Authors Note- I don't know if people like the last chapter or not since I just put it up and took the rest of them down. I do hope people take a interest back in the story, leave a review and rea on!

Chapter Two- Departure & Arrival

'Later that night'

Not having any other choice; Ava called the police and had to tell the what had happened. Once she did, one cop car showed up but when he saw the damage he had called in a lot more people as the house had turned into a crime scene really quick.

There were guys dusting for prints, others taking pictures, a lot of the other cops were walking around looking for more answers or any clues they may have missed.

Ava sat on the bottom of the steps, her legs pulled to her chest, and blue stuffed animal MoMo tucked in her arms. MoMo was a stuffed T-Rex that she had since she was little. It was something Ava never parted without as on the side of MoMo was a zipper and in his pouch held her inhaler.

She sat and watched the people continue to walk around and investigate the house, while having small conversations amongst themselves.

A slender man in his late thirties with dark hair came over to her. "Alright little one." Detective Jones pulls out his pad and pen. "Did you see anything? Or maybe notice anything off the night before, was your mom acting the same last night?"

Ava slowly shook her head. "No, she was acting like she normally would this morning and yesterday. This place was like this when I got home from school where she usually would pick me up from but didn't." Her eyes grew sad as she clutched MoMo tighter. "Where is my mommy?"

"That's something we are gonna try and figure out. I promise we are, okay?" He asks, Ava nods and looks down. "Now, do you have any family that we can call or emergency contact." Ava just simply shook her head 'No' as nobody really came to mind at the moment or no one she could say to them. "What about a father? Is he in the picture?"

"I don't know who he is or where he is." Ava answers truthfully as everything about her father was never told or even mentioned to her. "My mother never brings him up."

Detective Jones nods. "Okay, well-"

"Sir." A fellow officer cut him off which caught both the detective and Ava's attention.

Detective Jones holds a finger up, he turns back to Ava. "Give me one second Ava."

"Okay." Ava adjust her seating.

Detective Jones walks over to his fellow cop that was waiting. "Yeah, what is it?"

"We got the information on the little girl." He informs him, Ava's ears caught this as her eyes narrowed to the side to watch them as she listened. "Her birth certificate was thrown around with the rest of the papers in there. The fathers name is Owen Grady, I got Cam running a check to see if we can get in contact with him. The second thing is we found bullet casings in the back of the door and by the mom's study room."

Detective Jones looks back down the hall that led to the study with a pondering gaze. "I see. So who was doing the shooting and why is the mothers clothes missing if this happened so suddenly. Also...why didn't the neighbors call if they heard shooting."

"Unless somebody told them not to worry about it." The cop points out.

A woman with long black hair ran inside the home in a panic. "Ava! Where is my niece?!"

"Mam!" The officer ran from outside, inside to catch her. "I told you this is off limits!" Detective Jones and the cop walked over.

"I told you I don't give a damn. I want my niece." The woman snaps.

"Aunt Lizzy?" Ava hops off the steps and runs over to her.

Liz spun around and the panic she had was gone as it was washed with relief. "Ava!" She quickly pulls her the rest of the way into a crushing hug, and holds onto her for dear life. "Thank god, you're still safe. Your okay."

Ava was confused. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Liz pulls away to look at her. "Not important right now. How are you feeling? Asthma not messing with you or anything right, your okay?"

"Mhm, I'm okay." Ava nods.

"Good." Liz tries her best to smile.

"Excuse me ma'm, who are you?" Detective Jones questions.

"I'm sorry sir, she ran right past." The younger cop apologized.

"It's alright." Detective Jones waves it off. "As long as she doesn't mind telling me who she is."

Liz looks at them. "I'm Liz, Hannah Marcell sister and Ava's aunt." She shook his hand. "Do you guys have anything or know what happened to my sister?"

"No we don't but it was definitely a break in, do you know anybody who would want to hurt her or that was after her?" He asked.

Liz shakes her head. "No I don't, my sister keeps to herself and always have."

"I see." He nods. "When I asked Ava about any family that I could call, she didn't mention you or anyone."

"She wouldn't." Liz dismissed. "My sister trained her really well when it comes to talking to people she doesn't know. Ava would never just tell you anything."

