The week went by slow for Skye, she wanted Friday to come soon, but the more she thought about it the more she got nervous and started to over think it. On a Thrusday morning she wanted to wake up Chase first. She got out her doghouse and ran in the Lookout since the boys slept in there the night before after watching some show. When she walked into the TV room, the boys were all still sleep. Skye went over to Chase and started to poke him.

"Chase wake up." she said but he just rounded over to his side. "Chase get your police ass up." she continue to poke him until Chase's paw stopped her. Then he rounded on to his stomach.

"Good morning to you to Skye, how can I help you?" he said his eyes were still closed.

"I think I'm overthinking about this but I'm not sure if I should go on the date with Everest tomorrow. What if she doesn't feel the same way, I mean I know that Everest likes girls but what if I'm not her type. What if..." Chase put his back paw over her mouth.

"Thanks dude." said Zuma as he was getting up.

"Skye you are overthinking this big time." said Duke.

"I agree with Duke." said Chase.

"Skye I told you before that Everest likes you." said Rocky.

"I know, but am I her type."

"SKYE!" the guys said.


"Skye we love you and you are our sister. But you been at this all week." said Rubble. Then Crystal walked in and saw Skye talking with the boys.

"Skye how about we let them sleep, because they just went to sleep not to long ago. Lets talk about this outside."she said then walked to Duke, kissed him on the lips, and then walked outside with Skye. Once they got outside Wendy, Everest and Aaliyah were already outside waiting. Skye also saw a pup bulldog with them.

"Skye this is our new friend Brittany." said Wendy.

"Hi new to meet you." Brittany said.

"I'm Skye nice to meet." Everest walked in to see what the guys are doing. Once she was out of sight, Aaliyah and Wendy started to get down to business.

"So you're going on the date with Everest." said Aaliyah. Skye looked at her. "No the guys didn't tell us, we already knew. The only two that don't know are Everest and Brittany."

"Don't worry we can help you, just tell Katie that you just want to look cute tomorrow, while I take Everest to the other spot where we get our daily baths." said Wendy.

"Thanks girls, but..."

"Don't overthink it Skye. You'll do fine." said Crystal. So with incouragement and faith Skye was fine. When Friday came the pups didn't have any missions that day so Skye was able to be at Katie's place to get ready for the date. Everest was getting ready herself, but she wasn't that happy that she was going on a date with a pup she doesn't like or have feelings for. Chase went to Jake's place to pick her up. Everest walked out with a bow on her coller. Chase smiled when he saw her, and he helped her up then drove off. Skye was already there at Mr. Porter's resturant waiting for Everest. Rocky looked at Skye and smiled.

"Don't worry everything is going to be fine." he said. Then he heard Chase's truck so he ran off. Chase dropped off Everest.

"Your table is around the corner." he said.

"Thanks for the ride Chase." she said.

"No problem what are friends for." He said then drove off. When Everest walked around the corner, she stopped at looked at what she saw. She thought it was going to be Rocky there, but Skye was there instead.

"Hi Skye what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well Rocky said that he couldn't cancell so I'm taking his place. If you don't mind." Skye said with a smile.

"No its all good." They both walked to the table. Then the door opened.

"Baked ziti for two." said a black pup.

"Trixie?" said Everest.

"What never saw a pup working before. Now one baked ziti with liver meat and another with ground turkey." Trixie said as she put the plate down. "Bon appitat ladies." Trixie walked away. Skye and Everest were both shocked and lost.


"Don't look at me, I don't know who she even is but I think the boys do." she said with a smile.

"I guess you are right. Man this smells good. Do you want to try some?" Everest said as she took the fork of liver bake ziti, and moved it to Skye.

"Sure I'll try some but then you have to try some of mine." she said then opened her mouth and took a bite. "This is good, your turn Everest." Skye did the same to her.

"Ground turkey taste good."

"I'm glad, wait Everest you have some sauce on the side of your mouth. Let me get it." Skye was looking for a napkin, but there wasn't one on the table. So she walked to Everest's side and licked the sauce off the side of her mouth. When Skye went back to her seat, Everest's face was red and Skye noticed it. "Sorry about that we don't have napkins." Skye said.

"Its okay." Everest said messing with the bow. After dinner they went for a walk. Talking, laughing and just enjoying time together.

"This has been the best date that I ever been on?" Skye said.

"Same, and I've never been on one before."

"Me either." They both laughed.

"Skye there's something I wanted to tell?"

"What's that Everest but I want to ask you something?" Skye looked at her.

"What's that?"

"I'm not sure if its true or not. Is it true that you..." Everest put her paw over Skye's mouth.

"Skye I have a feeling what you are going to say, and the answer is no." Skye was about to cry, so she just moved Everest's paw and was about to walk away until Everest stopped her. "Skye I've been thinking for awhile about this, its not that I don't like you. Its just. Skye I... I love you." Skye looked at Everest.

"You do?" She asked.

"Yes, for awhile now I been having this feeling but I just never said anything. I wasn't sure if you would feel the same way. Do you feel the same way?" Skye looked at the ground then at the night sky.

"Yes, I always felt this way for you Everest. I always care and loved you more then just friends." Skye said with a big smile. They both hugged and continued their walk. Now they were on their way back to the Lookout the both of them walking side by side with each other. Everest was thinking, but wasn't sure if it was the right time.

"Everest look up." Skye yelled. So she did, up in the sky they both saw a shooting star. "Make a wish." So they both closed their eyes. When Everest opened hers, Skye's eyes were still closed so kissed her on the cheek. Skye looked at her with a smile. They both got closer to each other and kissed. When they pulled apart fireworks started off.

"What the hell?" they both yelled.

"Hahahahaha, I guess the guys wanted this to be the best date for the both of us." said Skye.

"Well it wasn't the best date. It was the greatest first date that I've ever had." Everest smile.

"Same here, I'm glad that we can now be together. Love you Everest."

"I love you too Skye." They both kissed again while the fireworks were going off behind them.

Thanks for reading, let me know if I should do another story like this or no. Thanks for the comments and everything.