"Who's this…?"
"What's she doing here?"
"Guys, I'll explain later. For now, let's just try and wake her up"
I groan a bit and snuggle closer into my sweater. Wait. This isn't my sweater. It's freakishly warm, like it's alive!
I open my eyes, and I see that I'm looking over someone's shoulder. I think I might be in someone's house, because there's a door with a side table next to it. The side table had a wooden bowl which has a cute teddy bear sitting in it. Does whoever live here have kids? If so, maybe it's safe…or maybe not…
"Hey! I think she's awake!"
I jump at the sound of the voice, and whoever's holding me tightens their grip so I don't fall.
I struggle to get free.
"Put me down! Put me down, damn it!"
The person does as I say, lowering me to the ground. I hardly have any time to notice it's the guy from the alleyway.
I realize now that the other people talking are three men. Men. Four men. FOUR of them. This isn't good. This is not good!
I open my mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. In a panic, I reach into my pocket and pull out my switchblade.
I find my voice.
"Stay back! Don't come any closer!" I demand, trying to sound threatening.
They all look taken aback. I feel a small pang of guilt, but with men, you can't take any chances.
"Kid, no-one's gonna hurt you!"
I hold the blade in front of me.
"How do I know you aren't bluffing?!" I demand.
"Trust me! It's just—what's your name? Where are your parents?"
"My name's Blue. And I don't care," I say, feeling my voice shake at the end.
"Well, it's nice meeting you…I'm Edd, that's Tom, the redhead is Matt, and there's Tord."
Each of them said hi or waved when Edd introduced them. Tord was the one with brown hair and a red hoodie, Matt was indeed, red-haired, and he had on a purple hoodie and green overcoat. Tom was the one who found me, and Edd was wearing a green hoodie.
I slowly put the knife back in my pocket, not taking my eyes off them.
"And why don't you?" Asked Matt, raising an eyebrow.
"I know where they are." I lie. "It's not like I have to protect them or anything." I roll my eyes at the end for emphasis.
They give me skeptical looks.
"Oo-kay then...would you like to stay for supper before heading home?"
Sounds pretty good to me, considering I haven't eaten in almost a week.
"Sounds cool," I say.
The meal turns out to be one of my favorites-cup ramen. I try not to wolf down my food, but it's next to impossible. It tastes so good, and I'm just so hungry! The guys seem to notice my fast eating, but I don't really even care that much. I'll just stay for supper then leave as soon as I can. That means I might not even see them ever again.
Suddenly Tom seems to realize something.
"Hey, wait a minute."
We all look at him, and he looks me dead in the eye. He might not have any eyes, but even without them I can see the suspicion in his face. "Did you run away?"