A/N: Based on the season 3 promo and some spoilers. AU because it won't go likely the way I've written it. But here you go.

I cant wait for the new season to come.

Cami was arranging her files and reports she'd been working on. She'll be leaving soon to meet Vincent. He has asked for her help. He didn't reveal much on the phone. She was hoping everything was fine with Davina.

It's when she sensed familiar tingling on her back.

She closed her eyes and sighed." How many times I have to tell you Klaus, your weekly appointment is on Thursdays 5pm? We've had one already for this week." while resuming her work without looking at him.

Getting irritated on not getting a reply, she asked." What are you doing here, Klaus?"She finally turned back to look at him.

Her mouth opened in shock seeing Klaus' torn jacket and bloodied face. She took in his appearance and reminding herself that he's physically fine.

"Elijah beat you again?"

He replied by shaking his head.

She asked next. "Did you kill someone, Klaus?" She was praying in heavens that he didn't.

"You have so little faith in me, Cami." he almost whispered. It was good that no one was in the office. She didn't want to get fired from her new job so soon. She had been working late.

Then what happened. She was getting frustrated with him not getting to the point.

"Hayley has returned. " He replied in a somber tone.

So Hayley did this to him

"Elijah and she took Hope with them" He showed her the memory of what happened, when Hayley put on a fight with him, only to be stopped by Elijah.

"Hayley, don't forget you're here for Hope."

Klaus roared "No one is taking my daughter away from me."

"Yes we are, Niklaus. You kept your daughter from her mother for six months. Hope needs to spend more time with her mother. "He turned to leave and then turned back

"I wouldn't suggest doing anything drastic as I have that Papa Tunde's blade with me and after daggering you I'll keep you locked in somewhere no one would be able to find."

"This can be dealt in a civilized way. You'll have to wait for your turn, Niklaus."

Klaus removed his hand and was looking into her eyes for something.

"I agree with Elijah, Klaus. You'll have to wait for your turn. Much better than beating the hell out of each other."

"I don't wait for anyone, love"

"Maybe that's what you need to learn, Klaus. Or do you want to fight the family with the rest of their lives?"

"My own brother is taking Hayley's side. He should be by my side"

She tried to walk out .How many times she has to tell him same thing again and again?

"Oh you're judging me too now, love?"

"No Klaus. But maybe you shouldn't have killed your brother's friend. You surely can't expect him to be garlanding you now, did you?"

Klaus jaw twitched. He looked like a lost child and she wasn't the one to kick a bruised puppy.

She calmed herself "I know you're scared because the people you love are angry with you."

"You have to give them time Klaus, to heal."

Klaus said looking at the floor now" I don't think Elijah is going to forgive me ever."

"Wait for the opportunity, Klaus. You told me Elijah doesn't stay mad at you for long. What was it, Always and Forever, right?" she gave him encouraging smile.

"I have to go now. Goodnight Klaus."

"Leaving so soon?" he asked disappointedly.

"Vincent needs my help. Believe it or not, I have a life outside your family." With that she left without waiting for his reply.

Klaus also decides to know what the witch is upto. After all he cannot leave his therapist unprotected.

Thank you for taking the time to read