
It was a painting, that of a land sketched over by artist who lost his sight, sitting there collecting dust and left forgotten and untouched.

It was pure was silence.

Not even the slow falling crystal tears that the little boy shed gave even a hint of noise, and not a single soul seem to stir and in this silent world.

He was truly alone.

A crescent moon stood above him making his hair glow silver in the moonlight as it's black reflection rested within a dark blue lake for the land seemed to be devoid of color. Grey grass stood still as gnarled dead trees outlined the deep purple sky. His small fingers caressed the water forming small ripples as he gazed longingly into it, letting small drops fall from his hand matching his tears.

The moon's reflection wasn't the only thing that rested within the water.

In it was a sphere, but this was not any ordinary sphere, it was another world,

a world of life.

Yet the boy could not reach it, for a barrier surrounded it with a key hole like structure protruding from the front, but the key was nowhere to be found. So it sat there, in the center of the lake, untouchable leaving the boy merely an observer. Not even time could not touch him, and as centuries passed the boy watched and learned.

He watch the animals evolve and adapt, the terrain morph over and over again and tried to count the countless deaths of the creatures he watched. Some died from old age, some were eaten and some die before their time was right. Until one day the boy spotted something new.

Strange unnatural structures started forming out of the ground. A type of newer creature, humans (or bald monkeys, as he dubbed them), were acting up. Unlike other creatures who moved around to survive and keep to themselves, humans,like worker ants carried resources to their anthills. They worked together, live together and display strange emotions that the boy had never ever seen before and soon, the strange structures expanded, growing like a vine plant across the ground as time passed. The humans also wore strange contraptions on them that was covered in strange patterns and designs. The boy did not understand why they wore such things as the ridiculous outfits only seemed to weigh them down they ran reducing their speed, and compare to some of the other creatures he had seen they were very slow to begin with.

They very were amusing to say the least.

He was mesmerized, his eyes never dared to stray away from the sphere in fear of missing even a single second. His eyes grew weary from lack of rest, yet the boy could not find it in himself to fall asleep. It was as if something was tugging inside of him shaking him awake.

He wanted it.

To be able to touch the sphere from the inside. To see those strange emotions coming across a human's face similar to his own. The curiosity was killing him.

And with it, the boy felt something that he realized was with him ever since he step foot in this silent land,


He was trapped, with no one there to comfort him as he sank deeper and deeper in the quiet of his mind.

And he hated it.

To exist without a life and watch as other ones played on

It was madding, almost enough to drive one insane.

And with his eyes fluttered closed, deep within his soul he wished, and the first sound the boy heard since eons came in a form of a song,

Soshite bouya wa nemuri ni tsuita

Ikizuku hai no naka no honoo hitotsu futatsu to

Ukabu fukurami itoshii yokogao

Daichi ni taruru ikusen no yume yume

Gin no hitomi no yuragu yoru ni

Umare-ochita kagayaku omae

Ikuoku no toshitsuki ga

Ikutsu inori wo

Tsuchi e kaeshitemo

Watashi wa inori tsuzukeru

Douka kono ko ni ai wo

tsunaida te ni kiss wo

Then the boy fell asleep

and one or two embers in the fading ashes of fire

flared up in the shape of a beloved face

Dreaming many thousands of dreams

spreading across the land

Your silver eyes shine their light

Like stars falling down from the night sky

Even though countless of years turn so many prayers back to earth

I will keep praying

Somehow, love for this child please

kissing the joined hands

With the last note uttered the boy slumped down into a deep slumber with a small smile gracing his lips, oblivious to the silent world crumbling beneath him

Only invaded by that of the soft sound of a key being turned.


Lavi Bookman was deep in his thoughts as he walked down the old cobblestone path. His bright red hair falling out of his dark green scale printed bandanna that match the color of his eye. A thick black eye patch hid his other from view as his fingers fumbled with a little hammer in his hand.

Last night a green flash was seen in this area and he along with another exorcist was sent out to investigate. Just who that exorcist was, was another thing to investigate. Lavi had no idea. Sure Headquarters probably did tell him who he would be teaming up with, but that doesn't mean he was actually paying attention. So as Lavi nervously walked of to the designated meeting place he was praying to god that it wasn't a certain someone did played a little prank on the night before. Sadly for him, fate just loved to screw him over.

"Baka Usagi Get Your Ass Over Here!"

Yes fate was definitely not on his side.

Standing next the fountain where Lavi and the other exorcist was supposed to meet up was no other then Kanda Yuu, and he was ticked, his hand already clutching his sheath. The tips of his midnight -black long pony tail dyed pink, making him look even more feminine.

Lavi was so going to die.

~Awwe poor Lavi...

well any way,

Hiya! It's Mixty here with my first fan fiction on this account! This is going to be a AU with a crazy plot that will unravel as the story continues...

Warning: I am a awful updater, but I plan to get these out until this story is finished no matter how much time it takes.

I honestly have no real major plan for this besides a basic idea but I'm going to just let the story write it self and hopefully I don't get too carried away.

This story is also not beta-ed so if you find any part confusing or any grammar errors just PM me and I will try to get it fix as soon as possible or if you have any ideas or things you want to discuss about it do not be afraid to PM me for that too.

Also please leave a review to tell me how you like the story so far!

~ Mixty