The Revolutionary Pirate

Prologue: Home is Where the Friends Are

VxG: *Sigh* I am sorry for taking forever with MR, and ABS I am just not in a KHR mode right now, even so, I hope you will still enjoy this new story of mine.


Nine months, it had been a long and exhausting nine months and Dragon was pacing while his best friend who in all honesty should be the one to panic at the moment, sat still with crossed arms and clenched fist grabbing his clothes stretching the fabric in the process.

Gol D Roger was a very cautious man, for the last year he has been in hiding with his adorable wife Portgas D Rouge, who was at this moment giving birth to his son/daughter.

Roger looked as his friend Monkey D Dragon pace around the room, in all honesty if it hadn't been for Dragon finding him when he did, Roger would probably have turned to Garp for taking care of Rouge. As crazy and insane as the marine is, he was always happy to have times with his family and Roger would have no problem with Garp taking good care of his child.

Shaking his head in dismissal, thinking back to what Dragon had said when he had told him about letting Garp take care of his child. It was almost comical the way Dragon had literally grabbed Roger by the arm to one of his ships, telling him to show him the way to Rouge and then they would go to his main base.

Just then the door to the infirmary opened and one of the nurses told them that they could go inside.

Dragon waited patiently for his friend to go first.

As Roger entered the infirmary and saw glowing Rouge in the sick bed with a small bundle in her arms, all Roger could do was smile as he walked in towards his wife. All Rouge could do was smile radiantly at the Pirate King as he walked closer to her.

She held the bundle out to her husband still smiling brilliantly, Roger took the small fragile bundle in his shaking hands getting a closer look on his child.

As Roger took the bundle Rouge spoke up. "Roger dear, say hello to your son."

Roger could only smile down at her making sure the child was comfortable in his still shaking hands while he leaned down and touched his forehead to Rouge's forehead thanking her for this beautiful gift. As he leaned up again he studied his son a bit more.

The child had the same black hair as his father already as a baby, but Roger could see he would take after his mother mostly.

Roger leaned down and kissed Rouge on her temple, just then Dragon entered the room thinking they had gotten enough time with each other. He was excited to meet the little child, currently in Rogers arms, sneaking up behind him he asked the all-important question.

"So Roger, what are you going to name your little son?" After the nurse had left Dragon had asked if it was a boy or a girl and was happy for Roger to have a son, he knew that he always had wanted a son.

Roger turned with a giant grin on his face as he held his son up lion king style. "His name is going to be Ace of course, the will of D shall live on in you, my son and to protect you from my enemies, I hope you don't mind dear, that I want him to have your name, Portgas."

All Rouge could do was nod her head with fondness and raised her arms out for her son as Roger lowered him down to her.

Rouge could only smile as she held her son in her arms. "Welcome to the world Portgas D Ace."


It had been a little over three years since little Ace had been brought to the world. Five months after Ace's birth Roger was taken by the marines, and executed. And right now Ace was sitting on his mother's lap, watching a very worried and close to hyperventilating Dragon as he was pacing the room, worried for his wife who was in the process of giving birth to his child.

This went on for what seemed forever when finally the door opened to show a very somber looking nurse, as she asked Dragon to enter.

Dragon entered the door and saw a very, very still woman lying on the bed. Putting a hand on her neck he felt the warmth slowly leaving the body. The child had been placed in her lifeless arms and was currently wriggling and looked like he/she was very uncomfortable like the child knew what was going on.

Dragon picked the child looking at his now apparent son whose eyes were looking all over the place with curiosity, but often his gaze would linger onto his dead mother's body on the bed. Dragon shielded the boy from the sight as much as he could, he was not about to blame a child who had done nothing, but to be born into this world, for killing his bellowed wife, no, he could not do that to his own son, none the less.

Dragon remembers his talks with his now passed wife about names and again turns to his son who now was staring at him in wonder with wide innocent eyes. Dragon smiles, tears streaming down his face still hurting from just having lost his wife and best friend. He still had Rouge, and little Ace had a little brother now as well, sure the two were not related by blood, but he would at least make sure Ace had a playmate and someone to protect.

Dragon exited the door and saw Rouges worried eyes, not wanting to say anything out loud for Ace's young ears, all he did was shake his head and that was all Rouge needed to understand. The tears started to fall, Ace on the other hand was too focused on the squirming bundle in Dragons hands, he walked up to Dragon curiosity clear in his eyes.

Dragon looked down when he felt something tugging at his pants leg and saw Aces curious eyes, he smiled and leaned down.

"Ace I want to introduce you to your brother, Monkey D Luffy."


VxG: Well, that was a short prologue, this was inspired by a bunch of stuff really, and I would like to thank under. that. sun for accepting to beta this story for me and all the inspiration she has given me. Thanks hun, you are amazing and don't you dare remove this from the story when you beta this later.

(Beta note: Who am I to refuse praises to my amazing persona? xD)

Anyway I guess that is it, I once again hope you've enjoyed the story and I guess I see you all in chapter 1. This has been Vaporeonxglaceon Aka VxG and I hope to write more for you all in the future.