First off, allow me to explain. These characters exist in my previous story Atonement and this is their story.
Undertaker will be in this tale, but I do not want to add him to my list until he is introduced.
However, the story is written that if you do not know of the character's existence from Atonement you can still read this story.
I wish to post it under Kuroshitsuji as this story is influenced by the universe.
This story has been rated M due to mature elements and this story is rather dark.
The picture for this story is by Arirsera, thank you!
***Update! This story is becoming an audio book! Its a project I'm doing with one of my friends that wants to get into reading audio books. If any of you are interested, feel free to pm and I'll get the files to you.
How... how could this happen so soon after she had freed herself of this hell? She had only spent mere months working at the Wandering Tavern and had just managed to purchase herself a small shack. It was a hole in the wall but it was home to her and it belonged to her.
She now sat chained to a bed scantly clad with no recollection of why she was there, but memories from her past provided her with a good explanation.
"PLEASE! LET ME GO!" the child screamed as she was forcibly dragged into a building by the collar at her throat. She had no choice but to somewhat comply as full resistance from her captor resulted in lack of oxygen due to the constriction of the collar. She sobbed weakly as the man dragging her grew frustrated and simply walked over to scoop her up over his shoulder.
"Such a pest, but you'll make for a good price with that pretty face of yours, so I better not be too rough on ya." The man grinned lecherously as he took the child inside and slammed the door behind him.
After seven years she had escaped that nightmare and lived in the alleys for months as she struggled to survive. Nights were spent in anxiety; thinking they would find her, they would catch her, and bring her back so those monsters could touch her skin once more. Then she found a small light in all the darkness.
"Hey, you there! I can't have you eating from my trash now can I?" An elderly woman with a hunch walked down the few steps from her door using a cane to assist her. She approached the young woman currently picking from her trash with an unreadable expression.
"Oh, my apologies…" the girl bowed her head ashamed of her actions, but hunger drove her to such drastic measures. "If you could spare but some bread I would appreciate it…"
The elderly woman gave the girl a once over then tilted her head in question "how old are ya?"
"Seventeen, ma'am."
The woman nods then and turns back to the house "let's get you cleaned up. That bread isn't going to free, you'll have to work for it" and so began her employment at the Wandering Inn.
So why now, was she here, upon this bed? She pulled at the chains cursing obscenities at the damned steel that bit at her limbs. She suddenly stilled when she heard footsteps outside the door. They were slow and growing in sound as whoever was coming was close to the door of the room she was entrapped in.
Think! Think! THINK! What happened… The girl began to pound her head trying to jog her memory. I was walking home from my shift and I had decided to take a short cut through an alley because it was raining. I… I remember hearing the sound of hoofs… and then… a carriage.
There had been a carriage at the end of the alley. She had approached it as carriages went to and fro all over town and to turn back now would be a hassle. It was odd for it to be on this side of town as the area was populated by the poor and no one could afford such a ride. As she drew close a man exited the carriage and began to walk towards her. She grits her teeth and forced herself to walk at the man regardless of her slight phobia of the beasts. You have worked alongside them for months, not all of them are filth.
The man smiled and allowed a cloth to slip from his coat and dangle at his hand. He then proceeded to run at her affirming her horror.
"NO!" The woman turned and ran with all her might, but as her terror rose she soon forgot her surroundings. Rain had fallen and in turn had saturated the ground in a slick surface. The woman lost her footing almost instantly and went tumbling to the ground. Pain shot through her body upon impact but before she could collect herself the man had jumped her and placed the cloth at her face. The world spun as darkness consumed her.
The door before her opened then and a man decorated in royal colors entered the room. His garb suggested the man was a knight of the king and hope began to grow within her.
"Sir knight! Oh thank the gods you are here!" The woman attempted to cover herself to the best of her ability "have the men responsible for my kidnapping been detained?" When the knight did not answer her, she looked up to see why the man remained silent. Her hope shattered upon witnessing the man's expression.
