WELL! Here it is... the last chapter. Are you ready?
UPDATE on my Bella-bug. I went to see her today, doctors say she is doing incredibly well for what she endured and she was so happy to see us when we went. Going to see her tomorrow and its just going to be a day by day process.
Writing has helped me through this, as it helps me escape reality, so thank you all for the messages of encouragement for her.
After all of the input, I do plan to return to this story. It will not be as a sequel, but as a completely new story all together. However, I plan to start working on my novel now. I've put alot of thought into it and I think I'm ready to start it.
However, I hoped you all have enjoyed these stories and thank you all for such wonderful reviews/feedback. There is nothing more inspiring then hearing how much you all have enjoyed these stories so far.
Also to Arirsera and brahbrah, 1000 points to gryffindor. That was a giant derp, thank you two so much. *'-'*
Sebastian stared up at the dark canopy of his previous master's bed. He had remained there well after sunset while his body ached with pain and tension. Regardless of his body's need for substance and desire to feast, the demon remained horizontal on the soft bed. When the man did stir, it was only to shift his legs with a grimace and grab the sheet beneath him in order to pull it over him. Ciel's scent surrounded him and because of that, nothing would remove him from this bed.
I don't believe the child is gone, but it may be awhile before you see him again and he will not be like he was before. What did his father mean?
Maroon eyes glittered in the darkness as the demon shifted to lay on his side, dark bangs sliding across his face to rest on the pillow beneath his cheek. Unfocused eyes landed on the window beside the bed and the blur of a half-moon lit up the late night.
Ciel was dead. There wasn't a way that Ciel could still breathe if Sebastian possessed his soul, and the constant buzz within his left hand where the sapphire ring remained was his constant reminder. As weak as the demon was, it was agony to hold the soul he had craved for so long, but he embraced it, allowing it to torture him. Through the heartache he could almost image his master's flustered expression as Sebastian lay in his bed.
With a smile, he allowed his eyes close, sleep finally consuming him into blissful slumber.
Sebastian's awareness stirred the demon awake after what he guessed was only a few hours of sleep by how groggy the demon was, but the noise within the room would not allow him to continue sleeping. About to sit up, Sebastian noticed someone holding his hand, the vacant one, and this caused him to remain flat on the bed. Hushed tones filled the air and he decided to remain acting, faking slumber. The creatures in his room disturbed him, as he couldn't sense them. No pulse, no breath, and no aura.
"We must go now, little one. The sun will be rising shortly." A voice laced with sin spoke and approached the bed if his footsteps were anything to go by. Motion caused the bed to stir and the grip on Sebastian's hand squeezed. There was a long moment when no one spoke and the demon thought they had left, so when the other creature in the room spoke, it startled him. At the voice, the demon's stomach dropped, it couldn't be.
"Then let it burn me, as I am not finished here."
There was no mistaking it that was Ciel's voice, but how? Eyes burned behind the demon's lids, desperate to gaze at the boy, but an odd sense of fear kept his eyes shut. What would he see?
He will not be like how he was before.
"Ciel, you try my patience." The man's mild amusement fell from his voice and soon the hand on the demon was ripped from Sebastian.
A small tendril of shadow extended from the demon and reached out to the motion, ensnaring what it touched. It was much larger than the hand Sebastian had intended to grasp and with a curse, the demon forced his eyes open.
Three men occupied the room; a laying demon, a child, and a man who had a black mass plastered to his face. The boy bit his lips but soon his eyes were shutting as hilarity erupted from him.
"What was that Sebastian?!" Ciel's rare innocent laughter filled the room, and the demon turned to him, hand reached out.
"I cannot sense you… or him-" Sebastian stopped talking so he could call back his manifestation and an unsettling feeling set in his stomach as the mask of shadow revealed blazing silver irises.
"My apologies if I have upset you, your majesty." Vlad bowed and never once did the empty eyes leave the demon's face, but rage soon hid the mild fear Sebastian felt.
"Do not call me that." Sebastian stood then, wincing from the wounds that tore open from the movement and mentally he cursed for not going to hunt when his father had offered for him to accompany him.
"Majesty? Am I missing something?" Ciel asked, looking between the two.
Sebastian moved to stand next to the boy and Ciel's eyes looked up at him. A pair of silver eyes, much like Vlad's, stared up at the demon. He frowned and cupped the boy's cheek. Cold flesh, and still organs laid beneath his fingertips. The only motion within the child was an unnaturally fast blood stream, cycling endlessly.
