Here's the next!
**Present Time**
Jane sat and waited anxiously for Maura's arrival. She was surprised Maura wasn't already there; she couldn't remember the last time Maura hadn't shown up at least ten minutes early to one of their meetings. Five minutes before their said time, the bell on the door rang, alerting Jane to someone arriving. Her head snapped up and she saw Maura, dressed impeccably and composed as ever, walk through the door. She said hello to the well known diner owner as she made her way to their usual table. Jane rose to her feet as Maura approached, ready to greet her wife with a hug and kiss on the cheek. A few steps before Maura arrived at the table, Maura's demeanor showed that wouldn't be happening.
"Hello, Jane."
"Hey Maur,"
Maura took her seat across from her wife and looked expectantly at Jane, who cleared her throat at the tone set. This was going to be all business.
"How are you? " Jane asked, sincerity in her tone.
Maura's reply was cut off as the owner interrupted them; she came to say hello to two of her most loyal and favorite clients. She took their order and noticing the tension, quickly made her way to the back. Maura looked back at Jane, smile and pleasantries gone and replaced with a tired look.
If Maura was bothered by her question, she didn't show it. "I'm tired because I wasn't able to sleep very well last night, but I'm fine," Maura replied.
"Where did you get settled in?" Jane asked, curious.
"The Four Seasons," Maura replied. "Listen Jane, we could have done this over the phone—"
"I know, I know," Jane said, shaking her head. "I'm sorry. Small talk is ridiculous, I know. I just wanted to make sure you had gotten settled somewhere safe."
Maura stopped and nodded.
"You mentioned in our conversation that you hadn't contacted a lawyer," Jane began.
"I haven't, no." Maura stated. "Why? Is that something you're wanting to do?" Maura asked, curiously.
"No! God No! Maura, I don't want us to divorce!"
"I hadn't even considered a divorce Jane. I told you this already, I just think we both need some time; I think you need some time to figure your problems out before we can even begin discussing us being together again."
"Maura, how can I begin to fix my problem if I don't have one?" Jane insisted once more.
Maura closed her eyes and took a few breaths, clearly trying to calm herself before replying. She looked at Jane before calmly replying. "You've been drinking for months, you have a problem, Jane."
"I—What?! How do you know about that?" Jane asked taken aback.
"Do you think me stupid, or blind? Anyone with eyes would be able to see it. You've tried to hide it from me, I know, but you're not doing a good enough job of it. Your alcohol dependency has taken over your life Jane, and the most difficult part is that you can't even see just how much it is affecting you."
Jane couldn't believe what she was hearing. Yes, she had made a transition to harder liquor months before and sure, she had more some nights than others, but she didn't realize it had turned into a problem. She could perform her work perfectly, she made it home most nights, but work was to blame for that, right? "Maura I don't have a drinking problem. What's wrong with a beer or two after work?"
"This isn't just about beer. It is about a lot more than that and you know it," Maura replied, already not wanting to delve deeper. She looked Jane over, who seemed to be deep in thought. "I can see you thinking about all of this," Maura said quietly. "This is not the place to talk about this, but I see that you are realizing the truth in my words. I honestly have no idea what has driven you to alcoholism Jane, and I wish I could help you, but I can't do anything; it's out of my hands if you don't want to help yourself."
Jane could do nothing but nod with hesitation, her mind still racing with Maura's words, trying desperately to register everything.
"I've seen what alcoholism can do to people," Maura replied, in an even quieter tone.
Jane flinched as if she'd been slapped. She remembered exactly what Maura was talking about.
"I don't want to lose you Jane, I love you. I can unequivocally say you're the love of my life, but I refuse to spend my life with an alcoholic. So at this point, the decision rests on you." Maura took a few seconds to let the words sink into Jane's mind. "Either you get help and find a way to recovery, or –"
"Or what, Maura? You're going to divorce me? Are you giving me an ultimatum?" Jane's voice began to rise.
"Think of it as you wish Jane. I already told you, I refuse to live with an alcoholic, and you know very well why."
"That's not me, Maura, I would never h—"
Maura rose from her chair, cutting Jane off abruptly. "This is not the place. I refuse to continue this conversation. You know where I stand on this Jane. I hope you can make the right decision; not just for us, but more importantly, for your own wellbeing."
Maura gathered her things and quickly made her exit, leaving Jane alone with her thoughts yet again.
This story ended up going in a different direction than I had originally intended. Still, I consider alcoholism to be a very sensitive and important subject. I mean no offense to anyone who's ever had any issues with it directly or indirectly. There are going to be more flashbacks, with the story spanning out and detailing just how their relationship got to the point it's at, and there will also be a transition period where Jane finally decides to get help and win Maura back. Maura has been short with her, yes, and I intended as much because dealing with such a situation is not easy, and Maura's POV will be explained as well. It's not going to be an easy road, but hopefully some of you will stick with it. Thanks for reading, and again, I always welcome feedback and any other thoughts on my plot/writing.