"That ain't good..." Harley whispered

"oh no...it's that murderer,he's gonna kill us all!" Amethyst panicked

"that psycho! he's insane!" Arline yelled

"that's got to be it, that weirdo killed them all!" her husband accused.

"That's... logical." Orlov said

"NOBODY PANICS!" Rachel yelled,a serious tone in her voice. "please"

"yeah,if we panic,the murderer can...YAAAAAWN" Harley yawned mid-sentence, Conan yawned after him "easily...attack us."

"Don't panic,everything will be fine,we just-" Kristin was interrupted


"Don't worry," Richard finally spoke " I, Richard Moore, will find that murderer before he even plans his next move!"

"yeah,right! as if!" Evelin took his wife by hand "C'mon honey,we're going to our room."

"that's not a good idea." Conan said "the murderer forced his way into the victims' room,so you won't be safe there. it's safer if we're together." he stood in his path,with all the energy he had.

"it's safer with other people honey,please,let's stay here."

"NO! we're going" he pushed Conan aside and dragged his wife along

"I'm leaving too!" Green exclaimed,leaving for her room

Conan sighed,getting up

"Conan,you should get some rest..." Rachel addressed Conan

"you to Harley" Kristin said

"I DON'T NEED ANY!" they both snapped in unison. Harley said something more like 'I ain't needingf any!' though

"Hey,Hartwell,let's go search for the suspect one more time." Conan suggested

"yeah,sure." Harley agreed "Let's go then,man"

"again?" Richard asked

"I'm coming with!" Rachel ordered

"Me too!" said kristin

"wow,wow,wow. easy there girls,someone needs t'stay here with the others...or well" he sighed,pinching the bridge of his nose "what's left of 'em" he said looking at Vladimir

"I don't care,I'm going with you!" Kristin said.

"Rachel?" Conan asked her

"no,I'm coming too."

"I'll stay here,then" Richard said

"then there's nothing we can do about it. come on,let's go" Conan left,the rest of the group following.

The gang kept on searching,going from place to place,trying to find any hiding place they might have missed on their last attempt. They went for the severed bridge,it was cut from their side,not the other. That means the the murderer is still here. Conan realized something was stuck to the cliff,but something was off. before he could pinpoint it,the lunatic,though hardly identified,if it weren't for his black clothes and long hair, attacked Rachel from behind. she tried to dodge,but he sprained her shoulder with the rock he had in his hand. Rachel screamed, attracting the company's attention,and the attention of a soul long lost: Jimmy. The shady murderer dressed in black was staring at everyone,he was panicking,didn't know what to do. he was planing in killing the girl,then escaping,but instead was greeted by reflexes faster than originally anticipated. he knew how dangerous Rachel was,and he tried to eliminate that danger,but failed. he saw another opportunity though, and took his chances. it was his best choice,though Harley predicted that move,and so jumped towards Kristin,the flying rock,that the killer had thrown, hitting his head in the process. Rachel tried to kick him,but she couldn't balance herself while holding her sprained shoulder,so the Murderer in black easily threw her back,intending to throw her of the cliff. Jimmy,however, thought threw his glasses at the retreating man,which was a futile attempt,but distracting him long enough to run towards Rachel,pulling her back, ultimately falling on the floor,Rachel over him. the creep cursed under his breath,and made for his escape.

Conan stared at Rachel's face,who was still lying over him. She stared back, at Jimmy's face. she felt like Conan was Jimmy. not like him,he is him. Rachel snapped out of it, got got up next. she kept thinking about the ten-year-old theory, though will she ever learn?

'could he really be...NO! Jimmy died a long time ago! it can't be.' she stared at Conan as he carried Harley behind his back,yelling something to Kristin,who in turn ran over to where he had pointed,but she didn't really focus on anything but Conan himself.

She watched him run towards the mess hall,even though he couldn't do any more than walk with Harley's weight over him, and his own sleepiness. weather Conan was actually Jimmy or not,one thing was for sure,they shared the same traits that made Jimmy the great man he once was. Some feelings were crawling up to her heart,though she didn't know what they were,she just wanted to deny them,throw them away.

