A/N: Okay, so I will be uploading Gohan ga Kill chapters more often than my other fics for a while since I'm working on the Cooler battle in Goten DXD (speaking of which Chapter 7 and 8 will be uploaded at the same time). So this chapter of Gohan ga Kill is important in some way. If any of you are looking forward to the Gohan and Chelsea pairing, that will possibly be in chapter 6 or 7. As for lemons and limes…I'll think about it, this is my second fic after all. As for why Gohan was weak in the previous 2 chapters, well remember, Gohan left in Raditz's space pod. That was before he did any martial arts training but he does have the power in him. If you don't know or have forgotten, Gohan has the Cell saga hairstyle throughout the whole fic.

Kami's Lookout:

Goku the strongest saiyan known to the living world walked up to his son and gently slapped his back, "Well Gohan, today you graduate Saiyan Training School,"

"Thanks dad," the 15 year old saiyan replied.

"Hey kid, it's time," a deep voiced Namekian gestured Gohan to walk over to him. Gohan followed.

"WAIT! BIG BROTHER!" the youngest saiyan waddled towards Gohan with a brown bag in his hands, "Mommy told me to give this to you," Goten handed Gohan a small sack of senzu beans.

"Thanks squirt," Gohan replied as he ruffled his hair, "you have to protect the world with dad okay,"

"Yeah!" Goten chirped.

"Kakarot's brat! Isn't it time to return to 'your planet'?" Vegeta shouted. Gohan nodded. He walked back to where Piccolo was standing and nodded towards him.

"Eternal Dragon by your name I summon you, ARISE SHENRON!" Piccolo shouted.

The 7 orange spheres started to glow and shot a golden pillar into the sky, turning the sky dark and stormy, lightning shot in each direction. The pillar of light started to bend and shift into the shape of an Asian-styled dragon, the gold light disappeared and revealed a green serpent-like dragon.

"I am Shenron, state three wishes and I shall grant them for you!" The eternal dragon roared.

"Eleven years I was sent to another planet by my uncle's space pod, I swore that I would protect that planet since I thought that I was the last of humanity and I didn't want the life on that planet suffer when a threat goes their way. I wish for you to take me back to that planet." Gohan yelled at the Eternal Dragon.

"Very well, but I will warn you now, Planet Empiron is now more dangerous now than in the past. Also to send you there will use up two of the three wishes, and I will have to seal half of your power in order to keep the balance in inter-dimensional travel, do you still wish to go?"

"Yes Shenron, send me back, back to Planet Empiron," Gohan confirmed.

"All right, it will take a while for me to open the rift, approximately one and a half minutes." Shenron's eyes glowed red for some time, a small whirlpool like hole started to form next to the Eternal Dragon. Lightning crackled around it, the vortex started to change colors, from red to green to blue to yellow to purple and finally after a minute and thirty seconds an orange rift around the size of Piccolo was generated.

"Hurry up, I can only keep it open for a maximum of fifty seconds,"

Gohan nodded and looked back and waved to his friends and family, "I'll be back one day, I promise,"

Goku and Krillin gave him the thumbs up, Vegeta and Piccolo smirked, Goten and Trunks waved with both arms, Chi-Chi, the Ox King, 18, Bulma, Tien, Yamcha, Puar, Chiaotzu, Oolong were all also waving and saying things like 'bye', 'take care', 'good luck'.

"Gohan!" Gohan looked at his father, "Until we meet again," both father and son smiled before Gohan jumped into the rift. The rift closing after him.

"Well, he'll come back right daddy?" Goten asked as he climbed onto Goku's shoulders.

"Yeah, he will."

"Hey dad," Goten chirped.

"Yeah?" Goku asked looking up at his son.

"Train me to be stronger than Gohan," Goten said enthusiastically as he formed a fist with his right hand.

"Yeah, we start as soon as we finish lunch okay?"


