" 5th floor, study cubes."

At the sound of her voice the turbolift whirled to lift and glided smoothly up through the floors of the Starfleet Academy library.

Nyota adjusted her backpack higher up onto her shoulder as she checked her comm with happy smile to find that she would be about 4 minutes early to her tutorial session. Well early for a human maybe and right on time for her Vulcan tutor.

She felt the familiar fluttering and knotting in her belly as she thought of being alone with her professor and unspoken crush. Whether or not the feelings of attraction ( or perhaps infatuation) were mutual surely her being still being consistently early and ahead of the class schedule for three weeks into the Gol dialect of Vuhlkansu would make a good impression? That would be enough right, just to be in the Lieutenant Commander's good graces?

The lift chimed and opened letting Nyota off as she swiftly walked down the window corridor towards the study cubicles. It was a bit of a joke that the academy adopted study cubes in lieu of Vulcan's student study bowls with the only the shape, primary language and planet to differ the two teaching aids. The whole debate surrounding them on which was better reminded Nyota of the ancient arguments surrounding mac vs pc technut camps.

She caught her reflection as she was passing one of the windows and frowned. While she didn't want to make it obvious that she was gussying up for their tutoring sessions Nyota also didn't want to appear any less made up than usual. Her trademark cateye kohl was fresh and sharp but she must of chewed at her lips at some point because she lipstick was both faded and half removed.

Sighing she rummaged through her backpack for the tube but could only find a tinted lipbalm to fill in. She grabbed the roller stick of lilac oil and reapplied the scent along the line of her throat and at the insides of her wrists.

" Hmm and maybe if I..." she mumbled to herself as she freed her hair from the confines of the band that held it in its customary high ponytail and shook it loose around her shoulders. She had freshly washed and straightened it but the high humidity brought in by the bay already had it curling into gentle waves. Giving it one last fluff for volume with her fingers she practiced a smiling and giggling shyly before shaking her head in disgust and tried another more sultry pose with her chin pointed down and her eyes looking up as she bit her lip.

" Is that the right way to say profound affection, Oso? Does it really translate into love in Standard?" she asked her reflection. Ugh she was hopeless. She checked her comm again and cursed silently and slung her bag back onto her side.

" I only have two minutes now!"

She shouldn't spent all that extra time on her appearance when he barely even looked at anything but her eyes but she couldn't help herself knowing that she would have his undivided attention. Lately it felt that Nyota had gotten so wrapped up in studying the Vulcan male that she could hardly recall the Vulcan language. She put in extra time on her own to brush up for their sessions so not as to embarrass herself. She wasn't sure what it was about him that left her so absentminded?

Nyota hurried down the corridor, stuffing her comm into her bag as she went, running until she stumbled into the door of their cube and cursed again as she rubbed her toe through the tip of her boot. Steadying her breathing, the slim cadet straightened her posture before pushing the door panel to cycle open.

Look serious not happy, that's attractive to Vulcans she chided herself.

The metal panel silently slid into the wall revealing her former Vulcan instructor now turned tutor who didn't bother to glance up once from the PADD before him. No doubt with his hearing Spock knew of her arrival when she first slammed into the door. " Cadet, have a seat."

Nyota swallowed a sigh of disappointment as she sat in the chair next to him and put her bag onto the table. She made her movements long and lazy, an extra flick of the wrist here as she opened the front pouch, slow deliberate pawing there as she groped around the pocket feeling for a stylus she knew to be right at her fingertips while using as much time as possible so perhaps he'd grow interested in what she was doing and look over. Instead she caught him swiping the screen of the PADD to go to the next page.

At that, she did sigh. The commander didn't even look at what she had done with her hair! Even from two feet away she could feel the heat radiating off him as he shifted closer to slid the PADD over for her to study. His knee stopped short of brushing hers as he pointed to the screen and silently willed him to touch her." Read paragraphs two through six aloud."