She finally decided to follow Conan to help him,forgetting her own shoulder.

"Let me help you." Rachel suggested

"But Rachel,you're hurt!"

"I'm in a better condition than Harley!" she claimed. as she took Harley's arm and carried it over her shoulders,she felt a great pain,even greater than the one she ignored. Conan saw her wince in pain,but she got over it and moved on.

They walked over to the mess hall,carrying Harley,who's head was slowly dropping blood. the hit was so hard,he started bleeding. with every step they took,Rachel's shoulder hurt,like someone was stepping on it, and it couldn't help that Harley's arm was resting on her shoulder. she didn't really know why,but she felt safe and secure, like she always did around Jimmy,so she didn't really care.

Some time later...

Rachel's chest,shoulder and arm were wrapped in bandage,and Harley's head was too. jimmy...or rather Conan,was in the worst condition of all,mentally anyway. he was about to lose to dear friends today!


Kristin found Conan and Rachel,and taking out some bandages,she started rolling it around Harley's head,that was bleeding from one of the sides. Evelin Blake was running behind her,when he saw she was handling him perfectly: cleaning the wound and such,he walked to where his blood was coming from,after seeing and calculating the amount of fallen blood,he came back to report. "Don't worry," he told the worrying Kristin,sitting beside Harley,crying and begging he'd live. "I'm a doctor,from what I could see -though I can' t be certain without the necessary equipment- he hasn't lost too much blood...but..." he examined Harley's wounded head,removing the bandage to take a look and then said as he re-bandaged his head "he'll be fine,though the hit to his head was strong,he may stay unconscious for a while."

"Really? thank god!" Kristin said,relieved.

"I just hope that doesn't lead to a coma"

Blake turned his attention over to Rachel,who's shoulder was broken. She wrapped her arm in a piece of cloth. "your shoulder is broken."

"yeah" nodded and gave him a hurt smile

"you know,you're doing this the wrong way, let me help" he stood up,took some extra bandages,took the piece of cloth away,and wrapped the bandages around her chest in a weird,clinical way,that I wouldn't know of since I never broke my shoulder. the doctor told her not to move her back at all,and that, after this whole incident is dealt with,he'd like to take an X-ray.

Conan sighed,looking at the ground, Harley almost died,and Rachel almost died twice,breaking her shoulder in the process! 'That was a close one...it could've been worse,but it also could've been better!' he thought. 'That crazed murderer! that l-lunatic,murderer! he's insane!' He looked over at Rachel,who was trying to rest on the bed. she was unable to bend her back due to the wood plank on her back. on the bed he was sitting on was Harley,it's been two hours but he's not awake yet! 'that psycho will pay! I'll see to it myself!' he decided,getting up and leaving to look for evidence.

He arrived at the site of the attempted murder,seeing a footprint, 'it looked like someone was trying not to fall of that cliff.' he deduced

he also saw a piece of cloth,it was the same material as the murderer's black coat. he went over to the attacker's footprint from earlier,that was somewhat preserved. he inspected it,then compared it to the other one. 'now I know what's going on! we were played! but who?"

Conan runs to Rachel's rescue,pulling her towards him as fast as he can,preventing her from falling of the cliff,instead falling on the ground,after Conan...no,Jimmy? he lost balance and he fell,pulling her with him on top of her. She stared at his face for as long as she could before getting up.

She couldn't get the image out of her head,she just couldn't!

'is he really... no!" she shook her head violently,she remembered that tale all too well ,she'd doubt Conan a lot and every time he'd wind up crying,after somehow proving to her they weren't the same guy

'why do I keep saying that?!' she asked herself 'it's not even possible for Jimmy to shrink 10 years,and even if he could,how did he meet me as Jimmy those dozen of times after they 'adopted' Conan? that's absurd!'

'I-I miss you jimmy...why did you have to leave?' She started crying

'why?...why don't you tell me?!...why did you...zzz' she cried herself to sleep.

Conan goes to the shoe locker -though the Japanese one ain't a 'locker' per-se- and checked everyone's shoes.

