HELLO MY GODLETS! (Nickname for fans, let me know if you have a better one) I have for you, chapter 3 of "Davis Motomiya: The General of Miracles REWRITE". In this chapter, Davis and the Miracle Rounders will meet Yo Yo and Doc Croc from the TV show "Simsala Grimm", and shall go through most of the episodes.


"Digimon attack/Spell"




Davis and Veemon rode on AncientSphinxmon's back as she flew to the first world. They found a world that looked like it was coming out of a book. (A.N. You got a better idea?)

"This one looks as good as any other world." Davis said. "Take us down AncientSphinxmon!"

"Of course." The Deadly Dark Beast said as she flew down into the next world.

Long ago, when Miracles still happened, there was a magic spell which opened a gate to the enchanted land of Simsala. The place where all the fairy tale characters really lived. Abra Kadabra! Simsala Grimm!

Meanwhile, the Miracle Rounders touched down in a clearing.

"Well, here we are!" Davis said.

"Where is here?" Veemon asked.

"Hang on, let me look it up in the Fusion Loader." Davis said as he pressed a few buttons. "Apparently, this world is called "Simsala Grimm". And it's in a time where, and I'm quoting it here, "A place where Miracles still happen"."

"Miracles you say?" Veemon asked mischievously.

"Zip it." Davis muttered.

Just then, the duo heard a growling noise, and the sounds of a fight.

"What was that?!" Veemon exclaimed.

"Let's check it out." Davis said. The two then took off to find the source of the fight.

The duo of Miracles soon found the source of the fight.

It appeared that 20 Shadow and 15 Soldier Heartless had cornered a digimon called Tyrannomon.

Davis remembered what Shadow Heartless looked like from Goldramon's explanation of the Heartless in general.

Soldiers have a much more refined appearance than Shadows, appearing as a noble knight-type warrior at first glance. A closer examination reveals the Soldiers are just as beastly as the other Heartless. Their muscular forms are clad in a bluish-black body suit bearing the Heartless emblem and purple inverted emblems trimmed in gold on the knees. They wear black, silver trimmed shoes that end in spiral toes, silver wristbands, and a silver knight's helm decorated with two angular, eye-like spirals on the front and a yellow stripe at the base of the curled silver plume. Its true Heartless behavior comes out on a close examination of their fierce blue and red-tipped claws, and their shadowed faces with bright yellow eyes and toothy maw.

Tyrannomon was a large tyrannosaurus esque digimon. He had a red body with green stripes and spikes along his body. He had blue eyes, and large, grey claws on his hands and feet.

However, it seemed Tyrannomon was defending something underneath his claws.

"Blaze Blast!" Tyrannomon intoned, and he breathed out intense flames and destroyed several of the Heartless. However, more had appeared, and started to pile on the dinosaur type.

"I don't think you!" Davis exclaimed. He raised his Fusion Loader up high. "VEEMON! DIGIVOLVE!"


"Why didn't it work?" Davis wondered. He would've tried again, but Tyrannomon was getting overwhelmed. "Might as well try the old fashioned way." Davis picked up his D-3, and selected one of his new Armor Digi-Eggs.



Saggitarimon was a centaur like digimon that has red armor with yellow markings on his upper body, black armor on his head and shoulders, fire patterned armor on his hands, and black armor with yellow markings on his lower body. His feet have three toes, each with a white claw, and a red pad on each foot. He carries a red and silver quiver filled with arrows made from chrome Digizoid. He has the crest of hope on his pelvis armor.

"Judgement Arrow!" Saggitarimon intoned, and he fired several of his arrows at the Heartless. 12 Shadows and 7 Soldiers were destroyed upon impact. The rest of the Heartless switched targets upon seeing their comrades destroyed.

"Meteor Gallop!" Saggitarimon intoned, and he was enveloped in a fiery aura, and he trampled the remaining Heartless.

Davis jumped into the battle, and used his keyblade to strike each of the Heartless.

"Balloon!" he intoned, and a ring of balloons surrounded him, destroying the rest of the Heartless.

Upon seeing the monsters were gone, Tyrannomon stood up at his full height, towering over the duo of Miracles.

"Thank you my friends." Tyrannomon said gratefully.