Spock stood and paced slowly behind her as she began to recite from a stanza of prose, tilting his head every so often to better hear her pronunciation. When Nyota finished he nodded and knotted his hands behind his back. " Good. Now go to location 178.965 on the PADD and read section four."

She readily did so and exceedingly well with the exception of her breath catching in her throat when he came to stand behind her which made her words fade from her mouth. His presence was hard to ignore as she struggled with the written description of city hall located in Gol.

" Stop." he said flatly and leaned over to point out a word on the PADD.

He was so close! All she had to do was turn as she would be mere inches from his face. From his lips.

" You said a'son, column incorrectly. Try it once more."

She repeated it until he nodded sagely.

" What did I end up saying before?"

His expression remained passive as he told her. " A'sim, which means bed."

Nyota's eye widened in horror at her faux pas and she quickly apologized. " I'm sorry, it's not like I was thinking about a bed or beds when I with you I um wow I'm babbling….ahem..."

He furrowed his brows a bit. " Why apologize? You are not yet fluent in this dialect, mistakes are expected. As for your 'babbling', no offense is taken."

She fidgeted in her seat uncrossing and recrossing her legs as she avoided the uncomfortable unblinking stare of her former professor's dark alien eyes. Something had been bothering her for a while now and she finally felt settled enough with him and her studies to confide to the Vulcan.

"I just expected to catch on to this dialect a lot more quickly than I have. It's almost like I'm forgetting half of it. I'll admit I've studied outside of our sessions on my own to get ahead in the past but now it feels like it's more for me to catch up to where we are now." she huffed, shaking her head disbelief that she would have such a tough problem with not a language but a dialect of a language that she'd been speaking since her preteen years.

So silly she griped to herself as she highlighted the paragraph to study later. She was too caught up in trying to get Spock to notice her that her translations were suffering as a result of it. She pinched the bridge of her nose when she felt a mild headache coming on but his voice stopped her mid-rub.

" Nyota, I may be able to offer you some assistance in regards of your studies." he replied turning a bit to face her.

She perked up and looked up at him hopefully. " More than what you're doing now with tutoring me?" He nodded and sat next to her once more staring at her intently.

" I could pass on my own knowledge to you of the dialect pronunciation through a mind meld. It would be quick and painless."

Nyota pursed her lips and thought about it with her gaze cast down towards the PADD. " Wouldn't that give me an unfair advantage over my classmates who would have to figure it out on their own?"

He tilted his head, giving her point some thought. " None of your fellow classmates have approached me about learning any other dialects outside of what is taught, think of this as a much deserved study aid for all of your work and dedication you put into your education."

Her eyes snapped up to his face find him observing her tensely. A mind meld, with Spock? She chewed on her lip as she thought it over. He could find out...he could learn about her feelings, see why she hesitated to take him up on his offer. Was it safe? Nothing would come of it with Spock being a Vulcan and in all likelihood spoken for by his bondmate. Hmm, he never spoke of her, did he have one? He would probably be amused or horrified by Nyota's feelings but move on and continue to regard her in a professional manner. She looked up again to where he was standing over here and slowly nodded.

" Okay but don't judge me, please, if you find see something that you don't expect?"

" I will not do so." he said, brushing his fingers lightly across her face. He watched her as he lined up his thumb and fingers along the side and murmured something quietly between his lips.

Nyota felt a cool trickle tingle from the top of her skull down towards the base of her spine. She shivered involuntarily while the sterile room around her faded to black. Within the darkness she heard his voice recite all of the prose and poetry that he had her study, the sound echoing down to her mouth where she felt her own lips moving in sync with his words.

It made so much sense now, she just had to relax her vocal chords a bit and let the air roll over them just as she let the words ride upon the waves of her tongue. Spock seem gratified by her understanding and moved about within her thoughts, curious of his new surroundings. She felt faint sense of panic as he stopped and inspected a memory involving him.

