Last of us You're more important
Just a random idea I had and I thought I should add it in but isn't really necessary.
Winter, Colorado Mountain Plaza
We got into a shop in some kind of mall desperately searching through draws inside for something to stop Joel's bleeding, I was scared and I didn't know why I rarely ever got scared I was really scared. Eventually I found some tape so I ran over to Joel and taped one of my spare cloths from my bag to Joel wound.
"That should by us some time," Ellie said but we didn't have much time I knew we needed to get something to properly stitch him up.
"Come on," I said as I went towards the exit of the shop and lifted up the garage door "Go," I said to Ellie and she went under I then turned back to Joel "Don't die."
Ellie then locked the shop with the key that we found "Now where the fuck do we go?" Ellie asked but I couldn't answer because I didn't know myself, I put a finger over my lips to tell her to stay quiet for obvious reasons. We went up to the next floor and heard the sound of metal being hit which wasn't a good sign.
5 years ago
"You lose again," I said to my twin sister as I put my slingshot in pocket and she just looked at me with an annoyed face.
"Alright you win funny eyes," she replied she always jokes about my weird eye colour but I know it's just a joke, that was one of the most obvious differences between us she had a normal brown instead of my weird red, we had the same hair colour so I that was another normal thing as well "Wanna go annoy up Bill?"
"Sure," I said and we began walking away from the pile of broken pots we made.
"Hey come here you two," someone shouted at us and we turn to see our dad, no he doesn't have weird eyes, walking towards us he then kneeled down to our height "Me and your mother have to go out of town for about a day. Will you two be ok?"
"Sure," I replied.
"Alright, don't annoy Bill too much," he said and me and Mary looked at each other and then smiled and dad then walked away.
"Well now what do you wanna do?" Mary asked.
"I got one idea."
"Follow me."
We saw a shop called Weston's pharmacy which Ellie felt the need to read out call me paranoid but I told her to stay quiet, I don't want to risk being heard by anything. We entered the shop and searched the shelves to find nothing but empty bottles, Ellie then found a note saying the pharmacist had been locked in the shop next door, I thought he'd have something so we decided to check it out to find it filled with spores so I put my gas mask on not that I needed it but I didn't feel like answering any question Ellie might have on the subject. We then found the pharmacist as an infected stuck to the wall producing spores, I hope this whole immune thing is a forever thing, because I don't want to end up like him. I searched him and found the key but he fell from the wall which scared me a bit.
"Fucking thing," I remarked. We walked to the exit only to hear a clicker outside, I put a finger over my lips again as I got ready to knife it in it's throat, when the blade connected with it's throat it let out of a few screeches then dropped dead. We got back to the pharmacy opened up the back room and rushed over to the medical kit only to find it empty "No," I said then kicked it out a window, I then noticed a military helicopter "Let's check it out, bound to have something," I said.
"When did you did you learn how to do that?" Mary asked as I continued picking the lock of a room in our house.
"Bill taught me a few weeks ago," I replied and the lock finally opened we then entered the room to see things covered up with sheets and dust "Well this stinks. not what I was expecting," I said then walked up to a pad left on a table I lifted it up and let dust fall off of it and looked at it more closely "Is this dad?"
"Looks like it," Mary replied "You got his black hair, the blue eyes, it's probably him."
"I guess mum drew this," I said and flicked through the rest of the drawing pad only to find it empty.
"Come on let's keep going," she said as walked further through the room.
We went down to see the path to helicopter blocked by an electric gate and there's no power, thank's for nothing military, we then followed the cables and saw a small cat which scared Ellie, I smiled a bit not because of Ellie but because the cat reminded me of something. We entered the room with the generator to see it flooded with water thank god it was shallow otherwise it'd be a problem for Ellie. The generator was out of juice which was fucking great so we had to get some from one of the trucks nearby good thing there was something we can do that with nearby, we then heard some stalkers so I took out my pistol. We then knifed all of them then went back to looking for gas, we finally found some in truck "How does this work?" I asked myself,I got the hose out and put it into the oil tank and then started sucking the gas out of it I then started spitting out the oil that went in my mouth.
"You okay?" Ellie asked.
"Yeah don't worry," I replied I then put the other end of the hose in the container and waited for the container to fill up then we went back to the generator. We got it working but one of the power cables fell into the water demonstrating what it does on some Stalkers, the electric water now blocked our way out so we climbed up to the air vents to try and find another exit. We made it over to the door on the other side of the room only to hear a shit ton of infected. We got through back to the main area which lead to the helicopter, I don't know how the fuck it's still on top there but there's was only one way to get there and it was jump from some kind of glass ledge, so I did followed by Ellie the helicopter tilted on whatever it was on but didn't fall luckily.
"Wonder why they locked this room?" my sister asked.