"How did you get here Tyrannomon?" Veemon asked.

"Last thing I remember was drinking from a stream, and then I'm here, protecting these two." Tyrannomon explained, gesturing to the two beings at his feet.

"Hiya!" Veemon said.

"Who are you guys?" Davis asked.

"I am Yoyo! The greatest adventurer in the world since, well, ever." Said the first creature.

"And allow me to introduce myself." The second one said as he removed his hat. "Croc. D – Doctor Croc. Scholar. Phi – Philosopher. And virtuoso."

Yoyo shook his head in exasperation at his friends stuttering. It was a bad habit of doc's when he was introducing himself.

Yoyo is the greatest adventurer ever. He is a blue tailless coyote. He is joyful, brave and mischievous. He wears a red hood shoulder piece with bells.

Doc Croc a bookworm. He is a kind and smart red/pink lizard. He wears glasses, a yellow hat and always has a yellow bag.

Both characters often argue as Yoyo is brave and willing, but unwise and Doc Croc is sometimes overcautious, yet intelligent.

There was also a book. This book allowed its wielder to enter Simsala, as it was also alive. It had two faces, which were those of its creators, Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm, who were nicknamed the "Brothers Grimm". On the front of the book was Wilhelm, and on the back was Jacob.

"But why were you guys in a clearing?" Davis asked.

"We heard this deep voice telling us to come here." Yoyo explained.

"It s-said that we w-would be needed to h-help a great hero on his quest to save the worlds from darkness." Doc Croc continued.

Davis and Veemon shared a look.

"You might want to sit down for this." Davis said. "it's gonna take some time to explain."

And so, Davis and Veemon explained who they were and what was going on. Tyrannomon was so enraged upon hearing what had happened to Davis, he used his Iron Tail attack to knock down a tree.

"Why I oughta," Yoyo growled. "Just show them to me I'll beat them to a pulp."

"Now now Yoyo." Doc Croc said to his friend. "They are m-much stronger than we are. From Davis has told us, they have 2 megas, 6 ultimates, and 3 champions. And their megas can DNA Digivolve into a much stronger digimon, and their champions can DNA Digivolve as well."

"Doc Croc is right." BlackWarGreymon said from the Fusion Loader before letting himself out. "We couldn't defeat them until Veemon digivolved into OmniVeemon, and even then it was just barely." He lowered his head. "We are both outnumbered and outgunned."

Everyone in the clearing didn't say a word. As much they hated to admit it, BlackWarGreymon was right. They were going to need help.

"Well," Yoyo said. "if Tyrannomon was brought here, then maybe OTHER digimon were brought here."

"It's a p-possibility." Doc Croc said as he rubbed his chin.

"That does make sense." Davis muttered.

"That settles it." Yoyo said, smacking his fist into his other palm. "You guys can travel with me and Croccy."

"W-wait a minute Yoyo." Doc Croc said. "They have better things to do than follow us around."

"Not really." Veemon said with a raised eyebrow. "We can't leave until we seal the keyhole to this world."

"After all," Yoyo said. "the more the merrier!"

"The more the scarier if you ask me." Doc Croc muttered. "All right, you c-can travel with us if you need to. And I guess when you find the k-keyhole, we'll have to travel with you."

"Why is that Doc?" Yoyo asked.

"I d-doubt that the voice meant for us to just find the keyhole." Doc Croc answered.

"In that case, welcome to the Miracle Rounders." Davis said warmly. "And Tyrannomon, you better stick with us as well."

Tyrannomon nodded his head.

"Well in any case, we better get going." Yoyo said.

"Simsa." Yoyo said.

"Simsala" Doc Croc said.

"Simsala Grimm." The two said in unison, before the book scooped them up and flew into the sky.

"Wait for us!" Davis called out. He returned BlackWarGreymon and Tyrannomon into the Fusion Loader, and Veemon began to glow.


ExVeemon lifted Davis into his arms, and the duo of Miracles flew after Yoyo and Doc Croc, where new adventures awaited.

That's all for now. Leave a review about where you want the Miracle Rounders to go, what digimon should join them, which characters should join them, and where they meet said digimon and characters.

And please vote on the poll on my page. You get 20 votes. Use them.

Also, expect a Marvel/Justice League story to appear soon.