Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Fate/Stay Night. They belong to J.K Rowling and the good folks at Type/Moon respectively.

King of Beasts Productions Present:

Harry Potter and the Holy Grail War: A Harry Potter and Fate/Stay Night Fanfiction.

Chapter 1: A Visitor Comes

Since time immemorial, the Ministry of Magic has been the governing body of the Wizarding Community in Great Britain. For centuries, it safeguarded the secrets of magic from the rest of the world, allowing Wizards and Witches to hone their craft in secret. However, there was existed another magical community in England that also guards those secrets.

The Magus Association, also known as the Clock Tower.

Whilst both organizations practice magic, their methodologies are as different as night and day; For Wizards and Witches, access to magic was as easy as flicking a wand and uttering a few incantations. Yes, there was still a lot research, trial and error, as well as experience involved, but there was less risk to life and limb save for a some intricate and/or forbidden spells such as the Unforgivables.

Those of the Association, or "Magi" as they call themselves, have this philosophy: To be a magus is to walk with death. Their style of magic is more complicated and, should anything go wrong, a fatal end awaits the practitioner. Still, the level of magic they can reproduce is just as awe-inspiring.

For years, these two division have left each other alone except on the most rare of occasions. They have kept to themselves, dealing with the threats to their livelihoods such as dark wizards, vampires and the like independently.

This is a story of one of those occasions.

Ministry of Magic Offices, Whitehall, England.

"So, this is the Ministry of Magic..."

Waver Velvet, also known by his title Lord El-Melloi II, was fascinated by how a simple telephone booth brought him into the Ministry's offices. He wondered what kind of magic these Wizards used to produce such an enchantment and made notes to begin research on their kind of magic.

"But that's not why I'm here." He said as he immediately proceeded to speak with the clerk. As he confirmed his meeting, he looked back to the circumstance that brought him here in the first place.

The Holy Grail War.

"And here I was thinking I would be able to dodge the next one." He inwardly sighed as he sat in the waiting lounge, look through a small diary containing his research notes to pass the time. Granted, he wasn't participating this time, something he was thankful for. He was here because, believe it or not, the Grail had chosen someone under the Ministry of Magic's purview, something that did not happen since the Third War.

"If memory serves me correct, he was revered and respected in his lifetime, though he was considered quite batty." Waver thought as he sat. "I believe his name was-"

"The Minister of Magic is ready to see you now."

Lord El-Melloi nodded as he stood up and allowed the attendant to show him the way to the Minister's office. It took him some time, but he was able to find the office of the Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Waver wondered what kind of man the leader of this magical community was, and he quickly found out as he entered the room. Sitting on his desk was a man with black skin dutifully looking at documents of varying subjects, his current one being the repeal of an anti-werewolf legislation. He was dressed in a typical wizard's robe, which was blue in hue, and wore a strange hat on his head.

"Minister Shacklebolt, Lord El-Melloi of the Clock Tower is here to see you now."

The Minister looked up for a brief second, smiled, then turned to the clerk. "Thank you very much. You can leave us now."

With a bow did the aide make her exit, leaving the two by themselves.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lord El-Melloi." The man rose to his feet to shake his hand, introducing himself with his deep baritone. "I am Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minister of Magic. I must say, I have heard much of you. With your skills as a teacher, I would not be surprised if Hogwarts invites you as a guest lecturer."

"My thanks. I was not aware that my reputation preceded me. I'm looking forward to doing that someday." Waver smiled as he shook his hand in kind. "However, that is not the reason why I came today."

"No, of course not." Kingsley Shacklebolt nodded. "Come, let us sit and talk about it over tea."

The two sat down at the Minister's mahogany desk. As soon as they made themselves comfortable, Minister Shacklebolt brought out his wand and, with a flick of his hand, began levitating the tea set towards them.

"I must admit, it's quite a wonder to witness magic so easily executed with a flick of the wand." Waver noted with a polite smile as a tea cup flitted past by his head.

"True, the novelty of it all never gets old." The other man let out a deep chuckle as one by one, the set completed itself on the table. "However, I must admit that our magic has reached a state of stagnancy compared to the Watch Tower."


"A tale for another day." Minister Shacklebolt smiled as he lifted his tea cup much to Waver's confusion. "However, we have more important matters to discuss today, yes?"

"Indeed." Waver agreed, noting that the Minister was the kind to get straight to the point. "Tell me, Minister; How much do you know about the Holy Grail War?"

"Only the things I have heard." Minister Shacklebolt stated as he took a sip, his face one of discomfort as he spoke of the topic. "And what I have heard isn't all that pleasing. If anything, it sounds like something of the Dark Arts."

"Good. This shall save me time explaining things then." Waver spoke as he took a sip of his own cup "Considering that one of those chosen is one of your own, how should I say it, 'Aurors'?"

"Yes, unfortunately." Minister Shacklebolt let out a deep sigh as he put down his cup. "Trouble of all kinds seem to gravitate towards the boy, though most of it is not through his own fault."

"It seems that he is quite unlucky."

"Perhaps he is. But his resilience in the face of adversity is astounding."

"Care to explain, Minister?" Waver inquired with a raised brow.

"To begin, I must ask you my own question," Minister Shacklebolt's tone turned serious. "How familiar are you with the Second Wizarding War?"

"To be honest, I was not in the country at it's peak." Waver answered, subtly referring to the War he had participated in. "But from what I had heard, it was a bloody affair."

"What you have heard is correct. Friends, family and loved ones lost their lives fighting Lord Voldemort." Minister Shacklebolt began. "At it's start, the boy faced insurmountable odds, with the enemy having the advantage at every turn. Still he persevered, facing the Dark Lord even after innumerable losses and winning. I had hoped that he would spend the rest of his days living in relative peace. However, it seems he has one more obstacle to hurdle."

"I see." Waver nodded in understanding, quickly coming to the conclusion that the Minister thought highly of the chosen Master. "Be that as it may, I will need to see him for what comes ahead. He needs to have full knowledge of what he is about to enter...and the price he may pay if he is unprepared."

"Very well."

With a sigh, Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt picked up the telephone (the Muggle invention installed all over Ministry offices at the suggestion of one Arthur Weasley) and made the call.

"Hello? Ms. Granger?" The Minister spoke the very words that would begin a new adventure. "Can you please bring Harry Potter to my office, please? There is something I need to speak to him about."

End Chapter 1

A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm the King of Beasts and I'm here with a new fic to add to the expansive library of Fate x Harry Potter crossovers! It's a little plot bunny I thought up at random, and I wanted to let it out of my head! The premise: What if Harry was a Master at the 5th Grail War?

So here we are, starting off with the meeting of Lord Ell-Melloi and the Minister of Magic. How will things turn out for Harry? What does it mean for him to be chosen by the Grail? And who will be his Servant?

Mordred: Hint: it's not me.

At any rate, you'll find out soon enough. At the mean time, please leave a review and say what you thought of it! Until the next chapter, I am the King of Beasts and see ya next time!

Next time on Harry Potter and the Holy Grail War: To Fight for a Miracle!