The golden armour with the white cloak fluttering at the back, it had become a second skin to him, and it was part of who he now was.

Reapplying always went in the same order and at the end he would attach his Valyrian steel sword to his belt. Carrying his helm in hand, he finally opened the large doors from his bedchamber's. The sounds of people talking and laughing rushed into his ears, he couldn't help smile at the good atmosphere that now rested in Red Keep, the sounds became even louder as he descended deep into the halls.

"Yes, your grace." The Lord Commander agreed, the Targaryen Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen stood across from him, along with two other of the Queensguard and her Hand. They were all stood in her official chambers.

"Don't you think it would be for the best?" Dany looked over to Tyrion, the Hand of the Queen.

"Yes, but perhaps you could increase the taxes in order to support the building plans.." Tyrion took a sip from his early morning beverage, holding the chalice firmly in his hands.

Dany rested back in her chair, the silver-platinum hair pressed between the velvet and her back. She suddenly gaped forward, shuffling through the papers on her desk and finally finding a large piece that she held open. It was a mild shade of yellow, the edges gathered with dirt clearly showed it was rather old and ignored.

"Your grace," The Lord Commander began "If you raise the taxes, the lords will come shouting and complaining. There are more important things to be taken care of-"

Tyrion poked his head forward and stared across at him "Since when did the Lord Commander bother himself with the politics and plans?" His eyes beamed against him.

"I'm just giving my opinion that is all." He moved back into his statue like stature, feeling dismissed and rather embarrassed. The Queen turned her head slowly to look at him, a small smile reaching the corners of her mouth.

"You're right." She told him, still holding the paper in her hand "There are more important matters to focus on without the complaints of the Lords.."

Tyrion placed the cup back onto the table beside him, resting back and interlacing his fingers at his lap.

"Perhaps you should take a trip, your grace." Tyrion announced out of the blue, her violet gaze met his and she stared in a small form of shock.

"Why? Why would I?" Dany let go of the paper to gesture her confusion "I need to be here to sort things."

"Things are already sorted, your grace. Peace has flourished through the realm for the past 3 years, there is no harm in having a rest. A needed one especially." Tyrion smirked as the Queen caught his point, he could see the realisation in her smile.

"Well, where would I be resting?" Dany laughed, now leaning forward over the table fully intrigued by the idea.

"Wherever you may please." Tyrion smiled back.

"Winterfell is a nice place." The Lord Commander was away in his thoughts, a smile ear to ear as he thought of the icy castle.

"I have only once been to the North." Dany arose from her chair slowly, staring back at the two in excitement.

"Then a second trip would be a great experience for you, you and the King." Tyrion now sat up, the Lord Commander smile slowly fell from his face, something suddenly bothered him yet he resisted to speak his thoughts.

"Is Winterfell nice?" Dany swept towards the Lord Commander of her guard, her main and most trusted protector. "Is it beautiful?"

He shrugged his shoulders and stared down in her now scorching eyes, a rest was definitely what she needed, even if she didn't fully know it. "Depends on what you like." He told her with a smile.

Their eyes met for a moment, trapped by each other. He could see her clear excitement as her iris seemed like it was swirling, but he quickly averted his gaze as the stare seemed to grow long and awkwardly obvious.

"I think you'd like it…. And I would be honoured to go back there." He clasped tightly on his helm, his other hand around the grip of his sword.

"Winterfell it is." She turned back to her desk, staring with a smile at Tyrion. "Jon Stark has a good way of convincing."

Jon Stark was the Lord Commander of the Queensguard, legitimised by the crown and placed as the leader of the most honourable guard in the realm. It was when his older brother Robb was requested by the new Queen that he was brought to Kings Landing, ever since then he was enrolled into the order and groomed for command by Ser Barristan Selmy. Once he retired the position Jon took it upmost enthusiasm and now commands the guard honourably to protect the Queen.

Jon followed Dany as she moved outside to the pits for her dragons, slowly unlocking the doors in order for them to sprawl free that day.

The sight of the enormous creatures overwhelmed him at first, he would hold his sword grip tight in case they suddenly sprung out of control. But his thoughts were changed when he was met with a close encounter with the fiercest, black Drogon, whom only bowed his large figure before him. Dany was sure that the dragons would never harm those who protected her, and she was right in her belief.

Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion leaped free with a symphony of screeches. Spiralling into the air and blowing clouds of fire which they would fly through. They stood in awe at the sight, every time was like the first time they had ever seen them.

"I always forget how big they are.." Jon looked back down from the dragons.

Dany was still however tranced by her children, staring up as the creatures flew freely. They disappeared of behind one of the turrets of the Red Keep, fading into the sky. Only then did the Queen move her head down.

"They would be bigger, but I can't let them roam freely anymore." Dany sighed "Not all the time."

Jon felt the need to assure her, he knew by now that she was very sensitive yet fierce when it came to the dragons, she shared such a unique connection with them.

"You made the right decision, your grace. They are happy with what they have." Dany turned back slowly and started to walk back up the steps.

"I wish I could bring them to Winterfell." The sadness in her tone was still dominant, her eyes stuck on the white flares bouncing of Jon's armour.

"Dragons don't like the cold, your grace." Jon tried to cheer her up at least, a smile on his face which wasn't returned.


"What?" Jon stared back in confusion, she brought up her eyes to stare at him.

"Dany, my name. I always tell you yet you seem to forget." Her voice was a little brighter.

"Oh sorry, Dany. I'm just so used to it." They laughed and ascended up the stairs that lead back to the Keep, the tower gave a small shade which held a great coolness. Jon couldn't wait to go the North, back in the cold which he liked.

A few days passed and the 'rest' was finally ready to be had. Carriages and horses aliened down a strip of road outside Kings Landing, Jon sat mounted on his steed and next to him his brother Robb, the King.

"You looking forward to it?" Robb tapped his shoulder, catching Jon's attention.

"Yes, it's been too long."

"It has. Arya will be running rampant with excitement once she finds out." Robb stared forward again as the possessions were loaded into the storage units for travel.

"Not now I imagine, I heard she's grown a lot." Jon smiled at his brother and the thought of his dear sister.

"I've missed home.." Robb whispered slowly, just loud enough for Jon to hear.

The King was rather quiet and distant lately, often not appearing in court or anywhere for that matter.

"This is your home now? With the Queen?" Jon was trying to bring him around, but his words seemed to meet no success.

Robb ushered his horse forward and began a small trot, staring back for a small moment. "Winterfell will always be our home."

The words were true, yes. But Jon didn't see it the exact same light as his brother. His step-mother Catelyn had always hated him whenever he was there, only when he joined the Queensguard did she show an ounce of warmth, out of what, proudness? His father Eddard he hadn't seen in what seemed like a life time, they grew resistant to each other after Jon left for the Night's Watch, he wish that his father would've told him what it was like.

But yet he still was looking forward to it, let the moments come he thought. Suggesting Winterfell for a trip was more truthfully just so he could finally reconcile with his family, living each day on unsure feelings was quite unsettling.

Robb disappeared off into the middle carriage, the one plastered with Targaryen banners and sigils. The Royal one, it would often be called.

Jon joined the formation behind, following on horseback with the rest of his guard. He could see the silver strands through small gaps in the back, he watched them closely until they disappeared from his vision.


It was exactly the same as when he left it, when he looked over his shoulder to see it grow smaller in the distance all those years ago. The towering structures and huge grey walls, the thick cold Northern air surrounding, it was a beautiful stench to those who were familiar with it. As expected small patches of snow were peppered around the fields, Jon hadn't seen snow in a long time, since he was a snow in fact.

They entered through the gates and came to a stop as the doors on the Royal carriage flew open. Robb jumped down the steps, his face was red with anger and his eyes narrowed with frustration. Jon immediately took notice and dropped from his horse, attempting to reach his brother but he was already lost around the carriage. Dany suddenly emerged, Jon came to a stop of his pursuit and quickly ushered a small smile. It was his duty, oath to accompany the Queen, his brother would have to come second.

They were met by rows of people all gathered in the main courtyard, at the front Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Catelyn, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon. They had all changed over the past years, all took on a large growth spurt.

"Your grace." Ned Stark bowed, his hair resting down against the head of his cloak. With him the rest of the people followed his action.

"Lord Stark." Dany smiled at him, she looked over the children and smiled even more. It wasn't the first time she'd met them, once in Kings Landing she had, but they were much younger then.

Jon was waiting for one of them to notice him behind his helm, but they seemed to have their eyes all plastered on the Queen.

"The King?" Catelyn forged a smile as she searched for her son, she wore a thick blue dress that flayed at the bottom from the mud and puddles of Winterfell.

