Girl Meets Commitment

It was yet again time for Riley's alarm clock to go off at an ungodly hour. After a lovely three month break, Riley's alarm clock was back to work full time making sure that she got up at 7AM each and every weekday. Riley's arm tiredly slapped it off as the thirteen year old girl slowly got out of bed and made her way towards the bathroom. Today was the gang's first day of high school. New teachers, new faces, new experiences, new school…Riley sighed as she finished doing her hair after she got out of the shower. Riley walked towards the living room and smiled as she saw who was sitting at the dinner table with her parents.

"Uncle Shawn!" Riley yelled happily as she ran towards him making sure to give him a gigantic hug. "How was Spain?"

"Let's just say it was a very cultural experience and one that I won't be back to for a while…" Shawn laughed.

"What happened in Spain?" Topanga asked.

"Well it all started when I was mistaken as a drug dealer…"

"And we're done with that story…" Topanga said as she cut him off early.

"What are you doing over at our place so early? You and dad off to your annual fishing trip?" Riley asked.

"No…We only go once a year." Cory said as he put his plate in the sink. "You uncle Shawn was just about to tell us why he is here so early."

"Well you see…I have an idea I want to run by the both of you just to make sure it isn't stupid…" Shawn said nervously. "I'm planning on proposing to Katy."

"Yay!" Riley clapped.

"The Shawn Hunter wants to get married? I never thought I would see this day come." Topanga said giving Shawn a tight embrace. "Are you sure about this Shawn? Katy has been through so much with Kermit leaving her and Maya when Maya was a baby…I just don't want to see her get hurt again."

"I've never loved anyone like I loved Katy. I never thought I would love someone the way I loved Angela. Then all of a sudden boom. I'm head over heels in love with Katy." Shawn explained while he picked at the homemade waffles Topanga had just put out for them.

"Wow…I never thought that you would actually move on from Angela either." Cory said surprised.

"Yeah me neither." Shawn laughed.

"So how do you plan to propose?" Topanga asked.

"Well I was just planning on surprising her after her shift at Topanga's and convince her to a late night picnic on the roof of my apartment building and ask her once we're done…" Shawn explained.

"Do you want her to say no?!" Riley said shocked.

"What are you talking about you bird?" Shawn laughed.

"This is your one chance to sweep Katy off her feet and you just want to throw her a fancy picnic? Think bigger…" Riley was interrupted once she heard the buzzer go off. "But hold your thinking."

"Maya…" Maya said through the speaker box.

"Lucas…" Lucas said right after her.

"Farkle…" Farkle replied walking into the apartment.

"How did you get in so quickly?" Topanga asked shocked.

"The mail man was making his deliveries." Farkle explained as he sat down on the couch.

"Hello people." Maya announced as she walked into the apartment. "Shawn! What are you doing here?" Maya said excitedly.

"Well I was about to head off towards the office but realized that I had a morning meeting at 10 so I thought I would visit my two oldest friends since I hadn't seen them since I went to Europe." Shawn laughed.

"By the way mom said she has a surprise for your date tonight or something along the lines like that." Maya said.

"Really?" Shawn laughed nervously.

"Why do you sound like your afraid that she's going to kill you? She's not going to do that silly." Maya explained as she threw her backpack over her shoulder.

"You three ready to go?" Farkle asked as he opened the door.

"Well let's let these next four years begin…" Riley said as the four friends headed off together.

"OK you two you guys need to help me with this engagement idea…I'm planning to do it tonight…" Shawn explained.

"So soon?" Cory said surprised.

"There's nothing to wait for now…" Shawn said with a smile on his face. He had a bright future ahead of him.

The four friends finally set foot into John F. Kennedy Secondary School as they made their way to the school office to get their schedules Lucas looked around at his surroundings. It was a much bigger school from John Quincy Adams and certainly bigger than the schools back home in Texas. He was a little nervous about his new surroundings and wasn't sure how he would fit in the school.

"Hey are you Ok?" Riley said as she held Lucas' hand for comfort.

"It's a whole new environment we're in…I'm just worried how I'm going to fit into the crowd this time." Lucas explained.

"Well on the bright side we're all new students this time and it's not just you." Farkle smiled.

"Thanks for making me feel better you two it means a lot." Lucas said as he pulled his two best friends into a hug.

"Well I guess this is where we part ways Riles. We only have English together." Maya sighed.

"Well being apart will be a good thing Maya. You can become your person." Riley explained.

"At least you got these goofballs in all of your classes I have to deal with a whole new batch of weirdoes." Maya sighed.

"At least we have lunch with each other every other day." Farkle said glancing over Maya's shoulder.

"I'll see in English people." Maya laughing as she pulled each of them into a short hug.

"She loves us…" Farkle laughed.

"Even though she hates to admit it." Riley stated. "Hey what did you two pick for your art credit?"

"I'm choosing to hone my dramatic skills. I plan to audition for the schools musical this year." Farkle stated.

"You sing Farkle?" Lucas asked shocked.

"Yeah. It's one of my hidden talents. I never tell anyone because I'm afraid that they'll think I'm weird or a freak." Farkle explained.

