The Cancelation Of The Revolutionary Pirate.
Not something you would wish to hear, I know. I didn't want it to end like this either. I had so many ideas for it, I had so much planned, some revelation as to why Aokiji is still called Aokiji, how much different Sabaody would have differed, Fishman island and Sky island. I had so much, but I can't find the inspiration to write for this anymore, and I am truly sorry for that.
So here after I have talked to Sun about it, she had sensed that I could no longer work on it, so when I told her of thinking about putting this on Hiatus she told me no. She told me instead to cancel it, and explain some of the plot points I would have shared with you on this journey. Again, I am truly sorry it has to end like this.
The first big change would have been from the chapter that you never got. Bellemere survided the shot, Nami rushed into Aarlong and managed to push him in such a way that the shot at Bellemere was not fatal, but she lost her arm because of it. You would also have the introduction to a nightmare that Luffy would have, a nightmare that would later be referenced and explained once we got to Alabasta.
The next thing is well, Louge Town; where nothing major would happened other than Luffy managing to pull Zoro away from certain debt, he and Sabo meet up when Smoker has him pinned with Seaprism stone. And Luffy is given some odd jobs from his dad, but the man never shows up. His crew get to meet Sabo for the first time, and they are off.
The next step would have been that Poll answer, the merchant would not have been a real merchant but a bounty hunter, trapping the crew, and forcing Usopp and Nami to face first kill. The first kill scene would have happened no matter the outcome of the poll, but alas, here we are.
We meet Vivi and number 9 much the same, but Luffy feel as he should have met her somewhere, so he confronts her about it. And the secret comes out like that.
Next up is that island with Groggy and Broggy on it, I forget the name of the island, so sorry about that, it goes the same much as it does in canon, with one exception, it isn't Nami that gets sick, Its Luffy. Fainting on the deck and his Devil Fruit going amok, freezing and chilling everything around him. Wapol comes much the same, they defend Merry, and they find an eternal pose to Drum island, but at the same time Ace, Sabo and Law finds out that Luffy's paper starts burning. Sabo isn't worried much, he just met the crew, few days ago, and leaves it alone.
Law cares not, much of it, knowing Luffy can handle himself. It is Ace who goes off the handle, as he is on Drum at that very moment, he knows Luffy is on his way, he call up the other two, but they tell him not to worry, but he goes anyway, scaring the ever living hell out of Luffy's crew once he speed off on is speeder.
Chopper joins, and is very comfortable with Luffy's natural chill in the heat of the desert. And Luffy will often carry him in the Alabasta arc.
Luffy is heavily afected by heat, and would literally melt as he walks through the scorching sand. Ace is angry at him for even thinking of going off into a desert after what happened to him last he was on one. Forther explaining the nightmare he had at Namis island. Luffy also recognizes Robin when they first see her, being in the revolutionaries says as much, and once she joins up with them, she is the first to know of his secret of being related to Dragon of the revolutionaries, and showing her a tattoo on his wrist of which he had hidden under a wristband. A fancy R frozen over with a strawhat.
Then comes Sky Island, and this is where things get confusing. At least to begin with. Because Eneru does not have the Thunder Thunder Fruit in this. He has an original of mine which I call the Mind Mind fruit. He has complete access to people a certain distance from him, and the strawhats would face more of a mental battle than a physical one, and again Luffy's nightmare is mentioned, and this time, explained. He was there, on a desert island with Ivankow, and they where ambushed. Luffy could barely move in the heat, and Ivankow had to yell at him to run away, while the man was captured and taken to Impel Down.
So, I hear you are asking, if Eneru didn't have his usual fruit… who has it? Well, I tell you who. Aokiji. Whenever we see eneru use it is always blue, so I was like, well there Is no way I should use the water water fruit, it is very much OP, so I came up with this instead.
Anyway. Next up, we have water 7, and man, I had a whole lot of stuff planned for this, you don't even know. Not only was Robin going to be taken by Cp9 but Luffy as well, being the son of Dragon, they find this out and Luffy is taken with her, captured after getting lost in the city, and Lucci finds Luffy and offers him a drink and Blueno and Lucci share a glance, and Blueno druggs Luffy's drink. Luffy does drink a bit of it, but he senses something weird, and Lucci pretty much explains as Luffy faints, that he knows who he is. "Son, of Dragon."
So… Yeah. As he and Robin are taken to the train, Luffy's vivre card burns up again. Sabo sense something weird this time. Ace wants to do something about it as well, but he is unable, and Law don't even answer his snail when Sabo tries to contact him. So Sabo calls for Luffy's crew instead, hoping to find out if something happened. And just hours before the crew stumbled upon Robin, who threw the strawhat along with their captains Log Pose. Luffy's sword was given to Zoro for safe keeping, as he had felt uneasy carrying it around town.