"He was with me a moment ago, I think he went inside." Dany said in a distracted tone and hugged Arya, they were now at the same height. Arya had grown most out of them, with long dark hair flowing down her back and glistening eyes which were a shade of grey and blue.

"Jon." A content voice suddenly called, much to Jon's shock his father stood staring at him. They met with a large hug, Jon's armour melted into the furs of his father's cloak and they smiled at each other. Everything seemed forgiven.

"Father, I've missed you." Jon took of his helmet, his mane of black locks fell around his head and he pushed them back quickly.

"Oh Jon.." Catelyn hugged him so suddenly, wrapping her arms around him and holding tight. It was a new feeling to him, but a welcoming warmth spread through his body. Catelyn moved back to stare at him, "You've grown."

Arya turned her gaze to see her brother in the golden armour, the white cape dropping to his feet and the rest of her family surrounding him.

"Jon!" Arya jumped through her siblings and latched onto Jon's large figure, resting her cheek against his freezing cuirass. Her arms gathered above the cloak, she squeezed him tightly. She may have grown hugely from the last time he saw her, but at this moment she was again his favourite little sister.

"You've grown." Jon said happily as he rested his chin on the crown of her head, their eyes were closed and they revelled in the presence of each other.

As Arya moved back she quickly reached under her cloak and began to pull out a small fine blade.

"I still have it." Arya told her brother as Needle came swiping out into the air, Jon only smiled even more and kissed her forehead.

"I see you have a new sword." Arya's attention was caught by the white wolf head on the pommel, her eyes widened with excitement as Jon took hold of the grip and began to lift it out.

Jon held it up sternly, the light flickered off the edges as he moved it side to side. "Longclaw, it's Valyrian steel."

Arya lifted her hand out slowly, skimming her fingers down the patterns of the fuller. "Later." Jon sheathed the sword and the light dimmed with it, "We'll do some training, later?"

Arya nodded her head quickly, it had been the longest time since she'd practiced with someone, out of all of her siblings at Winterfell none of them wanted to ever spar or train.

"Come." Ned insisted and began to walk forward, the Queen and the rest of mass at Winterfell followed.

The feast was held in the hall of Winterfell, rows and rows of tables smothered with people, food and endless amounts of drinks. At the top upon a small stage sat the Queen, King, Ned and Catelyn, at the end Jon sat staring into nothingness and swigging chalices of wine.

Feasts and such were never too appealing to him, he would always end up resting in his own company. Jon was no longer in his Queensguard armour, festivities in Winterfell were no place where somebody would be harmed. His brother seemed to doing the same thing, Dany tried to ignore it but it was only a matter of time before others began to notice and ask questions.

"Robb, what's wrong with you?" Dany whispered back in her chair, still facing forward with a smile to appease to the people below.

Robb sat still with the same stern expression, resting his hands on the table. "Just leave it."

"No, I want to know why you're so miserable lately." Dany finally looked at him frustration. "You can't keep it up."

"Daenerys, not now." Robb sighed and took a drink from his chalice, his eyes looming and face melancholy.

Jon caught attention to the situation, seeing Robb agitated and Dany's eyes questioning. He pressed his hand onto his brothers shoulder before they could speak anymore, Robb turned quickly, desperate for help.

"Come on." Jon stood and Robb followed quickly, taking the first chance to get out of the situation. As Robb went Jon gave a small look to the Queen "I'll talk to him."

He led him out of the hall into a small empty patch of mud, it was an old forgotten training ground. The stands near the sides rotted and barely stood.

"Here." Jon chucked a sparring sword at Robb, he caught it reluctantly and held it in his hand. Swinging a few times in the air, his own breath falling out in front of him as the weather was as cold as ever.

"Robb!" Jon shouted and swung his sword, Robb suddenly lifted up his blade to block it. They met with an ear-piercing clash and Jon could see the change in his look, the face full of sorrow was gone and he was now smiling as they fought each other.

None of them we're trying their best at first, they didn't want to hurt each other. But as they swung more and more and clashed even more the competitiveness grew, the brothers were trying their hardest to land a strike.

"Come on Jon." Robb teased as they circled across the mud, each one staring, and waiting for the next attempt.

Jon clashed with him, Robb pushed him back and sent him smudging in the mud. He quickly steadied himself and put his stance back up, still circling around him.

