Eijun's eyes widened as he slowly stepped onto the stage. He was shocked, honestly. He thought the glass dome would be deserted because of his latest scandal, but that appeared to be untrue. Hundreds of people were smiling, whistling, and shouting at him with joy.

Standing up at the podium, the brunette raised his hand and the crowd simmered down. He scoured the faces among the plethora of people and as he expected, his parents were nowhere to be found. 'I guess they really don't like me after all,' he thought somberly.

Clearing his throat, he held his speech in his hands and exhaled. "My name is Sawamura Eijun."

Miyuki rose a brow as he spotted Chris leaning against the entrance of La Plaza. "Hey!" he shouted, walking towards him. "What are you doing out here, big guy? I figured you'd at least want to hear Eijun's last words."

Chris chuckled as he came face to face with Miyuki. "It's not my place to be anymore," he said, shrugging. "I'm not as important to him as you are."


"You two had sex in the preparation room. The walls are quite thin."

Miyuki licked his lips and grinned. "I should call you a pervert for listening in. But that's besides the point. Just know that at the end of the day, I'm simply doing my job. I don't have a choice but to kill him."

Chris nodded and extended his hand. He couldn't even get mad at the man who was going to assassinate the source of his unrequited love. Just what kind of person was he?

The bespectacled male shook the latter's hand and turned around, making his way to an apartment building that provided the best view of La Plaza. "See ya."

Chris watched with sullen eyes as Miyuki disappeared from his field of vision. Sighing, he reached for his phone and dialed a number.

"Progress?" the voice on the opposite line deadpanned.

"He's heading to the top of an apartment building. Yoshida Complex. I hope you understand that I'm only assisting you because this is a rather grim situation."

Furuya cocked his head as his thumb hovered over the End Call button. "Thank you."

He was currently cleaning up Haruichi's apartment, the mop soaked with blood and red food coloring. He rinsed and mopped repeatedly until the wooden floor was somewhat immaculate, but the smell was still pungent. "I'll take care of that afterwards," he told himself, setting the mop against the kitchen counter.

He looked at the television and saw the live recording of Eijun's speech on the news. 'Haruichi… I will respect your favor and adhere to it. However, I cannot guarantee that the outcome will live up to your expectations. I'll do what I'm capable of doing.' With that, he turned off the TV, walked out of the apartment, and locked the door one last time.

Well into his speech, Eijun's makeup was now smudged all over his face as tears trickled down his cheeks. "A-As most of y-you probably know, I was… unfortunately raped at a young age… by a man w-whose face I still d-do not know. It was a terrifying, treacherous experience that I would not wish upon anyone. I s-still have nightmares a-about it… to this day. On the b-bright side, I was able to g-give birth to my beautiful daughter Kizunari."

Kizunari winked at him. "Hehe!"

Eijun waved at her, then went back to focusing on the numerous cameras that were in the glass dome. The world would finally be enlightened about the truth about his past and the hardships that allowed him to get to where he was today. He hoped that his brave step forward wouldn't backfire because if it did, he would never hear the end of it. Especially from his parents.

Miyuki made his way to the center of the roof as he fixed on his black leather gloves. Instead of his usual pair of glasses, he wore his prescription sports goggles. The proper ones for his job.

His rifle was mounted on a brick, the barrel pointing out towards La Plaza. Laying his body flat, he positioned his fingers in all the right places and looked into the eyepiece. He had an amazingly perfect view of the glass dome. More importantly, he had an amazing view of Eijun.

The hitman breathed shakily as he watched Eijun's juicy red lips open and close, disregarding the tear-stains that screwed up his entire face. "Man," he whispered huskily. "How do I not feel… I can't even find the right word. Damn. I'm a mental mess right now. If I shoot, I'll probably miss and accidentally kill someone else."

He readjusted his body in a more comfortable position and exhaled again, feeling his undershirt begin to dampen with anxious sweat. His feet were growing warm in his socks and his hands were getting clammy in his gloves. He swallowed, but his throat was dry.

'Shit.' Miyuki backed away from his rifle and circled the roof in an attempt to calm himself down. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his blazer, allowing gusts of wind to cool his body. "I guess it's pretty understandable as to why I'm this nervous. I can't kill him. I really can't. I can't do this."

His earpiece crackled and Kuramochi's voice rang in his ear. "Oi," he growled. "What the hell are you waiting for? Don't tell me you don't have the balls to snipe that cross-dresser's ass…"

Miyuki chuckled. "What if you're right?"

Kuramochi felt his blood surge through his veins. "Excuse me?" he asked incredulously. "Are you kidding me? Listen, Miyuki. I don't know what the hell has gotten into you, but you need to STRAIGHTEN THE FUCK UP! I'M NOT FUCKING PLAYING WITH YOU! YOU NEED TO GET OVER YOUR FUCKING FEELINGS FOR THAT BROWN HAIRED BASTARD AND KILL HIM!"

