Chapter 15: A Lucky Day

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight

We were out on patrol when Embry suggested, I think you should tell her … no, I know you should tell her.

You really think so?

Well, yeah …

How is she gonna find out? The leech isn't about to spill the beans, and I'm the only one who knows about it.

You … and the whole wolf pack. And, Quil—you know what a big mouth he has. It's bound to slip out, and with her temper … man, you'd be in for it.

Jeez, I guess you're right. I'll go right after this stupid patrol and fess up.

My tail was draggin' behind me, and I let out a sigh.

Buck up, she loves you.

Patrol was a complete waste of my time; no nomads, no leeches of the Cullen variety—nada. Sam let us quit early since we were drivin' him nuts with our inner monologues. All right with me.

It was still dark out when I arrived at Bella's. I hated to wake her up, but if I didn't tell her now, it would eat at my craw, thanks to Embry's layin' a guilt trip on me.

That pine tree outside her window was a godsend. I filled the pocket of my cutoffs with some twigs and pebbles, and climbed up. Then I began an all-out assault of her casement,'til she showed her face at the sill. She raised the sash, and testily announced, "To what do I owe the honor of this late night visit?"

I grimaced. "Technically, it's morning."

She was still preeeetty irritated. "I realize that smarty pants. You still didn't answer my question. What brings you here?"

"The truth? Guilt."


"Let me in and spread out a towel. I'll be spilling my guts."

With the window opened the rest of the way, I leapt from one of the branches, vaulting over the sill and into her room.

She turned on the bedside lamp and settled back under her covers, as I started my tale. I sat on the edge of her bed, and grabbed her hand, rubbing my thumb on its surface. "How much do you love me?"

"What a stupid question. If I didn't love you, I'd let you fall to your death from that tree.

"C'mon, Jake, don't beat around the bush. You didn't come all this way to talk in riddles—you of all people who prides himself on being blunt."

"Okay … the thing is, I may have done something to make you pissed at me."

Clicking her tongue, she followed with, "Don't use that word. You know I don't like it."

"Jeez, it's just a word, Bells."

"And there are plenty of other words. There are books and dictionaries full of them."

"Point taken. Now, stop interrupting me before I chicken out."

"Well, tell me already, so I can get back to sleep."

I gazed at her looking for some kind of sympathy in her face. "Remember the night when Cullen came here, and you gave him the heave-ho?"

Her eyes narrowed trying to make sense of what I was sayin'. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Um … I was outside in the yard. I heard every word. There, I said it."

She looked away for a beat, then huffed. "So, you were eavesdropping on our conversation."

Nodding, I sheepishly added, "That just about sums it up. Are you gonna slap me?"

I closed my eyes, waiting for the sting.

"No, stupid, but I can't condone what you did. That was a breach of my privacy."

"I know, I know. I was a lunatic that night. I had to hear what was goin' on between you and that filthy bloodsucker. For all I knew, he might've cast some freakin' thrall over your mind to make you come back to him. I was scared to pieces that I'd lose you."

Without blinking, she deadpanned, "You know, they do have medication for paranoia."

"I don't think there's a drug strong enough to cure my insanity. I'm a lovesick puppy when it comes to you."

"Oh, Jake, I forgive you."

"So, you still love me?"

"Yes, now kiss me goodnight. I've got to get up early tomorrow."

What a relief, I leaned over the bed and kissed her tenderly. No sense in gettin' the girl all worked up since she needed to drift back to lala land and all. "Night, Bells."

"Go get some sleep yourself. You look exhausted."

"Sure, sure." With that, I flew out the window, and shinnied down my botanical ladder. I'd been feelin' more worried than exhausted earlier, but now, looked forward to a good long sleep. Aaaaah …

Things were chuggin' along nicely, when Bella started getting' really aggressive—and I mean, reeeaaally aggressive with me. That was a freakin' switch. It was like a switch had been turned on inside her, and man, she was wearin' me down. Don't get me wrong, I looked forward to the day when she'd unwrap my package, but somethin' Embry said to me about waitin' to see if we'd imprint made sense. If Bella and I gave in to our urges, and then I imprinted, she'd travel down that hideous spiral again, maybe even worse than last time. I couldn't do that to her and live with myself. I had some principles.

Anyway, Embry's twenty-first birthday was comin' up, and mine would follow after in a couple of weeks. We all held our breaths, and when it was over, we celebrated dodging the bullet, if you get my drift.

It was three days after my birthday bash, and I was in the jewelry store at Forks, when I noticed a familiar person standing at the counter. Even from the back of his head, there was no mistakin' the owner of that head of hair.

"What're you doin' here?"

"Never mind what I'm doing here; what are you doing here?"

"Aan-ah, I asked you first."

"If it's any of your business, I'm buying an engagement ring for Lee.

"So why are you here?"

"Same reason."

"Buying a ring for Lee too? That's my job."

I slugged him in the shoulder. "Smartass, you know what I mean."

"Yeah, but I'm giving you a warning. You are not stealing my thunder. I got here first, so that means I'm going to be honeymooning first. Eat your heart out!"

"Hold on, Em, I was in love with Bella waaaay before you fell for Lee."


"So, you two hooked up in Hawaii, remember? Plus—I have seniority."