'the fallen victim's footprint matches that of the suspicious figure's,but I can't find the other pair of shoes...' he searches around,till he gives up 'I can't tell by the size; from the weight of the murderer's prints,I'd say he's wearing shoes that don't fit his feet,they would probably be two inches shorter than they look,but that's not enough of a lead...'

Conan walks back to the room where the patients were,Harley was still unconscious on the left bed,and Rachel was sleeping on the right.

'Damn! Come on Hartwell,wake up!' he thought,looking at him,then he turned his attention towards Rachel,and all the rage that was screaming,threatening to kill that murderer,faded away. he felt pain run though him,but not physical pain,mental pain. he could only do so much,and now her shoulder's bruised.

'I'm sorry Rachel. I'm always harming you somehow...I'm sorry.'

Rachel was dressed in the prettiest red dress she had,red always was her favorite color,and even though people kept dying in front of her,spilling their blood on her,she never really betrayed the color. she remembered searching through her closet for half an hour,for the perfect dress,and here it was. She went downstairs,to the streets,were her boyfriend was taking her on a date to a luxurious restaurant. She could tell he was staring in amazement as soon as he was able to see her. The boyfriend was dressed in a tuxedo:a shining blue Jacket, matching blue pants,and a contrasting red bow-tie. of course,in a matter of seconds,he snapped out of it,smiled,and lead her to a cab.

the restaurant was beautiful,the food was unique and delicious,or at least that's what she recalled. she could only see a table with a faded pink colored cloth on it,on the table was a candle stand,with three candles in it. it was very romantic, she recalled. She sat on her chair,and the boyfriend sat on his.

She could tell they were talking for some time, but she couldn't really remember what they were saying,or anything for the matter. She could only tell that she was having a romantically romantic date with Conan.


"Rachel...I-I love you" he said reluctantly

'what? what's gotten into you Conan,you're just-'

Out of the blue,Rachel found herself replying,and she couldn't stop herself from saying: " me too,Conan."

the couple leaned forward,closed their eyes,and with every second,she could tell Conan's lips were getting closer to hers...

"NOOOO!" Rachel screamed,trying to get up from bed,but she couldn't,due to her condition.

"Rachel,what is it?" Conan asked,after being violently awoken. it was about 5 pm,and Conan had decided to take a nap beside Rachel,while sitting. after all,he didn't have enough sleep yesterday.

'oh,it was...just a dream.' She thought,and sighed deeply. "Don't worry C-" She paused, her dream transmitted chills up her spine. "C-Conan. it's just a dream"

"O-okay." he said,he felt like he new what the dream was about,like he's passed down this lane all too many times. though,he was more wrong than he's used to

"U-unh..." Harley groaned,walking up. he felt pain in his head,and held it with his hand. he couldn't really remember what happened before he fell asleep"Uh...what da hell happened?"

"Harley!" Kristin cried when she realized he was awake and fine,running towards him,tackling him with a big hug

he was about to ask her what the whole commotion was about,but he remembered the danger he saved her from.

'musta' fell unconscious or somethin' ' "ah,it's okay Kristin,everythin's fine! Just stop-"

"it's not fine! I was afraid you'd die or wind up in a coma or somethin'!" she burst into tears,you know the cats and dogs idiom,dear reader? well she was probably crying cats and dogs.

"B-but... I didn't...hey I'm here now,it's okay." he tried to comfort her

"but what if it wasn't,what if ya...died?" she sniffed.

"well,I'd die for ya,then" he smirked,Kristin was speechless, she tried to rub away her tears,but they just kept flowing

"this ain't gonna do, Harely"

"what,why? if I've to-"

"you can't die cuz I love ya you idiot!" She yelled her confession at him,still unable to believe she just did. her whole head went red from embarrassment,at what she forced herself to admit,but she couldn't back down. she forced herself to stop crying and stared at him,preparing herself for his reply. Rachel and Conan were surprised at the sudden confession,but not any more than Harley himself.

'Sh-she loves me...'