"Any reason why she would need to be trained to do that?" He questions.

Liz stares longly and gives a slight shrug. "My sister just was very protective. Listen, I know you want to continue this questioning but Ava has been here half the night and she is my only concern right now. I need to take her with me so she can get some rest."

"Of course, we can continue this at the station tomorrow." Detective Jones agrees. "Hopefully I will have more information and better news about your sister."

"Alright." Liz nods, she ushers Ava to the steps. "Come on Ava, let's go get your clothes and stuff so we can get you out of here, okay?"

"Okay." Ava nodded as she let her aunt rush her upstairs.

Ava just like the detective was very confused on Liz behavior and both didn't hide their expressions of that. It was already clear to Ava that her aunt was being a little to calm about this situation, once Liz saw she was okay then her panicking disappeared. Which didn't make sense considering her sister was missing and could be hurt out there but Liz was acting like this was something normal...or like it was supposed to happen.

Liz pulls out a suitcase and basically stuffs all of Ava's clothes that she could inside of it. The rest of her belongings and personal stuff she put in pink duffle bag that was easy to carry around for Ava.

"Is there anything else you wanna take?" Liz asks, "Grab it now if so." She zippens up the suitcase and snatches it off the bed as she walks to the door.

Ava just grabs the picture of her mother on her night stand along with the pink duffle, she looks back at her room one last time before following Liz out. It didn't make any sense to her as to why would somebody would take her mother away from her, all she really had was her aunt and her mother for as long as she could remember.

Her memory wasn't as good but she did remember seeing a lot of her aunt Liz through the years. Ava had gotten really sick when she was four, her mother said she had bad reaction to medicine that was given to her and it messed up some of her brain so her memory wasn't the best and a lot of her memories were still really fuzzy. When Ava had woke up after the accident she had barely recognized her own mother at first but it eventually came back to her over time.

The talk between the detective and cop had made her think, that was the first time she heard her fathers name before. It was a topic that Ava and her mom got into about as Ava wanted to know a lot more about it. Her mom had always said that because of his job and them always moving that Ava could never really see him, which was something Ava didn't get unless his job was really that dangerous.

They left Hannah's home as her aunt drove to her house. Once they were there, her aunt ushered her inside and began locking down everything that she could making Ava look at her crazy. Ava wanted to know how many locks a woman really needed considering it was just the two of them there and nobody was coming for them but then again, she was in the dark so she didn't know what was going on anymore.

"Okay, now I just have to book you a plane ticket. I just need to find my laptop." Liz said and starts to rummage around the living room for her computer. It was a surprise she knew where to look considering how cluttered her living room was with papers scattered around. Ava almost would have thought that her aunts house got attacked to if she didn't know who she was and just know she was not a real organized person. "It's around here somewhere." Liz runs a hand through her hair with a deep sigh. "Ugh! Dammit, give me a second Ava. You're okay right? You don't need anything?"

"The only thing I would want is to know what's going on here, why aren't you worried about my mom? And a plane ticket for what?" Ava questions annoyed from being so left in the dark.

Liz looks at her niece and sighs having a seat down on the couch in defeat. She pats the spot next to her on the couch, Ava comes over with MoMo in her arms and gets up to sit right next to her on the couch.

"I guess I should have known you better then to not ask questions." Liz says.

"Well yeah, when you start talking plane tickets." Ava swings her legs.

Liz rubs the side of her face with a slight chuckle. "I question your fast development at times Ava. Then I remember..." Ava tilts her head to the side, Liz stares sadly down at her niece and gives a slight head shake. "I'm so sorry Ava."

Ava eyes softened. "Why are you sorry? Is my mom not okay?"

"Your mom is-she is gonna be fine." Liz struggles to say. "The only problem is your mom and even me are in some big trouble right now. It's hard to explain but we have things and found out a lot of stuff that could put a lot of important men away, great scientist even. Trouble as in FBI trouble." Ava looks at her aunt with a little fear as she didn't like the feeling she was getting from the explanation. "Your mother is gone Av-" Ava opens her mouth but Liz stops her. "Not dead gone but she just had to leave you for a while and go somewhere else."