The inky darkness swirled with color until she was sitting at the table across from Gaila trying to choose what to eat first. This happened last week she thought, looking around remembering the terrible mixed salad they served that day. She could even taste and feel the limp, mushy greens sliding bitterly down her throat in a small, slimy lump.

Gaila giggled and bumped her side. " There goes your boooyfriend."

Nyota sighed and frowned as she saw Spock walking stately across the cafeteria, gracefully avoiding any and all unwanted touch in the bustling cafeteria hallway.

" He's hardly my boyfriend, Gaila." she mumbled as she speared her unwanted salad. " I don't think he notices me as a woman, only as a human female."

Gaila snorted a laugh and licked the lid of her chocolate pudding cup. " Maybe he'll notice you if you just wear that perfume I gave you for your birthday..."

Nyota shot her a glare over her fork. " I am NOT wearing chocolate perfume around a Vulcan, especially if said Vulcan is my teacher!"

Gaila smirked and sniffed the air. " Still trying to get by with that lilac oil aren't you? That's such a myth! Yes, Vulcans can smell almost as good as an Orion but they don't get aroused off of flower scents. What would happen if a group of Vulcan delegates had a meeting with Starfleet with a vase of flowers off to the side? Do you think all the Vulcans are going to be like ' Do I detect a hint of Jasmine?' and jump the bones of the nearest person?"

Nyota groaned into her cup of tea. She had been wearing this lilac oil for a month and jasmine a month before that and he hadn't said one word about the change. She had also tried 5 different hairstyles proceeding the changes but Gaila didn't need to know she was doing it for Spock, she'd never hear the end of it. Never.

" I guess you're right. But I'm not wearing anything chocolate related or giving him a mocha to liquor him up! I want him to notice me not under the influence of anything."

Gaila sighed and dug into her pudding. " Suit yourself, chicka. You ain't never get laid with that attitude."

Her vision clouded over to the steam of her dormitory shower stall where she was furiously rubbing between her legs, in quick, hard circles with her other arm bracing her against the wall as the hot water ran down her shuddering body. She leaned her ass against the tile wall behind her and closed her eyes, imagining it was his body she was pressing into. She peeped at her reflection in the shiny water control panel and moaned at the sight. Instantly she felt the blood drain from her face and her mouth run dry. He couldn't see this, he shouldn't!

No, Spock, please skip over this she squeaked within her mind, tugging at the memory futilely as he held it tighter, viewing her in the foggy reflection of the shower stall glass door. She slid down and squatted, plunging two of her fingers within her heated sex. " Oh Spock please...fuck me, do it hard..." she mewled and proceeded to pound her fingers into her slick folds with increasing speed. When she came she called out his name and clamped down on her thrusting fingers. The vision split into a number of other such occasions on her bed, while with a partner, and surprisingly to Spock once in his office at his desk during a time she was his aide. Nyota was beyond mortified, helpless to stop the Vulcan as he replayed each of her thoughts with all the accompanying feelings she felt and viewed with her masterbation with an almost scientific interest.

His curiosity was sated Spock released her and her memories from his grip and end the meld not even a minute after it started.

Nyota gasped and shivered as his mind left her own, her body lurching towards the table as she sought to regain individual control of her body after the Vulcan had taken over. It felt like someone had dumped a bucket of ice water over her head leaving her whole body feeling raw and overly sensitive. "Oh God no...you...Oh my God!"

She started to cry, humiliated at all that he had seen. Actions she would have never told a soul laid bare at her superior's feet, as she shamefully and regularly pleasured herself with him in mind. Her face was hot with embarrassment as she tried and failed to compose herself. Before the first tears started to roll down her cheeks Nyota grabbed her things and fled towards the door where Spock gracefully blocked her path with his quicker reflexes and larger body.

Staring down at her he ordered the door to close. "Computer lock door. You are not done with your tutorial yet. 15 minutes and 32 seconds remain." The telltale clink of bolts sliding into the panel let Nyota know she was trapped.