'so,the girl you love does love you back!' Conan thought

'I love you too...' he thought,but when saying it, "I-I...yuv'lloo..." he mumbled something else entirely

'That idiot...' Conan tried his best not to facepalm "wouldn't want to spoil this moment but,I need Harley's help on the case. Kristin,can you help Rachel get up? let's go Harley"

Conan goes out to the hall,the detective of the west following him.

"hey man,already? I just recovered!" He whispered to Conan's ear

"you should be thanking me,I saved you from one bad situation here!"

"yeah?...guess so. So? you got anythin'?"

"yeah..." Conan stayed silent for a bit "That man in black...he was dead long before whoever that is who attacked us,attempted murder."

"what? the sole,lead suspect is dead? how d'ya know?"

"there were two footprints,one was of a person wearing shoes too large for him,the murderer" if it were stormy,they would've heard thunder,but it wasn't. "the other is of similar size,but the print itself is different...that one had its back facing the cliff. and there are signs he was pushed,slipped and fell to the river below. there's a piece of cloth,it's the same texture and color as that original man's coat." he took said piece of cloth out of his pocket.

"so who is the murderer?"

"well,I believe the murderer asked that man here,probably,for some type of transaction,so he'd have to hide,and dress like that. he tells him they'll exchange whatever they will here,throw him of the cliff,and kill others under the guise that he's a psycho serial killer...but it also could've been random."

"...so that means..."

"yeah,the killer has a motive; someone coming with a plan like this,even if it was improvised,can't be random. he won't just kill people without reason,though he is insane to kill all those people just to get to his target."

"so who is he?"


"who's the murderer,the damn frikin' murderer?!" Harley exploaded

"Donno yet."


"Harley,Harley! take it easy,it's only a matter of time...but well I've narrowed the suspects down to two people,Evelin and Vladimir."


"I couldn't really tell but,the footprints were too heavy to belong to a woman. that means only Vladimir and Evelin could be the murderers."

They walk past Richard,who was in the mess hall. he was sitting and seemed depressed.

'How could I let this happen...I got my own daughter in danger for going to that damn inn! and that Hartwell kid too...' Richard thought,not too long ago.

ever since he's been sitting there,trying to figure out who the culprit is.

"oh,Hartwell,you're awake." Richard said with relief

"yeah,just woke up...oh what happened to Rach by the way?"

"She bruised her shoulder" Conan replied

"uh...I just can't solve this case...Damn it!" Richard snapped "I kept thinking and thinking,but it's no use"

"well you won't get much thinking,you need to investigate more. I found a lot of stuff investigating."

"really? like what?"

then Evelin,Arline, and Amethyst came over,Amethyst was feeling lonely and unsecure,so the married couple decided to escort her to the mess hall.

Things were as normal as they can be,until the girls screamed. Conan just smiled,while Harley ran to the girls. Conan ran shortly after.

Harley arrived to see the same murderer at the girls' door,kitchen knife in hand.

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" he yelled the other guy just smirked

Conan arrived,looked at the guy in black,and smirked.

"Pretty reckless,aren't you?" Conan adressed the guy who,in turn, gave him a questioning look

"Stop with that play of yours already,Mr. psycho...or should I say,Vladimir Orlov?" everyone -who had arrived shortly after Conan- looked at him,surprised "you tried to kill someone here,and thought you'd mask it with yet another unrelated murder. so you did the following,follow your target to were they were going,then ask an illegal dealer,a drug dealer maybe, to come over here. naturally he'd try to hide his identity,and so looks suspicious, your dealer just so happened to have long hair,so you were able to disguise yourself further as him,once you threw him from the meeting location,and a plan like this is possible for someone who's been here before. you killed innocent people,to kill me,and my friends,without getting caught,and yet it's ironic that this very plan is what got you caught. but what I still don't get,why do you want to kill me?"

Slow,mischievous laughter started rising "Heh heh heh ha! you? why'd I want to kill you?"

"So,you gonna explain?" Harley asked

The man took off his scarf, ice cap, and wig, to reveal Vlad " Moore,you killed my brother,now I want vengeance!"