"I believe it is I who is missing something, Ciel. You died during the battle, and yet you are here." Blue shimmered in the moonlight as the demon revealed the ring in his left hand, bringing it out before the boy's eyes. "Care to explain?"
Before Ciel could speak Vlad walked over and stood before the demon, and he went to grab the boy's shirt. Tugging the thick material from Ciel's slacks, despite the boy's yelp, he lifted the shirt above, revealing the pale stomach of the demon's previous master. The surface was of perfection, no scars, scraps, or burns. Sebastian's hand reached out to touch the boy's stomach, brushing his fingers against the smooth surface.
"I…WILL…KILL…YOU…BOTH" Ciel ground out words, glaring daggers at the two men restraining and caressing him, but Sebastian didn't notice as he was too preoccupied with understanding what stood before him. There was a theory that played in his mind, but he was almost certain the creatures only existed in legends. A thought struck him and he spun the boy in order to lift the material there.
"SEBASTIAN!" Ciel choked out, embarrassment consuming the boy.
"There is no hole, amazing."
"RELEASE ME!" The boy screamed and with two precise movements he had Vlad griping his chin in pain and Sebastian swearing at the throbbing in his foot.
"That… was hardly necessary" Vlad swore.
"Splendid, more pain" Sebastian sighed.
Ciel began stuffing his clothing back where it belonged, but after a moment he offered a hand to the demon "I shall help you up if you fix this."
The demon's eyes softened and he chuckled "of course."
The next few minutes the demon busied himself with dressing the young boy and the while Vlad gawked at them.
"I cannot… I just…" Vlad blinked and annoyance surfaced when he noticed the two engaging in small talk, clearly ignoring him. The silver eyed man cleared his throat and the two glanced over.
"You have yet to thank me for your… friend" unsure how to approach this situation, Vlad stuck to what creatures like himself did best. Business. "I have given him my blood, and so he walks again."
That had the demon rising to his feet, moving to stand in front of the boy. "Then my suspicion is correct. I thought your race was nothing beyond fiction."
"You flatter me, my lord, as that is the intention. I prefer our species to remain in the dark by any means necessary. If word of our actual existence never made it to your ears then that is splendid to hear. Allow me to formally introduce myself then." Vlad smiled and bowed, extending an arm in his cowl "I am Dracula, creation of blood, and the first vampire to ever walk these plains, but please, address me as Vlad as it is less conspicuous. It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." The man returned to his natural height, dark hair framing his ever pale skin and a gloved hand reached out to gesture to Ciel standing behind the demon. "And he is one of the few I have taken under my care in many centuries. Such an intriguing creature, this boy, has both the sixth and fourth lord of hell flustered and even the immaculate for a loop. I didn't hesitate when I saw an opening."
Vlad grinned, pointed teeth revealing "as I can tell how weak you are just by looking at you, I can assume you cannot leap back to your dimension soon enough before the sun rises, so I will have to take the boy, but the child is for you. A congratulatory gift and perhaps simple collateral as demons on retainer prove to be most useful." Vlad reached out his hand to the boy "come now little one. Let us return to our den for now and I shall bring him back as soon as dusk settles in."
Ciel moved from behind Sebastian, but the demon grabbed the boy's arm to stop him. Ciel swung at Sebastian, silver eyes flaring and his lip picked up in order to hiss at him.
"My apologies! He is under enthrallment, otherwise he would not listen. I am sure you understand…" Vlad mulled over something, considering the demon "what would you have me call you?"
Sebastian released the boy, annoyance showing in his eyes when he looked away from Ciel "Sebastian. I have taken a liking to the name."
Vlad nodded and then reached to grab the boy's wrist as he finally reached him "then may I suggest, Sebastian, that you take care of your health. You are a lord now, and when word gets back to your kind, do not think your position will go unnoticed." Vlad approached the window, Ciel following him like a baby entrancing chick. "Farewell, tell your father we will talk tomorrow." He then leapt from the window and Ciel proceeded to follow.
"Ciel!" Sebastian took a step towards the boy, not wanting him to leave yet again.
The boy paused then, his mind battling against the enthrallment and with pained eyes he ran back over to the demon. Ciel paused before him, his brows twitching in obvious rebellion and he ground out a sentence to the demon.
"Kneel, please..."