"You always make the same mistake." Robb spoke behind his blade, his smirk only made his brother angry. He saw a weakness in his defence and quickly exploited it, slapping his blade at the side of Jon's leather tunic.

Jon gasped as stinging pain rested at his side, he blocked the next few swings from Robb weakly, falling into a sitting position. One hand loosely around the grip of his sword and the other rubbing his side.

Robb was so determined on battering down on Jon's defence, he forgot about his own. Jon swept his legs from underneath him, Robb came flying down to the wet floor, his sword flung a few yards away from his reach.

Jon quickly sat back up and placed his sword to his throat, of course the blade was too blunt to even leave a scratch but it was enough for him to yield. They stared fiercely. Each of then panting and leaving clouds in the air from the cold.

Jon was the first to laugh, it soon followed from his brother as Jon stood, pulling him up.

"You're too confident, you get lazy." Jon patted his shoulder and brought him back his sword.

Robb shook his shoulders a few times and readied himself, "It won't happen again.."

Each of them brought their blades up and were ready to bring swing them down, their heads turned when a distant voice suddenly called, Ned Stark stood at the hall door smiling at his sons.

"How'd I know you'd both be out here?" He walked towards them, his hands clasped around his belt.

"Father, we were just messing." Robb spoke out quickly, using it to cover his absence. Ned gripped his shoulder and smiled intently, he then looked over at Jon.

"I'm glad to have you both back here, truly I am." Ned words were filled with pride, it was a great feeling to have both his sons back at Winterfell again. One who was King and the other Lord Commander of the Queensguard.

"Robb," Ned looked up and down him, once again Jon felt the old feeling, his brother was always the favourite he thought.

"You're needed in the hall. The people wish to see their king." Robb quickly nodded and obeyed, he trembled slowly back to the doors, the sadness came back to him.

Ned turned to Jon, yet he was no longer smiling and a serious expression covered his face. "I told you that the next time we met, we would talk about your mother."

"My mother?"

"Yes." Ned began to guide him through a small gap in the muddy sparring arena, they entered the courtyard. It was as silent as every night, the only sounds were their steady breaths.

"Tomorrow." Ned began "We'll go for a ride… And I'll tell you everything you want to know."

Jon wasn't sure how to react, he suddenly felt a great pressure and only nodded solemnly. Ned hugged him once more.

"You were always a Stark, Jon." Ned moved back and gazed into his eyes. "No matter your name, you will always have my blood."

"And what about my mother?" Jon whispered in a desperate tone, his eyes fastened on an answer.

Ned's expression turned grim and bothered, he tried his best to cover it but Jon could see below his façade.

"Tomorrow, Jon."

The next day awoke with the same cold nature, Dany insisted to take a stroll in the Godswood as an early morning ritual. Jon followed behind slowly, the sentinel trees towering about created a small solace atmosphere.

Dany came to a small flower, it was blooming from the ground and stood yellow amongst the field of leaves around it.

"You don't have to protect me here, Jon." Dany told him as she moved further into the wood.

Jon followed closely behind, kicking through the dead leaves at his feet. "It's my duty, Dany."

"An assassin could jump out from behind these trees at any moment." Dany turned as she heard the words and laughed, Jon laughed too but he was half serious.

"It's nice to see how close you are to your family." Dany continued in her small journey, the small black pond became viewable in the distance.

"I've missed them." Jon still grafted his feet through the mounds, Dany seemed to hardly leave a track, she was so light against them.

"I want a family." Dany stopped walking, her face still facing the pond. Jon stopped behind her, the cold air was thick from the vulnerable tremble in her voice. Jon felt out of place, why would she tell him this?

Jon cleared his throat and stood still, his feet engraved in the ground. "You have a family, one day you will have your own children... With Robb."

Dany turned to look at him, her eyes spoke only one thing.

You know nothing, Jon Snow.

Ok, thanks for reading.

Lemme explain this alternate universe to you then. Daenerys arrived from across the Narrow Sea and took the Iron Throne 3 years before this is set. Robb was the one who was betrothed to the Queen reluctantly, the Starks have a lot more power and men in this. And once King he requested his brother relieved from the Night's Watch and brought him to Kings Landing. There he has stayed for 3 years and has become the Lord Commander of the Queensguard.

Some of you might be catching on what is happening, and what will happen ;) But just enjoy every part.

Next update will be posted after a review, one review that is all.
