Outside was utter chaos, ships were burning and crashing into the ocean while creatures vaguely reminiscent of dragons tore through the canines like nothing and the sight was someone unnerving, suddenly a streak of purple lit the sky as one of the ships shattered in half from the sheer strength and in the air was something that didn't belong in this world.

It had the wings of a mechanical angel with parts that hovered closely to the dark and edged metal and it was not a living thing, it was a machine and in the next five seconds it ripped through the draconic creatures, spraying their intestines and blood through the sky as it continued its slaughter of them as canines and ships were on its slaughter menu as violet lasers erupted from its dark and purple wings.

The flesh of anyone who was caught in it was burnet and sliced as mutilated and burnt corpses littered the air as I then spotted a severed drakes head and leaped out of its way before it hit me and smashed into the wooden deck.

I needed to find my pole-arm and Spyro fast before this thing tears this whole fleet apart like a tin can. Thinking fast, I grabbed an intact rope and threw it at the mast of the nearest ship that has yet to be in ruin and swung myself over to it and got close enough to switch teleport with a random canine grunt.

Now that I was in the middle of enemy company, I decided to give these daggers a go as I darted to the closest one and gutted him with the dual blades and back-flipped out of the way of an overhead scimitar as I then dug both my blades in the ground while keeping my feet in the air and kicked a medium sized canine off the ship as I then touched the floor with both feet and pulled the daggers out of the wooden floor as the next medium sized canine swung the same scimitar at me but I raised my daggers and sliced it clean in half before using my second dagger to slice his throat open.

Moving onto the last one who was a small grunt, I readied my daggers before a decent sized fireball smashed into him and sent the burnt corpse flying through the wall as the source of the fiery demise was Spyro who made his way down while flapping his wings and eventually touched down on the ground.

"You again! thank the ancients you're alive" he said excitedly before a low pitched mechanical hum filled the air as the source of it was the mechanical angel who was off in the distance.

Its unnatural body twitched and spasmed as purple energy danced across its body like it had a life of its own as a low pitched shockwave was heard as my hearing dulled as I barely heard Spyro scream in agony as his ears popped and blood trailed down his head from the noise.

Suddenly the wood of the ship tore open as everything silently went to hell as everything that was in close proximity of the entity was ripped to shreds as the ships were reduced to splinters and scrap metal by a near silent shockwave and the drakes closest to the thing were just reduced to a thick red gooey paste and mist as their bodies simply exploded and the shockwave hit me and my friend which sent us flying.

My suit may be strong but it doesn't completely negate blunt force trauma as I felt my body smash into random objects like still intact wood planks, spare cannonballs and scrap iron that was used to reinforce the ships at inhuman speeds as I felt like a meat ragdoll that slammed into these things as I coughed up a mixture of my blood and previous food as I eventually escaped the storm from hell as I felt my body fall, my vision was dull but I was still conscious.

I was briefly slowed down by my impacts but I quickly regained speed as I was helplessly falling into the orange ocean, I couldn't even turn my head with how weak I was at the moment and I felt my insides churn like an ancient washing machine that was cleaning human remains as I couldn't even tell how far I was from hitting the ocean but after what felt like an eternity, I smashed into the waters of this unknown planet and sunk down to the bottom.

Normally this would hurt from the sheer velocity I hit the water with but I was numb from all the agony I felt up there and all I could think about now is what would happen as my body was literally beaten and broken as the sunset light from above disappeared as I couldn't see the surface anymore and I was in pitch black darkness as my life support kicked in.

Pain and agony filled my thoughts as I tried hard to think about other things with no avail.

Hours passed as I was still sinking to the bottom of the ocean and I felt my ears pop but not with the violence Spyro unluckily had and I noticed that bioluminescent fish were watching me while shark-like creatures ignored me and chased after them and in the midst of this, I felt my leg touched by something slippery and slimey as it wrapped its limb around me while another enveloped my torso.

It's been a while

Its deep voice rung in my head, I didn't recognise who it was and what it was but it pulled me through the water as I entered through a cave as my vision blacked out via an unknown source.

My pain dissolved and I could think clearly in this state I was where I couldn't see or feel anything now and I wondered, what happened above and what was grabbing me but I felt like some of my questions were going to have an answer behind them as I my vision regained itself and I came to my senses in front of a colossal multi-tentacle beast that made my body seem like a spec of dust compared to it.

What brings you here old one?

I was confused, normally things like this would call me a young one or something along the lines with that, I pushed those thoughts aside and tried to speak but my throat wouldn't allow it, I physically could not speak.

I sense what you are trying to do, do not fear, I will help you

I felt my vocal cords rearrange again as I felt something escape my throat like a gasp, I was surprised at this and I tried to speak again.

"W-who are you?" I asked with a hoarse voice, it was nothing impressive but it would have to do for now.

They call me many things such as the god of the oceans but your kind dubbed me specimen T.A.L.O.S for a curious reason I would not know

I was confused but what concerned me the most is why did he call me 'old one?'

"Why do you give me the title, of old one?" I was really bad at talking to someone, especially an ancient primordial being.

Your existence predates even mine, I have to call you that

I was taken aback by this, I knew that I was in the cryopod for a long time but I never expected to be asleep long enough to be older than this?

Another living creature from above was found, one of my followers brought him here if you have any recollection of it

I wondered who this was but its tentacles brought up what appeared to be Spyro who wasn't battered and bruised like I was but then again, the deep sea god could of just used healing magic or something on him.

He tried to say something but couldn't as bubbles only escaped his mouth, I was confused on how he wasn't drowning but my helmets built in computer said the water wasn't actually true water but an unknown variant that is heavily oxygenated to the point where an organism could breath it in without any gills.

It's been a while since I've seen a purple dragon like this, I've heard his story before I talked to you and he said that you were with him on a journey against Malefor, I have no love for him and I personally wouldn't mind his existence being prevented from happening again.

Spyro nodded and while I had no idea who this Malefor person was, I knew that if he managed to get on the bad side of Spyro and a possibly benevolent squid, monster god thing then I'm pretty sure he did some horrible things to accomplish that so I nodded as well.

The dragon has requested that I would bring you three to the white isle, anyone who is a friend of an old one is a friend of mine so I will fulfil that request

It telepathically said while I just noticed that Sparx was still with us and he was freaking out, probably on a rant about how the god thing was evil like me and that we were going into a trap.

I felt my vision become faint again as I slipped into an unknown corner of my mind before regaining my vision again as I fell face first into a crystalline substance with my horns buried into it but I pulled myself out of it while I looked around to see Spyro with the same issue with his own horns and so I decided to be a good friend and pulled him out as well as he then looked at me "Thanks" he said sheepishly before his face twisted into confusion.

"Wait a minute, didn't he say you were older than him?" he asked while Sparx joined in with that question.

I had no answer for that question either.