Hello reader! I'm currently on my alternate account posting this story as I do want to clog my own account up with brand new ones.
This fic contains a slight AU in DC, as Naruto will be creating Poison Ivy using his 'plant powers'. You can probably guess what 'plant powers' mean, so no need to go too much into detail about it. Now, Naruto doesn't use chakra, but he's very much stronger.
He possesses the same powers Ivy does, but at a higher level I suppose. Note, Ivy isn't the only person/creature Naruto is going to be creating. There'll be another, but you'll have to read further chapters to find out.
Pairings are more than likely going to be Naruto X Harem, with Ivy as the main girl, but we'll see how this goes.
I'll warn you now, many of the characters are much younger in age, especially many of the female characters as I'm making Naruto young as well.
Those currently confirmed as teenagers, around the same age as Naruto, while Batman is still an adult:
Poison Ivy
(Maybe) Harley Quinn
Barbara Batgirl (will be the same age as them, like Robin)
Shuffling down the street, the innocent man knew better than to go home at the graveyard shifts of the night, especially in Gotham where crime was more prevalent than any other city. It was not a good place to raise a family in unless you were a) part of the mafia, b) incredibly lucky, c) rich enough to pay off whoever was bothering you. Corruption ran rampant in the city, its veins filled with the black scourge of crime. The chances of being robbed while you were walking down the street in broad daylight was one in a hundred, but when night came, that number multiplied by fifty.
Now, he found himself wishing he had taken that lower paying job option in Star City instead of Gotham.
"You, tell me… the Diapers… Where is the nearest location for diapers?" The figure asked, lifting the unfortunate civilian up into the air effortlessly with just a single hand by his shirt. The figure's entire body was the size of a muscular grown man, but thick green vines were coiled across every part of his visible body, leaving only his two glowing red eyes visible (Robot Amazo). The quivering man being held up lifted a hand hesitantly, pointing it to the left where a glowing supermarket was located, illuminating the dark streets of Gotham with the assistance of the occasional lamp post.
"Thank you… Your contribution has been most valuable." Lowering the man, he gently pushed him backwards. "Run along now, and don't turn back." His eyes glowed menacingly for a moment before the man releasing an ear-piercing shriek, running from the plant-like man with absolute haste. The figure chuckled, taking pleasure in scaring the man, before he stomped over towards the supermarket, fists raised in a terrifying manner.
Rudely awoken by a siren that blared throughout the mansion, Dick Grayson waved his hands and legs wildly as he got tangled up in his bedsheets. Unable to control his movements, he fell off the side of his bed in a heap, poking his head out from under the covers, eyes narrowed as his messy black hair went into his face.
"It's time to get suited up, Dick." Tilting his head upwards from the boots to the blank face of his mentor, Dick groaned before throwing the blanket off him and getting up. Batman took a step back as the Boy Wonder got off the ground.
"How are you even dressed? Do you go to sleep in that?" Dick asked as he chased after Batman, who was headed towards the entrance of the Batcave hidden behind the grandfather clock.
"I'm always prepared. And Justice never sleeps." Batman responded as they dashed down the long walkway leading towards the Batmobile. Dashing past an array of trophies, each with their own significance to Batman from the different villains he had fought over the years, the billionaire made his way into the car while Robin slowly hopped behind Bruce on one foot, a glove in his mouth, as he pulled his boots into place. Removing the glove from his mouth and slipping it onto his hand, Robin answered back as Batman entered the Batmobile.
"No seriously, I worry about you Bruce." Leaping into shotgun position, the roof slid shut and the Batmobile blasted off towards the robbery that was occurring in a supermarket.
"Thank you," The large vine man said as the shaking stock-clerk nodded towards the strange being that towered over him by at least three heads, "I will now liberate a small amount of your store's diapers and leave." With that, he grabbed a large armful of the baby items and stomped away. Stepping over the counter and leaving behind slack-jawed witnesses of his strange crime of stealing diapers, vine man exited the store with a heavily hunched back as he was unable to fit through the door normally.