"S-So she just left me again?" Ava voice cracks, she shook her head. "She promised me when I was little that she would never leave me anymore. She promised me that..."

Liz took a deep breath and hugs her. "I'm sorry Ava." She pulls away and wipes the little tears that were straying down Ava's cheeks. "I know you don't understand but she left for you, to keep you safe and just make things look right for the people coming after you. Even though she did a good job, your mother can't keep you safe and figure things out at the same time so I need to book your tickets so I can send you to the next best person she thinks can do that."

Ava used the back of her hand to wipe her tears away but they continued to fall. "W-Where am I going?"

"You're going to Jurassic World..." Liz tells her, Ava brows knotted together confused as she never had heard of it before. "It's a big amusement park and I think you'll like it. You're gonna be staying with your dad, you always wanted to meet him right?"

"Well yeah but-"

"No time for butts kiddo." Liz rubs her back. "I gotta get you out of here by tonight. Go on up and just take a shower, get changed and lay down for a while. We will be leaving by 12." Liz says. Ava just nods her head and gets down as she made her way to the steps. "Ava?" Something in Liz mind clicked when the words of Ava replayed themselves.

"Y-Yes?" Ava looks back.

"You said your mom promised you when you were little that she would never leave you gain." Liz looks over at her. "You remember things from back then now?"

Ava shakes her head. "No, I just do remember hearing her say that to me. I don't really remember where but I know she said it to me before."

"I see." Liz bravely smiles. "Okay then, go on up." Ava took her pink duffle bag and heads up the steps to go to one of the vacant rooms.

Ava did what her aunt told her to do and just started preparing herself to leave for later on. Her mind was still trying to understand everything that was going on and what he aunt had told her. She was happy to finally being able to get the chance to meet her dad but she was also scared to meet him more then anything.

So many fearful thought had crept in, what if he didn't know her or want anything to do with her? Its not like she could fully blame him. Hannah had never disclosed anything about him to her and she was sure the same worked reversed. Ava just was learning what his name was today and where her last name finally came from.

All she could hope for was that he wasn't mean, wouldn't hurt her, and would not turn her away, she always wanted to meet him and of course she wanted to do it better but this was the way it had to be.

Once settled in, Ava took a shower as she was told and got dressed in something clean.

She put on a pair of cargo black capris with pockets on the side, an army green short sleeved v-neck and a pair of black tennis. On her wrist she wore five wristbands, one of her blue ones had matched her dark blue eyes and that same dark blue one had became her favorite one over time.

Grabbing MoMo, Ava lay's down on the bed as nothing but the thoughts of her mother went through her mind. All she wished she had was a note from her mother or something. She didn't understand why she had to leave, and to protect her? Protect her from what? What was going on so crazy that it would cause all of this and her having to leave on her own to go live with her father that was never told about. It was just so crazy and out of the blue and maybe she didn't understand because she was little but even Ava knew it was something not right about any of this.

Ava looks down at the stuffed animal MoMo and smiles rubbing him. The day her mother gave him to her was still fresh in her mind and once she gave him to her, she couldn't part without him or even go to sleep unless she had him.

The thought of dinosaurs were a truly interesting thing to her, she loved all the history behind it and them in total. They were beautiful creatures that she wished for one second she could see again, even if that meant traveling back she would do it to see one of them in person.

Hannah had always told her that one day when things were right that she would take Ava to see a dinosaur one day. Ava knew her mother was just going to take her to a nice musem but she still wanted to go.

"...I hope you're okay." Ava says lowly, her voice cracks as her eyes water up.

Ava gets up and goes in her aunts room to get the carton of kleenex on her nightstand. Liz room was just as cluttered as downstairs with the papers. She got the box off the stand but the papers on her desk had caught her eye, they all looked like copies of emails with a familiar logo on it.

A fuzzy image of a lab coat traced in her mind, Ava shakes it off with a frown as her brows knitted together at the weird feeling.

Her eyes went back down to the papers, the logo was weird but she remembered seeing it on a lot of her mother's papers but also just like not to long ago, that logo plagued a lot in her mind. It even was seen is some of her night terrors she would often get, she didn't start getting them until after she started getting better from being really sick that one time.

