== Sharp ==

Hi this is my first story ever, Enjoy.

The World of Remnant. It is a planet not unlike the very earth you and I are living on. It has a beautiful, breathtaking atmosphere, with the greenery of grass and trees, oceans which fill the world with drinkable water, and landmarks such as mountains and volcanoes. The moon was also an outstanding factor, with it being shattered. Despite that, Remnant was quite literally, a Utopian paradise. Humanity was created to live in this world, to survive and thrive, prosper and explore. There were also the Faunus, humans with animal-like traits such as rabbit ears, cat tails, bull horns and the like. All in all, humanity lived in this world, happy to be created here.

However, in this very paradise lurks creatures of evil. Monsters known as grimm roam the lands, destroying all sentient life they came across. As humanity was born into this planet, the grimm became the first of their predators. These darkness incarnates ravaged the humans, hunting them mercilessly day in and day out. Humanity tried to fight back, but the effort was futile. The Grimm were simply too powerful to be controlled.

All hope was assumed to be lost, with chaos spreading across the planet. No one could stop the monsters, or at the very least no human could. One day, the world found a substance that would turn the tide of battle forever. Dust.

Humanity used Dust to combat the grimm, succeeding. The monsters were killed in retaliation, their corpses disappearing once death overtook them. From there, humanity found hope, and fought for it in a large scale battle against the beasts.

The humans and faunus emerged victorious, destroying much of the grimm that lurked. The grimm could not be completely destroyed however, but they were driven back.

Humanity achieved a golden age in this time, quickly advancing in technological achievements. Thousands of years past, with grimm attacks growing lower and lower, but not gone. Civilization developed and Humanity created hunters and huntresses to combat the remaining monsters, and to act as peacekeepers and protectors of order. This profession quickly advanced into celebrity-status, with many people aspiring to become as valiant as them. Combat schools were created specifically for this purpose, alongside normal academies. Not everyone would want to be a hunter, obviously.

Nothing could stop humanity's advancements, with the grimm being held constantly. But as with the primal opposites, darkness always lurked within everything, and everyone. Simple lies were made to gain advantages over one another, creating more negative traits such as jealousy and anger. Everyone ignored the disagreements, knowing that this would not be much of concern, but just like an untreated wound, it eventually caused problems in time.

With such darkness within humans being reigned with iron fists, yet another subspecies of humans emerged, if they could even be called humans. Ghouls.

Ghouls were a major problem within society. Their only source of food was human flesh, nothing else would sate them. With such a dire constraint being placed on them, the ghouls had no choice but to kill humanity to survive. Humanity saw this leeching subspecies unacceptable, leading to creation of the Commission of Counter Ghoul, an organisation created to destroy all ghouls.

No one knows where or how the ghouls were created. Some say they are the humanoid forms of Grimm. Others believe it was a birth defect due to the unsafe usage of dust. All that was known that they plagued the world of Remnant, with them living alongside humanity ever since they fought back.

Life went on for everyone, but the darkness within everyone grew stronger. Disagreements transformed into conflicts. Conflicts transformed into battles, and battles transformed into wars.

Humanity eventually turned against itself, with those simple lies turning into outright selfishness, hatred and much more powerful negativity. Wars raged on between them, leading on to a great disaster which would shake the whole world asunder. The Great War.

Many lives were lost on the basis on individualism, greed, deception and pride. Chaos raged once more, this time without the acts of the true monsters. The war thought everyone who could think one lesson, such a catastrophe must not happen again.

Despite that, disagreements still occured between humanity, and eventually discrimination began among its own kin, the faunus. Simply due to them having animal features, humanity began treating faunus as lower-class citizens. With schools began to accept only pure human students, faunus were given less economic benefits than humans, and even slavery had begun in some parts of the world. This led to rebellion, protests and outcries, with organisations such as The White Fang appearing.