Miyuki clenched his fists. "You know nothing… you know absolutely nothing at all. You don't know how much pain Eijun's death is going to cause me."

"You do understand that this is your job, right?"

"Why, of course I understand. I read the terms and conditions on the contract before I signed up for this damn job. Why wouldn't I understand?"

Kuramochi sucked his teeth. "Are you toying with me? Do you think this is a game? Are you having fun messing with me? Are you deadass right now?"

Miyuki shrugged. "I guess so. You're jumping to too many conclusions, but deep down, you're pretty much right. Ciao." Without waiting for a response, the bespectacled male tore off his earpiece and threw it to the ground. "I'm tired of this shit." He lifted his foot and smashed it to pieces.

Suddenly, the door to the roof burst open and Furuya revealed himself. He pulled out a silver pistol and pointed it at Miyuki. "Step away from the sniper," he warned. His brow furrowed as he realized that the hitman looked distressed and somewhat… lost. He slowly lowered his weapon. "Well. This is not what I was expecting."

Miyuki sat on the edge of the roof, cocking his head. "You think? Anyway, are you even up here? I thought our little transaction was over."

"That's right," Furuya said, keeping his eye out for a potential threat. Miyuki was far away from his sniper, but he still didn't feel relaxed enough to let his guard down. He walked towards the sniper and turned the safety off. "Our transaction had come to an end, but a certain someone wanted a favor. A final favor."

"Final? What do you mean? What happened to the person?"

The black haired male lowered his head. "They're deceased." He coughed, tugging on his hood. "I'm partially responsible, but that isn't the point. The point is that the person wanted me to kill you for Sawamura."

Miyuki rose a brow, removing his gloves. "Kill me? Am I really that famous? I feel extremely flattered."

"That's nothing to be flattered by. I have a question. Are you even considering killing Sawamura?"

"Nah, not anymore."


"Because I'll regret it for the rest of my life. It may seem cringeworthy, but I love him."


"Oh, shut up."

Furuya chortled as he tucked away his pistol and sat next to Miyuki. He looked out into the city, his eyes following the movements of the people below. "Be grateful that I've decided to let you live."

Miyuki let out a hearty laugh. "Hahaha! Don't get all cocky, though."

"Whatever." 'Haruichi… I think this is a better outcome than what you wanted. I hope this pleases you, wherever you are now.'

A comforting silence ensued their conversation as they stared at the commotion occurring at La Plaza.

"I am proud to be the valedictorian of the class of 2017, and I hope that all of you find the strength to follow your endeavors in the future. Thank you." Eijun sighed as he stepped away from the podium and looked at the audience.

A standing ovation and rhythmic clapping were all he could respectively see and hear amongst the crowd. He smiled, teeth and all, but there was a dangerous thought burning in the back of his mind. 'I'm supposed to be dead right now. What happened to Kazuya? Did something go wrong?'

Making eye contact with one of his classmates, he begged for her to watch over Kizunari. "No problem," she mouthed.

Eijun lifted the hem of his gown and ran off the stage as he hurried into the preparation room. After removing his makeup, he bolted through the first floor and rushed past the automatic doors of La Plaza. "God, I'm so lucky I can run in heels!"

The brunette whipped his head side to side but Chris was nowhere to be found. "Chris!" he shouted. "Chris! More importantly, where's that bastard Kazuya?! Kazuya–"

"YOU CAN STOP SCREAMING!" a voice yelled from above.

Eijun tilted his head upward and squinted at the roof of an apartment building. His eyes widened. "Kazuya! And… Harucchi's boyfriend?!"

Furuya waved. "I have a name, just in case you didn't know."

At a nearby park, Eijun, Miyuki and Furuya sat on a bench facing the sprinklers.

"So… why did you decide not to kill me?" Eijun asked.

Miyuki placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "I decided that I wanted to be with you. I couldn't stand the thought of you dying because of me."


Eijun laughed, slapping his thigh. "I'm playing, I'm playing! But, are you really sure? Do you really love me?"

Miyuki pushed up his glasses. "Positive. That ass of yours is way too fat to give up."


"It was just a joke!"

"Better be!"

Furuya winced. "You guys are too loud. I think I'm going deaf."

Eijun turned his head to the black haired male. "You," he said. "I don't know why you're here, but where the heck is Harucchi?"

Furuya tensed, his fists clenching in the pocket of his hoodie. He closed his eyes. "Dead. He's dead."

The mastermind's shoulders dropped as the news slowly settled into his brain, his eyes beginning to water. "W-What? Harucchi's… dead? You killed him?"

"No. His older brother did."


"He never liked Haruichi. He tried to kill me, but I had a plan. He killed Haruichi with his own hands, I think. I wasn't facing them so I don't know."

"We have to avenge Harucchi," Eijun mumbled.

Furuya cleared his throat, straightening his posture. "You don't need to worry about that. I already killed him. Two bullets to the chest."

Miyuki whistled. "Damn. Smooth."