"what? I don't even know you!" Richard replied

"he asked you to find whoever it was who wanted to kill him,but you failed! and then after you caught that murderer,you laughed like you made made a great deal! I had to make you feel what it means to lose someone you love dearly! so I installed listening devices in the agency,and the rest...is as your assistant claimed. "

'I'm seventeen years old again and they still think I'm that fool's assistant?!'

Everyone was speechless,especially Richard. He really was the reason Rachel was badly hurt after all. Sometimes he wonders what good does he make in life,it always seems like he's making life worse,not better. He had to change that! he had to change!

"Now every one put your hands on your heads!" Vlad took a pistol out of a hidden pocket and aimed it at the crowd,that panicked at the sight of the weapon. their panic made Vlad smirk "always save the best card for last!"

"No you DON'T!" Richard yelled,charging at Vlad,who shot his shoulder. it happened so fast he barely had time to react. before he could pull the trigger another time,he was pushed out of balance. As Vlad fell,an object flew off him,but it wasn't the gun,that Vlad aimed at the fallen detective. before he could shoot,Conan kicked the pistol to a safe distance away. Harley kicked his head,rendering him unconscious

"now we're even." Harley said


"No, don't!" Blake ordered "I'm a doctor,I'll handle this. I need a med-kit,some..." Rachel was no longer listening,her heart was beating so fast,her legs felt so weak...

"Rachel!" Conan yelled,running for his girl as she fell to unconsciousness.

Rachel woke up to find herself in a white room on a bed. she no longer felt the plank on her back,and the wrapping felt different. she got up to see no one in her room but her. 'what happened?' she wondered,then she remembered. 'Dad!' She jumped off the bed and ran for the door. the nurse who was walking by was surprised one of their patients was running frantically without escort.

"Miss,please miss calm down" the nurse stood in her way and tried to stop her,but Rachel went on

"please,my father was shot,I have to find him" Rachel cried

"Please calm down. what's your father's name?"

"Richard...Richard Moore..." she managed to utter those lines in between he cries

"well,if you please return to your room and wait for someone to escort you to your father. panic won't solve anything. honey, you're in a hospital and I'm sure your father is okay." Rachel stared at her,as if staring at a beam of hope. "please just return to your room and rest."

"O-okay..." Rachel retraced her steps to where she believes is the room she was sleeping in and waited on the bed,there she found a note,or rather a letter,that she didn't see the first time,it said:

_ Dear Rachel,

_There's so much I've always wanted to tell you,but so little words to describe them. I have always been by your side,but never told you. Betrayed you,yet you never knew. I hid from you,and every time you tried to find me,I filled the void between us with lies and half-truths. I'm sorry Rachel. For some reason as long as I'm near you,you are hurt,be it the pain of me being so far away from you,or physical pain,like the bruising of your shoulder. I always have to save you from one threat or other,but only after the damage cannot be undone. I determined that the safest you could be,is as far away from me. live your regular life,don't let Serena's teasing dissuade you,and love,but not me. love someone normal,who wouldn't put you in danger in one way or other. who could,unlike me, keep you safe. who,unlike me,would not hide lies,would not pretend to be someone else,would be honest to you. I love you,if you love me back,don't. have mercy on yourself, don't let me punish you.

_ Sincerely,Jimmy_Kudo.

"So you are djust going to leave?" the old, german professor asked

"yes,so will you help me or not?!" Jimmy replied

"Face it,Kudo. You've got nowhere to go." Vi stated "it's either here or back at the Moores'."

"She's right,Djimmy. Vhy don't you djust stay here,if you're sure you don't vant to..."

"What's the use anyway...I'll just go live with my parents."

Vi was shocked by this,if Kudo just leaves,then who will expose the black organization? "what about the organization?! what about our deal?!"

"...If you're afraid of them well the FBI can help you with that,just leave me alone,will you?!"

"this isn't about me! don't you get it Kudo? if the drug is perfected,there won't be any FBI,nor America,nor Japan, nor any president,law enforcer,king or senate. When those men have such a drug in their disposal,whoever stands in their way will be no more. That's why we have to stand in their way now when they can't perform a perfect crime"

Jimmy stared at Vi,he knew she was right but he had enough of this.

