Hii guys I am back with a new chapter I hope you all like it.

As always constructive criticisms is highly appreciated and forgive my grammatical mistakes.

As I promised IchiXShiro moments in this chapter. Hope everyone will enjoy it as the story begins now :-)

And once again guys,

Thoughts in Italic and notes in diary in bold.

Also sign language will be in (round brackets.)

I don't own Bleach :D the only thing I own is my laptop

Chapter 6

P.E. was Ichigo's favorite class, not that he would ever admit it out loud. Maybe it was because of the fact that Kenpachi Zaraki the P.E. teacher favored Ichigo above all students or maybe it was because he was better than other students. But no matter reasons, Ichigo enjoyed P.E. and that's all that mattered to him.

After changing into P.E. clothes Ichigo and all his friends gathered around in playground.

"Alright ya brats, girls will play volleyball while boys will play soccer today. Divide yer selves in two teams of equal number and begin," Zaraki gave instruction and yelled at the students.

All the students quickly scattered and started with their respective sport. Ichigo was pretty good at soccer and he enjoyed it a lot so it was not after a little while that he forgot about everything else.

While playing Ichigo attention went towards a figure under a tree in usual school uniform. It was Shiro who had a book and pencil in his hands as he watched the game with longing in his eyes.

"Alright everyone 5 minutes break," Renji's yell brought Ichigo's attention back towards everyone. All the boys nodded as they walked to get their towels.

Ichigo walked to where Shiro was sitting. As soon as Shiro saw Ichigo coming towards him he quickly looked back at the book in his hand. Ichigo sat beside Shiro and lightly touched his arm to get his attention.

"Hey, you are not allowed to play?" Ichigo asked softly. Shiro shook his head.

"I see. What are you doing?" Ichigo asked quickly so as to change the subject. It was quiet clear to Ichigo that Shiro wanted to play but he couldn't.

Shiro hesitated but then showed him the book. It was a sketch book and on it was a sketching of group of boys playing soccer. It looked like Shiro had sketched the exact scene in front of his eyes. Ichigo marveled at the details of the sketch.

"It's beautiful. I didn't know you could sketch so well," Ichigo said with admiration clear in his voice. Shiro just shrugged at that.

Ichigo saw boys gathering back on the ground signaling the break was over. "Hey Shiro meet me after school on the old playground alright," Ichigo said as he got up. Shiro gave him a questioning look. "Just do it. I promise you will have fun."

Shiro nodded unsurely and Ichigo took that as his sign to join the group again.


Shiro waited for Ichigo on the old playground. Old playground was an abandoned ground owned by school, but it was a bit far away from the school premises so it was seldom used.

Shiro saw Ichigo run towards him with a soccer ball in his hands. He was in his usual school uniform and his bag slung over his shoulder.

"Hey thanks for waiting," Ichigo said with a smile. Shiro nodded and gave a questioning look so as to ask, 'What are you doing with the ball?'

"You wanna know why I came here with a soccer ball?" Ichigo asked almost reading Shiro's mind, Shiro nodded. "Well isn't it obvious, we are gonna play."

Shiro gave him a 'Are you crazy?' look. Ichigo just laughed at that as he threw his bag next to Shiro's and placed the ball on the ground.

Ichigo looked Shiro in eye and said, "You have to kick the ball and have to score a goal. The goal with be between those two trees over there." Ichigo pointed towards two trees in far end of the ground. "I will be the goal keeper, you have to kick the ball past me. And you cannot use your hands alright?"

Shiro gave him a small glare as if saying, 'I know what soccer is you moron.' Ichigo just laughed and ran towards the trees.

Shiro was a bit unsure about this whole soccer thing but he saw Ichigo's genuine efforts to make him happy and he couldn't say no. He knew what soccer was as he had seen his brother Grimmjow play it many times. But playing and seeing were whole different things.

Shiro shook his thoughts as he saw Ichigo take position between the trees. He positioned himself and kicked the ball, but what happened was unexpected. Instead of going further like he anticipated the ball rolled away in opposite direction. He looked towards Ichigo and saw him laughing. Shiro was really embarrassed as he ran after the ball.

After many attempts he finally got near Ichigo. He looked Ichigo in his eye as Ichigo said, "You suck in this you know?"

Shiro could see humor laced in his words as Shiro stuck out his tongue saying he didn't care. Ichigo laughed and readied himself for the ball.

Even after many attempts the ball wouldn't roll in Ichigo direction so Shiro got fed up and he picked up the ball and threw it near Ichigo's feet. Ichigo picked up the ball and tossed it back at Shiro as he said, "No cheating there Shiro."

Shiro quickly grew irritated at Ichigo's teasing and he positioned his foot at the base of the ball, he pulled back and kicked as hard as he could. The ball bashed Ichigo on his face, who was left wondering what happened all of a sudden. He looked at Shiro who seemed to be laughing.

I can't hear his laugh, Ichigo thought sadly but shook it away as he slowly approached Shiro, clutching his face.

"You know that wasn't very nice," Ichigo teased lightly but smiled happily as he went to gather the ball. Shiro stood there catching his breath.

Ichigo came back from the trees and placed his hand on Shiro's shoulder to get his attention. Shiro looked at him questioningly.

"You know for someone who has a star soccer player for a brother, you suck indefinitely," Ichigo teased again.

Shiro gave a heated glare and he punched Ichigo on his arm. Ichigo laughed it off as he said, "Perhaps I can teach you. I think the problem here is you are using your toe to kick. See the correct way to do it is like this."

Ichigo kicked the ball lightly using the inside of his foot. "See this is the correct way to do it," Ichigo said while Shiro just nodded.

Shiro ran towards the ball and kicked it the way Ichigo had shown him, surprisingly it was lot easier to do. He looked back at Ichigo and smiled gratefully. Ichigo gave a smile of his own and told Shiro to kick again.

After several attempts Shiro couldn't score a goal so Ichigo looked at him and said, "You should give up soccer and stick to ballet."

Shiro got so angry at Ichigo's teasing and comments he could feel 'Dark Shiro' overtaking him and he kicked the ball as hard as he could with everything he had got. The ball hit Ichigo in stomach as he fell over, air knocked out from his lungs. He coughed a few times.

Damn his kick must be really strong, Ichigo thought as he clutched his stomach. Well playing with Shiro is a bad idea for me, I am the one getting hurt, he thought humorously.

Shiro gave a smug look. "Alright alright you win. You are good at soccer ok," Ichigo said smiling.

Both of them gave each other smiles as they dusted their clothes off.

Shiro took the ball again and tossed it at Ichigo, who caught it this time. Both of them walked towards their bags, out of breath and clothes disheveled but happy smiles on their faces.


Later that day Ichigo and Shiro sat under a tree on the old playground and were talking through 'The Journal.'

'You know when I lip read someone I don't always get what the person is saying. But with you I always know what you are saying. I wonder why,' Shiro wrote.

Ichigo smiled as he wrote, 'Maybe I am so amazing that's why.'

Shiro playfully smacked Ichigo on his arm and wrote, 'Maybe you are weird that's why.'

'But sometimes even I can read your eyes and know what you want to say,' Ichigo wrote. Shiro blushed as he read that and looked down.

Ichigo looked around and said, "Come on its getting pretty late we should head home or else your brother might kill me."

Shiro gave an unamused look at the insult thrown at his brother and got up. They walked together for a while but then separated on a cross-road. They waved each other goodbye and a silent promise to see each other next day.

Somehow I feel really happy when I am around him, Ichigo thought.


So did you guys like this chapter? Please review and thank you for reading :D