Sebastian kneeled, his expression curious as to what the boy was planning. When the boy leaned down to gently touch his lips to Sebastian's, the demon's eyes widened. Before he could comprehend the sentiment, the boy cursed and broke away to run back to the window. White fangs glistened in the moonlight as he turned to glance at the demon a final time.
"I will return tomorrow. We have much to talk about, your highness." Ciel smiled and fell out the window then, the wooden opening snapping close. Sebastian was instantly at the window, looking down to make sure that the boy was alright, but no trace of the silver eyed boy remained.
Stepping away from the bed, Sebastian took out his pocket watch and sighed at the time.
"13 hours, I must get to work."
"I can't stay here, you intolerable beast! You cannot kidnap me during my duties! Unhand me!"
Sebastian entered the living area of the estate and sighed when he noticed that he still had guests. Undertaker leaned against the fireplace with an amused expression on his face and his scythe at his side. He watched the odd spectacle, enjoying the woman's torment.
"Our lady has a point, spawn. In return for my surrender, they allowed her to become a Reaper. If she doesn't preform then our bosses might cut her, regardless of the two hundred years of mentorship I have been appointed." Undertaker tilted his head with a chuckle.
Cain, now restored after hunting, lounged on a loveseat where he forcefully kept Isabel seated atop his lap. The demon raised an eyebrow "I do not care of the promises you made with the immaculate, as I believe we had an agreement, you and I, Miss Crane. After completion of your goal you were to serve me for an eternity-"
"Well if you want to go in that direction-"Cain's hand shot out and snagged the woman by the back of the neck and pushed her down so they met eye to eye.
"I am a demon, love. I can do as I please." With that Cain claimed the woman's lips. The stolen passion only lasted seconds as dark tethers lashed out and separated the two.
"Cain, I require your assistance." Sebastian spoke, flexing his fingers that held the strands. Cain's eye twitched and he glared at his son.
"You refuse my generous offer and instead sleep for five days, and now you choose to come down and demand things from me." The elder moved to sit up and growled as Isabel ran over to scold Undertaker about something, and the silver haired man doubled over in laughter as she pounded at him. "What do you want, Mammon." It wasn't a question, rather a demand as he stood swatted at the dark lengths. "And put those away, they are pitiful."
Sebastian reeled the strands in and smirked "then perhaps you should have taught me instead of your disobedient servant when I was a child. I may have been a prodigy." Expecting a jab in return, the younger demon continued to smile in anticipation, but when no such hostility came off the elder, Sebastian was left to blink in confusion. He watched as Cain's eyes stared at him with an intensity he couldn't describe. Emotions swam beneath those crimson depths, and when the lord finally spoke it came out rough and lower than usual.
"You are right, son. You have my apologies." The man's hand lifted and landed on the youth's shoulder and with a genuine smile his tone grew warm "Congratulations on your enthronement, Mammon. You will serve as a great ruler of hell."
Sebastian glowered, slapping his father's hand away "I didn't want this-"
Cain turned away from the youth and did an odd swish with his hands, cutting off his son's rant. He began to chuckle as he watched Isabel's shadow quiver and then the female's stained image grabbed at the woman's ankles and yanked her into the dark depths. Suddenly Isabel fell from a patch of darkness above the demon lord and was dropped directly into Cain's arms.
"I hate you so much." Isabel grounded out and the demon lord smiled widely.
"I love you too." Cain bumped noses with the woman and she attempted to bite him, but he smooshed her face into his chest. He then returned his eyes to his son's, who scowled at him in annoyance.
"What did you want again?"
"I never stated what I wanted."
"Then what are you waiting for? An invitation?" Cain laughed "Sometimes I wonder about you, child." Isabel grumbled something that sounded profane and Cain replied in a response that completely ignored her "there you have it, your mother told you to speak your mind. You have the floor."
"I hate you." Sebastian glared, annoyance making his skin wrinkle.
*"rn knuurw uigt?" Isabel's grumbled voice echoed.
"This is ridiculous…" Cain grumbled as the large black tentacles consuming the estate. The large quivering webbing pulsed as the structure changed rapidly beneath the exposed patches.
"You changed them so you shall restore them." Sebastian moved to stand beside him, examining the switching panels. After a moment he pointed at one "the pattern there, keep it."
"You could do this, Mammon." Cain growled, the patches all changing to match the one the youth pointed too.
"Sebastian, if you continue to address me by a name I'd rather not be called, I will take offense."
