Chap 10

Sakura pov

As expected, every morning till late afternoon they would have me practice till I would literally drop. Luckily, I had Tobirama's visits to look forward to, that and my great grandmother will be here by tonight. Then one more day of torturous practice, but right now I am getting ready for dinner with the family.

"What do you think I should wear" I asked Saya a girl maybe a year or two younger than me.

"Anything would look good on you my lady" she said shyly

"Please call me Sakura I am no lady" I said trying to get some normalcy

"But you are, seeing as you are related to our lord Yukihira" she said

"I guess but up till a few weeks ago I had no idea so please" I tried again

"I will try Miss. Sakura" well I guess that this is as good as it will get "if I may be bold to ask you something" she said

"Sure go ahead" I say

"How well do you know Lord Tobirama" she asked with a light blush spreading across her checks

"Well it was he and his brother who found me and helped me" I said

"You are so lucky to have had such a man of compassion be your care taker" she said with a look in her eyes

"Yes he is a good man and a great friend" I say

"Can you tell me, is he married, or looking for a wife, what am I saying" she said

"Do you perhaps like him" I ask cautiously

"Who wouldn't he's so handsome anyone would be lucky to have him as a husband" she said with stars in her eyes. I couldn't agree more with her.

Its after dinner and I'm in my room waiting for Tobirama to show. We decided to keep whatever relationship we have a secret for now. At dinner grandfather said that the guest would be staying for a few more weeks seeing as how they would most likely want some kind of alliance with us.

"Excuse me my lady but have you seen the princess of this fine home" said a very familiar voice behind me

"It all depends on who is asking for her" I played along

"Tell her that a brave warrior wishes to be in her presence once more" he said as he pulled me into his arms.

"Is that all that you want from her" I asked

"That and I long to lose myself in her beauty" he said as our lips meshed together no longer able to hold back any longer. He tried to pull us closer as if that was possible, I pulled back for a second to catch my breath but as soon as I did he took that chance to thrust his tongue into my mouth making me gasp in surprise. This was the first time he ever did something that seemed a bit forceful but I found myself getting turned on but this aggressive side of him. A side that will take what he wants no matter the consciences, a side of him that wants to prove that he is indeed an alpha male. "I didn't mean to" he says as he pulls away

"No, don't I..i mean… its just that I" I tried to tell him that is was ok but he interrupted me.

"NO, I should learn to control myself more, I don't want to force you or hurt you" he said angry with himself I took this opportunity to hug him from behind

"I don't want you to hold back especially when your with me I- "

"No I should hold back because its you" he interrupted me. When he said that I walk in front of him so that I can look into his eyes when I tell him what I need to.

"Don't hold back I don't want you to, I want you to show me everything. You wont hurt me I'm not made out of glass I wont break easily. And if I ever think that you are forcing me then I would tell you or beat you up. So please don't-"

"Are you sure, because I will not be able to control my actions and do something that you might regret" he said interrupting me again

"I am sure because I want you to be this open with me and only me" I said as he once again claimed my lips in a fierce passion with wondering hand.

"Miss. Sakura, Lady Sadira is here- oh sorry" said Saya as she left in a hurry making me feel a bit guilty

"I should leave" he said as he gave me a kiss on my cheek

"I think I should explain to her" I said as I sighed

"What's wrong hime" he asked in concern

"Well I think the she might be infatuated with you and well after what she just saw I don't want her to get hurt" I said

"Why me" he asked confused

"Well why not you" I said, was he not aware of his affect to the opposite sex "are you telling me that you have no idea of the affect you have on women"

"What affect" he said

"Well you're a shinobi for one"

"There are plenty shinobi men around"

"Your apart of the Senju clan"

"The clan has many men"

"You are uniquely handsome" I said with a blush

"Wait so are these the reasons most women wont leave me be" he said with realization on his face

"Yes, that but they should know that there is more to a person then just those traits" I said thinking of shallow gold diggers

"Don't worry I choose you, so don't be jealous" he said as he kissed me one more time before he left.