Ava takes the papers off the stand and puts a couple of random papers in their exact space so nothing wouldn't look to off about it. She scurried off back in the guest room and was quick to fold the papers up and put them inside the zippered pouch on the side of MoMo, she put that inside along with the picture of her and her mother

After drifting off to sleep for a while, a couple hours later her aunt Liz came rushing into her room and starts to grab up her things.

"Aunt Liz?" Ava sits up in shock. "What are-"

"Quick get your stuff and come on." She grabs her suitcase and leaves out of the room. "Time to get you of here."

Ava grabs her duffle bag, she followers her outside and in the car. Her aunt quickly sped off and kept checking behind her occasionally through the mirror to be sure she wasn't being followed by anyone. Ava saw it was 12:30a.m and decided to doze back off for some more minutes.

When they got to the airport, Liz had got her inside and escorted her all the way through as far as she could go with her.

Ava watches the many people walking around as her aunt Liz was at the counter talking privately to a worker while often pointing back at Ava. The woman eventually gave Liz something, Liz took them and turns on her heels and walks back to Ava.

"Okay." Liz stoops down in front of her with two tickets in her hand. "So here's your plane ticket, just give it to the nice woman right there and she will let you on." She points back to the woman she talked to. "This other ticket is for the ferry that you have to take to get to the island." Ava heard the world island and looked her crazy. "And this-" Liz pulled out a brown envelope folder and gives it to her. "you give this to your father make sure to tell him what your name is, okay? After that you will be fine."

"Okay, but what is Jurassic World? And how am I supposed to find him when I get there? I don't know what he looks like."

Liz chuckles. "You will know him when you seen him. I assure you of that but he would know you before you know him."

"How would he tell? He doesn't even know I exist aunt Liz." Ava looks down. "He might push me away."

Liz grabs her shoulder. "Hey, come on look at me." Ava sad eyes flicker up to look at her aunts. Liz had to take a minute from the piercing but sad look Ava's eyes. "He does know who you are and he would never push you away. You just never knew who he really was or seen him but he has seen you. Your mom sent him pictures all the way up to when you were eight. Where do you think MoMo came from Ava?" Ava's head perks up. "That's the person who got him and sent him here as a birthday gift. That guy-" She sighs and scoffs. "he wanted to see you so bad but..." Liz bit her lip to keep back her tears. "He never could, until now that is. Things work out very weird but your dad is gonna take good care of you and once this is all figured out Ava, me and your mom will come for you. Until then it's time to be big girl for a while and leave. Just stay with him, stay low and make sure you give Owen that folder., okay?" Liz gives her a squeezing hug. "..I love you kid."

"Love you to." Ava nodded hugging her back closing her eyes.

Liz broke away. "Alright go on and take care of yourself and MoMo." She kissed her head before sending her off. "Go ahead."

Ava walks over handing the lady the ticket. The woman let her board, Ava looks back and waves at her aunt one last time before walking on.

Liz waves back at her and sucks up the rest of her tears. The phone in her pocket that has been ringing off the hook since 11 had started to ring again, she takes it out and answers it as she puts it to her ear.

"Hello?" Liz answers. "Yeah, yeah she's gone and I gave her everything. You really think sending her there was the smartest?"

"It's the least place they would expect Liz." Hannah's voice came in on the other line. "Until this is over. I can't have her around me."

"I get that, but are you sure sending her with Owen was a smart move? Sure he was apart of the Navy and all but he's not exactly capable of taking care of a kid." Liz mentions. "A little girl at that. I didn't really approve of him when you two were dating and I still don't in most cases, but you know."

"She will be fine." Hannah assures. "Owen isn't the first on the babysitting list but he is the best I have. He will take good care of her, that I do know and besides, giving what is is somewhat where she belongs. They both also love the same thing so they will get along. I sometimes think this is payback for keeping her from him the way I did."

"I don't agree with what you did but you neither one of you deserved this. Chris tricked you and you were vulnerable, that's all this is." Liz says. "...I swear if somehow my god child gets eaten...he's a dead man." Liz scoffs.

