"Moo-eyy" the baby squealed happily. Stretching his arms upwards, he reached for the smiling man. The sandy haired boy-for he was barely more than that- scooped up the small child and cradled him in his arms.
"Hello Harry"
The baby giggled.
"Wwwuu-ock. Wwuock- wwwu-ock!" flapping his arms excitedly, the child pushed his tiny hands against the man's chest, trying to escape the parental hold.
"Ah, does he want his pet rock again?" Another man walked into the room, black haired and pale eyed. Smirking, he strolled to his friend's side, watching the child's face with a contented look in his eyes.
The man holding the baby smiled. It was a smile so wide that it stretched his skin to the impossible, and yet, it didn't bother him.
"Give him his rock, Moony." The long haired man added fondly.
Remus placed the child on the floor and handed him a small rock. The baby took it eagerly and held it up for his friends to see. "Moony!" he squeaked.
Laughing, the dark haired man put a hand on Remus' shoulder. "That's not Moony, Harry. That's a rock."
"Shush, Padfoot, he said my name. He said it right!" Remus grinned and kneeled next to Harry.
"Moony!" the child exclaimed again, waving the rock above his head.
Remus smiled and looked up at Sirius.
"He's a wild one, he is" said Sirius, sitting on the floor beside Harry.
"Harry" Sirius addressed the baby. "Try and say 'Padfoot'. Go on, do it. Pad-foot."
"Ppp-P-pleahhh" the baby gave up, spraying the two with spit.
Giggling at the sight, he rolled onto his back and dropped the rock on his face.
"Harry!" The men exclaimed, and hurried to pick the baby up.
"Are you alright?" Remus questioned, with Sirius looking concerned over his shoulder.
But the baby was smiling and giggling, rubbing his eye where the rock had fallen.
Holding Harry up, Remus handed him to Sirius. "He's a tough little guy, isn't he?"
Author's note: Thank you for reading! I would like to know what you thought of it and…well, what you think I should work on or change. I'm all about constructive criticism and constant improvements sooooo….I'm looking forward to reading your opinions. If anyone will actually bother to comment, of course. And if you won't, well still, thank you for reading and have a nice day ^-^