The story of The White Fang started off as a simple peaceful protest group, crying to the government about having less rights than regular humans. Their pleas went on deaf ears, and they continued to be outcasts. The negligence of humanity treating it as a joke of a faunus group, began stirring the darkness within faunus' hearts. In time, a new leader took over, and with it, he completely transformed the once simple protest group, into what people would call a Terrorist Organisation. They used violence in achieving their goals, with murders, robberies and thievery occurring from them.

Today, in a society where the grimm lay low, but the discrimination of faunus and the rampages of ghouls continued, we see the hunger of two ghouls devouring humans within Vale, a kingdom of Remnant.

"CCG to Heli-203. Intruders reported at the Aqua building in the 20th ward." A radio announced to a helicopter, flying towards the said building. "Intruders believed to be ghouls, I repeat. Ghouls. Proceed to location immediately."

"More... MORE! I want more, I WANT SO MUCH MORE!"

The figure of a woman glowed from the fish tanks, as she dived into a big pile of dead bodies. The woman panted in blood lust, unable to contain her starvation of human flesh. Even with so many bodies. it could only sate her hunger for so long.

"My my, what a mess you have there."

A new figure approached the woman, a monkey wrench in hand. "It's no wonder they call you a binge eater."

"All I want to do is to enjoy my meal. Why must you interrupt me?" The woman voiced out, not even looking at the masked man in a suit as he stood calmly.

"Heh, You don't know who I am do you?" The man replied, amused at the woman's choice of response.

"Of course I know you. You're a miserable freak who enjoys getting a kick out of pestering others."

The masked man gave a big chuckle in response. "I've orders from above. I'm supposed to take you in. Alive. However, I don't believe they would mind if I take a finger from you." The eyes from his mask had an insane glare in them. "Or... Or maybe a limb or two, or even all four of them!?"

His eyes went bloodshot, with visible veins under the insanity of his eyes.

"A man like you carrying such a tiny weapon. Pathetic, isn't it? Surely I'd thought you'll come more prepared." The woman taunted.

With a quick dash, the masked man ran up next to her, giving a hefty warning. "Watch it, or you may lose more than your limbs!" Suddenly, two spiked appendages struck out at the woman from the suited man's back, creating a dust cloud. Using the moment, the woman sent out appendages of her own to the fish tanks by her side, sending water spewing all over the hockey-mask wearing man.

Recovering from the splash, the masked man looked around to see his target gone. He felt his weapon missing and looked to see it gone from his hands. "No... You dare..."

"GIVE THEM BACK YOU THIEF!" The masked man cried out, as the binge eater made her way to the rooftops.

"You're no fun." She muttered, as she threw the weapon onto the metal railing below.

"You've been busy sister." A figure approached the binge eater said slyly, wearing a red hood with a mask that covered his face.

"Hello, brother." The binge eater replied. "How's life? Any reports from Aogiri?"

"Other than mister Jason you saw down there, no. Watch yourself, they're hunting you now." The brother said to his sister with noticeable concern in his tone.

"I don't like laying low, I'll take my chances." She replied to her brother, not a sliver of worry in her voice.

"Some things never change. I'll be infiltrating an academy to gather information." The brother of the two explained his mission to his sister. "Try not to die."

"I should be telling that to you, Betrayer. It's amusing how you got your title really, just some simple backstabs. Why can't you be like me? Being a Binge Eater is much more satisfying." The sister said.

"Nah, I prefer silence. Goodbye, sister."

"Goodbye, brother."

The two of them departed their separate ways. The Kamishiro siblings always had exciting things in life.

The Cafeteria of Beacon academy was filled with students from all parts of the world, most of them awaiting the Vytal Festival.. Dances, parades and a Combat Tournament were planned, with the transfers eagerly awaiting for it.

Two teams in the cafeteria, Team RWBY and Team JNPR, were happily eating their lunch. One of Team JNPR's members, a short orange haired girl, was casually tossing food towards Team RWBY.

