Important Announcement! Please Read!

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this Zelda story as well the others in this little series of mine.
It's been a little less than 6 years since I started this series, and about 2 and a half years since I stopped writing for it. The story is over, no doubt about it. I ain't continuing the series or expanding upon it. I am however going to be going over each entry in this series, correcting spelling and grammar mistakes (with help from a friend, hopefully) and possibly fixing story elements that may have bugged me. Also deleting all the Author Notes that exists for each chapter for each story.
Now this bring us to the main point of this little announcement chapter.

When I am completed editing each entry in the series, I will be deleting all 5 stories!

I've been wanting to do this for a while to put all 5 stories into one collection following story chronological order.
So that's is:
1. Give A Reason
2. I Reach Out A Hand
3. I Can't Love You Anymore Than I Already Do
4. A Final Tale
and 5. Final Memories
All wrapped up into one story.

The title of the collection will be "A Hero's Requiem"
The rating of the collection story WILL be M rated, however I will at least give a warning to the rating of each "arc" of the story to it's respective rating that it originally had.

While the whole thing will be in one story, I am gonna separate each "arc"
What I mean by this is such:

Give A Reason's chapters will be titled "Arc 1. Chapter 1"
A Final Tale's will be "Arc 3. Chapter 1"
And so forth. There will be 4 total Arcs instead of 5, and here's why:
"I Reach Out A Hand" and "I Can't Love You Anymore Than I Already Do" will be merged into one "Arc" since the latter was intended as a sort of bonus chapter. I originally separated it from the former for the reason that the latter is a lemon (sexual story)
"I Reach Out A Hand" had it's M rating due to the violence I had in 2 or so specific chapters.
I would combine "A Finale Tale" and "Final Memories" into their own Arc since when I originally dreamed up "A Final Tale" it had some of the events of "Final Memories" as it's ending, however I felt the point I got to was good enough of a cut off point when I was finishing "A Finale Tale" up. However the big time-skip between the 2 is my reason why they'd be considered separate Arcs.

I may or may not give each story arc their own Author's Thoughts. Probably just saying when each was written. Since considering I had started "A Finale Tale" before "Give A Reason", however finished the latter before the former. I'm not sure if I would do this considering I don't exactly remember when I concieved the ideas for each one and when I started them all exactly. I could just slap in the information of when they were first published and last updated to give a rough idea on when each was written.

What of my other 2 Zelda stories? "Confined Feelings" and "A Hero's Death"? They will not being included in the collection for the simple fact they are not a part of this series. Pretty obvious why if you've read them as well as this series. If not (and btw; spoiler warnings abound) its because in "A Hero's Death" I have Link die in the battle with Ganon in OoT which would not coincide with this series and "Confined Feelings" where Link lives onto the events of Majora's Mask (which this series and "Confined Feelings" are sequels of)
"Confined Feelings" is due to 1, Link is stuck in his Fierce Deity form permanently which did not happen in this series. 2, Link hooks up with Cremia, and Romani dies. Where in this series the reverse happened where Link hooked up with Romani, and Cremia died. and Minorly; 3, Link and Cremia leave Termina for an unknown land to live out their new lives as a couple, which is about a decade or so before in this series where after Link and Romani had already been married, had kids and had a stable life, then moved to Hyrule so Link could take part in a duel and protect Hyrule, and where his children make lives for themselves.

I'm sure some of you are asking why am I doing this? I'd be deleting all of the kind reviews I've made over the years from all 5-ish of these stories, as well as years worth of views.
Honestly, its just a personal thing. I see many authors on this site separate their series of fanfics into "multi-book" formats, when some or a lot of the times - especially in my case - aren't very long to deem worthy enough of separating like that.
The past few years I use a couple freeware programs to download and convert fanfics or books into audiobooks using a synthetic voice. Ever since I started doing that it made realize just how long or short stories are. My longest story is "A Final Tale" which clocks at around 4 hours. Which is pretty common, but honestly, not very long. I don't recall the exact time lengths on the other entries into my other stories (including the ones on this list) but I remember the longer ones, besides "A Final Tale" being only a half hour to about 90 minutes. Pretty damned short. Makes it feel kinda pathetic in retrospect.
Also it just plain bugs me when people break stuff up like that unless there's a good reason.

I hope you all accept this big, yet simple change I am going to make to this little series of humble fanfics. This series of stories is what gives me confidence in myself as a writer despite how many times I've given up stories or put off writing for literal YEARS at a time. I know I got these stories that are complete and I feel no need to add to them. In a way, I want to honor them by putting them into a collection. Like I'm saying to all "LOOK AT IT! I DID IT! See these stories? I DID them! I FINISHED THEM! Now enjoy em all at once!"

Anyhoo, this thing is long enough so I will bid you all good day/night/afternoon/whatever.
Thank you again for reading these stories (considering you got this far)