The knight was in the process of removing his clothes and was smugly smiling at her "now why ever would they be detained? They should be rewarded since they caught such a lovely prize." Now partially nude he began to predatorily walk towards her. "Now then, kitten. Shall we play? I'd be wise if you didn't scratch me as I won't hesitate to punish you…"
They are all filth, each and every one of them. The only ones who are safe from such a hell as this are those of noble birth. You would never see a dignified lady entrapped here forced to do such disgusting tasks. The king's men knew of such an establishment as this man proved and he was a client. "Does the king know that you rape women?"
The knight stops walking and looks at the woman amused "His majesty is aware of such institutions and even encourages us knights to pay a visit from time to time if it will help us with our tasks at hand. Now then…" he resumes his step, closing their distance. "I've paid my wage and your mine for the night."
When he drew close the woman's rage she was bottling all escaped at once. Her fist connected with the man's nose and he went stumbling backward in pain. "Don't you DARE touch me, you filth."
Blood trickled from the man's nose as he stood growling in anger. He quickly closed the distance and brought a hand to her throat and lifted her as high as the chains would allow. "KNOW YOUR PLACE, WHORE."
Anger and venom exploded within her as a fraction of her sanity shattered. She would kill this man. She didn't know how, but she would. Then after she did that, she would murder the men responsible for bringing her here and follow the chain until she eliminated all of them. Her rampage wouldn't end there though, the king would be next. She wouldn't kill him; she would simply make him suffer by taking his crown.
Air began to escape her and the world around her became fuzzy in result. Time passed until she realized the world around her had stopped moving. The man stood there still, glaring up at her as he had but was now frozen in time. She attempted to move but it was futile. The only piece of her she could move was her eyes which she used to scan the room. That's when she noticed a man standing in the corner of the room whom hadn't been there previously. Upon witnessing him, the woman became unnerved as something was unnatural about him. The man was clad in black and wore a cloak upon his head. White strands of hair peaked from beneath the robe and stirred as the man began to walk toward the couple.
She found she could speak and addressed the cloaked man "Are you death?"
The man chuckled menacingly "if you wish it, I could. However, that is not what I intended when I sensed you." He came to a stop when he stood in front of her beside the man currently in the act of strangulation. The hood of the cloak moved suggestion the man beneath was considering the man before him. "You seek power and I can supply you with it if that is what you truly desire. It comes at a price and if you decline I shall simply take my leave. The choice is yours, child." The hood raises high enough that she witnesses a rather inhuman grin beneath.
Without hesitation she demands "what is your price?"
The man sighs with delight "Humans, such simple creatures. I shall aide you in your quest for power at the price of your eternal servitude when your task is complete. Typically my race demands a soul as price to such endeavors, but as I will have plenty of opportunities to feast upon your little expedition I shall think outside of the box. I am currently under staffed, which was the actual purpose of walking these tiresome planes." He nods to the woman then "what say you, mistress?"
Again, without hesitation the woman speaks "We have a deal, demon."
Low laughter begins to leak from the man before her and grows in enthusiasm as the man begins to applaud the woman "so observant and intelligent you are. What is thy name, mistress?"
She looks down her nose at the demon before her as she introduces herself "Isabel Crane, and what shall I call you demon?"
The demon kneels then and brings his hand to his heart in a bow. "You may call me Cain, my lady Isabel." He stands then and brings that same hand to her face to show a burning emblem upon his palm. "I shall brand you with the mark of my name as we swear ourselves to this contract. Where would you like such a mark?"
She considers the symbol upon his hand and makes her decision smiling "make it my right palm as I wish to touch those I smite."
"And so it shall be written." Cain reached for her hand and grasped it unleashing volcanic heat to wreak havoc upon her flesh. She bit her lip refusing to scream from her own choice and allowed her palm to perish in the inferno it was engulfed in. Moments later the demon released her hand and then turned to her. "I shall deal with this one first."
"Do NOT make it quick for him." Isabel commanded her eyes moist with the residue of pain.
There was a smile to his words when he replied "of course, my lady."
To be continued.
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next chapter!