Hannah lowly chuckles. "That won't happen, she is gonna be fine and is in good hands." The phone got quiet for a brief moment. "I'm really gonna miss her." Her voice cracks. "I know she hates me."

"No she doesn't." Liz shakes her head. "She's scared for you and so am I. You can't keep doing this, it has to end somehow."

"I wish it was that easy but it will end." Hannah says. "I'll figure it out and get her back home. But you been with me since the beginning Liz, you don't have to stay in all of this."

"You're my best friend but I always call you my sister Hannah and that's because you are." Liz sighs and looks out the window at Ava's plane. "I love that little girl just as much as you. We'll figure this out...somehow."

'On the plane'

Ava sat in her seat by the window on the plane. She unfolded the headphones attached to her Ipod touch her aunt had gave her last year and put the buds in her ears. As she scrolls through her playlists, her eyes glance sadly over to the empty seat next to her that was empty.

No matter what had happened, her mother had always came back for her, they were always together. Ava hated moving from state to state and starting over but she didn't care because she always had her mother with her. Though a lot of things were blurry about the past, she always heard her mother's voice with her.

Now she heard nothing and was going to live with someone who she knew nothing about, the only thing she knew was that he was her father.

The strange part was she did remember a guy being around her when she was little but could never match a face. His voice she remembered very well and would know it if she heard it, but the looks of him, just like the rest of her mind was foggy.

'Patterns' by Vera Blue played through her earphones.

Ava curls her legs up to her chest in the seat, she held MoMo tightly to her chest and rests her head against the window. No one heard her but her silent tears strolled uncontrollably down her face, she didn't even try to wipe them as it was just to many.

Her teary blue eyes flicker. "Bye mommy..."

'Later that day, elsewhere...'

Owen walks in his bungalow with Barry in tow.

"I just need to change. I swear it's hotter today then usual." Owen lets out a heavy sigh. "I don't think you can ever really get used to this heat. Do you want anything to drink before we head back out?"

"Nah I'm good man." Barry leans against the door. "You should bring your taser though."

Owen stops and raises a brow back at him. "Why?"

"Vic is there." Barry said.

Owen just laughed shaking his head as he headed to the back. "You're right, I'll get it."

Barry chuckles and leans up, he looks around the nice sized home but stops when he saw a couple of photos on a book shelf. His eye scanned them all to see they were all pictures of the same child with blue eyes, and she kind of looked like Owen in a couple of them when she was doing certain faces. He picks up one in particular that had her squeezing a blue stuffed T-Rex that he remembered Owen picking out when they went into the park sometime ago, he knew it had to been for some family member.

"You know Ricky was the one that put the stuff on the steps making Vic fall yesterday. The guy is really hated, which means its not me." Owen said walking out with his vest and a clean shirt, he stops when he saw Barry had his attention somewhere else. "You alright man?"

"Huh?" Barry double takes. "Oh, yeah. I was just looking at all these pictures you had." Owen saw the pictures Barry was near and gives a sad like smile. "Is this your niece or something?" Barry asked showing the picture he was holding. "She kind of looks like you."

"Well thank you, I would be concerned if she didn't." Owen walks over and takes the picture when Barry handed it back to him. "But's my daughter actually."

"Daughter?" Barry eyes widened looking at him crazy. "You of all people have a child?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Cue the hell freezing over." Owen waves it off.

"I'm not saying it's bad but come on out of everybody, your the last person." Barry admits. "That is crazy. How come you never said anything to anyone about her?"

"Not everybody should know your personal life but it never really crossed my mind to do that." Owen shrugs. "I never met her before or got the chance to even be there when she was born so I saw no need to bring her up. Just made things more worse." Barry heard the pain in Owen's voice when he mentioned that part. "I was able to send her that gift for her birthday, but Hannah she said she didn't want me to visit them because of my job. Me being in with the navy and then here, she said she already lived that life with me and did it when she was younger but it wasn't the life she wanted for Ava. That she couldn't put her through what she had to go through."

"I'm guessing you and her mother didn't leave on good terms?" Barry raises a brow.

Owen scoffs. "That woman is the worse thorn I could have ever had in my side. I mean she is stubborn, always with the last word with her. Still was something about her." He shakes his head. "The older we both got she grew on me."

