A/N: Please take note of the rating change. It's due to smut.

Aubrey's hands trailed down Stacie's naked body. Stacie's hips rose, trying to find purchase with something, anything, but Aubrey felt like teasing. The brunette groaned, grabbing Aubrey's hair and pushing the older girl's head down, past her belly button. Aubrey knew what Stacie wanted, she was making it very clear. The blonde lightly kissed the inside of Stacie's thighs. Her arm snaked over the brunette's hips, trying to keep them from grinding upwards.

"Aubrey, please.. " Stacie panted. She cried out as Aubrey's mouth made it to its destination, lacing her fingers tighter into Aubrey's hair.

A beeping startled Aubrey awake and out of her dream. She was coated in a light sweat and could still feel the heat between her legs. She took a deep breath, willing herself to calm down. She was so turned on but also so disappointed it was just a dream.

Aubrey slowly slid her hand down her own body, hesitating for just a second before she slipped it beneath her underwear. She bit her lip when she finally touched herself. After several minutes, her breathing turned ragged and her back arched up off the bed.

She had been trying not to think of anything at all and focus only on the sensations but as she got closer, her mind flashed on an image of Stacie. Her hands became Stacie's hands - and it was only then that she crashed over the edge.

"Aubrey, can I speak with you for a minute? It's not about work." Steven said as he lightly knocked on her office door. Aubrey was suddenly nervous.

"Sure." She smiled. She didn't know what she would do if he knew what happened with Stacie.

"My wife and I are throwing a party tonight and we'd really like it if you could come. My wife is excited to meet you."

"Oh, that's very sweet but-"

Steven cut her off. "I know you won't really know anyone but you can of course bring a guest. And Stacie will be there, so you'll know her. I sort of told my wife that I invited you weeks ago and then I kept forgetting. So, please come?" He chuckled a little, giving Aubrey a sheepish look.

"Okay, yeah, sure. I'd love to."

"Great! It starts at 7 - it's black tie."

"Okay, sounds good. Um, can I borrow Stacie for a task today?" Aubrey had no idea where the question came from and she had no task for Stacie to do.

"She's not in today - or she'd be all yours." Aubrey's stomach flipped.

She wanted to ask Steven why Stacie wasn't in but she didn't want to seem too interested. After Steven left, Aubrey groaned and let her head fall to her desk. She knows she has a problem over-analyzing things. It's what makes her a good business woman but - maybe not so good in any other aspect of her life.

She tried to focus on things she can control - like what she's going to wear. Who has a black tie event at their house on a Friday night?

She smiled to herself a little as she thought of the perfect dress to wear - one she thought would catch Stacie's eye. She shook her head and frowned. What was the point in trying to catch the eye of the girl she won't let herself have?

Aubrey pulled up to one of the biggest houses she's ever seen. Immediately someone was there to open the door for her and park her car. She suddenly felt a little self conscious and wished she had someone to bring with her - at least then she wouldn't be alone.

Aubrey was wearing a floor length green dress, a single piece of fabric around her neck in halter fashion, leaving her shoulders and back completely exposed. Her hair was curled and piled on her head in a loose but elegant way, leaving her neck and back unobscured. Her heels were already killing her.

Steven found Aubrey as soon as she entered what could only be described as a ballroom, that's how big the space was in this area.

"Aubrey, so glad you came. You look absolutely lovely. "

Aubrey blushed a little. "Thank you. Your home is gorgeous."

Steven smiled. "Come with me, I'll introduce you to my wife."

Aubrey followed Steven, looking around the room as she went, trying to locate a certain brunette. After she briefly chatted with Stacie's mother (and found out this was actually a charity event, not some random formal party), Aubrey found herself alone. She noticed a few dogs were in attendance - each wearing a service dog vest that was black and was accompanied by a white bow-tie. Aubrey smiled big - she loves dogs.

A server approached her, carrying a silver tray with one drink on it. He said it was for her and Aubrey searched the room again when she realized it was her go-to drink, the same one she was having the night of the office party. Stacie was here somewhere.

Aubrey was approached by a guy who wouldn't stop talking about his love of adventure and his successful business. She stood there, drinking her drink probably more quickly than she usually would have. The minute it was done, another server was there to replace it with a fresh one. Again, Aubrey searched the room for Stacie, but had no success.

When she couldn't deal with Chatty McChatterson any longer, she politely excused herself. She was only two drinks in but they really weren't skimping on the alcohol here. She went in search of a bathroom.

In hindsight, she realized there was probably no need for her to climb the stairs to the second floor - there were probably several bathrooms on the first. But there she was climbing the stairs anyway.

She entered a fairly long hallway with several doors. Only one was left slightly ajar. She peered into the room and instinctively knew it was Stacie's. She checked over her shoulder to see if anyone was around and went inside. She was just curious, that's all - she just wanted to see it.