She sniffled and shook her head wildly. " No I should go, I...I can't finish right now." she sobbed.

Spock looked perplexed and sought to understand the situation. " Are you unwell, Cadet Uhura?"

Tears were streaming down her face now in earnest. She felt so exposed and he acted as if nothing happened.

" Cadet, I did not inform you that some emotional transference might occur during the meld though I tried my best to shield you from my own."

She sobbed once more and looked at him angrily. " You don't get it, I felt nothing from you! You watched my finger myself and fuck some random guy while thinking about you and you didn't even say a word about it!"

Spock's brows furrowed further and a slightest frown turned his lips. " You requested earlier that I withhold judgement and yet now you are upset that I did so? So was is it that you want from me Nyota?"

She stopped sniffling at the sound of her name on his lips. She looked up but couldn't read a thing from his face. His came up to brush her own and she jerked away in surprise. Spock? Touching her?

" Tell me, what do you want?" he asked, undeterred by her flinching away from his hands and resumed trying to touch her.

She nibbled on her lip again, unsure of what to say or what to do. This was all too strange and sudden for her to process.

" I...I don't know."

" A lie." he replied, tapping a finger against her elbow as he felt her pulse race from his mental observation. She frowned at him before gasping in shock as he leaned down and kissed her full on the lips. His soft lips were full and light as Spock pressed his mouth against hers firmly, she squirmed in his hold unable to fully enjoy the kiss as it was something that could both get them both in a great deal of trouble.

" Tell me, Nyota." he mumbled against her lips and kissed her more forcibly this time, walking the Cadet forward until Nyota felt her butt bump into the edge of the table. He hands ran up her waist then down to cup her plump bottom where he began to knead her cheeks. She moaned into his mouth as she opened it to him but suddenly pulled away, shaking her head.

" We shouldn't do this." she whispered quietly as if they were endangered of being overheard. She started to push away from his chest but his hand rose up to the back of her neck and held her firmly in place.

" But it is what you want. I saw it, I felt it."

She looked down and shook her head once more in his steely hold. " I know but I...I'm just not sure. I'm just so flustered right now, I'm confused of how this is even happening."

He remained silent with what she assumed to be deep thought but did not release her neck. She tried again to push away but he only tightened his fingers around the slender column.

" Du aitlun t'nash veh. ( You want me)." He growled at her in Vulcan. She flinched as he came closer to her and brushed his cheek lightly against her as he snarled into her ear. " You want me to mate with you."

Nyota felt the heat in her face renew and struggled to free herself from his steely grip. " Please, just forget about it, I'm just...I..."

She didn't finish her sentence as Spock's tongue forced its way back into her mouth. She kissed back feebly but struggled once more as his free hand slipped underneath her skirt hem and grazed across her panties. She mumbled into his mouth, her words lost within his throat as he gave a hard yank to the thin fabric, freeing the moisture that was already pooling between her thighs.

He broke the kiss leaving Nyota lightheaded and gasping for air. Was she really about to fuck her professor in the library? She whimpered as one of his fingers teased itself way inside her followed quickly by another and then one more. Fear and excitement warred within her as she rocked her hips against Spock's hand with a breathy moan. The tall Vulcan watched her, his heated gaze and obvious erection speeding her along towards a climax she half heartedly wanted.

Her hips faltered as she grew closer, her conflicting emotions eating away at her enjoyment as she feared what this would mean for them and their careers if they were discovered. She wanted him but was it really worth her potential livelihood?

Towering above her with a ragged breath puffing from his lips, Spock appeared to glean her sense of foreboding and slide his long fingers from her neck once more towards her face. Just when Nyota thought she was being let go, Spock firmly pressed his fingertips against her skull and pushed the slender cadet down onto the surface of the table. She tried unsuccessful to pull at skirt as it was lodged around her waist unable to circumnavigate around her behind and the table it was wedged between. She pleaded then for Spock to let her go, for them to talk it over, for him to look to logic as stood there blank of expression as his eyes darted over the slick folds of her exposed sex.

