I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret,between the Shadow and the Soul ~Pablo Neruda

I am Lord Voldemort

Harry stared at those words in shock, refusing to believe that which he was seeing with his own eyes.

He starred in horror, feeling himself shatter as he realized the person he had considered his closest friend and savior, was the very person who had orphaned him. The very same being who had almost been his murderer. He repeated those words over and over in his mind for what felt like an eternity, although only a few seconds had really passed. He could not comprehend that the Tom Riddle whom he had been confiding in for a large part of the year, the one he had come to care for deeply was in reality the monster he had been taught to despise. The only one who truly stood by him as the school turned against him in fear, was the one causing the problems in the first place.

"Tom..I don't understand.", Harry stammered, hearing his voice crack with his flooding overwhelming emotions.

"Lord Voldemort is my past, present, and future Harry." Tom's voice attempted to soothe, yet there was a cold underlying tone.

Harry shook his head, "But we..."

Tom, no Voldemort, looked at him, eyes softening and mouth curling in a small smile, "All that was between us was no lie. I meant all that I said to you. Our friendship was true. " Tom looked down, his voice dropping to little more than a whisper, "Please believe me.."

To his dismay, Harry felt tears flooding his eyes, causing his vision to blur, "You tried to kill me when I was a baby, then again in my first year! Now you expect me to believe it was real?! Not just some trick? You expect me to be okay and believe you? When you're standing there killing Ginny! Using her to hurt others!"

Tom shot him a quick glare, "What do you expect? As of right now I am nothing more than a Ghost, a memory. To continue our friendship I need to be stronger. I need a body. I need to LIVE!"

Harry flinched, but stood his ground, "No, not like this Tom. I can't if you do this."

Tom paused, considering his words. Calmly he replied, "If I spare her, will all be forgiven? Will you allow me to prove myself to you...?"

Harry felt a flicker of hope and immediately nodded, all caution thrown.

Tom sighed then responded resigned, "Very well, but you must help me find another way to regain myself, I don't wish to leave you."

Harry truly doubted he'd be able to help Tom gain a body, or join the other part that flew out of Quirrel last year, but he agreed;eager to appease his friend, desperate in his desire, to keep his Tom.

Tom stepped over Ginny's body and stood before him, still a few steps away, "Before I give her back the life force I have..borrowed-"

"Stolen" Harry cut in quickly, still rather annoyed.

Rolling his eyes, lips twitching in amusement, Tom continued as if he had not been interrupted, "borrowed, there is something I have been meaning to tell you for a while now, however, I fear it would be best to show you, as you have placed me in this position where I will not likely have the opportunity to do so in the near future."

Tom closed the remaining distance between them. He then raised his hand and lightly held Harry's cheek. Harry turned his head into the soft hand, marveling at the fact he was able to feel his friend, touch him who had been nothing but comforting words on a page, written when alone and no one was around. Tom then embraced Harry and held him close murmuring. "How I have longed to do this all year. Aching to hold you, to shield you from the cruelty of your fellows."

Harry returned the gesture, holding onto Tom almost painfully tight, aware that this may be the first and only time he would be able to hold his friend. "It was enough knowing you cared..." Harry replied softly.

Tom, pulled away and walked towards the statue of his ancestor. Without turning around he spoke, "We must create a credible story. No doubt, someone will suspect my presence here. Now what to do..." quickly he spun around and smirked at Harry while he waved a hand, and to Harry's surprise, next to them laid the body of a slayed Basilisk as well as a damaged replica of the Diary. "Of course we need a story befitting a hero such as yourself. You came here only to confront a young but very dashing man who claimed he was Voldemort, who then summoned the great beast of Salazar himself. You managed to defeat the beast with a bout of incredible wandless instinctual magic, then destroyed the diary with a fang, and managed to save the young fair maiden. You can give the replica to them as proof"

