She was interested to see his reaction but in the next moment magic was swirling around her. She had to close her eyes to protect them from all the glitter. When she opened them again she was in an empty throne room with him. She also realized that she could feel the surging magic around them. She could only grin like crazy. And as far as she could tell everything was the same. She looked down and just started laughing.

"Have you gone mad?" He asked

"No just quite the opposite. I can't believe I'm actually back and I know I'm not dreaming because I'm here in my socks!"

"So you've imagined this moment then?"

"Yes countless times. I didn't realize it right off but after a few years I realized I wanted to come back. But it seems like once I wanted to come back I couldn't. I called several times obviously it didn't work. I still don't know how I called you tonight."

It was true she was still curious about that. He didn't respond immediately. He first grabbed her hand and led her towards his throne. He sat down and then pulled her down to sit too. His intention was to have her on his lap but she resisted and sat on the edge of the throne. She then looked at him expectantly.

"There are certain runners who completed my labyrinth that still have contact with me. One of them advised me that I should be there tonight to see something. And I'm glad they did."

"Wait who has run your labyrinth that knows me? "

"More people have run my labyrinth than you think but very few have completed it. Now think Sarah who in your life could have been a runner or more importantly who would think it wise to inform me?" He asked pointedly. "I don't know anyone who..." here she trailed off as she realized something. "Indy?" He just gave a curt nod of his head. She could only think of their conversation three weeks ago. They had been friends for years but she had never said anything about the labyrinth. But there were so many clues on both parts. "I can't believe I never realized it before."

"You have always been slow to learn important things" he said pointedly.

"Forgive me for being 15 and rather young to understand the significance of your offer" she said sarcastically. "Though now I am confused. I completed your labyrinth but couldn't contact you." She said looking at him. If it was possible he was squirming under her gaze.

"You didn't complete my labyrinth." He finally said.

"Excuse me?" She asked incredulously.

"You conquered it."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is." He looked like he wasn't going to continue so she just glared. He was silent for a long moment, collecting his thoughts probably. "The people who complete the labyrinth don't leave their mark and don't receive help." She just thought on what he said pondering. She didn't really know if she had received any help or changed anything. He saw her confused face and elaborated. "The subjects of my labyrinth never offer their services to anyone, and there are several things here changed. Most notably my ruined Escher room. "

"But I'm still confused what's the difference between completing your labyrinth and conquering it." He let out a long sigh.

"Scores of people have completed the labyrinth. Its purpose is to test. If I feel like they have learned their lesson I let them complete it. If not." Here he trailed off with a smirk. "How can I explain this. The labyrinth is an extension of me. Without trying you had me bent to your will, you were able to befriend my subjects and change things to your fancy. "

"And that's never happened before?" She asked. He just gave a shake of his head. "You know it was really easy to see you as the villain. And for a while that's all I saw you as. But I've had a while to think on what happened. I figured your last request if you will was something you used on everyone, to try and bend them to your will. But I came to the conclusion that I don't think they were."

"It was my final effort to try and keep you here. Initially I didn't think you were different but obviously that changed. Granted I didn't and still don't know you as I would like, I can't deny that I love you."

"It's a good thing I still don't see you as a villain." She said smiling.

"I'd say. "

"And obviously you know how I feel, from my music and my wardrobe."

"Excuse me?"

"Well last time you saw me I was wearing the opposite of what I am right now. Well I don't use this all the time but when I DJ I do. Mostly cuz of the name Indy gave me. Really she gave it as a joke, at that time she didn't know how apt it was. And it helped me create my DJ persona"

"I inspired that?" He said gesturing to her outfit.

"Yeah, well this particular one was created for tonight's performance. But it's similar to what I would normally use. Though I object to the use of glitter normally, it's messy and gets everywhere." He gave her a glare and then remained quiet. She gave him a questioning look.

"There's another reason that you couldn't ever contact me, your last words to me banished me from your presence."

"What do you mean they banished you."

"Exactly that. I am controlled by magic, but what did you tell me." She opened her mouth and he immediately shook his head. "Rhetorical question precious. Wouldn't want to repeat the whole process. Magic can be very complex at times, I can only enter your world at invitations. And well most that know me don't want to invite me. That said with the runners who complete my labyrinth, they can contact me."

"So Indy invited you to the realm tonight?" He just nodded.

"Well I'm glad that she did, although I may have to have some words with her because she never mentioned the small fact that she knew you."

"I suppose that would be because she wasn't sure about you either. Her contact for tonight was the first I've had since she left. I commend her on her boldness. Most runners spend the rest of their life trying to forget the labyrinth."

"Indy is different."

"I know that."

"So I suppose that since I wished myself away, I'm stuck with you?"

"Does that bother you?" He asked me.

"Not at all." She said smiling widely.

A/N: ya know it's been so long since I've published anything. I've had this for a while and finally decided to just finish this story off, cuz at first I was ok with it being a one-shot but this makes it feel more complete. I hope someone out there enjoys it :)