The room smelled like Stacie. Aubrey ran her finger over the surface of her dresser, looking at all the different perfumes lined up. The room was neat but cozy. Stacie had a king size bed with a million pillows.

Aubrey took another step forward to examine all the pictures tacked to a board above Stacie's desk. She reached forward to touch a picture of Stacie when she was a little girl, her face painted and that unmistakable smile that lights up her eyes even now.

"You came."

Aubrey retracted her hand like she got too close to fire and whipped around, her pulse racing from being startled.

When she saw Stacie, all thoughts flew out of her head. "Holy..." Aubrey breathed. Stacie was in a gorgeous red dress - sleeves off the shoulder, tight from the top all the way down past her hips and then flaring out to the floor. Her dark brown hair was partially up but the rest was flowing in soft waves over her shoulders.

Stacie really wanted to be mad at Aubrey for running away but she kept getting distracted by Aubrey's neck… and her shoulders.. and her collarbones. There were so many places Stacie had yet to kiss. She walked cautiously towards Aubrey, like she was approaching a scared animal who might bolt at any second.

"You look-" Stacie paused momentarily, not able to think of a good enough word, "-wow."

Aubrey shifted her weight and looked down at her hands briefly before forcing herself to look at Stacie. She took in a shaky breath. "I'm sorry for leaving - for starting it and then leaving - it wasn't fair. It's just.." Stacie watched as Aubrey's eyes became glossy. "God, I want you so badly.." Stacie's stomach flipped. "But you're my partner's daughter and an intern. We shouldn't, I know we shouldn't. I just can't stop thinking about you."

Stacie got closer, grabbing each of Aubrey's hands in her own. She leaned in. "Can we just pretend for right this second that those things aren't true?" Her eyes flicked to Aubrey's lips.

Aubrey let out an almost imperceptible whimper. "I'm afraid I won't be able to stop once I start."

"That's okay," Stacie whispered, closing the space between them. Stacie dropped Aubrey's hands, reaching up to cup her face.

Stacie moved her lips along Aubrey's jaw, making her way down towards Aubrey's collarbone. "Do you know-" Stacie murmured into her neck, "-how much this dress turns me on?" Stacie lightly ran her fingers down Aubrey's exposed back while sucking her pulsepoint.

Aubrey moaned softly. "Stace you can't mark me, I have nowhere to hide it." Stacie groaned but let up a little.

Aubrey lifted Stacie's head up to recapture her lips, her tongue exploring Stacie's mouth. Their kisses turned needy, leaving both struggling to get enough air but not caring. Each were getting increasingly frustrated at the restricted access caused by their dresses.

A light knock at the door ripped them apart. Aubrey's eyes were wide and frightened.

"Stacie, are you in there?" Steven's unmistakable voice coming through the door. Aubrey prayed he wouldn't open the door. This is not exactly how she wanted this situation to come to light.

"Yeah, I'm here," Stacie called out, normalizing her voice as much as possible.

"It's almost time for your speech so come down, okay?"

"I'll be right there, thanks."

They heard the footfalls of Steven making his way to the stairs. Aubrey breathed a small sigh of relief but her heart still felt like it was going to pound out of her chest.

"Speech?" Aubrey quirked an eyebrow.

Stacie checked herself in the mirror. "Yeah. This party is, um, raising money for my charity."

"Your charity?"

Stacie smiled and gave her a soft kiss, sucking Aubrey's bottom lip between her teeth before separating. "Don't think we're not resuming this later."

Aubrey watched Stacie take her place at the front of the room, clinking a glass to get everyone's attention. She didn't look nervous at all. Aubrey would probably be throwing up at this point. Aubrey listened as Stacie introduced herself and some other key players in the charity.

"Most of you probably know the background of this charity but for those that don't: When I was 15 years old, my very best friend in the world suffered an unimaginable tragedy. A car accident left her with injuries that took months to heal - what never came back was her sight. I watched my friend struggle to try to orient herself in a world she could no longer see. When I found out that she couldn't get a service dog because they were too expensive, I got really angry. So I got my dad to donate the money," She smiled over at her father and Aubrey felt her heart swell. "But, the fact is - there are so many people who need this and my dad, as awesome as he is, can't pay for a million service dogs."

Aubrey felt herself getting emotional, thinking about a younger version of Stacie with such a big heart - devoting so much time to helping her friend. It made her hungry for more information about the brunette. Aubrey wanted to know everything there is to know. She felt a little knot of something akin to panic set in - because it was that moment that she realized she wanted a lot more than to just have sex with this girl.