Harry raised an eyebrow. "You expect people to actually believe a twelve year old single handily defeated a basilisk and a young Voldemort as well?" Tom laughed and replied, "Well, you are the boy -who -lived, if anyone could do it, it would be you." His laughter faded as a somber look appeared on his face, "I am afraid that means this is goodbye for now, we will only be able to communicate as before, via the journal." Tom walked back over to Harry and placed his hands on Harry's shoulders pulling him towards him slightly. "One last thing.." he whispered, before leaning in and gently brushing his mouth against Harry's. Shocked and eyes wide, Harry was stunned yet surprisingly felt warm and pleased. A part of Harry wanted to recoil in confusion, however a much larger part of Harry, felt his heart race and head spin as those soft lips returned once more, placing a slight more amount of pressure before pulling away all together. Harry brought a hand up to gently touch his lips as he looked down embarrassed. Feeling his face heat up quite a bit, he was at a loss for words. He looked up and felt his heart skip a beat at the tender expression upon Tom's face. He realized that the supposed betrayal had hurt him so, because not only did he care for his friend, he loved him as something more. Not truly understanding his own emotions he simply gazed at Tom attempting to wordlessly convey his feelings. Tom seemed to understand as he smiled and simply said, "I know", before disappearing, flowing back down into the journal. He picked it up, and hid it in his robes. He then moved to Ginny as she awoke with a jolt and immediately began to ramble, explaining her innocence and how she had been possessed. "Riddle made me Harry!"

Harry smiled and assured her, she needed not explain herself to him. Together they made their way out of the tunnels until they reunited with Ron and the still obliviated professor. As he looked up, wondering how they were going to get out, he heard a voice whisper, "Just say up in Parsyltongue." Harry did so and to his surprise a staircase appeared, which they followed back to the world above. As they climbed out and left the bathroom, they walked through the corridor only to be bombarded by the other professors who proceeded to lead them up to McGonnagall and Dumbledore.

As they entered, Mr. and Mrs Weasley raced towards Ginny and proceeded to smother her with hugs. "We were so worried!" Harry then began to explain all that had 'happened'. He was pleased that they all accepted the story Tom had come up with. After he finished Dumbledore spoke, "And how was it that Voldemort managed to posses young Miss Weasley here, when I have heard he is traveling somewhere in Albania?" Harry replied, "With a diary, he appeared as Tom Riddle." Ginny confessed to having been writing in the Diary for a large part of the year, explaining how Riddle had made her command the beast, write messages on the walls, kill the chickens and such. "Ginny, what have I told you? Don't go trusting something that can think for itself, if you can't see where it keeps it's brain?!" Mr. Weasley shouted.

"Where is this Diary Harry?" Dumbledore asked. Harry looked down attempting to look upset and weary as he changed the plan a bit, not wanting them to have even the replica, "I left it in the chamber"

"Well then come with me and we shall retrieve it." Just as he was about to make his excuses, Professor McGonnagall protested for him, "Surely this is not necessary Albus? To send him back after all that has happened! I'm sure that there is no danger in leaving it there." A flash of annoyance graced Dumbledore's face before he sighed and replied, "Very well, then all that is left is to award you both Awards of Special Services to the School as well as 200 points each for your bravery. I also believe a feast is called for" Ron was burning red as he spoke, "But we broke so many rules! You said if we did we would be expelled." Dumbledore smiled at them both, "That just goes to show that even the best of us often eat our words." He dismissed Ron but asked young Harry to stay.

"Did Tom say anything to you my boy?" Harry hesitated before speaking, "He said we were alike..but I'm a Griffindor although.. the hat did wish to place me in Slytherin." Dumbledore shook his head, "You may posses certain qualities of Slytherin such as; ambition and pride, yet I have always believed that it is our actions that make us who we are. The two of you have similarities, yet you are very different." Harry pondered this as he tried to keep his features from revealing his thoughts. No, we're more alike then you think. We've both been through so much, faced similar horrors. No one could ever understand us, the way we understand each other. The hat said Slytherin would help me on my way to greatness. Now I realize that it was not just the house, but the heir himself. I, no we, will be great. Just wait Dumbledore

Before Harry could respond, the door opened with a bang, as none other than Lucius Malfoy himself entered with Dobby. Lucius questioned Dumbledore's reappearance, threatened them both vaguely, as well as denied having any part in the events of the year. Just as he was about to leave Harry spoke.

