Hello fellow fanfiction/WWE lovers! This is chapter one (sort of an "introductory" chapter, really) of a feud that is complete fantasy booking from my imagination. I will do my best, however, to keep what happens in here as close to what happens in reality as I possibly can. Please be warned that I use a lot of the names for moves (ex: SlingBlade), so if you are not familiar with them, you can see them on YouTube.


The Demon Inside Me
Chapter One: First Match

"Who will help these two men?" Bray Wyatt said with an eerie grin into a microphone in the middle of the ring. It was Night of Champions at WWE, and the Wyatt Family, the team of Bray Wyatt, Luke Harper, and the gargantuan Braun Strowman, were opposing the duo of Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. 'Ambreigns,' as they were colloquially known, had not announced their third partner in this feud, and came out to the ring without anyone else; they were all alone. "Come out, come out, wherever you are…" Bray kneeled down, staring intently at the tag team. "…this mysterious person…does not exist, does he?"

Dean Ambrose found a microphone, and as he stood in front of the ring next to Roman, said with a smooth voice: "Let's not get hasty with the assumptions, Wyatt. Look, there was no one up here on Raw and Smackdown that wanted to help us, alright? Everybody's too scared of fresh meat apparently and too scared of a little beat down, but don't you worry your ugly little heads about it. We took care of it."

Roman took the microphone from Dean to continue speaking. "Why don't we just let him come out here right now so he can properly introduce himself? Ladies and gentlemen…" With a wide and curious smile, he dropped the microphone as Dean couldn't resist smirking and rubbing his hands together.

The entire Toyota Center in Houston, Texas blacked out a few seconds later. Scarlet tinted lights that flashed around the ring and the arena appeared to the sound of a heartbeat. Rumblings sounded in a decrescendo, dun dun dun dun dun dun dun… loud at first but gradually becoming softer… the pattern continued, eventually with the screeching of a guitar as the red lights increased their ferocity. Smoke began to collect on the ramps, shrouding a shadow at the titantron. The room went black a second time as the noise was instantly sucked out of the room.

An explosion of silver pyro lit up the darkness as in front of the now bright titantron, the man came around. The smoke had cleared, and everybody could finally see him - in person and from the broadcast - the response deafening to those watching live.

Finn Bálor, wearing a leather jacket with the NXT Championship wrapped securely around his waist, had accepted Dean and Roman's plea for a partner and made his shocking debut in front of 18,000 people. The commentary team, consisting of Michael Cole, John 'Bradshaw' Layfield, and Jerry Lawler, nearly screamed in surprise and then raved on and on about how the NXT darling knew exactly how to make an entrance.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Michael Cole said into his headset. "you are looking at the man who dethroned the monstrous Kevin Owens at The Beast in the East on July 4, and if you have yet to see him in action, you are in for quite a ride tonight."

The Irishman stared at the audience around him, drinking in the scenery around him as they all cheered "NXT!" repeatedly. Adrenaline kicked in then as he opened his arms to his sides to the beat of his theme. The people followed suit, looking toward the sky and mimicking his actions that they all knew so well. He made his way down the ramp, in time, to meet his partners, exchanging last minute "let's do this" nods to each other before making their way into the ring as a unified team. The theme stopped as the Wyatts and Dean, Roman, and Finn stared one another down. Finn and Bray took center stage, Dean to Finn's right, Roman to Finn's left, and Harper to Bray's right, and Braun to Bray's left. At first glance, it was rather odd that 'Ambreigns' would call for a man shorter and scrawnier than everyone else in the ring, but to those who knew Bálor knew that he evened the odds. His unique agility and stunning offense would take down just about anybody, even Braun. His eyes met Bray's, the crowd excitedly repeating "Finn! Finn! Finn!" and then "This is awesome!"

Tonight was different; the man had a desire, and that was to prove himself a great champion. He would come out victorious, proving his capability as top dog on not only NXT, but on the main roster as well.