"Well your not. And don't let anyone else tell you otherwise." Lucas reassured him.

"What about you? What art credit are you taking?" Farkle asked.

"I'm taking visual art." Lucas explained as the group took their seats at the front right beside each other. "I was actually really good at it back in middle school."

"Indeed you were." Riley said dreamily. While Lucas just smiled.

"Morning students." A new teacher stated walking into the classroom. "Welcome to science class. My name is Ms. Fairchild. And welcome to Grade 9."

Across town Shawn and Topanga had walked out of a People's Jewlers with the engagement ring that Shawn had picked for Katy a week ago. Topanga had to smile at his choice. It was a very beautiful diamond encrusted ring with the infinity ring going around a medium sized stone.

"I have to say…You did a really good job picking out the ring Shawn." Topanga commented as the two of them walked back into the apartment.

"Well here's the thing. I had my eye on that ring for a very long time. Since I was planning to propose to Angela."

"Really? And this store still sells it?" Topanga said surprised.

"Nope. I actually had it shipped to this store here. I had it on hold back at Philadelphia. I had promised myself that I would give that ring to whoever that lucky girl was that would have the honor of becoming my fiancé." Shawn said as the two friends sat down for coffees on the couch.

"That ring must have some sentimental value to you then…" Topanga smiled.

"It was an exact ring like my father had gotten for my mother when they got engaged. I wanted that ring because I wanted to change my family history. I wanted to give this ring to the girl who will have my heart forever. And now I can't believe I actually found her."

"I'm very happy for the both of you. If anyone deserves happiness it's the both of you. You two have been through so much in your lives it's about time that you both got the happy ending you've always wanted."

"Thanks for your support but she actually has to say yes first before my happy ending can actually begin." Shawn laughed.

"Just trust me it's all going to be fine." Topanga smiled. "I just know it will be."

Half of the day had finally gone by and Farkle was drumming his fingers nervously on the table. The group minus Maya were currently at lunch and Farkle were helping Farkle come to terms with his confused feelings towards Smackle. Ever since he had found out she had aszbergers syndrome, the two of them had been closer than ever before. He had made Smackle feel welcome over at John Quincy Adams that she didn't have to define herself based on her disabilities. He had taught her to embrace it and to be her true self. Ever since then he had been wanting to ask her out on a real first date but he was too afraid that he would screw it all up.

"Farkle your thinking too much into this. You just need to ask her. " Lucas explained. "We all know she has a gigantic crush on you."

"It's not that I'm worried about…I'm worried about the commitment." Farkle sighed.

"What do you mean?" Riley asked confused.

"I'm just worried that if I do enter a relationship with Smackle that I won't be able to keep it for very long. I'm afraid that if I commit too much I will get my heartbroken in the future." Farkle explained. "This is the first girl that's ever made me feel this way…No offense to you and Maya though."

"Farkle we're still young. And that's one of the best things about a relationship. If you both take things step by step and see where they go your relationship will blossom into something beautiful." Riley stated as the three friends made their way out of the cafeteria towards their separate art classes.

"You really believe there's a chance for us Riley?" Farkle said with hope in his voice.

"I do…" Riley smiled.

"Same here." Lucas said as the three friends separated towards their separate classrooms.

As Farkle made his way to the front of the auditorium he noticed a familiar lock of brunette hair sitting in the front row. Farkle smiled.

"I thought you transferred to a fancy private school. The last time I checked this is a regular secondary school." Farkle laughed as he took a seat beside Smackle.

"Well I was going to, but I decided that I wanted to be around normal people for high school and get the full high school experience." Smackle smiled. "Also I wanted to be around you more so you know, we could hang out more often."

"Well Smackle I would like that actually. I wouldn't mind spending more time with you." Farkle said genuinely.

"Me neither." Smackle said happily.

"Smackle there's been something I've been meaning to ask you for a long time." Farkle sighed. This was it…It was now or never.

"What's that?" Smackle asked.

"I was wondering if…"

"Smackle there you are…" A taller teen with blonde hair and glasses said approaching Smackle.

"Hey Dexter!" Smackle said as she leaped into his arms. "I missed you over the summer."

"Not as much as I missed you…" Dexter said in a mocking tone.

"Oh where are my manners…" Smackle laughed as she turned towards Farkle. "Dexter this is Farkle the friend that I've always told you about. Farkle this is Dexter. My boyfriend."

Farkle just stared at the both of them in complete and utter shock. He couldn't believe the words that had just came out of Smackle's mouth. It was like it had come from another person. But certainly not Smackle. But once he saw Dexter's had intertwined with hers it was all the proof that Farkle needed.

"Nice to meet you…I am such of a big fan of MInkus International. Your father is my technological hero…" Dexter said excitedly.

"It's nice to meet you too." Farkle said extending his hand. "I'm glad you and Smackle found each other. You sound like a really great guy." Farkle said with fake happiness in his voice.

"It's so great that my guy friend and boyfriend are getting along so well together…I don't know what I would have done if you two hated each others guts." Smackle laughed. "By the way what were you going to ask me Farkle?"

