I'm so sorry for not updating this story in sometime. I've had things going on and some know due to me posting reasons on other stories i've been posting or updating. But i'm back and hope you guys enjoy this chap!-Jasz
A week Later,
Rebekah glares at Kol who whines about being bored out of his mind. Detective Kinney has appeared here and there at the girls' apartment asking to speak with Kol or Kaleb. She's made excuses to the family on why her idiot brother has been invading her home. Yet her father seems to see past her lies. Her mother seemed interested in Kol's new interest in classical music and art. Which led to Rebekah shoving books at Kol read and learn in order to keep the lie. It was one of the family dinners, that Kol missed, that their mother announced that their Aunt Dahlia would be joining them for a short time as well as their sister Freya. That was a several days ago, sadly Freya wouldn't be there for another three weeks.
She's shoved out of her thoughts as Kol once again whines and huffs she quickly gets up and waves her brother with the middle finger as she goes off to pick up her order of Korean food. She walks the short distance from the strip of many restaurants. As she enters the restaurant she doesn't see Marcel there with Cami. Releasing a heavy sigh; she goes up to the counter and waits for Eun mi to appear and ring her up.
"Hey Blondie!" Aiden calls as he bumps her shoulder. The tall man had seen the blond making her way towards the restaurant and decided to follow.
"Hey Denni, fancy seeing you here." Rebekah offers a smile.
"Recommend anything?" Aiden questions as his stomach rumbles, he skipped lunch due to Mikael have a fit over another stupid thing they did at the station. Which led a screaming match between Mikael and Klaus… it wasn't pretty.
"Kol is the one that usually knows what's good to try." Rebekah taps her fingers on the counter.
"How is Mr. Narcissistic pants?"
"Being himself, but he's helped me a lot. Besides family takes care of family even if they're idiots that get stabbed in a church." Rebekah shrugs as she thinks on her brother who is a known 'hero' to many under another name.
"Yeah, listen Bekah, be careful. Jackson is out for blood… I don't want you to get hurt." Aiden gives her a look of concern.
"Sweet pea, you're going against your best mate just to warn me."
"To protect the two of you, yes. Now what's good to order?" He changes the subject as he scans the menu.
"Japchae… the duk doki is good too. that's what Kol, Hayley and I always order." She offers.
"Where is Marshall?" Aiden glances around the room.
"Date," Rebekah shrugs.
"Ah, makes sense I guess."
"Are you going to eat here or?"
"was gonna go back home."
"You're welcome to join spaz and I." She really needs someone to distract Kol or she'll kill her brother. "we just got Ant-Man on blue-ray."
"Paul Rudd, my main man! Sure."
"Don't try to hump the tv. Please." Rebekah teases.
"Hello, Rebekah. The usual I take it?" Eun Mi questions as her eyes dance with happiness.
"Yes, Mimi. Can you make another two of the my order? Deni is going and maybe add some dumplings?"
"Sure." Eun mi goes off to tell the chef and Rebekah sighs taking the scent of the food.
"How's job hunting Blondie?" Aiden questions while trying to steal the food.
"Going." Rebekah frowns at the thought of her current dilemma.
"Kina wish, I could help you." Aiden frowns at the blond's crestfallen expression.
"No, don't pity me. Just watch Hay's back. When you are out on the field."
"You know I will. You know I met your older brothers right."
"oh please don't."
"Angry middle child and Fancy pants cornered me. Marshall doesn't know thou."
"Not really." Aiden shutters at the memory of the two older brothers of his friends.
"I also met Boar."
"Good Lord." Rebekah's least favorite brother cornered her poor puppy dog of a friend.
"Yeah, now I know why you and Nitwit went against the family."
"Well, don't let Papa know."
"I think he already does. Kol isn't one to keep his mouth shut around the others." He recalls the moment he bumped into Kol at the station.
"Wait what was Kol doing there?" it finally clicks.
"Bekah, your brother is detective Kinney's Partner."
"So he's gay?" She questions, she knew her brother was hiding something… maybe that's why he was living a double life. the idiot should know she's accept him if he was.
"Blondie, your brother isn't gay. He's a detective himself! He goes by Kaleb Westphall on the field." Rebekah stands there for a good two minutes processing what was just revealed.
"Oh, when I get my hands on him. I'll make sure he regrets not dying from that stab wound!"
"he's one of the best from what the whispers that float at the station."
"Who knew."
"Apparently your old man. He doesn't even mind the whole different identity thing."
"Well, that's new!"
"Ms. Bekah, here's your food." Eun mi returns with the food in bags.
"Thanks Mimi."
"I added a few other things in there."
"thanks." Rebekah starts to hand the cash Kol had given her for the food. By given her… she took it form his wallet without his knowledge.
Aiden is about to put money down when Rebekah shoot him a look. Releasing a sigh, he puts his wallet away. He'll get them next time. As Aiden takes the bags from the counter; he and Rebekah file out the restaurant but not without catching the gaze of a certain man.
There you have it hope you enjoyed! Thanks to all those who have reviewed. it makes me happy to see them. XOXO-JasZ