"Ugh," Tenth's brother sighed dramatically for what had to be the twelfth time in half as many minutes. Hayato could tell that the weakling was pleased to see his ire. It had only been a week since he had been grounded, and the brat had already made it his life's mission to irritate Hayato as much as possible. The back-up heir was currently draped over his bed, head hanging over the side and a book in his loose grip. Hayato was standing rigidly by the door, determinedly staring at the wall.

Another sigh escaped the heir's brother. Hayato twitched. "What?" he finally snapped.

"I'm bored," the wimp whined pathetically.

Hayato rolled his eyes. "Then you should complete your homework," he replied, barely managing to keep back a snarl.

When Hayato had been requested by the famous Iemitsu Sawada to guard and tutor his second son, he had been honored. Takahiro, the heir to Vongola, was known for his incredible skill and natural abilities, and although there wasn't much information on his brother, it was expected of him to become an exorcist as well. Hayato had imagined someone determined to help the world like his brother was, someone dedicated to Vongola and helping Takahiro any way he could.

So when he arrived to find a spoiled, weak brat, to say he was disappointed would be an understatement. Tsunayoshi Sawada was unmotivated, lazy, and spoiled. Any attempt Hayato made at teaching the twin of Takahiro was either ignored or flew over the brat's head. He spent most of the day complaining about his grounding, intentionally acting like it wasn't his own fault for being reckless and inadequate. Hayato couldn't help but compare him to Takahiro; the heir was often seen diligently practicing exorcism chants and hand-to-hand combat. Looking at Tsunayoshi, it wasn't hard to understand the disappointment Hayato had seen in Iemitsu's eyes.

What angered Hayato the most was the fact that the ungrateful brat didn't even care. The youngest Sawada was clearly cared for his entire life; the expensive electronics in his room and the fashionable clothing he wore made that clear. Obviously his parents cared about him if they hired a bodyguard to protect him, and yet the boy brushed off their concern and refused to learn from his mistakes.

For Hayato, who was the bastard spawn of a demon and a high-ranking man, it was unforgivable. Hayato had never had the luxury of being genuinely cared for, no matter how hard he trained and studied. To see this egotistic brat achieve his locked-away wish without any effort was a harsh blow.

Tsunayoshi pouted. He sat up from his hanging position, turning to face Hayato properly and crossing his legs. Hayato was startled to see the weak-willed boy stare at him intensely for a moment before turning his gaze to the window.

"Gokudera-san, was it your mother or father?" he asked casually.

Hayato froze in shock. "Excuse me?" he refrained from hissing.

The wimp was apparently oblivious to the tension. "Your mother or your father, which one of them was a demon?"

The half-demon narrowed his eyes. Was the brat mocking him? It was common knowledge that his mother had been a demon. "My mother," he answered stiffly.

"I see." He was still staring out the window. "She wouldn't happen to have been a Storm demon, would she?"

"What exactly are you playing at?" Hayato scowled darkly, fists clenching.

"…It's nothing," the weakling chirped, turning his head from the window and giving Hayato a smile so shiny that it momentarily stunned him.

Then he pulled his blanket over his body and laid his head down so that it was facing the wall. "I think I'm going to tuck in early, Gokudera-san! Goodnight!"

"Goodnight?!" Hayato squawked disbelievingly. "It's only seven!" Not only that, but the boy was still in his normal clothes! Wasn't he going to put on pajamas or something?!

His protests were ignored as the second heir's breathing evened out despite the light still being on. Hayato stared blankly for a moment before he resignedly turned the light off and shut the door, locking it from the outside as he had been instructed to do during the night.

This job was turning out to be more troublesome than it was worth.


From outside Tsunayoshi's window, a figure watched the 'slumbering' boy. A small smile twitched at his lips as he shook his head in fond exasperation. The human was once again playing tricks.

