The ship sailed smoothly as the crew worked her. I glanced at the sails that were as black as the deep ocean. They seemed to hold the wind very well compared to the sails that our navy used. The Pearl was indeed was a very interesting ship. I had never seen a ship move as quickly as she did. I was pulled from my ponderings as a bucket of water was thrown over my shoulders, covering me with soaping, dirty suds. I gasped and turned to yell at whoever dare throw water on me.

"Time to get to work laddie," Another older pirate spoke as he refilled the water that he just emptied on me. I growled and just stared at the bucket as he held it out for me.

"Do you honestly think that I'm going to scrub this disgusting pirate ship?" I looked at the floors that was covered with so much grim that I doubt that there was wood under it all.

"Well we can always send you to the bring, fair warning though we had a leak down there and it's covered in sea water," He watched as my face crinkled up in a disgusting face. I reluctantly took the bucket and scrubby. "Aye, that's what I thought lad, now start over there and if you at least get half the deck down by supper time, you can eat with the crew." He patted me on the shoulder and left me be. I looked down at the task at hand and just kept the face that I had when he first handed me the bucket.

"Boy if you keep making that face, it's gonna get stuck like that. Don't wanna ruin your pretty face now do we?" I heard a certain pirate captain behind me and I glanced up to the helm where he stood next to the wheel loosely holding on to it. The sun was behind him and it looked like an image from a story book. He might have looked glorious that way but the pirate garb ruined it. "See something you like lad?" Jack called out as I hadn't responded to him.

I ran my hand through my short locks and pushed them out of my face and turned away from him, "Not if you were the last living creature on earth. I was just wondering how a worthless pirate like you became captain, but to perfectly honest I don't give a fu-" I caught myself before I let the curse pass my lips. Just because I was on a pirate ship, didn't mean I was going to forget my princely status, "I don't care about you. I just want to get back to my kingdom and never see this ship or you again," I went to the spot where the older pirate had told me to clean and got down on my knees. This is gonna take awhile. I sighed and shrugged off my wet coat and folded it and set it off the side. It felt nice to feel the wind as I scrubbed the crusty planks.

Halfway through my task my back was already aching and I had pushed my sleeves up to my forearms. I dropped the scrubby thing and leaned back against the side of the boat as I took a well needed break. I rested my arms on my legs that were spread apart. I laughed softly thinking of how unlady like I was acting but, I wasn't a lady. I was a gentlemen. The crew moved around doing their normal tasks taking care of the ship. For a pirate ship it was well taken care of, well except for the floor that is. Everyone making sure that everything was perfectly in place. Every once in awhile a few of them would start to argue but would either be stopped by the first mate, Hector I think his name was. Or the other older pirate that gave me my task. His name was Eddie I think. I heard one of the crew call him that.

I pushed my hair out of face for the hundredth time as certain pirate captain decided to grace me with his presents. I turned my head away from his direction but it did little to discourage him. "Aye, you're aren't doing a half bad job. Maybe you'll wanna stay on this ship after being on it with me for a week," I wasn't even looking at him but I knew that stupid half smile of his was resting on his lips. I grinded my teeth before giving in and looking up toward him. I was completely correct about his smile and it seemed to get bigger as I caved. I got to my feet and got in his face. Though he was taller then me, I knew that I could fearsome when I wanted to be.

"What's your obsession with me pirate? I am not a play thing and I'm certainly not into pirates. There is a big different between me and you. You should learn your place and not even look at me. I am a prince, soon to be king. I will have a beautiful wife that will have my children. The most you'll ever have is a few night stands with prostitutes that don't even like you. You think you're so damn charming and dashing but you're not. You are disgusting and vile. Once I'm returned to my kingdom, I'll make sure that before I pass on, I'll see your head in a noose." I didn't realize how close I had gotten to him and how loud my voice had risen in my fit of anger. I didn't know why but everything about this man drove me crazy and made me forget my manners. I took a few deep breaths, having forgot to breath during my rant.

He just stared at me for a moments before that stupid smile returned. "You seem to be overcompensating there love," He grabbed a lock of my hair and pushed it back and brought it his dark chocolate eyes to my clear grey ones. "You should be careful or people are gonna wonder why you get so defensive about certain subjects," His stupid smirk laid on his face as if it was tattooed there. I felt my hands ball together and did my best not to scream. Out of everything I just told him, that's what he got from it. I stepped around him and headed toward the crew's quarters. "Aye, where ya goin love?" He leaned against the mast and I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck tingling. I turned sharply and yelled across the ship at him.