"Whatcha doing?" Asked Yang nonchalantly, currently in her uniform. Her curiosity caught her teammate's attention.

"Nothing." Blake, her teammate, replied as she closed her notebook. She was a faunus with long black hair, but not nearly as much as Yang's, and a black bow on top to hide some of her faunus features. "Just going over notes from last semester."

"Lame." Yang stated, quickly leaning over to gobble a pea that was flung over to her.

The table shook with a bulky book being slammed on it, having the words "Vytal festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee" on the cover crossed out and replaced by new words in red marker that read "Best Day Ever Activities!" This caught the attention of her Team, Team RWBY as they looked at their leader.

"Sisters! Friends! Weiss..." Ruby began, earning an irate, "Hey." from Weiss Schnee. She was a pale girl with a scarred eye and an off-center ponytail wearing a small tiara, resembling icicles.

"Four score and Seven minutes ago, I had a dream."

"This ought to be good," Yang noted to Blake, as she quickly gobbled down a cherry tossed at her once again.

"A dream that one day the four of us would come together as a team and have the most fun anyone has ever had, ever!" Ruby announced.

"Did you steal my binder?" Weiss questioned Ruby.

"I am not a crook." Ruby replied, making a peace sign with her hands.

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked

"I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" She announced.

"I always kick off my semesters with a Yang!" The blonde exclaimed. "Ehh!? Guys? Am I right?"

Her questions were answered with deadpanned looks on her team, and an apple being tossed at her, smacking her face. A jeer from Nora was heard as well, which earned an intense glare from Yang.

"Look guys, it's been a good two weeks and between more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year," Ruby began, "Our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow. Which is why I've taken the time to schedule a series of wonderful events for us today."

"I don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store." Weiss commented, rolling her eyes.

"I don't know. I think I might sit this one out." Blake mentioned, with a possible hint of sarcasm.

"Sit out or not, I think that however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team!" Weiss proclaimed. Standing up from her seat, Weiss began to say: "I for one think that..."

She was rudely interrupted by a pie comically being throw at her from Team JNPR's direction.

With all attention focused there, Nora the obvious culprit, quickly pushed the blame on her teammate Ren. Ren, who was a black haired teen with pink eyes and a strand of pink hair standing out, simply face-palmed at his friends act.

"Whew, that's harsh."

"I know! We were fighting side by side, she was super fast and I threw a banana at a guy which sound gross but also awesome!"


The two yellow and blue colored students chatted endlessly as they walked by the cafeteria; Sun Wukong, and Neptune Vasilias. They were part of a new team that transferred to Beacon for the Vytal Festival, Team SSSN.

"Right? And the best part is, she's a Faunus." Quickly realizing what he said, The yellow monkey faunus quickly covered his mouth with his hand. With the secret already out however, he instead quickly exclaimed: "But that's a secret okay!"

"Got it." Replied the Blue colored student.

"And not a, "I'm gonna go tell Scarlet the second Sun turns his back secret," I'm talking secret secret."

"Whoa, chill man, chill okay? I got it."

"You'd better. I just don't want to screw this up, you know? The people here are the coolest! No offense to you guys." Sun explained.

"None taken." Neptune smoothly replied.

"Yo guys!" Said a new voice.

"Huh? Oh hey there Razor." replied The Blue haired student, his attention caught by the newcomer.

"Razor! Hey there buddy! Haven't seen you since JJ's vomit incident." Sun greeted.

"Please don't remind me, Sunny." Replied the newcomer.

Razor Rivers, a fellow student from Haven, the same place Team SSSN was from, caught up with his old friends. He wore a black T-shirt with a red jacket that had black colored shoulder markings that look not unlike those of Grimm masks, and black jeans with red lines flowing through it. His black coloured hair with streaks of red on the tips swayed in the direction of the wind, contemplating the spiky hairstyle he had.