"Oh I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and the gang after school at Topanga's but it seems that you have your schedule booked." Farkle laughed.

"We can meet you there around 7. Me and Dexter are heading to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see the new gallery." Smackle offered.

"I guess I'll see you two there then." Farkle sighed.

"It was really nice to meet you Farkle." Dexter said as he and Smackle both headed towards the middle of the auditorium.

Farkle felt tears forming in his eyes. He breathed in deeply and prayed that he wouldn't unleash his waterworks in the middle of drama class. He pulled out his phone and quickly texted the two people he knew would be able to comfort him.

Bay window after school…Please…

Across the hall, Riley was excited as she had been assigned to play the piano for the band. As the class was getting settled in another student had walked into the band room.

"Sorry I'm late m'am I'm new to this school here." The new student said.

"That's quite alright have a seat beside Ms. Riley Matthews she's the one beside the piano." Ms. Turner smiled.

"Hi I'm Riley." Riley said as she smiled at the new kid.

"I'm Troy." Troy smiled.

"You must be new to the city huh?" Riley asked.

"Well I'm from Chicago so I've lived in big cities before but yes this is my first time living here in New York City." Troy replied.

"Your going to love it here. It's a really fun city to be in." Riley explained.

"I'm sure it is." Troy laughed.

It was immediately after school and as Riley and Lucas made it back to her apartment they found Farkle waiting outside the bay window. Riley opened it immediately as it had started to rain a couple minutes ago and Farkle climbed right in.

"Hey Farkle what did you want to talk to us about?" Lucas asked.

"It's Smackle. She has a boyfriend." Farkle said sadly.

"What?" Riley and Lucas said in shock.

"I was about to ask her out tonight for our first official date. Then this new kid named Dexter unveiled that they had gotten together at computer science camp over the summer." Farkle sighed. "I guess I really blew it with my chances huh?"

"Farkle I'm so sorry…" Riley said as her and Lucas joined Farkle sitting on the bench.

"Am I ever going to find the one?" Farkle asked innocently.

"You will eventually. Maybe this is the universe's way of telling you that maybe Smackle isn't the right one for you." Lucas explained.

"Well then the universe couldn't have been more wrong. I'm still in love with Smackle. " Farkle sighed. "I don't think I'm ever going to stop to be honest with you."

"Is there anything we can do to make you feel any better?" Lucas asked concerned.

"Can you two promise to always be there for me." Farkle asked in a worried tone.

"We'll always be there for you Farkle…" Riley promised. "Even Maya." Riley laughed.

"Thanks it's nice to know that I have some great friends to count on when things are going wrong." Farkle smiled.

"What do you say we all go out for ice cream? I'm sure that will take some of the suffering away." Lucas suggested.

"That actually sounds like a decent idea." Farkle smiled.

"Riles! Hey weirdoes what are you two doing here?" Maya said as she climbed through the window full of energy.

"What are you so worked about Hart?" Lucas laughed.

"I just got a job at an art exhibit!" Maya said excitedly.

"How did that happen?" Riley asked kind of shocked.

"I applied and asked them for a job and they made me their front desk secretary…" Maya explained.

"Is that why we didn't see you on the train ride over?" Riley asked confused.

"Yup I need the extra money so I thought I would go and head out job hunting and voila I got one…" Maya said quite proud of herself.

"Why don't we head on out for ice cream together to celebrate…" Riley said as the four friends walked out of Riley's room towards their favorite coffee shop.

It was a couple of hours later at Topanga's. Riley, Maya, and Lucas were currently sitting in one of the booths. Lucas and Riley were working on draft papers of their personal essays due next week while Maya was doodling once again in her notepad. Katy was wiping down the counter as Shawn walked in.

"Hey you…" Katy smiled as she leaned up to give him a kiss. "I missed you these past few weeks how was your trip?"

"It was sort of lame. Kind of wish you and Maya were there. You would have loved the art exhibits Maya." Shawn smiled.

"I'm sure I would have." Riley laughed.

"Anyways I thought you were going to pick me up from the apartment in about an hour for our date. What brings you around so early?" Katy asked happily.

"Well I thought I would drop in early to take you away for tonight." Shawn smiled.

"But who's going to close up Topanga's she left early." Katy explained.

"Not to worry I'll close up for you Katie…" Riley said with a smile on her face. She knew what was coming next.

"Are you sure honey I don't want to guilt you into doing this…" Katy said not wanting Riley to finish off her work.

"Positive. Now you two love birds go enjoy your evening. I have Lucas and Maya here to keep me company." Riley smiled.

"OK then… Let's go…" Katy said as her and Shawn walked out hand in hand.

The world was changing now that they were in high school. Nobody knew it yet, but these changes would affect all of them. Some in a good way, some in a negative way. But there was no stopping it. Change was here and it was here to say. It was just up to them to embrace it.

Next week: Girl Meets Change

The Fall Dance has come and as Farkle is still having trouble getting over Smackle, he falls head over heels in love for a new foreign exchange student.

Riley and Lucas' relationship changes in a big way.

Maya is excited about the possibility of having a father figure in her life, but comes face to face once again with her real father.