Yes, I know. It's been like ages since I've last updated. There's nothing more that I can say aside from my sincerest apology.. Anyhoo.. I'm back! Thank you so much for those who urged me to continue.. I will try, I promise.

Sasuke opened his eyes. And to be honest, he felt like shit. The back of his head throbbed painfully. Looking around, he knew he was in a hospital somewhere; the sterile smell was sharp. Wait, what happened to him? Was this another part of the recurring visions he had through his mother's view? He began to move his hand, checking if it was still his. Thankfully, a hand appeared before his sight. Alright, he was back.

A movement by his side caught his attention, glancing in its direction he was a bit surprised to see Sakura in her white coat scribbling away on her chart, her eyes appeared hooded, deep in concentration. Man, was his reaction time slow.

"Am I back in Konoha?" he asked through coarse voice. Damn, his throat felt scratchy. How long was he out?!

The pinkette shrugged lightly without glancing in his direction. "Well, if there's me, you're in Konoha alright."


"I don't recall what happened to me and.." he trailed off only now realising that Hinata was with him in all that chaos with the storm.

"Hinata-chan?" Sakura piped, clicking her pen before sliding it in her coat pocket. "Ah, I see you're beginning to remember now."

A strange sensation suddenly overcame him. Shit. Shit! Where was she?! Sasuke began to sit up on his bed, but failed as his head felt like a ton of bricks were stuffed into it.

"You're on meds, Sasuke. It'll be a while before you can move around normally." Sakura said in a disinterested voice.

"Where is she?" he asked several moments later, rubbing his forehead which he found out was bandaged.

"She was here for two weeks, since it took that long to stabilize her condition but then the Hyuugas as per usual took her back to their compound for further treatments.


Sasuke stared at her silently. Haruno Sakura, the girl who had tried to help him since day one. His comrade, his admire. She did age up well but the lines on her face appears hard. Tired. And her eyes were a distant pale green now. It was to seem as if her light was put out. And to make matters worse, the unsettling feeling in Sasuke's gut is bitter proof that he knew why.

He now understood what Naruto had meant when they sparred the last time. She wasn't ready for a new start. At least not yet since she was still anchored to the past.

"Well, I guess I'm done here. You can ask the nurse if you need anything else." She suddenly said as she turned to leave.

"Sakura," Sasuke began saying without thinking. And instantly Sakura's hand flew up to her chest protectively.

Again, he knew why she did so. The past may seem distant but it never really goes away, does it? Anything could trigger a bitter memory of what had happened. And no matter how hard we try to get pass it, it's still there, written in history. Unavoidable, unchanging and unbreakable.

If only we were unselfish enough to admit that we were wrong.

Refocusing his vision to her shoulder because it made what he was about to do much easier, Sasuke started to say, "Sakura, I'm sor—

The door to the room flew open. And a boisterous blonde headed person appeared at its frame.

"TEME!" the dobe's voice boomed throughout the whole room before his tall frame entered and walked straight towards his bed with a disbelieving look fixed on his face.

Sakura quickly turned to go, her hurt hidden within her green gem eyes and left the room. But Sasuke saw it, he saw what he had done to her, and for the first time ever, he actually felt bad.

And to forgive those who had done us wrong.

"Teme! First of all, I'm glad you're alright but— " Naruto began pacing around in circles as his hands clasped the back of his head.

"—for Kami's sake, you just literally made me hand over my ass on a silver platter to the Hyuugas you know that?!" he belted out before letting out an exasperated sigh.

"How is she?" Sasuke simply replied not appreciating the noise Naruto was making in his current condition.

"NO. You don't get to ask questions. I'M asking them. It literally took me three weeks to fend off those angry Hyuugas and you know as well as I do that when I say Hyuugas it is mainly Hiashi, right?!" Naruto said sounding almost hysterical.

Okay, so the Hokage wannabe is mad. He could handle a mad Naruto. He always had.

"But why would he be angry with you?" Sasuke asked rather innocently despite knowing exactly why.

"Because his all-seeing eyes found out I switched my name to yours in the mission assignment to Suna!" he wailed rather miserably. "And well, you know what comes after that…"


"Nearly beat me to a pulp." Naruto said lifelessly as he sat on a chair next to Sasuke's bed. "The only good thing was that Gaara reported to Tsunade that you asked for an early leave so that Hinata could heal faster if she was brought back to Konoha—which was kind of rude in my opinion for you to not trust Suna's medic nins to do the job though. But thankfully, Gaara being the good guy he is, didn't seem to take it the wrong way."

He had to thank that red haired sand boy one day. He did as he was told to. I actually persuaded the Kazekage for Kami's sake, Sasuke thought to himself.

"But still, what the heck happened teme?! You nearly killed Hinata!" Naruto looked at him with those annoying blue eyes of his.

"There was a sudden snow storm, and we were caught in a tornado of some sort. That's it." Sasuke answered simply.

"Hah, but Sai reported there was nothing out of sorts with the weather that day when he and his team found you guys laying in the snow," Naruto said as he stroked his chin. "You should be plenty grateful that Sai could draw birds because you and Hinata really lost a lot of blood by then." He continued saying.

"So.. how is she? My head feels like it split into two. Sasuke asked wearily as he doesn't want to trigger another outburst from the dobe.