"Hush, Ivy, it's rather difficult to control my fake body to rob a store, hold and feed you, as well as-" The vine man paused in his footsteps and stared blankly ahead, his eyes going dim for a moment as he began to mumble incoherently. Words that had nothing to do with the current situation spew forth from behind the vines where his mouth would've been. "Oh, did you just throw up on me? That's just lovely, Ivy. Absolutely lovely. I'm glad you did that…" Suddenly, another voice, very much younger and childlike came from his mouth.
"Hehehe!" There was the sound of entertained clapping coming from his mouth, "Naru! Naru! Hehehe!"
"Laugh it up darling. I'll be holding this over your head when you're older, I kid you not. I'll destroy any relationships you'll be forming with boys, that's for sure." The large man began to walk once more, the glow in his pure red eyes returning once more.
However, a faraway vroom made itself clear to the plant man, who's named was assumed to be Naru. Spinning around with the diapers in hand, his red eyes opened by an inch as the car sped towards him. The top of the car seemed to have retracted and Batman was launched up into the air, before Batman opened up his cape and fell from the sky, his silhouette visible due to the moon behind him. Raising a hand, splints the size of a grown man's forearms were fired at Batman from Naru as he glided down from the night sky.
Not wanting to be impaled, Batman quickly pulled his grappler out and fired it to a nearby building, dodging the giant chunks of wood. Not paying attention to the moving car, it slammed into his side and sent Naru down the road and the diapers he stole all over the place. Robin bounced out like Batman did, only less explosive, and landed behind the car. Picking up one of the packages the large man stole, Robin was distraught.
"Diapers? We woke up to stop a guy from stealing diapers?!" Robin groaned in irritation. "What do you even need them for?"
"You seem distraught, you ought to get traught." Robin was unable to retort or question what that even meant as he was sent careening down the road from a punch from Naru, who had managed to get up faster than Batman or Robin expected. "Now, to whom do I owe the pleasure of thanking for assault via vehicle and having my recently liberated diapers stolen from me?"
Robin groaned again, but this time in pain, as he picked himself off the floor. "We're Batman and Robin," Naru's facial expression failed to change to one of recognition, nor did he say anything. "D-do you seriously not know of us? Are you new to Gotham?"
Two batarangs were flung at Naru, to which he responded by swatting them aside with the back of his palm, forcing them to drop to the floor. Batman fell from the side of the building and landed next to Robin, glaring at the vegetation man from behind his cowl.
"I am…" He paused, and Robin and Batman awaited the in tensed silence for the grand reveal of Naru's name in suspense. It seemed like a scene straight out from a movie, with both ends of both parties, the good and the bad staring off against each other. Batman's fingers twitched every so often during their stare off, ready to reach down into his pocket to pull out a batarang. Preferably an ice one as it would be wise to hinder his movements before making his next attack.
Robin just wanted to hit him multiple times with his collapsible staff for waking him up at 2 in the morning.
"I am… The Green Bean."
Robin's tensed shoulders slumped in confusion and disbelief.
"Seriously?" He asked Green Bean, "Is this a prank? Am I getting punked right now?" Green Bean simply responded by firing more stakes at the pair, forcing them to roll apart as the multiple wooden sticks slammed into the tarmac ground. As he rolled, Batman tossed a batarang before standing back up and charging at Green Bean. Raising his hand to deflect the batarang again, he was caught off guard by the fact that his entire arm was now encased in ice after it had made contact with his limb.
"This might be a problem." Green Bean commented and used his ice-encased arm to knock Batman away from him. He failed to realise that Robin had vanished earlier on, right as he had rolled away to the side. The Boy Wonder had climbed up a nearby building via a pipe and waited for Batman to lock down one of his arms. Upon seeing his mentor get knocked away, but get up after that, Robin leaped down from the top of the building, staff raised high up.
Realising that Robin was behind him, Green Bean, who was controlled by Naru, raised his arm to shoot the Boy Wonder down, only to realise that it was the same limb that had been frozen.