"I'm not jealous" I whisper to no one as I straighten my cloth and go find my great grandmother. Ill deal with Saya in the morning

"Took you long enough to get here" she said as she saw me

"Sorry, its good to see you again" I said as I hug her with a smile

"That look on your face tells me that something just happened" she said in a sing a long voice.

"No nothing" I said averting my eyes

"Really then why is your hair a mess" she said in amusement as I freak out while trying to fix it

"Okay, you caught me" I said giving in

"ooh tell me everything" she said with a huge smile on her face and I did needing someone to just gossip with "oh my I also like a man that can be aggressive in the right time. But that little girl will need a talking to."

"I will in the morning" I said as we gossiped the night away

Saya pov

From the first day I saw him while escorting Lady Sadira to the main house I knew that he was the one for me I just had to make him see it. He is perfect in every way, all I need is for him to see me. So when I heard that Lord Sakurai needed someone to show a strange girl that came with Lady Sadira and Lord Tobirama. I jumped to the opportunity to get close to her to get to him. Of course the clan later learned that the strange girl was from the future and the heiress in her future. All though we are not to tell anyone about clan secrets.

Now here I am crying in anger outside of the village, of course she would lie and try to seem like she knew nothing about him just to keep him to herself. But he will forget her when she goes back right. But who cares I am the only one he should be touching and kissing like he did her.

"Why her, what dose she have that I don't" I said to myself

"So the tattoo seal works right and Tobirama Senju is unable to sense you" said a voice on the other side of the bushes from where I am crouching.

"Good soon we will make our move and take the little hime he sees at night" said another voice. Wait are they planning to kidnaped Sakura

"Tell me again why you want her" asked the first voice

"Because if she is apart of the main clan then she has the power to control time and if we experiment with her we will find out the secrets of this clan. The fact that she is pleasant to the eyes is a bonus for me" said the second voice as he licked his lips. Is this my opportunity to rid myself of her and have him to myself, no I should tell someone. But why should I be selfless

"If that is the case I want to help" I said as I showed myself to them

"What do you mean child" said the man that I recognize as the second voice

"I want Sakura out of my way, I will help if you leave Lord Tobirama alone" I said to the men as they stepped into the light one man was short and round while the other was tall and well built. "I know you both your Lord Tanemura" short round man the first voice "and Lord Shibakura" the second voice.

"Seeing as your so eager to help you will need this" said Lord Shibakura as he did some hand signs and touched the back of my neck making me scream.

"What was that" I ask in fear

"That is a jutsu to make sure you wont be able to say a word about us without our persimsion now run along we will call when you are needed" he said as I ran. What did I get myself into.

Pov me

"Sakura's grandma why are you telling us a weird story about the second hokage" said Naruto

"I have to agree with the idiot for once, the second Hokage never had a wife or children for that matter" said a confused Ino

"While that is correct to the publics knowledge this is an untold story that only the people that where there would know, and I was there" said Haruhi

"Sorry if I sound a little rude but you must have been a child at the time, so how could you remember" said Kakashi

"Yes I might have been a child at the time but Lord Tobirama and his lover would play with me often" I said remembering

"But mother how did you know his lover" said Shiba worried that his mother might have lost it

"She was no is a member of the Yukihira clan. And don't worry I am not going crazy" Haruhi assured her son

"What do you mean by is a member of the Yukihira clan, and just who are they" asked Shikamaru

"The Yukihira clan was as big as the Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki clan use to be although more powerful" said Kurama surprising everyone as he showed himself as a small fox walking to Haruhi "it is good to see you again"

"Wait how do you two know each other" asked Naruto while the others waited in anticipation

"The Yukihira clan took me and the other 8 and raised us. So let me guess shes in the past" said the nine tails

"Yes, and before she comes back I want them all to know about what is happening so they can understand" said Haruhi

"Who is she mother" asked Kizashi dreading the name she will say next

"Sakura, dear she is in the past right now" said Haruhi with a sad smile remembering all the good and bad things that are happening or will happen to her.

Disclaimer – nothing is mine

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