Planet Empiron, outside the walls of Elencras, south-west of the Capital:

Gohan sat up from falling asleep from the rift. 'Why does this place seem familiar? I can't sense anyone I know so I guess I'm not on Earth anymore…Why do I feel weaker…Oh yeah, the wish.' He stood up and started to hover above the trees 'Well I see a city that way, might as well head towards it, see why Shenron said it was more dangerous' He dropped back onto the ground and started to walk in the direction of where the city is. "I don't see how dangerous this world is, it looks and seems for peaceful than before," he said to himself as he looked around. He saw a white stag in front of him in the middle of the path. Gohan unsheathed the Fire Dragon's Blade or Dragonfire since he thought Fire Dragon's Blade was too long for a name. Just as he was going to pounce, a giant worm danger beast exploded from the ground and swallowed the white stag. Gohan looked at it surprised, "okay…maybe Shenron was right, this place did get more dangerous, but I can't let this thing roam free," Gohan lunged at the worm's core, slicing it. But it the worm's skin turned into diamond stopping the blade. 'It guards itself by turning its skin into armor. Okay then plan B' Gohan jumped back to a safe distance and cupped his hands and bought it next to his waist. "KA…ME…HA…ME…HA!" Gohan extended his hands, a giant blue beam fired from them and hit the worm, incinerating its body.

"My Kamehameha lost power as well, if that's the case then my other attacks would be somewhat weaker too," Gohan said as he stared at his hands.

City of Elencras:

It's been two hours since he returned, so far the only thing he has done is killing a giant worm, nothing else. His stomach growled for the fifth time, Gohan couldn't ignore his hunger any longer, he was about to reach into his pocket then he thought again. 'They don't use Zeni here do they?' the teen saiyan sighed and wandered off to somehow gain money. He walked past an alleyway when he felt a presence behind him, the saiyan turned and looked down the alleyway, he saw a person in a hooded cloak rush through. Gohan thought that it was kind of suspicious so he followed. Gohan stalked the mysterious figure for some time before seeing the person stop and entering a large building through a trapdoor. Gohan looked up to see which building it was. It was a large building that looked important, Gohan approached the trapdoor, opened it and jumped in. 'Wait…why am I still falling? I could've sworn I saw a regular person jump down' Gohan looked towards his left and saw a rusty ladder, then he looked down and realized he was about to hit the ground, hard. "Crap baskets" he muttered. A loud slam echoed through a dark empty corridor, Gohan jumped up and down trying to get blood back in his legs.

"Where did he go?" Gohan walked into the shadows of the basement like area, he stepped onto something wet at first he thought it was sewage water since he was deep under a building, but then a funny metallic smell hit his nose. His instincts told his mind one thing. 'BLOOD' Gohan pulled out his imperial arm. The sword started to form light with the flames generating on the blade, he waved it around a couple of times. 'Were those…bodies? No, who would do such a thing?' As he walked forwards he noticed that whoever killed all of these people, did it really creatively, and not in a good way. There were people split in half, decapitated in the worst possible ways, skin and flesh torn from their bones. One of the most horrific things that Gohan ever saw in his life. He noticed a door on the other side of the corridor. Once he got there he slowly opened the door trying not to make a sound, when he closed it he looked back and saw a prison like place with many torture tools, some still soaked in blood. He heard footsteps and hid behind a rusted metallic tub. The same cloaked person came down from the stairs with an unusually large potato sack with him. He put the potato sack on a table and opened it revealing a girl with blond hair in her early twenties. The person took off his hood and grabbed a butcher's knife and smiled menacingly, "You know lassie, you are my favorite maid, so I think you deserve a little fun in your puny life."

'Don't tell me he's gonna…' Gohan watched from behind the metal tub.

The man ripped opened the potato sack revealing that the maid wasn't wearing anything, she also had a piece of cloth around her mouth so she couldn't cry for help. The person kept laughing like a madman the whole time while he strapped her to one of his torture machines, one that was a large plank of wood with rusted cuffs at each corner. The man started to pull his pants down and Gohan was about to jump forward to stop him, until there was a loud knock on the door, "It's Zanku, we have matters to discuss."