"Stop calling me names. Either its Prince James, or James." I slammed the doors behind me as I entered the ill taken care off cabin. I brought my hands over my face to try and keep myself from screaming more. I don't know how he did it but no matter what left his vile mouth, it drove me up the wall. I wasn't sure if I could live another six days like this. I might jump over board just to get away from this ship. "UGH," I slammed my back against the wall and slid down it slowly as the adrenaline left my body. I was completely exhausted from the day's work. I hadn't worked this hard in my entire life and I could feel the ware on my body. I ran my hand through my hair and I swear I could feel the lock that Jack had touched. I swore it was greasier but I did my best to avoid thinking of him touching me.

The door opened and Eddie walked through. He stopped at the entrance and looked around until he found me on the floor. "Aye, laddie what ya doing down there?" He walked over and stood in front of me. I glanced through my fingers and just kinda pondered what reasoning I had for coming in here of all places. It's the only place I could go to get away from captain smiley-pants. I snickered at the thought but soon brought my attention back to Eddie.

"I just kinda walked in here and needed a break I guess," I looked away from him and dropped my hands to my sides. The cabin wasn't as bad as I had thought whilst I had been coming in here. Yea it was dirty but it could have been a lot worse, seeing as dirty pirates lived in here. "Sides not much other places to go on a ship to get away from the captain," I nibble my lip.

"Aye, we all heard your little outburst with the captain but all ya gotta do is survive less than a week laddie. Then you'll be on your way and we'll have our gold. Now get up and come get something to eat, ya must be starvin'.'" He held a hand out for me and I took it. Getting to my feet I dusted off my butt and Eddie looked at me oddly.

"What? I was just sitting on a gross pirate ship, I'm not gonna walk around with grime on my trousers," He rolled his eyes at me and led me to mess area where the rest of the crew had already gathered, cept the captain.

I was busy looking around when Eddie came back with a bowl of soup and bread. As well as a slightly dull apple. I took it and followed him to a place to sit and eat. Though this wasn't the quality of food I was used to, I was grateful for the it. I was running on empty and this didn't taste that horrible. Though it was short lived as the we heard yelling coming from the deck. Everyone rushed out leaving whatever they were doing where they had been. I just sat there not knowing what I should be doing. Sighing I followed slowly to find the crew readying for a fight. There was a navy ship coming toward us and I felt a ping of hope. I rushed to the side of the ship to try and get a better look at the vessel. It wasn't a ship from our navy but father must have called in every navy to try and get me back sooner. I wonder how he got the word out so quickly. My face was full of joy and hope as I was pulled away from the edge of the ship by Hector.

"Get out of the way boy, before I gut you myself," He threw me across the deck easily. I landed on the other side of the deck on my side. Groaning from the small pains I felt, I got on an elbow and looked up as everyone moved around me. Asshole. I thought as I got back to my feet to once again to be grabbed and pulled toward the cabin. Luckily this time Eddie was the one, man handling me so it wasn't as rough.

"Aye, stay in here," He pushed me inside the cabin boy's room. Though from the state of it, it looked like they didn't have a cabin boy. I looked around quickly trying to find something that would help me get out. If they don't' know I'm in here they can't save me. There was a few crates full of miscellaneous items. I quickly started going through it looking for something useful. The ship rocked as battle was taking place outside. I was on the floor several times losing my balance far too easily. As I think I see something useful, I bend down and try and dig it out. I hear a bullet whiz by my head and I drop to the ground wide eyed. That would have been the end of me if I had still been standing straight. I gulped and got back on my now shaky feet. Going back to the crate I grabbed on to what I hoped was a sword and gave my strongest pull to try and dislodge it.

After a few pulls, I got it out but me and the blade both went flying as the ship took a very sharp turn. I growled to myself, making a mental note, that I needed to be better balanced and once again got to my feet. I got to the door and noticed that the bullet from earlier had broken it. My saving grace. I opened it find once again a fight between pirate and navy men. Deja vu much? I wasn't sure what to do now? Do I fight the pirates and hope we win? If I retaliate and we lose then I might not get the same offer from last time. Where was Jack? I looked around but no luck. I found my way to the helm and there was Hector and the Captain fighting with a few of the navy men. Though they were blind to the third man getting his musket ready to shoot Jack just a few steps from me. I turned my gaze to Jack when...

[[DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN! I'm horrible, I know! Haha, anyway thanks for reading and for the people who commented! I hope to hear from ya'll again for this chapter and from new people that enjoy this story!]]