Once pinned Nyota felt an immediate throbbing pulse from his hand into her temples followed by a burning wave of lust addled her brain and shook her body. Her mouth was moving but her words were lost as her sense of hearing was shorted out and her sense of touch was amplified. She no longer heard him chuffing over her prone form but felt the vibrations of it rattling inside her chest.

Her vision became distorted as Nyota saw Spock looming above her and her frightened looking face and half nude body beneath him in colors that were too highly saturated to be her own. " What's... happening..?" She asked belabored by her sluggish feeling muscles. Something was making her feel hot and tingly but it scared her that she could not control it. The flood of desire swelled and peaked, speeding her breath, dilating her pupils, budding her nipples and drenching her sex.

Insecurities and doubts fled as the heady energy had Uhura arching her back with a bawdy moan and clawing at his jacket. Mmm good, he felt so good, she thought nudging her head into the hand on her face as he continue to transmit his own lust and desire into her small frame. " Oh! Spock, please!"

" Tell me now Nyota, what it is you want."

" I want...I wanna come. Please." she mewed her hands dancing across her body trying desperately to shed her clothing. She felt so hot and like there were pins and needles under her skin and the fabric only seem to further the irritation. " Please, Spock."

He curled his fingers inside her, taking pleasure in the way she asked for more, writhing and gasping for breath until she cried out his name as she shook uncontrollably against his hands. Purring above her, Spock quickly flipped her over, hiking her skirt further up her waist along her ribcage and held her in place with a heavy hand on her back. She heard fabric shuffle and the unmistakable noise of a zipper being drawn down.

She shook her head and blinked heavily as the thick lust confounding her mind cleared a bit with the strength of her orgasm. She felt the bulbous head of his strange, scalding cock prodding her slick entrance as she struggled beneath him to no avail. They shouldn't be doing this. This was wrong, wasn't it? She had never been with a Vulcan before, would it hurt?

The whole situation was strange and frightening, having her daydream birthed into reality in such a horrid way. She wasn't sure she wanted him, her body was fighting to get closer while her mind jerked her limbs away as it howled no inside her but now she couldn't get free of his hot hands or his lok brushing at her wet folds.

" Spock, I don't think we should do this...please we should wait. My head...I feel funny."

The Commander was quiet as he shifted her wrists into the vice grip of one hand with a yank, making her arch her back and stick her ass into the air. She moaned his name and started to protest just as he melded with his other hand once more. His passion and lust surged through her, cutting off her protesting mind by the strength of his alien emotions. She moaned loudly and presented herself like a bitch in heat, rubbing herself up against his dick. That was it, that was what she wanted.

" Fuck me, fuck me, Spock!" she purred, pulling against his hold only because she wanted to be closer. She wanted to swallow him as she sucked him off. She wanted to bounce up and down on his lok, watching as he spilled inside her. She wanted him to take her and make her come, and come and come until she was spent. She wanted Spock to consume her.

Spock growled in pleasure, privy to all her lewd thoughts within the corrupted meld and forced his feverish hot lok inside her, making Nyota scream out at the sudden invasion. He was big, too big. She couldn't remember having someone quite as large as Spock, his girth and length were both uncomfortable forcing her pussy to stretch to accommodate his alien cock. On the second thrust he made it all the way to the hilt with bumpy knot stretching her further. Nyota hissed in pain and pleasure trembling with effort to relax around his foreign anatomy. " Oh, oh yeah! Mmm Spock…"

She was so full of him, her Spock. Her Spock? The wording and the male in question runting behind her made her pause once more in confusion. She shook her head but she couldn't see through the haze of desire. He rocked against her and she whimpered and moaned and yanked against his hand holding her captive. It burned, he burned, her body felt aflame and he was only making her hotter.

" Tell me, Nyota. Tell me everything you want."