"Fine," the man shouted as he left everything and walked out the door.

Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, Gohan left his hiding spot to free the girl, he blocked his eyes not wanting to see her parts, so he first went out of the cell to grab something. The saiyan found a worn out shirt, "better than nothing." He muttered. Gohan turned back and quickly broke the cuffs. "Wear this for now until you get to somewhere safe," Gohan informed her as he gave the girl the worn out shirt. The girl quickly put it on and opened her mouth to speak, "Thank you but how do we get out? It's not safe to go up the stairs."

"There's a corridor leading to a ladder behind that wooden shelf looking thing over there," he said while pointing at the way he came in, "Just get to somewhere safe and leave the city until tomorrow."

The girl nodded and left. 'All right, now it's just that guy to take care of'. Gohan sped up the stairs until he found himself in a mansion of some kind 'Another crazy rich guy? How many of them are there?' He saw a guard patrolling by himself and came up with an idea that won't take as many lives.

10 minutes later

Gohan now dressed in the guard's armor received directions from the other guards that the corrupt rich person was talking to the most famous executioner in the empire, Zanku. Gohan proceeded to walk up the stairs to the person's office, he saw Zanku leave the room, trying to not act suspicious Gohan saluted to Zanku, he nodded and left. Gohan entered the room and locked the door, he turned around and saw the man dressed in the same armor and was holding an axe towards him. "Zanku told me there was an assassin after me, but I didn't know that you would come so soon, but one I kill you that would be the sixth failed assassination, hehehe."

"Fine, if you want to attack me go ahead," Gohan says as he takes his helmet off.

"Ha, your generosity will kill you," the man lunged at Gohan with his axe aimed for his head. At the last second Gohan pulled out the Dragonfire intercepting the opponent's weapon. Gohan smirked and kicked the man back to his starting point.

"What? Is that weapon…don't tell me it's a Teigu,"

Gohan laughed a bit, "Heh, yeah it is a Teigu, Fire Dragon's Blade or as I like to call it Dragonfire."

"So what does it do?"

"Well considering that you're gonna die I might as well tell you," Gohan cleared his throat, "Dragonfire was made from the parts S Class Danger Beast the Hell Scorcher. A Giant Dragon rumored to be made of pure fire. Unlike other Imperial Arms, it has three forms, the base form, the Hellfire, and the Inferno. I can't explain all of them but I'll show you one," Dragonfire glowed red and specks of fire few off of it. Gohan lunged forward attempting to strike at the rich man. The man dodged the attack, but the saiyan managed to land a small cut under his armor.

"That's it? You only gave me a paper cut."

"I said I'll show you what one of the forms are, you'll find out in three…two…one…"

A red flame started to generate on the corrupted man's cut, he yelled in pain as he tried to put it out but the flame kept burning and grew larger.

"W-What the heck?!"

"Hellfire mode, one slash will set you on fire until you die, and nothing can put it out unless I tell it to,"

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" the corrupted man literally burst into flames and bits of his skin started to burn into a crisp. Gohan then called the fire off and sliced the man in half, his internal organs and blood spilling out onto the floor.

"Someone else can clean that up," Gohan muttered, he grabbed a table and put it behind the 'mess'. He unlocked the door and saw a maid waiting outside. "Sorry but your master wishes not to be disturbed," Gohan told her.

"Right I just need to give him this letter," she replies as she pulls out a piece of paper.

"Okay," Gohan's final words before walking back down the stairs and trying to be as stealthy as possible. As soon as Gohan was out of sight the girl opened the door and went into the room, she went around the table and looked at the puddle of blood and the burnt and sliced corpse of the corrupted. A puff of smoke surrounded her, and when it cleared a girl with pale skin, auburn hair, and pink eyes sucking on a lollipop replaced the girl before. "Dang, someone beat me to him, oh well," she said while shrugging and walking out the door.