Bray began to laugh hysterically the way he always does whenever somebody attempts to step up to him. "Come on!" he snapped a moment later to his opponents, to Finn specifically. He started to pace as his sickeningly blue eyes focused solely on the champion in front of him. "Come on! Finn Bálor! FIGHT!" It was decided that it would be those two to start the match. The two other Wyatts, Luke Harper and Braun Strowman, stood in their respective corner as Dean and Roman did the same. The bell rang at last, and the referee took Bálor's championship as everybody watching was on the edge of their seats. Instantly, Bálor launched himself quickly at Wyatt only to have Bray slide outside the ring behind his allies. Bray never broke eye contact with Finn, but sought to observe him in this very moment, his speed catching him off guard. The ref started to count, and Bàlor motioned with both hands to Wyatt to come back in. He was ready, but Bray seemed off. Cautiously, he got back into the ring and tagged Braun in. The height difference was astounding; Finn stood at five-foot-eleven while Braun towered at six-foot-eight. Dean hollered at his teammate in order for him to tag himself in, wanting to preserve his strength for later, and thus immediately ran at the giant. Strowman, with surprisingly fluidity for a man of his stature, grabbed Ambrose's arm and threw him across the ring via hip toss. He landed squarely on his back, the shocking pain running up his spine. Braun stared at Ambrose with those beady eyes of his before steadily walking over to the Lunatic Fringe, grabbing his hair and then proceeding to toss him over to the other side of the ring again. Once more, he let out a groan of pain, the wind nearly being taken out of him. Finn and Roman then leaned over the top ropes, reaching their arms to their teammate and yelling words of encouragement to him. Braun took Dean, who uttered curses under his breath, walked backward to his team's corner, and had Luke Harper tag in. It was Luke's turn to wreak havoc on Dean, and he started with some heavy headbutts, causing him to all back to the mat. Harper forced his opponent to stand, and then threw him against the ropes. Dean slid through the middle ropes, seemingly about to fall through them but held tightly onto the top and second ones, and then used his momentum to throw himself at Harper, utilizing a vicious clothesline to his collarbone. Both men fell down, causing a loud thud, but it was Dean who was the first one to get back to his feet. He kicked Harper right in the gut, driving him into the left corner turnbuckles, sending jabs all over Harper's body to quickly disorient him before grabbing his head and executing a Running Bulldog. Dean went for the pin, the referee counting one and a half before Luke Harper kicked out. The two made it to their feet as Harper pushed Ambrose away and then Superkicked him square in the jaw. Stunned, Ambrose fell back onto the mat and Harper went for another pin, managing a two count before Ambrose kicked out. All competitors on the outside looking in had their eyes glued on the action. The Wyatts seemed more relaxed, an eerie grin resting on the lips of the patriarch.

The Wyatts seemed to have stolen the match, and victory certainly belonged to them. They were tagging themselves in over and over again, from Bray, to Braun, to Bray, and back to Harper, while keeping Ambrose as far away from his team as possible. They had all but damaged the Lunatic, bruises marking his biceps, hips, and back. He got Ambrose into the corner, had Braun tag himself once more, and more hell broke loose. Every time Ambrose tried to fight back to gain the upper hand, Strowman managed to counteract it somehow. Hits seemingly meant nothing to him; he wouldn't fall over, and it seemed like he didn't feel any offense, much like the Undertaker when he first debuted. If only he could get back to his corner and let somebody – Finn or Roman – take over for him. The giant matched Ambrose's 'crazy' eyes before once again tossing him across the ring. Surely the end was near when Braun decided to utilize his new finisher, a move that looked so much like a bear hug with an added whiplash. Strowman was crushing the Lunatic Fringe's ribcage. He was far too strong, and Ambrose was too beaten down; that did not mean he didn't try. Ambrose elbowed the strongman in the head multiple times, but doing so only made the grip on his body tighter. A moment later, his body became limp, the referee beginning to raise his arm.