"This might be a predica-" He tried to swing his other arm, only to find that his head had collapsed under the pressure of Robin's mighty swing. The Boy Wonder landed on Green Bean's shoulders before kicking off his body, backflipping and landing perfectly due to his circus heritage. Meanwhile, the red glow in his eyes went off and his body toppled backwards, slamming into the tarmac with a mighty boom.
Robin rushed forwards and placed the end of his staff against the neck of Green Bean just in case the plant creature woke up again.
"Another one bites the- Whoa-?!" But before anymore could be said, Green Bean seemed to deflate, losing his body shape and being reduced to nothing more than just vines and logs, which slowly began to wither away.
Robin yelped and leapt backwards in worry that he too would turn into ashes. "W-What the heck?!"
Batman grunted, obviously displeased that he had been unable to get any samples as there was nothing left to scan. Whatever that had been, it obviously had been some kind of scout made to examine their fighting abilities, technology and teamwork. They failed to notice a tendril reaching out from the sewers to snag a set of diapers before it quickly retreated back into the darkness, dragging the disposable baby underwear along with it.
Deep within the bowels of Gotham, A hand tinted a pale olive green grabbed the diaper that was handed to him via vine, shooing it off to store the rest of the diapers in the corner of his secluded paradise in Gotham's massive labyrinth, it's massive sewage system. It was an oasis amongst a land of garbage and pungent, foul-smelling water contaminated with garbage from the city above them. Naru, full name Senju Naruto, had carved out a fairly large room in the side of the sewer's walls with the help of his very useful powers and had specifically chosen this spot due to its strategic resource points.
Above his home was a power plant that provided the city most of its energy, as well as the reservoir of clean water beside it where he got his supply of water from.
His little oasis could be defined as a thriving hotspot for plants of all kinds.
Their habitat was completely lit up by multiple ceiling lamps that casted a bright white glow –he knew red lightbulbs were better, but they made looking at his surroundings very uncomfortable as the colour grated on his retinas loudly- from above onto every inch of the area. Vines and moss alike had climbed and grown over the previously gritty and grimy brick walls, spreading across like the wall like an insatiable green mass that hungered for more.
Some had even made their way onto the chains that held the lamps in place, but went no further than that in fear of upsetting their father. Shrubs that held edible berries as well as those toxic in nature had sprouted beneath small trees that bore fruits of all kinds, ranging from apples to even the exotic durian. It didn't matter what sort of climate they needed on the surface to survive, as down here, all they depended on was the teenage boy who had given them life from nothing. His very aura permeated the room with the very essence of life, thus allowing them to thrive and grow at ridiculous speeds.
There were even ordinary plants, from grass to weeds. Some weren't even discovered yet, while others were created through a series of cross-breeding and mixing their genetics. Most of the time he spent was either tending to his plants, creating new varieties of plants that wouldn't unbalance the scales between human and nature by killing off everything else, trying out mixtures of medicines from the medicinal herbs he collected from his powers, amongst other things. He also trained a lot due to utter boredom, pairing that with a diet of light energy he absorbed through his skin –which contained chlorophyll and toxins- and sources of plants that were high in protein, Naruto managed to build himself a body that was both lithe and muscular for agility and power.
Naruto's powers had already given him naturally enhanced strength, beyond that of the average person. Absolute control over plant life, able to secrete toxins through his skin, capable of releasing pheromones that could influence someone's thoughts suggestively or allow for complete mind control, and immunity to all forms of toxins, venoms and poisons.
Sighing, the boy that had a head of spiky blonde hair placed the toddler down onto the makeshift table he had created from using a bush. Removing the horrible makeshift diaper he had created with leaves and vines, he deposited it into a hole in the ground and moved his hand slightly, causing a tendril to sprout in the hole and to drag it into the makeshift dumping ground.
He was pretty eco-friendly. After all, he did see himself as Mother Nature's balancer, like the guy who weighs the food you buy at supermarkets and tags them, clearly revaluating his life choices.
He sighed, realising that her bottom was still dirty and lifted the girl up by her arms before bringing her out of their home. Immediately after stepping outside, Naruto was met with one of the many waterways that lead to different parts of Gotham's water treating facilities funded by one Bruce Wayne, some rich philanthropist. Naruto appreciated his contribution to ensuring that Earth's water supply would be reused again without having to harvest her for more.