Her mind was still lethargic as it labored to cope with processing the Vulcan lust he suffused her with but she still registered what he asked. She pushed her hips back feebly on each thrust out her body no longer fighting to take him in, her butt bouncing against his pelvis.

" I want this, I want you, I crave you." she moaned against the table trying to gain friction against her aching clit. She whined as he released her hands, pinned down her shoulders taking her with a speed that stole her breath.

" You are close." he grunted, more a statement than a question.

Nyota nodded and shifted against him as best she could. He moved one hand between her shoulders and used the other to lift her leg to rest on his forearm and table. The shift in position exposed her clit, putting the swollen nub in line with his balls which slapped against it mercilessly . She didn't have time to make a sound as her climax slammed into her. She laid there gasping for air as he took her even harder, pain commingling with pleasure and bringing her even higher.

Nyota teared up at the intensity, sobbing as she caught her breath from her shuddering lungs. She couldn't handle another orgasm like that she thought but there was Spock ripping another from her body as she wailed and tremored against him, thought and reasoning not fully within her control. She felt faint as he continued to pound into her powerless form.

" T'nash veh." he cooed above her, his head thrown back with a mad look of ecstasy with cresting his brows together towards the middle and his mouth slack in awe.

Nyota closed her eyes against the onslaught of her mind and body as Spock claimed them as his own and saw images she felt to not be her own. Perhaps it was the meld or maybe his own sordid imaginings that she saw in snips and flashes of him restraining her arms, his cock nestled deep inside her as he took the small human cadet while sitting on a chair. Were they memories or daydreams?

Suddenly he relented and picked her up in his arms lowering his pants around his knees before settling down into the chair beside them. Whether the images were fabled or true, it appeared that the Vulcan wanted to see them put into action. She squirmed and pushed against him but the large alien male held her above his waist and slowly impaled her on his green, engorged member.

She threw back her head and keened as he took her, no longer slow but quick and deep with his knotty base feeding that maddening tension building in her clit. She clawed into his shoulders, the fabric on his uniform bunching under her nails as another wave of lust raked through her spine and cursed his gods in Vulcan. She felt limp and boneless, tired and sore but she could not stop herself from lifting her hips in sync with his strokes and relishing the thick fullness he created in her pussy.

" Let me do it." she slurred. The Vulcan acquiesced and placed both his hands along the psi points of her face, further infusing her with his unbidden lust as she began to bounce and grind herself on his ghastly inhuman cock. It felt so good, he felt so good, she wouldn't stop, couldn't stop, Nyota chanted with herself as she fought tired body not to give into the urge to rest.

" Weh sanoi Osu, weh weh sanoi!" she whined, pumping faster and harder along the frightful, knobby lok as it spongy ovid bumps began to harden and swell.

" Du guv-ri..." Spock stared but didn't finished before Nyota leaned up and bracing her against his shoulders and fucked him from root to tip all in one quick fluid motion. Two strokes in and he was growling against her neck biting along the column. She cried out in delight, in distress and confusion before falling limp against him as he emptied his scorching hot cum from his jerking, torrid lok. As it pulsed and streamed the hot gushing fluid into her lax body he exhaled with a loud, feral hiss and licked at the mark on her slender brown shoulder.

Spock sat for a moment in the chair panting as his knot receded and catching his breath before moving the unconscious cadet to the table. He was better this time with handling her but he still bit her neck like he typically did. The Vulcan raked the hair of his fringe back and sighed heavily, looking forlorn as he stared at the tears streaking her face. He could not help himself or at least failed to these past few days and because of that she suffered his lok and the crushing weight of his Vulcan emotions.

Spock reached into his bag and proceeded to mend the skin at her neck wound with a dermal regenerator. The Vulcan in him wished to leave it but he knew that if he wanted to continue his 'meetings' with Nyota that he had to be very careful not to leave any evidence behind. Next he tended to the bruises at her wrist, hips and neck and wiped her mound clean of his semen as it steadily trickled out into a pool onto the table.