"you speak like you haven't been fighting a war in the last ten years!"

"Your choice...Edogawa." She left for the lab furiously.

Back at the hospital, a man in a white coat was walking through a hallway,a woman in a suit was following him. upon entering Rachel's room,that woman,who was Ava Moore, ran for her daughter.

"Oh Rachel!" she tackled her with a hug. she hugged her like a child holding a once lost doll. "Rachel,what happened? Who did this to you?"

"I'm okay mom,I've just bruised my shoulder but I'm okay. dad was shot,what happened to him?"

"he's okay sweety."

"The operation is successful, but he's still sleeping." the doctor said

"tell me, what happened? Ava asked

"It's a long story...but...where's Conan?" Rachel asked, she had to find Conan,she had to find Jimmy

"I don't know,dear. he wasn't there when I arrived. Hartwell was there,though. he excused himself and left,he said it was getting late and that he had to take Kristin back."

"Oh. Okay" Rachel frowned,there's probably going to be no way to find him.

"Don't worry,Rachel. Conan's probably back at the agency." she lied. she knew something was wrong;it wasn't like him to leave Rachel when she was in a hospital. "now let's go dear,you need to rest. Richard will be okay,we can come back in the morning."

"O-okay." Both mother and daughter got in Ava's car. while she drove,Rachel couldn't help but think about Jimmy,and how to find him,but there was no place she could look for him at. aside from professor Agasa's house,but that would be too obvious for someone who wants to hide from someone who knows him too well,even if not well enough.

"Mom,can we drop by Agasa's there's something I want to ask him." She lied,for some reason she hid Jimmy's secret even though he didn't ask her to.


Minutes later,the car parked at Agasa's. said professor recognized the car,and sweat dropped. 'That girl is persistent!'

seconds later the bell rang

"I'll anser!" Agasa claimed. when he opened the door,he saw the girl he expected to see,in better condition than when he saw her on the hospital bed."oh,Rachel,you've recovered!"

"Hi,professor. is Conan here?"

Agasa had to choose between two decisions: tell her no,like Jimmy would want,or say yes like he should,because it's the truth. "actually...ya. he's here. you should go talk to him. he's really depressed."

"Okay. thank you professor."

The inventor of weird machines let her pass,and stared at her,deep in thought

'you'll thank me for zis later,Djimmy. I hope.'

Rachel found Jimmy as soon as she entered the living room, he was standing there,hands in pockets. his body looked towards her,but his face wasn't. he was waiting for her,but he couldn't face her.

"Don't leave." She asked,straight to the point.

"No,I can't." he replied.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a danger to you! I can't stay around and hurt you anymore! and...I can't imagine how you could live your life after knowing I lied to you for over 10 years."


"I can't allow myself to hurt you anymore! Sorry,Rach. Jimmy really is dead."

"But...but...but you can't leave because if you do then you'll hurt me! Don't you get it Conan,You hurt me because you were always running away! you can't save me by running away some more!"

Jimmy's silence encouraged herself to say more "I don't care how old you are! I still love you! weather you're wearing glasses and calling yourself Conan or wearing a hat and calling yourself Holmes...weather you're being you or pretending to be somebody else,it still you,and I love you! so you can't go away because no matter what you call it you'll still hurt me. because I love you. so please don't leave."

Jimmy was rendered speechless. she fully confessed in front of him,and what she said did make sense,he no longer felt like the detective who knows everything. he felt like a normal man.

"I...don't know if I can face you after all I've done..."

"You can. I forgive you. you must've had a good reason to hide this from me. "

"Rachel...I'm so sorry for wasting the last ten years."

"So? are you staying?" She asked

"I guess I am. Can't leave you all alone can I?"

She ran for him hugging him tightly,saying "welcome back...Conan."

"I guess I am" he said while hugging her back.

"Vouldn't Vant to interrupt you couples, but za hospital called,zey said Richard's avake. let's go meet him." Agasa said,interrupting the moment.

