A/N: I mentioned I'd be starting a new VA fic after the last one, and because I've already written up the first few chapters, I'll be posting them over the next few days. This story is going to be written from four different point-of-views, so it ought to be an interesting challenge. As always, Happy reading, and enjoy.

Chapter One


When Headmistress Kirova requested a short conference with me, I was sure I was about to be dressed down over something I had unintentionally done. I learned quick enough that she often only called meetings with Guardians when she intended to reprimand them. I had also learned that normal circumstances were not going to apply in this case. Even before my knuckles knocked on her office door, I was told to enter. No other Guardians were present, so I was given cause to seriously worry. I hadn't done anything to call much attention to myself. Hell, I had only been at the Academy for little over a month, brought in to guard Princess Vasilisa Dragomir, at least once we found her location. The Princess had run away with a Dhampir novice named Rose Hathaway, and neither were on our radar as of yet.

Kirova recognized my arrival, insisting I take a seat. Okay, definitely not looking good for me. The Headmistress sat at her desk across from me, her long sigh making me shift uncomfortably.

"Dimitri, I need you to know that everything said here must stay unconditionally classified." She paused, presumably waiting for my agreement.

What was I going to do, argue? "Of course Headmistress Kirova."

"We are accepting a temporary Dhampir student for the next few months. The Guardian Council is adamant that she be further trained here at St. Vladimir's Academy. I am placing her into your charge, along with Guardian Petrov, in order to train her."

I accepted without a choice, but knew there was going to be more to this task. And as suspected, Kirova went on speaking.

"This student will be joined by her aunt, who happens to be a sitting member of the Guardian Council."

I was suddenly much more interested, and even more concerned. "Can I ask why the Council is so insistent about her training here specifically? And, why does a Dhampir need a Guardian escort from the Council?" This was turning out to be an odd situation already, but I had to keep in mind that the Guardian Council never did anything without long amounts of consideration and planning. I had to assume that whatever their plan, it was well thought out, and purposeful.

My questions went unanswered as a knock on the door shifted the attention of the Headmistress, causing her to stand. I stood with her. When the door opened, I froze. The woman who entered was a Guardian. And not only was she a friend, she was also someone I had once had a close and personal "friendship" with. Her eyes met mine ever so briefly, without the slightest reaction. I wondered if she even remembered me. I figured she would have to after…well, after everything we once shared. Was it presumptuous to assume she would remember? Maybe, but then again, no it wasn't.

"Ellen, I do hope you are well." The Guardian greeted the other woman first.

I should've expected nothing less. She was just as poised and respected by everyone she met.

"I am quite well Guardian Pearce."

"Please Ellen, call me Bridgette."

The Headmistress gave a rare and bright smile. The two women then turned to me as I still stood speechless in place. I had not seen her in approximately two years, yet she still had the innate ability to shock me.

"Bridgette, this is Dimitri Belikov, one of our best and newest Guardians here at St. Vladimir's."

Bridgette let that slow smile I knew well creep over her face. "Dimitri and I have met." She informed the woman after the introduction. "We went to school together, and kept in close contact after receiving our Guardian assignments."

She stepped toward me. Before I knew it, her arms were flung around my neck, hugging me closer. It was impossible for me not to embrace her in return, moving my hands to her lower back.

"I have missed you." Bridgette whispered so quietly, releasing my hold. Her charming British accent was also still clear.

"What are you doing here Bridgette?" I finally found my ability to speak again.

"I am here to assist in training Bellamy."

"Your niece." I confirmed, but I still had questions. "Is there something more that I am missing?"

Kirova and Bridgette both looked charily at one another before responding to my question.

"I'm certain that the Headmistress has told you that this meeting is to be kept confidential?"

"She did." My eyes met with Bridgette's again. "I don't understand why though."

Bridgette went to sit down, so I pulled the chair beside mine out further for her. She looked almost like she was suffering.

"Bellamy is a Dhampir. I would like to make that clear, but she has Moroi abilities. Bellamy can produce, use, and control the element of fire."

Bridgette must have know the reaction my face would give, because she hadn't yet looked up at me again. I sat down, in shock of what I had just heard. "A Dhampir with Moroi magic? How is that possible?"

"It is a long story. I will explain everything, but only the Council and the three of us are aware of this information Dimitri. It is not to be shared." The sentence was ended with a warning tone.

I agreed. "Why is she training here at St. Vladimir's?"

"The Council wants her skills in both arenas furthered with more well-trained Guardians," Bridgette winked at me, "and magic users. When she turns eighteen and graduates, they want to keep her under Council guidance, and have her working as one of their Guardians.

I nodded. It made sense. The Dhampir-Moroi mix was still seen as an impossible concept to our societies, but if it proved true, it would mean huge changes. It could also cause civil war between Moroi, Dhampirs, and even Strigoi.