
Okay, this is a collection of SasuHina drabbles! Yay! I've read several different stories on them and I have to say I'm kinda crazy about this pair and have had inspiration swirling around in my head! Hope you love! If any of you are Sakura lovers though, you may not want to read because I'm not much of a fan and so these may not be too kind, concerning her. I'm not great with writing short drabbles so please bear with me! Also, if any of you have requests on a certain kind of drabble that you would like, please leave them in your reviews, I'd love to get fan inspiration! Also, these will be Post-war and if timeline is otherwise, it will be noted at the beginning of each chap. Really hope you enjoy!


'Sasuke's dialogue'

'Hinata's dialogue'



Chapter 1-Enough

"Gentle fist!" Her palm struck the target dead center, splintering the wooden pillar into shards. Spinning gracefully on the sole of her right foot, she met the next target, open palm hitting the center and once again splintering the dummy into countless shards that scattered to the ground.

She repeated this action several more times, hitting each of her targets with graceful poise yet deadly precision until the last of the wooden posts exploded into a mass of splintered shards.

Sweat poured down her face, neck and shoulders but she ignored the sticky, uncomfortable sensation as she pick up four Kunai and took off across the training grounds at lightning speed.

Pushing off with her left foot, she leapt into the air, spinning, flipping and twisting her body flawlessly as she threw the Kunai at her hidden targets.

Her Byakugan activated in the next second and her lips pulled into a small smirk of satisfaction—each one hit its mark, perfectly.

Landing softly on her feet, she straightened and looked at her hands. They were bruised and some areas were cracked and beginning to bleed.

But she didn't care.

She had to keep going.

She had to push herself to her limit.

She couldn't afford to stop now or else her thoughts were start pervading her mind again…

Thoughts so excruciatingly painful, it felt like a Kunai piercing and twisting in her chest.

Taking off once again, she slipped a few shuriken from the pack at her waist, pirouetted and flung the Shuriken at the hanging targets above her head just as she pivoted her body into a graceful backwards hand spring—never once losing sight of her target.

Each Shuriken struck the bullseye, save one which landed a good four inches to the left.

The Hyuuga Heiress' brows furrowed as she landed in a crouch, eyeing each target with focused Byakugan eyes.

Something in her movements had been off—her pirouette could have been slightly off-balanced or even how far she'd drawn back her arms to cast the shuriken…it could be any number of things but Hinata was exhausted and therefore, her critical thinking wasn't on par.

Heaving deep, labored breaths, she rested her hands on her knees and forced herself to a standing position.

Now the palms of her hands were bleeding, layers of skin having been scrapped off during her latest vigorous maneuver, and the pads of her fingers were sore and very tender to the touch.

She hissed from the stinging sensation that shot through her fingers when she lightly flexed them.

This was bad. At this rate, her hands would be torn and mangled before sunset and tomorrow? The pain would be exceedingly worse; she'd doubtlessly need to lather them in her signature healing salve and wrap them if she hoped them to heal within a few days…even then, with the extent of damage she'd caused, her hands would most likely be hurting for a good week or more.

She glanced to the sky. She'd been here since lunchtime and now, the sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon…she should be heading home soon.

…and yet…..

Poised in a defensive stance, Hinata set her jaw firm and breathed in. "Eight Trigrams: sixty-four palms!" Her hands were a ferocious blur as she executed the technique. She'd put a little of her own twist to it but it was still just as effective as Neji's technique.


Her concentration broke only for a second but it was enough. The momentum of her palms flying, threw her off balance and out of position. She hit the ground hard, the remaining momentum sending her rolling and tumbling for a few feet until she mercifully came to a stop.

Everything hurt…but nothing hurt more at the moment than her arms and hands which had once again, suffered the brunt of her fall. Grimacing and grunting painfully, she struggled to push herself up on her hands and knees. Her arms shook with exhaustion and sharp pain shot through her hands as they pressed to the unyielding earth but Hinata gritted her teeth, finally managing to raise herself to her hands and knees and remain there.

The full exertion of her aggressive training session, hit her hard and her whole body trembled from overwhelming exhaustion as she gasped for air. She felt so weak. Even after all that, she still felt like she was less than amicably strong. She cursed, slamming a small hand on the ground, then yelped in pain—she'd momentarily forgotten the extent of her injuries.

It's been a year since the war, yet I still…I still can't…c-can't catch up to him.

There it was. The painful thought she'd been literally fighting so hard to ignore, had seeped into her consciousness and it was left there to fester and grow until the very essence of it was painfully seeping into every fiber of her trembling body.

One crystalline drop fell, landing on the back of her pale hand.

Then another fell, and another until rivers of tears streamed down her porcelain cheeks and dripped off the end of her chin, staining her hands and muddying the ground beneath her body. Whimpers followed and soon, the Hyuuga was hunched over, her body shaking with the force of her cries that had morphed into sobs.



Another sob racked her body.

It had been such a long day—and lunch had been miserable. The Rookie nine had decided to have lunch together at the barbeque and it wasn't even half-way through lunch, before Naruto had stood to his feet and glancing fondly at the pink-haired woman seated beside him, made the announcement that he and Sakura were officially going out.

Everyone's eyes widened, there was five seconds of stunned silence and then the group had erupted with howls of approval and joyous exclamations of congratulations.

Every member of Rookie nine had bright smiles that reached all the way to their eyes as they shook hands and embraced the pair…all that is, except Hinata.

She'd sat in stunned silence for a good five minutes before she pulled herself from her thoughts, long enough to plaster a smile on her face and politely wish the couple the best. After that, she'd made up a plausible excuse that she had to go and after bidding farewell, she'd fled from the restaurant and headed straight for Training Ground 10.

She'd been here ever since, working out her anger, hurt and frustration with every ounce of her strength until she'd collapsed from exhaustion.

She barely had any strength left, yet here she was, crumbled on the ground and weeping profusely. She'd everything up for so long—today, it'd been hours but really, it had been years of built up emotion; everything had been carefully locked away and she'd born through it with all the grace and poise that befitted the Heiress of the powerful Hyuuga clan.

…But today had been the last straw and she couldn't take it anymore.

She'd had enough.