With a finger pointing in my direction, he asked, "How do you figure?"

I lowered his arm, and my voice, so the clerk couldn't hear me. "I'm the Alpha."

"Damn, you can't do that."

"Do what?'

Embry leaned in closer and whispered, "Pull the Alpha card."

"I'm not, I'm …" A thought wafted through my brain. It could work.

"Wait; I have an idea. How 'bout havin' a double wedding?"

"Good for me, but I'll have to see what my bride to be says about it."

"Think about it, Em. It makes sense. The tribe doesn't havta go all out twice."

Frowning in concentration, Embry mumbled, "Hmmn …"

We both turned toward the counter at the sound of the clerk clearing his throat. "If you two gentlemen are finished planning your nuptials, may I suggest you pick out the rings beforehand?"

Embry looked at me, and we both cracked up.

# # # # #

Leah seemed to like the idea, but I had to be sure.

I pulled another dish out of the rinse water, and handed it to her. "You don't think it would be chintzy of us, do you?"

"Gawd, no … It'd be a break for my mom, because you know damn well she'll be up to her elbows in food for Jake's wedding too."

"Okay, then. I guess this'll be a win-win situation all the way around."

She winked at me. "You and I are big winners, all right." She slung the dish towel she was holding onto the counter. Licking her lips, she cooed, "Come and get your prize, handsome."

"You bet!" I wiggled my eyebrows, and shaking the water off my hands, chased her around the kitchen.

# # # # #

Bella nearly jumped off our driftwood bench. "A double wedding? Gosh, why didn't I think of that? It's perfect."

"You really mean it?"

"Well, duh … I was feeling guilty about everyone fussing over two weddings so close together. This way, the cost can be split, and the same people won't have to be traveling twice, blah, blah, blah."

What a load off my mind. "Glad to hear you say that. Now, all we need is a date, and Embry suggested, July 7th. Lucky numbers and all that."

"That Embry is a genius. How can you all stand to be around him?"

I drummed a finger on the side of my head. "We grew up together. I'm used to his brain waves."

"You can tell him I'm all for it. Can I call my mom now?"

"Sure, sure. You can tell everybody … well, except for the pixie fortuneteller."

Bella laughed. "I haven't heard from her in ages."

I steered her toward my house; the refrigerator was callin' my name ... loudly. "Good. I don't want those leeches ruinin' our plans."

My lucky day arrived, and I'm tellin' you, my heart went pop when Bella said the words, "I do". Just lookin' at her made me all melty inside. She was the most beautiful woman in the room at least to me. Embry might've disagreed, but then he only had eyes for Leah.

Emily, Sue, and Tiffany, with Charlie and Sam's help had dressed up the Chapter House to mimic the wedding chapel in Hawaii. It was nicely done, and I appreciated their efforts, but I wanted the reception to be over in the worst way. Can you blame me? I waited such a long time, and tonight I would finally get to claim Bella for my own, body and soul.

# # # # #

The setting for the reception was reminiscent of the chapel on Oahu. Sue had borrowed Leah's picture she took while there, and planned to surprise us. She did, and I almost cried when I walked into the Chapter House and saw it. Leah bumped my shoulder, saying, "Don't cry, Tink; you'll ruin your mascara, not that Jake will notice your raccoon eyes when you're lying in bed, naked tonight."

Jacob arrived back at my side with a cup of punch which he offered to me.


Leah smiled knowingly. "You'll find out later on, lover boy. By the way, where has my man got to?"

"He's dancin' with his mom. That reminds me, I promised Renee a dance too."

I swiveled my neck around, searching the room. "How is my mother? I haven't seen her since the wedding."

"She's a little bit tipsy, but nothin' I can't handle."

"Leave it to Renee," Leah spouted.

After cutting, and eating the cake, Embry made an announcement. "This is for the new brides. I've been keeping a secret for the past month. Drum roll please … I won an all-expense paid vacation for four at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Am I lucky, or what? Two dream vacations in one lifetime." He raised a glass and said, "Lee, I love you, honey; come away with me."

Leah ran up to him, and practically lifted him off of his feet, among the crowd's cheers and applause. I let out a gasp at the news, and gripped Jacob's arm.

# # # # #

I took a big chance when I invited Leah to join me on the trip to Hawaii, and came up a winner. She and I graduated—Bella and Jacob too—had good jobs, and a bright future looming before us. It was a gamble worth taking. But one thing was for certain, I would never risk losing her love.

As I stood before Old Quil while we repeated our vows, I remembered gazing longingly into her smoky eyes. I had found my mate, imprint or not; to my heart, it made no difference.

The scene of Sam sitting there, looking glum made the day that much better. Embry … score one, Sam … zero. His loss would always be my gain, and I secretly celebrated my victory.

# # # # #

It was a dream come true. Embry was mine; Sam was a fading memory. I was in love, and hoped to stay that way 'til my dying breath. I shuddered to think what might have happened if I had refused his invitation. I'd remain a bitter harpy, and my sweet Embry, a lonely misfit among our tribe.

Three weeks after the wedding, I bumped into Bella at the drugstore, she was holding a small container. In fact it held a kit that I was also shopping for.

"You too?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure."

I sighed, and joked, but in reality was overjoyed. "Damn wolves."

The End