"You met her young?"

"Right in high school." Owen nods. "But when I started going into training and things for the navy, we just started arguing more. She complained a lot about me never being there and she didn't like the fact I was going into the navy at all. In her words, she rather leave me and lose me that way then to lose me bu being apart of the service. Everything about the army scared her." Barry made a confused face. "She had lost her dad and brother, they both served but things just didn't end to well."

"I see." Barry nodded. "Sounds to me like she loved you a lot."

"In her own crazy way yes." Owen smirks, he lets out a low sigh. "Me and her best friend was all she had when they left and she was all I had period. But one day I look up, and she's gone." Barry looks down at the pictures again. "No note, nothing, just gone. Then a couple of months later I found out she had a kid."

"And you sure she is yours?" Barry asks.

"Trust me, nobody else was responsible." Owen shakes his head. "I tried looking for her and when I did get a hold of her she told me why she didn't want me around her or her child. Once she told me that, that was it, I couldn't get in contact with her anymore or anything. The woman was good at disappearing but always hiding right up under your nose. To her what I was doing with the navy and now being here wasn't a good influence. If it wasn't for her best friend, I wouldn't have been able to send her a gift. I don't know what she said to her but when that happened, I started getting mail with letters from her about Ava and with pictures." He shrugs his shoulders. "It wasn't much but it was the best way I got to see her so I took it and rolled with it."

"You know one day that's never gonna be enough." Barry tells him.

"Yeah but they had got me by." Owen sighed. "I was chasing a ghost and had to stop before I ran myself in the ground doing so. It doesn't matter anymore though...the letters had stopped and I just haven't heard from her...maybe it's for the best I guess." Owen said sadly looking over the picture. "Just hope she's happy and safe wherever she is. I know one day I will see her." He puts the picture down and smirks a little. "To think I had a girl is still shocking. I wanted a boy."

"That part is not up to you." Barry chuckles, he pats his friend back. "I'm sure you will see her one day to. Every girl wants to meet her father at one point, but could you even handle raising a girl?"

"Well I raised raptors and they are girls so it can't be that hard to raise a teenage girl and...don't say it." Owen quickly said before Barry could speak.

Barry threw his hands up in defense.

Owen looks back at the pictures with a heavy feeling, it always pained him when it came to talking about Hannah and Ava. He knew one day he would meet her, even if he had to go back and start his ghost chase once more he would do it to finally see her before she got to old. Owen couldn't count how much of the things he missed from her life but he knew if given a chance that he would make up for it somehow. He loved Hannah to death but he resented the hell out of her for keeping his own child from him for years and just didn't know what big reason she had for doing something so stupid. The career he chose he realized was a hard one that she couldn't accept but that still didn't give her any right to keep Ava away from him.

The pictures of Ava kept him sane but since no mail came from Hannah in a while he was starting to get nervous about it. A month wasn't a big deal but an entire year went by and that didn't sit to well with him. When he would get some free time he would have to track down Liz again and see what was going on and if they were all okay.

"Well enough about that." Owen fixes his vest. "Let's go get to the girls." They start to walk out. "Have I mentioned I hate the way Vic stares at them?"

"He's obsessed man I'm telling you." Barry scoffs. "Other then Vic in the area. I got a good feeling about today though."

"Ha! I got a bad and nervous feeling." Owen chuckles. "I guess today is gonna be pretty interesting for both of us." Owen chuckles, he got inside the truck and closes the door shut.


Ava lifts her head when she heard the captain talk about landing. She stretches her arms and looks out the window to see nothing but beautiful water down below, her eyes widened at the amazing view of the body of water and how it looked from so far up.

Her eyes look down at MoMo, she squeezes him a little as her stomach grew a nervous pit. A little headache caught up to her but it didn't last for to long and she assumed it was just because of the plane ride.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are preparing to land soon." The captain spoke.

"I hope I can find you." Ava looks back out at the view.

Thanks for some of the reviews people left. Glad to see some people back, like I said I'm bringing it back slowly to see how it goes. We are just getting started but do leave a review and I'll see you all soon!

Chapter Three- My Father