He easily unlocked the window from the outside, pushing it open and quietly slipping inside the boy's room. He walked to Tsunayoshi's bed, a warm smile gracing his face as he examined the soft features. "Tsunayoshi," he murmured, letting him know of his presence.

He was caught off guard when a hand tugged at his arm, pulling him down on the bed. The demon allowed Tsuna to swing his body over him, the small boy beaming at the man.

"Haven't I told you to call me Tsuna?" he pouted. "Fon." Fon shivered, attempting to mask his blush by coughing lightly.

"I apologize." Tsuna still wouldn't move. Fon tried to ignore the weight on his stomach as he said, sighing, "Tsuna."

Tsuna grinned, jumping up from the bed and flattening out the wrinkles in his clothes. "It's been a while, Fon!" The Storm Arcobaleno felt warmth flow through him at the smile directed at him. He stood up, looking down at the fluffy head of hair.

Fon returned the exclamation with a tender smile. "It is nice to see you as well. I heard you have been put under house arrest?" He couldn't help the vague amusement and irritation at the concept.

Tsuna scowled. "Yeah, Iemitsu's only let me out for school. It's so unfair! I had only went out to eat with Reborn. Well, he doesn't know Reborn was there, so that makes it even more unfair."

Fon chuckled lightly at the child-like behavior. "I see, so it was Reborn's fault?" It was nice to see Tsuna acting his age a little, even if his immaturity at the situation was understandable. "Then I suppose you wouldn't mind if I kidnapped you for a little while?"

The teenager's face lit up. "Ah, hold on a second." Fon watched as Tsuna squished a few pillows under his blanket, arranging them to fit his body structure. Once he approved the fake-Tsuna as passable, he turned to the demon with a smile.

Fon held out his hand, fondness welling inside him again when Tsuna took it without hesitation. The Storm demon adjusted the human so that Tsuna's head was pressed against Fon's chest. He stepped up on the large windowsill, relishing the October breeze that engulfed them. Tsuna buried his head farther into Fon, shivering as he peeked down from the third-story house. Fon stepped off, causing Tsuna's fingers to tighten in the demon's shirt.

They fell gracefully, Fon keeping Tsuna steady as they landed softly on the ground. The human let go of his savior, beaming at his newfound freedom. The demon stared at him as if he were contemplating something. "Tsuna, I want to ask you something."

"Huh?" Interest peaked, Tsuna looked up at Fon with a curious expression. "What is it?"

Fon smiled. "This way," he said instead of answering.

The Storm Arcobaleno slipped his hand into Tsuna's, tugging him in the direction he wanted to go. Tsuna blinked but let himself be taken by the demon, curiosity increasing when they moved farther away from the populated town and into a quieter area.

His eyes turned to the peaceful space, aware that they had arrived quicker than humanly possible, despite the normal pace it had felt like to him. The place they were in turned out to be a clearing in a wooded area. The cloudy night sky relaxed him, causing him to relax even further.

"Tsuna." Brown eyes met the speaker's, tilting his head in question. Fon sighed, struggling to get the words out. "I'm not really supposed to be asking this right now."

Tsuna's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You're an incredible person, Tsunayoshi Sawada. It's only natural that I've grown fonder of you than I should have." At Tsuna's oblivious look, Fon continued. "You're hopelessly kind and forgiving. Despite any differences, you accept people for who they are." Fon's eyes softened. "What I mean to say is…Tsunayoshi, I've fallen for you."

Tsuna's eyes widened in shock as Fon gazed back at him seriously.

"Will you allow me to court you?"


Gokudera stared at the uncovered empty bed in horror. His body began to subtly shake.

"I'm going to kill him," he whispered in a deadly tone.

lol cliffhanger
Gokudera will eventually begin to like Tsuna as more than a friend for the several people who were concerned about that
it was great reading everyone's ideas and thoughts! guys 600+ follows is insane, honestly it's hard to believe, thank you so much!
please tell me what you thought (: