Hi all! 😁 Short note...this is my first fanfic! If you like it please sign as fav, or if you think that smt shall be changed please please please review. I need some motivation here...In any case thank you all for reading!
Hope you enjoy 💋
- Soichiro PoV -
He never felt this awkward.
Why it had to happen the very first week his team started working with that guy? He felt like a complete idiot.
Well, not like it was his fault. It was Matsuda's... But he was the chief, and his duty was to look after the work of the agents under him. Was his duty to make sure they were serious and professional. At least at the beginning, to make at least a half decent impression. But no. He knew that agent was not experienced, he knew that he was where he was thanks to his family background and, mostly, he knew that he stuck to the investigation team out of pure ingenuousness.
However...he was tired too. Once that the meeting was over and that weird detective released them he just wanted to flee and let his guard down. He craved to go back home, hug his wife and eat something salty enough to cover the taste of the cakes. He ate them out of pure politeness and hunger, since he disliked sweets and disliked creamy sweets most of all. He did not bother to check if his agents were mature enough to make sure to not leave anything behind.
One did.
Obviously one did.
That Matsuda forgot his cell phone. L always asked to leave their the phones at the entrance and...well Matsuda did that for good. He had to breathe hard to not yell at the young man when he called him from Aizawa's phone to tell him the news. He couldn't order him to go back to L's place, as he feared that the detective would have kicked a naive guy like Matsuda out of the investigation squad at the first chance. They were already low on numbers, thus Soichiro decided to cover for Matsuda and collect the cellphone himself. L wouldn't scold the chief. At least that's what he hoped, since he eventually realized that there was no way to inform L on his arrival or to ask him to bring the phone with him when he would move to the new hotel the day after, so to give it back to Matsuda.
He had no way to communicate, aside the belt he received, which would send an alarm in case he was in danger. Not the case, definitely not an option. Whenever the squad had to speak with L, he was the one calling. Better said, he made Watari, his assistant, doing that for him. And Soichiro didn't have Watari's number either. Since when he was chief he never asked for L's help. L is the one deciding the cases to take on. No need to inform him, not the police nor the secret services. Hell knows how he can be always updated on everything. If something juicy is at the stake he pops up. Otherwise...well that's not his business.
Soichiro had no other choice but knock at the hotel's room and hope that L was still awake. It was only midnight after all, and considering the dark circles under the detective's eyes it didn't take to be a cop to assume that man was a little sleep deprived. He found himself chuckling a little on the elevator of the luxurious hotel in the middle of Tokyo.
He was thinking about how he ended up working with the top dog. L was the greatest detective in the world and word says he never showed his face to any collaborator before. He was just a distorted voice coming out of a computer that his assistant carried around.
This time though, they were chasing a serial killer that people started calling Kira. The criminal was apparently able to kill at distance with a heart attack, given that he knew name and face of the victim. Something out of the ordinary in brief, and that meant that L had to play out of his element if he wanted to catch this guy. That's the part where him, Soichiro, and his squad, came in.
Kira gave out his whereabouts, not willingly of course, but he revealed to be in Japan. Consequently L had to cooperate with the local police closer than ever to solve this case. He waited for the scaredy cats to leave the case, and then decided to meet face to face the remaining ones.
Nearly a week passed since they met, and L kept changing his whereabouts since then. What Soichiro found funny was that, despite the authority L held, he couldn't frame the guy. He knew he was the same great detective he had always looked up to, the man who instructed the police of all world, the distorted voice behind a screen and yet...now he knew that he was also a sweets addicted, socks allergic, owl eyed weirdo wearing always identical clothes, likely to have never combed his hair in his life.
Not that Soichiro was into stereotypes, but if that guy wasn't L he would have had second thoughts about working together. That's why he burst into laughter when he tried to imagine the reaction of the detective the moment he would discover that the men working for him, the men supposed to help him solve the most complicated case in his life, were not even able to keep an eye on their belongings.
Impossible task. That guy was too strange to imagine his possible reaction.
Soichiro was trying to regain his composure when he reached the room. He knocked at the door waiting for the detective to let him in.
He knocked again, putting enough strength in it to wake L up in case he was in bed. Silence. Maybe L already moved to another hotel. Maybe it was better this way. He could check the insides of the room to make sure L didn't purposely left the phone behind, otherwise Soichiro would have asked for it the next day. He reached for the universal key card L gave him to access their meeting places, when he noticed something out of place.
The hotel rooms they used were sound proof, considering the delicate matters discussed within their walls, and still...he heard some noises coming from the other side of the door.
Gosh. That detective was definitely a weirdo.
He recognized the soundtrack of a movie he watched some time ago with his daughter, the youngest of his two kids. Soichiro had a hard time again restraining his chuckles while he imagined the greatest detective in the world watching Shrek at full volume from the couch, in his strange posture. Probably he was so focused on the movie that he didn't hear Soichiro knocking at the door.
The police chief decided to get inside without further ceremonies. After all, a grown up man watching Shrek at 12 AM was not in the position to scold him for forgetting a mobile.
That was the very moment Soichiro made the decision that would have changed his whole approach to the Kira case. Oh, and to L as well.