"Thank you."

Eijun stared at his lap, tears dripping onto his gown. "Harucchi…" He laid his head on the hitman's shoulder and wept, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Realizing that this was his cue to leave, Furuya mouthed a few words to Miyuki before sauntering into the heart of the city. "I guess my job here is done."

Two Days Later - 7:30 AM

Kuramochi turned around in his swivel chair and faced Miyuki's nonchalant expression, his index finger tapping against his desk. "What's the deal?"

Miyuki threw his hands up in the air. "I'm quitting," he said. "I don't think this job is for me. It's not as… enticing as it used to be."

"So a piece of ass is more important than your job?"

"A nice piece of ass, mind you." The hitman opened a briefcase on Kuramochi's desk and removed all the weapons that he'd been provided with since day one of his employment. "I won't be needing these as of today."

"You know what, Miyuki?" Kuramochi clucked his tongue, squinting. "You're an oddball."

"About time you figured that out." Miyuki tapped his foot on the carpet before heading towards the front door. "It was nice knowing you—"

"Yeah, whatever. Get lost."

As the door opened and closed, Kuramochi sulked, laying his head on his desk. 'I could always hire a new hitman,' he thought, eying a framed picture of him and Ryosuke near his elbow. A beautiful day at the beach with little to no clouds in the sky. A small smile danced on the pinkette's lips, a rare sight. 'But this just sucks. I lost the most important person in my life, and now I lose Miyuki. What am I supposed to do? There's no way I can be optimistic at a time like this–'


Lethargically reaching for his phone, the green haired male pressed the home button and stared at the notification on the screen. Two minutes later, his eyes widened as he suddenly understood what had just occured. He reread the message, skeptical of what his eyes were seeing.

"That… that bastard did what?!"

Eijun snickered as he exited the app and shut off his phone. "Tch, he should be happy now!" He flipped his hair and made his way down the street.

Miyuki trailed after him, laughing. "Haha! What did you do?"

"I gave your cheetah boss all the money I owed him. Well, stole from him."

"How much was it?"

"1,108,756 dollars."

"Why would you even steal that?"

"I was bored!" The brunette waved as he spotted Chris and Kizunari at an intersection.

Miyuki rolled his eyes. "I bet you probably wanted to use the money for boob implants, but the surgeons rejected you."

Eijun gawked, pausing mid-step to look at the bespectacled male. "WAIT, HOW'D YOU KNOW?!"

The hitman facepalmed, groaning. "Jesus Christ, Eijun. I can't believe you actually thought of doing that. You're so stupid."

"I wanna be a mom, baka! I need boobs!"

"What kind of genius are you? It doesn't work like that!"

"I don't care!" Reaching the intersection, Eijun ran over to Kizunari and picked her up, planting kisses all over her face. "Ah, there's my little girl," he crooned. "How're you doing?"

"Fine," Kizunari said, wrapping her arms around her mother's neck. "I had a great day yesterday with… uh… Daddy."

"Ohoho?" Eijun looked at Chris in surprise. "Daddy. Wow, that's some pretty fast progress. You're not so bad after all."

Chris smiled. "It's the least I can do for you." He glanced at his watch. "It's time for me to take Kizunari to school."

The brunette shook his head in disagreement. "No, no, I'll do it–"

Miyuki shot him a questioning look. 'What, you don't want morning sex?'

'That's not a priority right now!'

'Think of all the naughty positions I could fuck you in at that big house of yours.'

Eijun squinted. 'Hmm… what's in it for me?'

Miyuki winked. 'Hair pulls, spanks, hickeys on your neck and thighs, dirty name calling. Whatever you want.'

"FINE!" His heart beating in excitement, the mastermind set Kizunari down. "N-Nevermind," he choked out. "I'll let Chris do it."

Chris held Kizunari's hand and said bye to Eijun as the two of them crossed the street.

Turning around, Eijun walked back to where Miyuki was standing, a vein popping on his forehead. "Jeez, I can't even take my own daughter to school because of you! Why'd you need to go and have such irreversible genitals?"

"Genius, my ass," Miyuki said. "The word is irresistible, idiot."

"I just realized how much I actually hate you. You and your snarky comments really get on my nerves."

"Ouch, that hurt. Just for that, you're getting harder and deeper strokes."


"Nope, too late."

"I WON'T BE READY! I HATE YOU!" Eijun crossed his arms and puffed, walking as fast as he could in his heels.

The bespectacled male's eyes locked on the brunette's ass jiggling in front of him. "Putting on a show for me already, huh?"

"SHUT UP!" Eijun yelled, dashing away at full speed.

Shaking his head, Miyuki suddenly found himself lost in thought. 'I quit my job for a sexy, idiotic genius. Wow, that sounds really bad now that I think about it. But then again, I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with this human contradiction.'

He looked up and witnessed Eijun's heel get stuck in a sidewalk crack, steam puffing from his ears angrily.

'He'll never cease to amaze me.'