"Then take offense and challenge me boy."
"You can snatch her later, quit acting like such a child, father." Sebastian snapped, causing the demon to snarl, a newly formed window shattering.
"The more you break, the more you fix."
Cain turned and was about to hit to the child but his hand froze midair. Crimson eyes dart sideways and turned to watch the clearing as a group of three approached the estate. Sebastian threw out a hand to stop his father from approaching them.
"You continue working, if you wish to keep good relations with the fourth lord."
"Heh, cocky brat." Cain turned back to the web work with a devious smile, promising nothing.
Sebastian walked over to join with the group and the three servants ran over merrily.
At least he uses his outside voice whilst we are outside. "Good evening, Finnian."
"I see again our estate looks like rubbish, and you hound us for neglecting our jobs."
Baldroy is as arrogant as usual. "Good evening, Baldroy."
"ELLO SEBASTIAN! I have- we have missed you very much we have!" The maid waved vigorously and once she was a step away she slipped in a loose patch of dirt and went flying forward. With a sigh, the demon made easy work of catching and straightening her.
Our lovely clutz has returned. "Careful, Mey-Rin. What have I told you about watching where you step?"
The woman exploded in a flush and hearts were near visible as she swooned. "I'm sorry, yes so very sorry I am!"
"We've a letter for you Sebastian! It was sent with the one we received from the young master!"
The demon's eyes darkened "a letter for me you say?" He opened a hand to the boy "give it."
Finnian dug in his satchel and produced a letter in order to drop it in the elder's hand. Sebastian took it and without hesitation he glided his fingertip under the flap, rupturing the seal. The parchment was quite small and the quality of the paper was so cheap. He couldn't believe that his master would bother writing on something so thin and he chuckled when his mind painted the image of the child stabbing through the paper with frustration. However, when he unfolded the letter, all traces of amusement, humor and patience dissolved. The parchment shot up in flame and scattered upon the floor in multiple burning pieces, causing the staff to gasp.
"What is it?!" Baldroy shouted, moving to stomp out the pieces.
"Blimey Sebastian! That isn't right, that was from the master!" Finnian bent to blow out some of the chunks, but that only caused them to burn quicker. The boy made a flustered sound and grabbed some sand to toss on the chunks instead.
"Wh't did it say?" Mey-Rin tilted her head in confusion.
"Help us Mey-Rin!" Baldroy cursed, glaring at the woman.
"Do you by any chance… " Sebastian's voice changed, resembling a chilling baritone "have the other letter our Master was to have sent you?"
All three straightened as a chill all raked down their backs. Finnian again dug into his bag, a bit more aggressively this time, and withdrew a letter. The demon reached out and snagged it from the boy and immediately opened it. Eyes moving at a speed unfathomable, he read the entirety in less than eight seconds. He grinned and crunched the parchment in his hand, black shadows whisking off of him.
"I see… so this is hardly the end is it… Child of Blood. Come you three, we must clean up the manor so when our master does return it is exactly in the way that he had left it."
Sebastian led the three to the estate as the large webbing sunk to the ground in giant patches, revealed the restored Phantomhive manor. The statue of the late Earl resurfaced and as the wind picked up, it scattered the torn parchment, making a larger piece catch on the statue's hand and in the moonlight a single word written in blood was revealed.
The End.
Allow me first to explain two things here.
First * = "rn knuurw uigt?" is "I know right?". Its garble because Isabel was currently eating Cain's shirt. Such a snot of a demon. :P
Second * = This references to the very first chapter of the manga and also I believe the second episode of the anime. Its a reference to when Ciel gets captured and says "Woof."
Welp, another story ends and now it is time for me to take my birdees and go sit in the sun room while I allow them my undivided attention so they may pick at my eyes and scalp as they preen their bird mother.
I have other projects planned, so those of you who follow me as a writer, I am not done writing! Yay! *pop of confetti*
Schedule of work:
-Finish Paradigm.
-Start novel :D
-Start a Hellsing ffic, but first do research to see if someone has already done my idea. :P
-During all this time I will be webbing out my universe because as stated, I plan to expand in the world I've created in the back burner for kuroshitsuji, so I want to get all the pillars set correctly. Don't need that structure falling down around me!
I want to thank you all again for reading and I hope you all have a lovely night.
******The continuation of this story has been posted, the story titled Timeless begins the next step of the adventure.******