"Ack, I told you not to call me Sunny in front of other people! It's Sun Wukong." Retorted the monkey Faunus.

"Eh whatever. I'm just here for the Vytal Festival, nothing more."

"Us too. I was about to introduce Neptune to some friends I know. They're just in here, and I'm really excited for him to meet them." Sun explained. "So be cool, okay? You're gonna be cool, right Neptune?"

"Dude." Neptune said simply, making a pose with his arms crossed, teeth gleaming as he smiled.

"Good point."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Razor said.

The trio walked into the cafeteria only to hear the cries of Beacon Students as they fled from the place. "Food Fight!" One of them cried.

What they saw was not what they expected from an academy of Vale, or one of the most respected combat schools in the world for that matter.

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" Proclaimed Nora Valkyrie, standing on stacks of tables piled up to make a fortress.

"I'm gonna use the restroom okay guys? Guys?" Razor questioned, but got no response from the Awestruck Yellow & Blue duo. "Yeah whatever." He muttered, quickly running to the side towards the restroom.

All he could hear before he entered the restroom was the sweet voice of a girl in red proclaiming: "Justice will be swift, justice will be painful, it will be delicious!"

"Delicious?" Razor thought. "Heh, sweety. Delicious it is." Razor stared at the girl with the red cloak for a few moments.


In the male restroom, Razor looked at himself through a mirror. He smiled at his delicate handsome features, admiring himself for a few moments, closing his eyes as well.

Razor muttered to himself. "Hmmph, It's been awhile... Almost two months actually" The Redhead rubbed his arm. "I've got to find a source soon, I can't let my instincts go awry now." Razor sighed. He recalled how he survived Haven for so long undetected. Deception, betrayal and backstabbing got him here. He killed off so many people he knew, most of them were in his way. A few weren't, but who would blame him for a few casualties?

As he continued to examine himself, he heard a loud gush of wind that concluded with a small tremor within the bathroom. Curious as to what it was, Razor walked towards the bathroom door and peeked out to see a light-blonde haired lady with a white long-sleeved suit with a black business skirt and a tattered cape with black outside and purple inside, making gestures with a riding crop. His eyes eventually fell on the objects being gestured to, scattered tables organizing themselves in a neat yet magical manner, and concluded that this professor is fixing whatever mess that happened when he was away.

"Children, please." The professor Glynda Goodwitch began, adjusting her glasses. "Do not play with your food!"

Teams JNPR and RWB both composed themselves, the N student burping aloud and the missing Y student falling from the ceiling onto one of the tables.

"Let it go." Another, calmer voice said as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

Glynda sighed. "They're supposed to be the defenders of the world."

"And they will be, but right now they're still children. So why not let them play the part?" The gray haired man asked, walking away. "After all, it isn't a role they'll get to have forever."

The man, Headmaster Ozpin, walked towards the exit but not without looking at the male student in red and black. Razor noticing the Headmaster looking at him, and said a simple greeting as a manner of goodwill. Ozpin smiled at this gesture, and returned his gaze toward the exit.

This place is sure going to be interesting, isn't it? Razor thought to himself.

"Now, who shall I target..." He muttered to himself.

Razor panned back towards the two teams, and found himself looking at the short-haired girl for Team RWBY

Ruby Rose. He had heard of her many times. She was the one that interfered with Torchwick's plans, and interrupted his most recent Dust shipments. He considered his choices. He could kill Ruby Rose to stop her, or let her go to avoid suspicion and find food instead.

His stomach growled, as if it was making the decision for him.

"Well fellow red, I'm sorry you're gonna die." Razor thought to himself sarcastically. He lost the feeling of remorse a long time ago, a new hunger claiming him ever since.

The last day before the 2nd semester at beacon starts would be the best day ever. The tragedy that would come however, would be nothing but a ghoulish nightmare.


Thanks for reading. It means alot to me.

Special and very thankful thanks to Challos for rewriting this prologue for me.