Well, I was doing my usual rounds on the property. Making sure the perimeter was safe, all my fences were in order. I had gotten up to the carrot fields by the county line. There's a big hill just past them – the land plunges down and meets the fence, and then beyond that fence is the big forest of Happy Tree County. Now my parents, since I was a little rabbit, had always told me to never cross that fence... and I knew about all those poor people, and I listened to Ma and Pa. That forest, that whole county, was cursed. In fact, I hated going to that corner of the farm, it spooked me, ever since they handed the farm to me – the only reason I was there was to check the fence.

So I did it quick as I could, and then trudged my way back up the hill, out of the shadows of those cursed trees. And then, when I reached the top of the hill, I felt this gust of wind. Like a puff, a tiny warm breeze on my back. And I turned around instinctively, and I saw the city. It looked quite pretty there in the afternoon sun, light all glinting off the glass of the skyscrapers. The city was beautiful.

Only issue was, the city hadn't been there just a few seconds before. Obviously most cities don't just appear out of thin air – well, Happy Tree ain't most cities I guess.

And I suppose I was the first soul to lay eyes on the place in two hundred and fifty years.

-Eyewitness account of carrot farmer Glen Lapis




-Front page headline of Acorn Press, Saturday May 16

Citizens of this country, citizens of the world, members of the press:

As President of the Republic of Acornia, I can confirm that the now-legendary city of Happy Tree – absent from maps, censuses, surveys, and indeed reality, for two and a half centuries – has come back.

Two hundred and fifty years ago, Happy Tree – the entire city and all of its then-residents – disappeared overnight, leaving only the surrounding wilderness of Happy Tree County behind. Our government made Happy Tree County a restricted area immediately thereafter, but it did not stop the disappearances of many thousands of citizens of this country over the intervening centuries. As more and more disappearances came to pass, we attempted many times to decipher the circumstances of Happy Tree's absence, and the associated disappearances, but our investigations came to nothing. For that, we apologise to the relatives, and in some cases the descendants or surviving families, of the missing persons involved. We admit that we could do nothing.

That is, until this past Friday, at precisely 2:24pm local time. The city, having undergone many architectural and industrial changes since its disappearance, re-materialised – with all of its original citizens, and – we believe – every missing person that had vanished in the area in the period up to the present day, alive and accounted for. Yes, every one of them. We will release more information on this development as it comes to light.

Our thoughts turn now to investigations, which are now far more likely to be successful. With Happy Tree returned to us, we will not only solve countless Missing Persons cases, but with luck and due process, we may also be able to solve the mystery of why this city vanished in the first place. We ask that you, the public, bear with us and the press as we investigate the reappearance of Happy Tree and conduct interviews with the citizens involved. Details will be forthcoming; we know as little about this situation as you do.

That concludes this address. We will not be taking questions. Thank you.

-Presidential Address, Monday May 18

We would like to remind citizens that Happy Tree County remains a restricted zone. Residents of Happy Tree have advised us that the county line is not to be crossed at any point, under any circumstances. Please wait until investigations have been concluded to attempt entering Happy Tree County.

-Acornian Government PSA, Monday May 18

Hey Joe,

Massive news from head office. They've approved the idea I pitched to them... about the Happy Tree Problem. I assume you're familiar with the recent news about the reappearance of Happy Tree. Everyone is. With this national investigation the full truth about that place will be coming out soon, and of course it's up to us to get developments to the public ASAP.

Of course, government PR recognises the need to give a face and emotional connection to large-scale stuff like this... The government knows this, so head office submitted my idea to them, and it's been given the green light.

So, to that effect... you are now going to conduct an interview-driven investigation into Happy Tree. Focusing largely on the everyday citizens and their daily lives, how they've lived. Also the small matter of some of them being over 300 years old. Heh.

We have gained access to a group of citizens of Happy Tree to interview for the investigation. One yellow rabbit came forward during the conferences at the county border, volunteering to be interviewed, as did many other citizens that he said were his friends. They gave no names, though. Just some strange nickname-type things. His name was Cuddles, he said.

However, this "Cuddles" won't be the first to be interviewed. Scheduling conflicts means that the first interviewee will be a pink female chipmunk by the name of "Giggles", at 3:00pm on Thursday. Apparently is in a relationship with "Cuddles", if that adds anything. God, these names. We need to get to the bottom of that. Investigate further, please.

Remember, this is big news, as this is the first time any real information about this city will be published, aside from anecdotal evidence. I'd like to also have you clarify that we have full co-operation of both the national government and the citizens of Happy Tree County. Strangely, no local government reps from Happy Tree seem to exist. Another potential question.

Also, our interview booth has been built – with assistance from both groups – straddling the boundary line separating Happy Tree County with the rest of the country. You will be sitting on the national side, the interviewee will be sitting on the county side. And before you ask – no, I have no idea why this is. All I know is that you should not cross the county line under any circumstances. Maybe that could be the subject of a question too?

Either way, 3pm, Thursday. Put it in your planner, and prepare some questions... and if all goes well, we might be able to continue the interviews with the other citizens.

Make me proud Joe. You're a talented bear. This is our biggest story yet, and it is in your hands.


Tim Kernelstein
Acorn Press Management

-Internal memo at Acorn Press headquarters, Tuesday May 19