Somewhere near the Capital

Gohan chomped on the wing of a giant bird he killed. His head perked up when he heard something behind him, shrugging it off the saiyan went back to eating. A person jumped from behind the trees and launched towards Gohan, fist prepared. The person was a girl with blond hair growing until it went over her shoulders, with what seems to be lion ears and claws, and she had a tail. She slammed into the ground where Gohan was sitting, the saiyan dodged strapping his Teigu to his back. The person didn't stop, she lunged at Gohan again attempting to grab him by the neck. Gohan dodged and grabbed her arm, then spun around twice and launched her into the river next to them. Gohan was about to leave when a person in silver armor with a cape threw a lance with a giant red point at the end towards the saiyan. Gohan ducked but the person in armor was already ready to attack and punched him in face causing him to take a few steps back. The armored man picked up the lance and sliced in Gohan's direction. But this time he was ready, he blocked at axe kicked the person, making him go over Gohan. A large orange-yellow beam was shot in Gohan's direction when his back was turned. Gohan felt the heat behind him and side stepped just before it made contact with his head. Gohan looked around but didn't see, hear or smell anything 'Whoever shot that is skilled sniper, they sure hid well…but they can't hide forever, at least not from me' Gohan focused on locating energy signatures, 'THERE!' Gohan turned around again and tossed a tiny warning ki blast towards the sniper. Gohan decided to leave so he wouldn't cause any more trouble but just as he turned he noticed that there was a spear that looked like it was made of string that was heading towards him, he front flipped over it and kept fast walking, two sharp weapons came down, aiming for his head. Gohan unsheathed his Teigu and blocked the other two weapons at the last second, because of this Gohan got a good look at both of the weapons 'Murasame the one cut killer and Extase cutter of creation, I can't risk being hit by those' he jumped back to get some space between them. "Look I don't want to fight you guys, I was only passing through," he called out.

"You are trespassing on Night Raid Territory," someone called from behind. Gohan turned around and saw a woman with short silver hair, with an eye patch across her left eye and a green mechanical right arm.

"Look, I didn't know that it was your territory…wait, Night Raid? The assassin group that fights the Empire?"

"That's right we are," Najenda looked at the weapon in Gohan's right hand, "Is that a Teigu?"

Gohan just nodded, "Dragonfire, fire dragon's blade."

Najenda looked shocked, "All right, come with me."

Night Raid Base

"BOSS! WHO THE HELL IS HE!?" Mine shouted as she pointed at Gohan.

"Another Teigu user," Najenda replied as she lit another cigarette.

"What's so special about the one he has that you had to bring him here?" the green haired teen known as Lubbock asked.

"Well apart from knowing that this thing was crafted from some unknown S classed Danger Beast and some unknown metal, I don't know what's so special about my Imperial Arm," Gohan remarked.

Najenda cleared her throat and started explaining, "People thought that the original 48 Teigu were the only ones that were made, but there were rumors about more Imperial Arms than 48, the 49th, the 50th, the 51st, were all crafted by the same person, but that person is unknown, the only Teigu that we confirmed was crafted by him is the one he wields," Najenda points at Gohan, "he has the 51st Teigu."

Gohan looked at the weapon in his right hand shocked.

"But to more important matters," Najenda says in a serious voice, glaring at Gohan with her left eye, "Now that you know our location you have two choices, leave and be spied on every second, or join us to fight the Empire," she extends her mechanical arm towards Gohan.

Gohan hesitated at first wondering if it was the right thing to do, he nodded and extended his right arm and clasped Najenda's mechanical arm, "I accept."

A/N: So there you have it Gohan is officially apart of Night Raid. I told you this chapter was important, the 49th and the 50th Teigu will be revealed in the future chapters, if you really need it then I can only give you one hint, the 50th is already in the Dragon Ball series, I'm just making it a Teigu because that would explain its origins. Anyway until then, InfernoSaiyan Instant Transmissioning Out!