Eagerly,they rushed for the cars,and after a matter of minutes they were all at the hospital: Rachel,Conan,Ava,Agasa,and Even Vi. when they met Richard on the bed,he was a bit weak,but alive. the various equipments were now removed,and he was resting on a bed that felt like any bed.

"will you look at that. I got hit so bad even my wife visited me." He said weakly with a smile,when realizing his wife was present.

"This is hardly a time for jokes,Moore." she replied coldly,but deep inside,she was happy he was alive.

"I'm glad you're okay,uncle." Conan said

"Vee all are." the Professor continued.

"What happened anyway? the last thing I remember was getting shot at then I zoned out. weren't we stranded?"

"oh. well we knocked the guy unconscious. during the fight something fell of him. it was a phone. we used it to contact the cops and the hospital. Mr. Blake saved you though,you owe him one."

"I sure do...sorry,dear...for getting you into that mess. if stupid old me was more careful..." he told Rachel

"No dad,don't say that! it's not your fault!" she replied

'yeah,it really isn't his fault...it's mine. I'm sorry Richard.'

"So what did happen? I want to hear the whole story. I'm all ears." Ava said,with scorching hot fire in her eyes. Agasa sweatdropped,and Conan 'felt the burn'.

"Well..." Conan started

"You see..." Richard tried to continue

"the thing is..." Rachel tried to help,but they were all atempts

"I'll...go now. Vouldn't...want to interrupt your family reunion. bye" Agasa Ran,Vi following him,but slowly. it might be him,but Conan could've swore he saw her smirk.

'that damn...'

and that's how the rest of the night went,explaining what happened to Ava,without ticking her off.

The next morning was a bright one,Conan woke up to the smell of bacon,their breakfast done by Rachel. Richard wasn't with them,he was still at the hospital,so they opened up to each other.

"So...what shrank you like that,is that even possible?" Rachel asked

Conan looked around a bit then answered in a low voice,while keeping their heads as close to each others as possible so she could hear "apparently yes,there is a way. remember the first time I left? when you first met Conan?"

"oh yeah,I kinda remember that day...wait...didn't I confess to you that day?!"

"uh...well,my point is..." he regained his composure "Remember those 2 shady men in black?"

"N-no,not really."

"well I do. they were doing some kinda shady transaction,I was spying on them but one of them saw me and hit me in the back of my head. he drugged me. the drug was experimental,it was supposed to kill me without leaving a trace,but instead...instead it did this.

" those guys were a part of a large organization, I ran home but I couldn't reach the doorknob. incidentally I found professor Agasa. after proving I was really Jimmy, he advised me not to tell anyone,then you came,and I had to come up with a name before it was too late.

"then Hartwell found me out,then Agasa told my parents,then I met another agent of the-"

"wait wait wait! Agasa told you not to tell anyone,then he told your parents?"

"I know, right?! but to be honest I'm not really sure that's what happened...been so long..."

"but...how did I talk to you on the phone all those times,how did I meet you? and Conan was sometimes there."

"well that was either Vi or Kid. Agasa made me a voice changer,and Vi made me some temporary cures."

"wait,Vi making you cures? how?"

"well you'll have to ask her. not my secret."

"that sounds like a lot of science fiction."

"If only you knew!"

"are you responsible for the 'Sleeping Sleuth'?"

"yeah...it...it is,pretty much."

"well I'm glad you finally trust me."

"wait,I thought you and Kid were rivals"

"That guy's mind is a maze! Even I don't understand him!"

"well...we should go get dad."

"yeah we should"

the couple got up and left,having finished their meals,to get Rachel's father,and Conan's 'uncle'. they left for the hospital,hand in hand.

and so,Jimmy never did get a cure,and the war against the Black Organization waged on,but with a new ally in their disposal,one who finally found her loved one. one who was strong enough to turn the tides...

"is it Karate?"

No,Conan,my friend,it's not Karate.

Finally done! I started this story 3 months ago,so part 1 may clash with part 2. I'll fix that later. very later. enjoy this version as much as you can,and excuse my mistakes. constructive criticize appreciated,and even if I don't seem to read them,I actually do