"Here we go, Ivy…" Placing the child on the cement floor, he pulled out a bottle of water and began washing her bottom clean, "Now, don't fall in that water," He warned, "You'll catch a cold… and Hepatitis A. You know, really great stuff. Keep in mind that just because you got most of my abilities doesn't mean that you're immune to diseases. I can't be held responsible for you being a little idiot."
"Boo, Naru!" She puffed her cheeks up and crossed her arms, frowning at Naruto for calling her a little idiot. Sometimes he forgot that she was smart. Well, smart enough to understand him most of the time. Was it from his genes?
Regardless, he replied with playful snark in his voice. "Boo me some more, maybe next time you can clean your own butt, hm? You're like a T-Rex now, you have tiny hands and you won't be able to do squat without my help, Ivy."
Ivy gave Naruto a raspberry, blowing her tongue and lips at him, expressing her childlike derision. He gave her a small grin at her playfulness, causing her to grin as well. She seemed to really like it when he smiled, no idea why. It wasn't as if he was the more cheerful star in the galaxy.
"C'mon kiddo, let's get your diapers on you." Picking her back up, he and Ivy re-entered their home.
She was his creation after an idea from years of solitude, created partially from his genes and the DNA of a mixture of the most toxic plants, giving her the perfect immune system to anything that wasn't a disease. Naruto guessed that in the future, she would begin to awaken her true potential and would unlock the abilities she inherited from him that lay dormant in her. Of course, only time would tell and thanks to her part plant nature, she grew faster than any human child. That would eventually stop after a certain age from her human side, presumably when she reached his current age, thus setting them on equal footing.
Slipping the diapers onto her, Naruto quickly set her down into the hammock she had been using as her bed for months as she began to yawn, tired from a day's work of doing what the average human-plant baby did which consisted of crawling everywhere, talking unintelligibly to plants even though they didn't speak back, as well as playing with Naruto.
As she slept soundly, Naruto raked his fingers though her hair lovingly before making his way outside yet again. Turning down the corner, he was faced with a familiar yellow underbelly that was scaled. Tilting his head upwards, he stared into the slitted yellow reptilian eyes that glowed menacingly in the dark. The scaled man before him was physically imposing, and the large visible teeth that were sharp as small daggers often scared men larger than Naruto.
The teen simply blinked and nodded to him, "Hello Croc, what brings you to the outskirts of my quaint little home?"
The reptilian man seemed to frown, though that was hard to tell when his facial expression didn't change.
"I need your help."
Preview for future chapter:
"Who the fuck is that?!" Ivy growled at the teenage girl beside her best friend, who smirked at Ivy's temper as she spun a pair of goggles around her finger. Her usually green skin, specifically her cheeks, was lit up with a tinge of red, showing her anger. Naruto sighed, rubbing his temples slowly. He knew this would happen, Ivy was very, very attached to him and it was predictable that she would act like this.
"I see someone's green with jealousy." The girl giggled playfully at her pun, bringing the leather gloved hand that was holding onto her goggles up to her mouth. Her outfit consisted of a tight fitting tank-top covered by a leather-jacket with fur around the collar. Her midriff was bare, showing off her toned stomach and bellybutton while her lower body was clad in what looked to be spandex leggings that allowed for easy movements while also emphasising her teenage curves that were improving day by day as she went through puberty.
"Not helping, Selina." Naruto told her sharply, to which she ignored. "It's a long story, Ivy." He gave the pixie-cut girl a pointed look. "And Selina was just leaving."
"Awh, why can't you tell her how you saved me, Naruto? Cat gotcha tongue?"
I do hope you enjoy it, and if you did, please leave a review, be it positive or negative. Just trying out an idea I came up in an hour.
Sorry for the short chapter, but again, this is just a 'pilot' chapter, so to speak.
It's also wise to note that this story has no fixed 'plot' so to say, as I'll be making up my own scenarios or using parts from shows or the Batman games. Expect other Superheroes from DC to come in as well.