this is my first OHSHC fic. please be gentle and i hope i got everyone right, it's been a while since i've seen it

Haruhi opened the door to the music room carrying a bag of instant coffee. It was the third time this week that she had to go to the market and get some. For some reason, there had been an influx of clients at the host club and Tamaki was making her demonstrate how to make instant coffee all the time. The amount of coffee that was actually wasted made her sick since she could have used all that for her own house. But, she knew that it made Tamaki happy and it made the host club happy so she did it. Besides, lucky for her, it wasn't her money that was being used to buy it. Lucky for her again, the market had the coffee on sale and she took advantage of that to get herself some bottles of her favorite tea. Usually she didn't do that with Tamaki's money, but she had run out and she didn't get her allowance until Friday. He wouldn't mind and she was going to let him know about it.

"Haruhi! I'm glad you've returned. You have the commoner's coffee, correct?" Tamaki asked, looking over the couch at her with wide violet eyes of childish innocence.

"Yeah, I got it, Senpai. The market was having a sale so I got twice the coffee than usual. There's also a new flavor that I picked up since there was a sale. Oh, and I picked up something for me as well. Hope you don't mind."

"A new flavor?!" Tamaki yelled in exaggeration, ignoring the last part. He jumped over the couch and ran to her. "Let me see."

Haruhi put the bag on the table as the others gathered around her.

"I got regular, French mix, and the new flavor is coffee using a mixture of Colombian coffee beans and a French roast so… I have no idea what it's like." She said as she pulled out each of the containers. She pulled the bottles of tea as well. "I bought this too. I hope you don't mind."

Tamaki looked at the bottle and picked it up.

"What is this?"

"It's kombucha tea; they say it has a lot of good vitamins and stuff in it for you."

"Vitamins already mixed in the tea?" Kaoru said, looking at the bottle on the table. "That's a little-"

"Kaoru!" Tamaki hissed. "This could be the only way that she gets the nutrients she needs on a daily basis!" he whisper-yelled. He looked at Haruhi and gave her a thumbs up and she rolled her eyes. "It's alright, Haruhi, Daddy won't let him make fun of the way you get your nutrients."

Haruhi shook her head and started to head toward the fridge in the back of the club when Tamaki stopped her.

"Where are you going?"

"I was going to put these in the fridge. They've been sitting out for too long."

"Since you bought them, I would like to try one."

"Of course, Senpai, but-"

Tamaki took the bottle and looked at the ingredients listed for it. He opened it and took a sniff and made a face.

"Haruhi, I thought you said this was tea."

"It is. It's kombucha tea."

"Tea is supposed to smell soothing and calming, not this pungent."

"Maybe to you, but it's good to me. Give it back, Senpai."

"No! I said I would taste it. I'm doing it for you, Haruhi, so you won't be alone in your endeavors to get proper nutrients for your body. If you believe this drink will help you then I want to support you in every way."

The host club clapped at his 'bravery' and Hikaru wiped a tear from his eye.

"His devotion is beyond words." He said as Kaoru nodded sympathetically.

"Fear not, Haruhi, we will provide you with better nutrients later. You will no longer need to get these silly kabuki drinks."

Haruhi just sighed, already giving up on trying to tell him that she was fine and was just trying to be a little healthy. He held up the drink for all the see and slowly took a sip of it. To his surprise, despite the smell, the drink was halfway decent. He blinked a little in confusion but took another sip and smiled.

"Well?" Kyoya asked.

"It's delicious!" he declared. "Even though it doesn't take anything like it contains vital nutrients, it is actually palatable."

Unfortunately for Haruhi, Tamaki decided that he liked it and took the drink with him. That left her with only one. So much for that… and I was hoping the new coffee would distract him from the tea.

At the end of the session with the host club, everyone left and Tamaki waved everyone off, feeling a little odd.

"Hey, Mom?" he said, leaning a little on Kyoya.

"Yes, Dad?"

"I feel a little strange. Light and frothy…"

"It appears that you may be a little tipsy, sir."

"Really? Is that what it is?"

"Yes. I looked up this drink that Haruhi drinks and she is right, it's full of very good things for you but there was a reason she was trying to put them in the fridge. It appears that after the brewing process, the drink needs to be refrigerated because it ferments and can produce alcohol."

"But how could that have happened?"

"Well, it did take her longer than usual to come back with the coffee this time. If it was out for a long time, it could have given it time to ferment and depending on how the delivery of the product was…"

"I don't feel good, Kyoya." Tamaki said, ignoring his friend.

"Why don't you go and lay on the couch?"

"That sounds like a great idea…"

He left Kyoya and headed to the couch. He laid down and fell asleep almost immediately.

Haruhi got home and began to put her stuff up and then snapped her fingers.

"Shoot! I forgot my tea!" She looked at the clock. "I still have enough time to get back to the host club and get it out of the fridge."

She began to run toward the academy.

When she got there, she stopped to catch her breath and leaned on her knees a little. She looked up at the window and turned her head at it. Why is the light on? she thought and opened the door to the school. She made her way up to Music Room 2 and opened the door a little.

"Hello? Is there anyone in here?" she called halfheartedly.

She didn't really expect anyone to answer her. She walked around and headed to the fridge.

"I wonder if someone stayed behind. Kyoya is pretty good about turning all the lights and stuff out since it messes with his billing."

Haruhi grabbed the tea and walked back to the main hall and looked around to make sure she wasn't missing something. When she came back, she saw Tamaki on the couch asleep. Turning her head at that, she walked over and shoved his shoulder.

"Mmm, Antoinette, leave Daddy alone. It's not time to take you out yet."

"Senpai, wake up. You're still at the host club." She said, shaking him.

He finally opened his eyes and turned to Haruhi.

"Oh… Haruhi… How did you get in my house?"

"I'm not at your house. You're still at the host club."

He looked around, seeming a little dazed and then nodded.

"Right, right… I think I'm gonna just stay here for the night. Could you turn out the lights?"

"Shouldn't you call your house and let them know you're not coming home?"

"Kyoka probably already did that." Tamaki said, waving her off tiredly.

Haruhi had a feeling he didn't and so she called him.

"Haruhi. What's the occasion?"

"Did you leave Tamaki-senpai here?"

"He's still there? I thought he would have woken up by now."

"Well, he says he doesn't want to go home and stay here."

"Why are you there?"

"I forgot my tea."

"I see… Well, if he wants to say there's no reason that he can't. After all, his father owns the school. Did you call the mansion?"

"He told me you would do it."

"That doesn't surprise me. I can call them and let them know he's over here with me. Just get a blanket and cover him up. He's a little drunk."

"I had a feeling that could happen. I know how much of a lightweight he is and my drink had just been put out at the store so it hadn't even been refrigerated yet when I got it."

"Yeah, he'll be fine at the school. We'll meet with him tomorrow with him being his usual self."


Haruhi hung up and then found a blanket, putting it over Tamaki's body.

"Senpai, you're so stupid…" she said softly.

and so the trouble starts...

first, kombucha is a bit of a craze in america so that's why i chose it but if left out, it can make alcohol. pretty high content too. but, it hadn't been put out into the fridge in the store until right before haruhi got there, so it was already fermenting and then she had to walk home in the heat. so, that's why it's a bit of a buzz.

second, i dunno if tamaki is a lightweight or not. he is now if he isn't.

third, though most likely not, but tamaki technically has the right to sleep in ouran if he likes.