"Oh hell no…" Roman muttered under his breath as he hopped down from the apron, snuck over to the other side of the ring, and climbed onto the turnbuckles, executing a flying clothesline to the unsuspecting opponent. The referee was too distracted to notice Roman, and his attack, although would have been perfect on the average sized wrestler, proved to be ineffective physically against Strowman. However, much to Reigns' delight and Ambrose's relief, the strongman let him go, staring down the Big Dog. The ref tried to yell at Reigns to get back into his corner, but Strowman wouldn't allow it; he grabbed Roman loosely by his throat, only to have him break away suddenly. Strowman turned around and was immediately hit with a running front dropkick from Bálor, causing some unsteadiness on his feet. Reigns instantly followed up with a Superman Punch, forcing Strowman to fall against the ropes. It gave the dropkick some extra momentum, but he still wasn't quite knocked off his feet. Reigns and Bálor slid under the ropes to avoid both the referee and the other members of the Wyatt Family, but the mayhem the two caused was just enough for Dean to get back to his feet, a bit shakily, then climb up the turnbuckles, and land a tornado DDT on the giant. The crowd exploded into cheers as both Braun and Ambrose lay on the mat, Braun more stunned that he was actually taken down in this match. Reigns and Bálor reached their arms over the top ropes, willing their partner to crawl toward them and shouting his name. Dean used his last bit of strength to pull himself toward them as Braun did his best just to get back to his feet. Seconds felt like minutes, but just as Braun finally stood and was about to grab Dean, he finally was able to tag in the NXT Champion, much to the delight of the audience. Bálor jumped onto the top ropes and instantly utilized a dropkick onto Strowman, causing him to stagger back once more. Bálor returned to his feet, setting his opponent up for another dropkick, executing it perfectly. Strowman was unsteady but not yet knocked down, the Wyatts yelling at their partner to stay vertical. Using this newfound momentum, Bálor ran at the ropes and sprung onto Strowman, utilizing the Sling Blade maneuver – Strowman leaning backward enough and Bálor jumping high enough to land the move, planting the giant to the ground. Bálor let out a roar of excitement, the crowd roaring back; he was the hero that they hungered for. This was his moment of triumph, and it was now or never. Bálor jumped onto the top turnbuckle and took the extra second to stare down his prey. Everyone at the event stood to their feet with their hearts beating out of their chests, Michael Cole yelling into his headset: "He's going to go for the Coup de Grâce!" Bálor jumped, his arms outstretched and his knees against his chest until finally his boots hit Strowman square in the chest. He went for the pin, the referee and the audience counting: "One, two-!" until Luke Harper interrupted by kicking the champion on his back. Bálor rolled off Strowman as Harper continued kicking him, but Reigns used his signature Spear, knocking the unhinged Wyatt member clearly off his feet. However, as soon as he looked up, The Eater of Worlds was there to side slam him. Bodies were everywhere, more than half of each team laying somewhere in or around the ring. Bray got back to his feet and had his arm wrapped around Roman's neck, setting up for Sister Abigail when Bàlor, using all of his impressive agility, executed a perfect Tornado Kick, his foot landing on the back of his head and releasing Reigns in the process. Bray slid out under the ropes from the attack, landing on his knees in shock. Braun had also slid out of the ring, so all three members of the Wyatt Family were attempting to stand up by using the announce tables. Ambrose, Reigns, and Bálor were the ones in the ring now, and as Ambrose stood, they looked at each other, at the audience, at the Wyatt Family, and back at each other, nodding in silent agreement of their next move. As one unified team, they jumped against the ropes, ran to the other side of the ring, and going for a suicide dive through the ropes, Bálor following with a somersault senton off the top rope, and finishing with Reigns doing a suicide dive as well off the top rope. It was complete and under chaos, and nobody could escape a form of pain. The referee began to yell at the men to get back into the ring, although they would require an extra second to regain feeling in their bodies. He began to count, raising both hands in the air to give a visual to those watching. He crept closer to the ten count, Bàlor and Strowman finally getting back into the ring once he counted to eight. Both men found their corners where their partners were and respectively tagged in Reigns and Bray. This was where the feud started in the beginning; it was Bray interrupting Reigns' Money in the Bank moment, shooting cryptic promos that arguably threatened the lives of his family, and then eventually forming into a family versus family feud. All the pain that Bray put Reigns through, it all came to this moment here. This is where it would end; Night of Champions is where this chapter would come to a close.

Bray grinned and kept his arms outstretched, motioning for Reigns to attack, something that Reigns did not hesitate to do. The two grappled, the Samoan Thor gaining the upperhand as he pushed him into the turnbuckles. The ref counted, "one, two, three – get out of the corner!" until Reigns let him go. That second was the moment that Bray needed; Reigns turned toward Bray and with his own superb agility, hit Reigns with an uppercut to the jaw and forced him against the turnbuckles. As Reigns stayed in the corner, Bray took a few steps back, laughing maniacally with his arms outstretched, antagonizing the crowd and being met with boos. He ran at Reigns, hitting a Body Avalanche while simultaneously hooking his arms over Reigns' arms, and using his momentum to execute a snap suplex. Laughter took over the patriarch as he quickly unveiled his creepy spider walk, his big blue eyes locking on the Powerhouse. He crept closer to Reigns and twisted his body to land on his stomach, never breaking eye contact. They both got to their feet but in this moment Bray was quicker and set his opponent up for Sister Abigail. He kissed his forehead before Reigns pushed out of his grip, knocking Bray against the ropes and then hitting a leaping clothesline. Bray was knocked down, and it was Roman's turn to encourage the crowd, which they responded well to. He got to his corner, let out a roar much like a proud lion, and crouched in preparation for his next attack, willing the self-proclaimed New Face of Fear to get up. Bray staggered to his feet, but was then planted yet again into the mat from a Spear, Reigns immediately going for the pin. Luke Harper and Braun Strowman climbed through the ropes in an effort to stop the inevitable from happening, and yet, Ambrose and Bálor would have none of it; they ran at them and in unison, executing running front dropkicks to the two other Wyatt Family members. Those four leaped out of the ring, and the three count was called. Ambrose, Reigns, and Bálor won, and this feud was over. Their trump card prevailed.

"Here are your winners," Eden Stiles announced over an erupted audience. "Dean Ambrose, Finn Bálor, and Roman Reigns!"

Bray slid out of the ring in defeat as Ambrose and Bálor met Reigns in the middle of the ring, raising their hands in victory along with the referee. Reigns and Ambrose shared a hug of relief, knowing this battle was finished. They glanced back at Bálor, Dean starting to smile and offering his hand to Bálor, which he responded to by returning the favor. They shook hands, Dean uttering a few words of thankfulness to the champion. Roman and Bálor shook hands as well, also speaking of how grateful he was to have him around. The referee returned Bálor's championship to him, and Dean and Roman raised Finn's arms in victory. Everyone watching at home began to either cheer or clap for the combatants, knowing that much more was to come, and their champion had a bright future.