"Don't you want to know how Ginny got hold of that diary, Mr. Malfoy?" said Harry.

Lucius Malfoy looked at him "How should I know how the stupid little girl got hold of it?" he said.

"Because you gave it to her," said Harry. "In Flourish and Blotts. You picked up her old Transfiguration book and slipped the diary inside it, didn't you?"

He saw Mr. Malfoy's white hands clench together.

"Prove it," he hissed.

"Oh, no one will be able to do that," said Dumbledore, smiling at Harry. "Not now that Riddle has vanished from the book. On the other hand, I would advise you, Lucius, not to go giving out any more of Lord Voldemort's old school things. If any more of them find their way into innocent hands, I think Arthur Weasley, for one, will make sure they are traced back to you. …"

Lucius Malfoy stood for a moment, and Harry distinctly saw his right hand twitch as though he was longing to reach for his wand. Instead, he turned to his house-elf. "We're going, Dobby!" He wrenched open the door and as the elf came hurrying up to him, he kicked him right through it. Harry stood for a moment, thinking as he realized what he could do with the replica. "Professor Dumbledore," he said hurriedly. "May I be excused? I want to go rest for a while."

"Certainly, Harry, but don't forget about the feast." Harry raced out of the office. He could sill hear Dobby's squeals of pain. Harry took off one of his shoes, pulled off his rather grotesque sock, and stuffed the diary into it. He caught up with them at the top of the stairs.

"Mr. Malfoy," he gasped, skidding to a halt, "I've got something for you —"

And he forced the smelly sock into Lucius Malfoy's hand.

"What the — ?" Mr. Malfoy ripped the sock off the diary, threw it aside, then looked furiously from the ruined book to Harry.

"You'll meet the same sticky end as your parents one of these days, Harry Potter," he said softly. "They were meddlesome fools, too." Harry merely laughed and gave him a smirk worthy of Tom Riddle himself. "Oh we'll just see about that won't we? If anyone should worry about their end it's you"

Dumbstruck, he merely gaped at Harry's audacity before turning and calling for Dobby to follow. But Dobby was frozen, holding Harry's disgusting sock,"Master has given a sock," said the elf in wonderment."What's that?" spat Mr. Malfoy. Dobby in disbelief said. "Master threw it, and Dobby caught it, — Dobby is free."Lucius Malfoy lunged at Harry. "You've lost me my servant, boy!" But Dobby shouted, "You shall not harm Harry Potter!" There was a loud bang, and Mr. Malfoy was thrown backward. He got up, his face livid, and pulled out his wand, but Dobby raised a long, threatening finger. "You shall not touch Harry Potter. You shall go now." Lucius Malfoy had no choice. He left with a swing of his cloak around him, in a way that would have made Snape proud and hurried out of sight. "Harry Potter freed Dobby!" said the elf shrilly

"Least I could do, Dobby," said Harry, grinning. "Well, I'd better go. There's a feast, and my friend Hermione should be awake by now. …" Dobby threw his arms around Harry's middle and hugged him. "Harry Potter is greater by far than Dobby knew!" he sobbed. "Farewell, Harry Potter!" And with a final loud crack, Dobby disappeared.

Harry had been to several Hogwarts feasts, always amazed at the food and happy by the feeling of being with so many friends. However at this one he merely bored and rather irritated. Not to mention appalled by how everyone suddenly wished to be his friend once again now that he was once again their hero and savior. The rest of the final term passed in a haze of blazing sunshine. Harry proceeded to act the hero in public, but in the quiet of his bed continued to write to his beloved Tom.

Can you believe these people Tom. We were actually rewarded for breaking rules, Dumbledore wanted us to play hero..not to mention the hypocrisy of all my so called friends and fellow students. I mean almost all year they've been whispering terrible things about me, when they believed me to be..well you, the Heir of Slytherin and now, now that I've 'saved' their buts, they all 'love' me again? I mean what is this? I know I have to play nice, but how can they actually believe I'm willing to just forgive and forget all that they've put me through this year..? Even my supposed best friends were wary, I mean they tried to help, but I could tell they were..scared, not just of what was happening, but of me! They didn't care enough to have faith in me. Only you care about me unconditionally Tom...thank you...

Harry smiled, happy to have someone who loved him as much as Tom did.

People will always fear that which they cannot understand Harry. They will also always fear those above them. You surpass them in power and greatness. Dumbledore must want you to be his champion of sorts. To put you in danger this way... unforgivable my dear. Their "love" and "friendship", comes at a price. To do as is expected, be the good and gentle hero willing to lay their life down. Fools. All of them. They are worthless in comparison to you. I will always care, I will always be there for you my darling no matter what. I am the one who loves you most Harry. My green eyed Angel.

Harry blushed at Tom's words.

I didn't realize how poetic you are Tom.. and I love you too.

Harry stared in shock at the words which then appeared in response

Who do you think came up with that song on Valentines? Ginny's ideas were just awful, so instead I gave her a decent idea. Did you like my valentine Harry?

Harry laughed in amusement, the idea of Voldemort himself writing him a love poem was just too funny. The embarrassment he had felt in the moment it was delivered had all but evaporated at learning that it had truly been from his Tom.

I loved it. " His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad,

His hair is as dark as a blackboard.

I wish he was mine, he's really divine,

The hero who conquered the Dark Lord."

..I already am you know...

Already are what my dear?


Well Harry, I am yours as well

Harry bid his beloved goodbye as he sighed and happily held the diary above his racing heart. Too soon, it was time to go home. He knew he would not be able to speak to his beloved as easily at the Dursely's. However he felt dealing with them would be more bearable, having someone to comfort and love him. He got on the Hogwarts express and passed the time playing exploding snap with his friends. Finally, the Hogwarts Express slowed and he had somewhat been indifferent to his friends he realized he needed to reach out in order to keep up appearances. Harry pulled out his quill and a bit of parchment and turned to Ron and Hermione. "This is called a telephone number," he told Ron, scribbling it twice, tearing the parchment in two, and handing it to them. "I told your dad how to use a telephone last summer — he'll know. Call me at the Dursleys', okay? I can't stand another two months with only Dudley to talk to. …"

"Your aunt and uncle will be proud, though, won't they?" said Hermione as they got off the train and joined the crowd toward the enchanted barrier. "When they hear what you did this year?

"Proud?" said Harry. "Are you crazy? All those times I could've died, and I didn't manage it? They'll be furious. … ". He waved goodbye then turned, walking towards his awaiting uncle. The ride back to privet drive was silent. When they arrived that night, he handed over his school things, not worried as he had already hidden the diary on his person. He was sent upstairs without supper. He locked his room for privacy, no longer fearing the quiet solitude. Harry didn't mind as he was eager to once again speak to Tom.

Home sweet home. Not. Locked in again, without my stuff.

It's barbaric the way they treat you. If I was there I would put those muggles in their place and take you far away. Darling, how will you get your work done without your supplies?

Don't worry, I'll sneak down when their asleep. Would you really hurt them Tom..? And where would we go?

Be careful not to get caught. I would merely teach them a lesson. I wouldn't hurt them if you so desire, but I truly despise them for all they have done to you. We would go wherever you desired.

I'd be okay going anywhere as long as you were with me...Goodnight Tom, I love you.

As I love you. Rest my darling, until tomorrow.

Hope you enjoyed this work. In order to keep canon aspects certain phrases from the Chamber of Secrets were courses for the next chapter. Either a flashback of sorts into Tom and Harry conversing throughout the year. In other words the events prior to this chapter, when he first began writing to Tom. Or move on to the summer and the 3rd year. Or both. What would you all prefer? Let me know