She had told them that Luffy was dead, and that she would not return that they should forget about her, and she left them with that. Sabo was calling them with them all panicing unable to know what to do. Chopper is the one to tell him that Luffy is dead, but the vivre card isn't gone yet, so he is still alive somewhere.
Sabo would have Geppoed all the way from HQ to Water 7 within a few hours, and would save Luffy from the tower when Franky does his coup the poo thing, But Luffy slips out, bound in seastone, and Sabo is the one to catch him…. Man I had so much for this, you have no idea how much I wanted to do this. Moving on. I didn't have any plans for Moria's ship where we get to meet Brook, so I will just cut to when I next had some ideas, and it isn't until the war of the best that I have, I had nothing for Rukushina or even Sabaody, just a few mild thing like Luffy joining up with Law and his crew for a bit, shooting that noble full of ice, and anger at the Tenryuubito auction house. And whatever else really. didn't have much there.
Now, the war. Aokiji don't have ice this time, so what he does instead is literally just dispursing the water all together. Luffy is on the ship falling to the ground. And he uses every single energy he has to force himself to freeze about half as much as what Aokiji does in canon.
Now here is the big difference. Sabo, shows up at the war. I don't know how, I don't know when, I just knew in my heart, that he should show up, barely saving Luffy and Ace from certain doom. Now keep in mind, Ace is still heavily damaged, he still get punched by Akainu (the bastard, I hate that guy) but it is not as severe and instant death as it is in canon. Law shows up, and just starts the minute they are there, Jinbei, Ace, Sabo gets a damaged leg as he geppos through Akainu's magma, Luffy still get scarred, but Ace… he dies while on Laws table. And Law does everything in his power to get his brother back, to resurect him… a minute goes by, another, two, a third. Four. And finaly eight minutes into it, Ace is brought back. A human body can survive without oxygen for about 10-12 minutes, while Ace was dead, his devil fruit left him, he is alive, but he no longer has the Mera Mera no mi. Luffy, looses his sight in his right eye, a scar marr his chest, right arm and left leg, heavy burns.
But they are all alive. Reiligh comes to them, and pretty much tells luffy to do what he did in canon to get the attention to his separated crew. But this time, Sabo is apart of it, they play the grieving brothers, they plan to fool the world that Fire Fist Ace, is dead. And the world believes it. Ace leaves with Sabo to the Revolutionary HQ, reunite with his mother, recurporate, rest and train. What is left of the white beard pirates tell the world to pay for the death of their father, of their brother. Selling more into the death of Ace as a whole.
Luffy's crew pretty much go through the same training as they did in canon, Luffy being the exception. On top of training further in his Haki with Reiligh, he would also Geppo over to a side island a few miles off coast and spend a few hours, preferably days at a desert island, so he can become more hardy to warm weather, and have more control of his body. That is pretty much it for the time skip thing. I have nothing until Dresrosa to be honest. I didn't think much of Punk hazard other than the majority of it all would be taking place on the magma side, because the other is a wasteland with nothing but electricity in the air and ground.
The thing I have for dresrosa is the return of Ace, Sabo was ment to appear, but he never showed up, so Ace takes over a Lucy, grabs the fruit and is reunited with his powers. Sabo is still missing, and Dressrosa goes on like this for a while.
After Dressrosa, Luffy, Law and Ace decide to follow the paper to Sabo's location which goes on to this side quest thing where Sabo was forced to eat a mythical Zoan fruit, the Winged Wolf or whatever. The island itself negate any devil fruit ability. Like, Chopper would have lost his humanity, Brook would be a heap of bones, and so on. Sabo is pretty bummed about the whole ordeal, so Luffy suggest they go to where he grew up. They meet up with Dragon, and then head out wherever else they where headed. Another revalation was going to be made at this point, the log pose Luffy have had on his person ever since he left Dragons ship to meet with Shanks, for the man to carry him to East Blue. The one that Nami would notice and question, why should we get one when you already have one.
Where Luffy would say, that this is his, and as the navigator, she should have her own. And I would hint at something through out the journey, him just staring at it fondly, or staring at where the needle is pointing. That Log Pose is not a log pose. It is and Eternal Pose. Locked onto the main HQ of where he has lived his life for 17 years.
But that is pretty much it, that is all I had planned, and been so excited to get to, but I could not get myself to write anything. And I am truly, truly sorry for it.
I am so sorry, it had to end like this, I really am. But I can't work myself into forcing myself like this. It is strained and awful and Ugh. Thank you for the support and patience, I am just sorry it had to end like this.
This is VxG signing, out, I hope to see you all in a next project.