
Everyone has at least one annoying habit they do when they're nervous or agitated. Mine happens to have a name: Trichotilomania, or Trich for short. Since I was a kid I'd pull out my eyelashes and the hair on my scalp when I was in stressful situations, or even when I was just bored and I'm still doing it after twenty years (I'm 26 right now).

I've tried wearing hats and bandannas anytime I had to leave the house, but it's almost impossible when it's hot as hell out, plus they were too easy for idiot kids to grab when I wasn't looking. The wig came into my life just when I started training in NXT and I had to be extra careful not to throw my head around too much which was a kind of hard task.

When I got to the main roster, I told the Authority that I had to wear a wig, though I didn't say why, and luckily they didn't ask and also said that they would tell the divas to be careful when wrestling with me. The same went to the hair dresser, letting them know I had a wig, but not the reason.

About a month into my career, I was told that I would be the newest member of the most dominant group in the company to date: the Shield. Even though they were babyface at this time it was still kind of scary, but it was also a great opportunity to develop myself as a diva.

When I officially met the guys, they ended up not being as intimidating as I thought they'd be which made it much easier to talk to them. I couldn't wait to start working with my new "brothers" and was hoping that I didn't have to tell them my secret too soon, if ever.