"Who knows," I replied as I looked around the room then I saw something covered with a sheet and dust, I walked up to it and pulled the sheet off and all the dust spread into the air, I started coughing because of that and tried to get the dust away. I then locked at what the sheet was covering and I had no idea what it was, it was made of wood and had some black and white buttons, I think, on it "What's this?"
"Oh I think it's called a Piano," Mary replied.
"So what does it do?" I asked and then pressed one of the and it made a noise I never heard before.
"That," she responded "Dad always talks about how much mum was into music."
"Yeah," I said i then felt something touch my leg I looked down and saw a black and white coloured cat I then kneeled down and began stroking it "Hey there
"Come on it doesn't look like there's anything more," Mary said so we walked out the room and then left the house.
"So now what?" I asked.
"Hey there you two," someone said and I realised who it was, Frank, I turned to see him and saw his stupid blue shirt with flower patterns on it.
"Hey Frank," I replied, me and Mary were okay with Frank he wasn't as bad as Bill but when he get's mad it isn't pretty.
"You two doing okay."
"Yeah we're fine," Mary replied
"You two stay out of trouble, Bill's in a bad mood" Frank said and me and Mary then looked at each other.
"When is he in a good mood?"
"Ok worse then usual."
"Alright," I said
"Well I gotta run see you guys later."
"Bye Frank," we said at the same time.
I then saw a medical kit of the floor I picked it up and put it in my bag "Let's go," I said and we then jump out the other side of helicopter and we were back on stable ground.
"Run," an unknown voice said so we took cover, there weren't many people in this world that didn't want to kill you and I wasn't taking any chances, I then saw a man get tackled by a clicker and drop his bow, I reached over to it and handed it to Ellie, she didn't take it at first but then after I gave her a reassuring nod she did. The clickers were then shot dead by some more men who appeared from the same area as the now dead guy.
"What the hell are we doing here? Who gives a fuck about an old man and two kids?" one of the men asked.
"Yeah, the sooner we find them the sooner we get outta here. Make sure the area's clear," another man replied.
"The only thing you're going find are your friend's dead body," I thought to myself. We made our way past into an air duct with a trail of blood in it and saw a guy with his arm ripped of and a wound in his gut.
We were now in a shop with both in infected and people hunting us down so I threw a brick at the people which made the infected kill them, then we shot the infected.
We made it back to the area where Joel only to find a shit ton of people trying to break in because the horses were making too much noise. We killed all of them then made it down to the garage door but some shot at us, and missed, we had to kill more guys who attracted infected which we also killed.
We got inside and I went over to Joel straight away took out the medical kit from my bag then the stitches, I closed my eyes then took a deep breathe.
"You're not joining them.. yet," I said to myself and then began stitching Joel wound.
A few hours later
It was dark now Bill and Frank had went to bed already but me and Mary were still awake, not because we were worried but we weren't really tired. I then heard the door to the house open we both got up and went to the door and then saw our parents both loaded with with weapons for obvious reasons.
"Hey what are you two still doing up?" mum asked.
"We aren't tired and it's not that late," Mary replied.
"Was there any trouble while we were out of town?" dad asked.
"No it's been quiet," I said.
"Okay. Umm we need to talk kids," dad said in a serious voice which I didn't like because he never really does that.
"Okay," I replied and we all then walked into the living room and me and Mary sat down on the couch "Do you remember what you're supposed to do when someone gets bitten?"
"You're supposed to kill them," I said.
"Why is that?"
"Because they're not going to be people anymore and if you don't we'll probably get bitten," Mary replied.
"Right, well the reason I'm asking you this is because on the way back hereā¦ we both got bitten," dad said and I started crying and so did Mary.
"Please tell me this is a nightmare or them just joking," I thought because I couldn't say anything I didn't know what
"I know this is a lot for you two but just listen. We think it will be best if you two go find Joel and stay with him, so what I want you to do pack your backpacks with amo, cloths and health packs then tomorrow follow the highway outside the town's main gate and it will take you to the Boston quarantine zone once you get there there's a small hole in the ground of to the left side that smugglers use go through there and look for Joel. You two remember what he looks?" dad asked and we both nodded with tears still falling down our faces "And you know how to shot?" he asked and we nodded again both our parents got out their pistols and handed one to both of us, mum then pulled out a sheathed knife that was connected to a chain.
"I know Bill has taught you how to use these properly so here," she said as she handed me the knife, I then put it around my neck. Dad then reached into his backpack and brought some things out.
"Here's some health packs and amo for those gun," he said we both took them from him and put it down next to us "I'm sorry about this but I know you two will able to do this and," dad said and I zoned out, I don't know why but I couldn't take any more of this, I felt like I was about to lose it and go crazy then ,I don't know how and why, I shot them. Their bodies then fell to the ground and blood poured out of their heads.
My name is Jake Wilson and this is how it all started.