Spock held up her panties for inspection, noting the design and pulled out an identical pair that he had replicated at his house. Before starting his exploration of her body and mind two weeks and a half ago he had made sure to examine and take down the specifications for each article of Nyota's clothing during the winter break while she was off visiting family. It was easy to override the code to get into her room, even better to cover his trail by using Professor Shuran's staff number as the officer requesting it.

He gently slid on the underwear and admired her supine figure. She looked so beautiful to him with her vulnerable like this. He had an urge to take her again but he checked his lok and passion knowing that he would have to wake her from the effects of the nerve pinch soon.

Last time he had taken her in such a manner he had to replace all her clothes as he ripped them from her quailing from and seized her over his desk. Spock would wait until she was full of his semen or barely able to move before pinching her shoulder as he came or pinching her clit sending her soaring before cutting her off with a bite to the nerve using his laving tongue to transmit his telepathic connection over her body and send her into a deep slumber.

Spock repressed another sigh as he picked her up, crushing her to his broad chest as he marked her instead with his scent, purring into the hair he saw she had taken pains to beautify just for him. " T'nash veh pi'su-leitri. ( My little doll)" he murmured against her cheek and kissed away the water that traveled earlier from her eyes. He was ashamed but he could not help himself. Would not help himself to anything other than her body. He was nothing more than a foul abrukhausu osu ( dominant superior/teacher) who mourned his actions only enough to feel guilt. It hurt him to think as to why he started taking her, why he was lonely and why he needed her so he chose instead to prepare her to reawaken.

He scooted the chair back over to the table and gently sat her down in it. Folding her arms across the table Spock softly placed her head down on top of them before stealing a lick across her rounded ears with a hum. She was his even if she would never come to know it.

He stroked lovingly at her hair and sniffed at her perfume as it wafted into the air. Lilacs. Spock had always preferred the jasmine scent on her personally but she would always change them with her mood, hoping that one day he was say something, anything about her from what he gathered through the melds.

His jaw flexed in hopes of marking her again as his gaze fell upon her neck but not now. One day he would do so and leave it for all to see but that would be the day she approached him and told him she wanted him. For now, they had this, well, more like he had this.

He rested three fingers across her temple, the same three he had fucked her with earlier and whispered into her ear.

" Forget." he commanded and watched her expression flicker as her memory of her tutorial today was eroded. He was careful to leave the pronunciation of the Gol dialect intact as well as her arrival and speech practice. A present to his little doll as much as it was a cover.

He gathered his things and put everything else back into place before working the kink out of her muscle, waking Nyota up with a gentle caress to her back.

" Are you well?" Spock inquired, his expression placid in the face of everything that had happened.

She blinked at him bleary eyed and nodded. " Yeah I'm sorry I don't know what happened. Ugh, I'm so tired and sore, it must be those late nighters and P.T. catching up with me. "

"No need to apologize, Cadet. You were studying and then you were passed out asleep on the table. I did not want to disturb you until it was time for you to go." Not a lie, but also far from the whole truth.

She yawned and stretched and he watched her like a cat does a bird outside the window. Only this cat found a way to open the window and catch his prey. He smiled quickly to himself as she noted the time and excused herself for class.

" This Thursday at 10a.m. is our next session, correct?" she chirped innocently.

He nodded and cycled the door open for her. " Yes, be sure to get some sleep, Cadet. You will need it if you wish to keep up with my lessons."

She nodded and absentmindedly rubbed at the spot where he had bitten her. " Yes sir."

Before she left out he gave her a small token of appreciation. " I noted that you are wearing lilac today. While the scent is enjoyable I prefer the jasmine oil you wear."

She blushed and beamed with a shy smile. " Oh, really? Oh well,...I will remember that."

And she hurried down the hallway before disappearing into the turbolift.

" Yes, Nyota. That, you will remember." he purred.