"Actually, that's a pretty accurate metaphor since you and her both literally did cracked your heads. I guess judging from your story, you guys must've collided into each other when you were caught in the tornedo or something. Talking about getting into a girl's head if you know what I mean?" Naruto smirked at his own joke.

"Dobe." He muttered.

"Aha! I knew you had a thing for her. Oh Sasuke, you really are full of surprises. I've had to save your sorry ass for far too long now. If you're into her, you have my personal vouch but like I said, good luck with Hiashi."

"Does he wants my ass too?" he asked just to amuse the dobe.

"Nah, more like your head. On a stick in the middle of somehere." Naruto casually said, bringing his foot to rest on his knee. "But, this too shall pass."


As Naruto began to lean back on his chair, he suddenly remembered something. "Wait, was that Sakura just now with you before I entered?"

"Yes.." Sasuke replied slowly as irritation rose within him.


The wind howled wildly outside the homes of every Konohans. It was after all, the peak of winter. A girl was seen near the window of her bedroom, her palms pressed against the glass. Somehow the numbness she felt soothed her inner turmoil. Her brows creased as they usually do.

It was unbelievable. Never she thought was possible for a person to actually go back in time, but it happened. After all, the universe is filled with secrets waiting to be discovered. And here she was just a plain existence in a chosen span of time.

The moment she awoken she was in the familiar Hyuuga infirmary; her helper Mitsuko was wringing a piece of cloth from a bowl of water.

"Welcome back, Hinata-sama," she said in her gentle tone as she turned around and place the now damped, cloth on her forhead. "It's nice to see you."

What happened? Was it all a dream? It wasn't the first time she would wake up in this room. Did she just returned from yet another mission with her team where she got knocked out?

"Haruno-san really did a good job in healing your foot," Mitsuko said and it jogged up her memories, alright.

A pit formed in her heart and she was over showered with sadness instantly.

"How is.. how is.." Hinata began saying as she closed her eyes. ".. Uchiha-san?" and she heard the surprise reaction from her helper even though it was inaudible.

"Gomen, but as far as I know, he still hasn't woken up yet."

She wondered if he was alright though. It's been two weeks since she awoken, and miraculously she could walk again with the aid of crutches. She had sent a note of apology to Gaara for her and the Uchiha's sudden departure, but nothing too detailed as she doesn't know what the status of Gaara's knowledge on their agendas were. She has to see him.

So many unanswered questions. So many things needed to be explained. Hinata was told that her injury involved her head which gave her a great excuse to loom in her sullen and unspoken nature these past couple of weeks. She could just be alone and think quietly.

The Hyuuga compound was vacant at the moment as most of them were travelling to another village for Hanabi's introduction as soon to be heir. The only ones left were her, Mitsuko and some other elderly Hyuugas who could not travel through the harsh weather.

She decided to see Sasuke that night.

After her presumably bedtime, she climbed out of her window and at the best chance, hopped out when the cost was clear. Her foot hurt a little even when she tried her best to land as gently as possible. But she knew she couldn't sleep that night, and only Sasuke could give what her running thoughts needed at that moment. As she was nearing the hospital she activated her kekkei genkai, but to both her surprise and relief, his chakra presence was nowhere in sight.

He must have been discharged.

And to his home she went.

As she approached his room window—no point knocking his door in the middle of the night, she accidentally startled the poor Uchiha as he was just entering his room with a towel around his neck.

"H-hinata?" he asked squinting at her; a rare sight indeed.

"Pretty intrusive way to enter someone's home, huh?" she asked half jokingly, before stepping inside.

He only responded with a curt 'Hn' and eyed her bandaged foot before taking a seat on his bed. The usually brooding young man didn't seemed like himself. He looked… on edged.

"Ano… Sasuke-kun, how is your head?" Hinata asked, eyeing to wet bandaged around his skull. "Do you want me to help you change into a new bandage?"

After a moment of silence, Hinata knew him well enough that she had his approval to do so. Now kneeling in front of him she slowly peeled off his damped bandage and replaced it with a fresh one, all the while he had his brows knit together, eyes closed.

"B-before I woke up in the hospital, I… had a d-dream.." she started to say. "It had me in it and you too, Sasuke-kun. But most strangely… our mot—

"It wasn't a dream," Sasuke cut her, eyes still shut. And slowly he opened them. The blood in his head slowly returning after his long cold shower.

"It was our memory."

Onyx eyes against opal ones, Hinata was paralyzed by his gaze while his words sunk into her. Subconsciously, her working hands went to her heart.

A memory? I think I… remember now..

"I remember that day, when we would…" Sasuke continued saying.

Play in the forest clearing between our clan estate…

"It wasn't always… but maybe around every two weeks.."

Our mothers would bring us to meet and play…

"But we always wanted to play the same game which was.."

Hide and seek…

The revelation hit her hard as Sasuke's words connected to her thoughts. Little did she realised that Sasuke was pulling her towards him as a tear began to trickle down her cheek.

"Do you remember that, Hinata?" he asked her softly.

It was as if a door in her mind finally unlocked; one that she never knew existed in the first place. But instead of the predispose fear or painful memories, it shook her core like no other findings before, she felt it shone through her core and it mentally made her feel a tonne of times lighter.

She knew it was out of character of her, but she too wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. And she cried… like she never cried before.

As you can probably tell and for those of you who mentioned it in the reviews, yes I am having a writer's block!

I need a beta!