Aubrey listened to the rest of Stacie's speech. The brunette wasn't satisfied helping one person get a service dog - she wanted everyone in need to get one. When she ended her speech and graciously smiled through the applause, Aubrey saw Stacie look directly at her, not even needing to scan the room to find her.

Aubrey watched Stacie get whisked away to group after group. She went to get a drink. As she was waiting, Stacie came up behind her.

"Please save me from this," she murmured into the blonde's ear. Aubrey turned around and smiled.

"You're amazing, you know." Aubrey watched Stacie's face color for the first time ever.

Stacie looped her arm through Aubrey's. "Will you come with me to talk to people?"


"You just have to stand there. I just.. want you to be there." Stacie gave her a hopeful look and Aubrey knew she couldn't say no - didn't want to say no.

So she stood by Stacie's side and watched her talk with people at the party. It may sound silly but Aubrey felt, in a weird way, sort of proud to be by her side. No one knew anything was going on between the two of them at all but it didn't matter - Aubrey still felt like she was Stacie's, at least for tonight.

And in between the groups of people, they talked. First about Stacie's charity and then about how Aubrey started her business - and then about more basic things, favorite this and that. Stacie made Aubrey laugh harder than she's laughed in a long time. The brunette reveled in the sound of that laughter - like maybe if she had to pick one sound to hear forever, it would be that. But then her mind went to the sound of Aubrey's soft moans and she remembered all the sounds she has yet to hear this girl make. While the conversation was always easy and relaxed, both girls felt the underlying sexual tension between them and it was all they could do to keep themselves in check.

Eventually the party was winding down and neither Aubrey nor Stacie could think of a good enough reason for the blonde to stick around - especially since Aubrey noticed that Stacie's dad was taking a nerve-wracking amount of interest in the two of the them. He spent the better part of the second half of the night within ear shot so Aubrey couldn't even make some semblance of plans with Stacie for the weekend. They probably could have exchanged numbers but Aubrey was way too paranoid at this point with Steven so close. So Aubrey was forced to say goodnight to the brunette, and it took everything in her not capture Stacie's pouty lips as she was leaving.

"Steven, thanks for inviting me. I had a wonderful time. Will I see you at the office tomorrow?" Aubrey knew Steven had golf plans tomorrow and wouldn't come in on his Saturday off - but she wasn't asking for his benefit. So when he told her he wouldn't be in, she shot a pointed look at Stacie before saying her final goodnight.

Aubrey was nervous before she even got into the office on Saturday morning. She knew without a doubt she wanted Stacie but that didn't necessarily make it right in Aubrey's head. She tried to push her thoughts away and focus on her work but found it almost fruitless.

Her stomach flipped when she heard the ding of the elevator. Stacie was in her office seconds later, looking stunning in a simple, short sundress. Stacie didn't waste any time with talking - she went straight to Aubrey, who had stood up, and kissed her aggressively.

"I missed you," Stacie said between kisses. Her hands slid around Aubrey's hips to her back and under her shirt. She lightly scratched Aubrey's back as she was pulling the blonde closer, causing her to gasp. Aubrey's hands were in her hair. They couldn't get close enough to each other.

Stacie hopped on the desk and smile deviously at Aubrey as she pulled the blonde's body into the space between her open legs. The brunette took Aubrey's hands and placed them on her breasts, moaning when she felt Aubrey's thumbs graze her nipples.

Aubrey separated their lips, resting her forehead on Stacie's to say something but Stacie shifted and her mouth was suddenly on Aubrey's neck. Aubrey groaned. "Stace-" she panted, "I won't be able to stop."

"Who said anything about stopping," Stacie murmured into Aubrey's neck.

"We can't do this here."

Stacie finally lifted her head and looked at Aubrey. "We're doing this here." She leaned forward and kissed her in a slow and achingly passionate way. "And I know how much it turns you on... doing something you're not supposed to be doing." Stacie felt the blonde's breath hitch and she knew what she was saying was true.

Stacie was slowly unbuttoning Aubrey's shirt, placing kisses down her body at each newly exposed space of skin. She stood up and before Aubrey knew what was happening, Stacie had flipped them and lifted the blonde up onto the desk. She ran her hands up Aubrey's legs, thankful she chose to wear a skirt.

Stacie had one hand on the back of Aubrey's neck, pulling her into a searing kiss, as her other hand made it's way slowly under her skirt. Aubrey squirmed. She tore her lips away from Stacie's and gasped as she felt a hand lightly brush against the thin fabric covering her center.

Stacie lifted Aubrey's skirt and hooked her thumbs under the sides of Aubrey's underwear. The blonde lifted herself up off the desk slightly so Stacie could take them off. Stacie got slowly to her knees, planting wet kisses along Aubrey's abs and lower stomach. She wrapped her arms around Aubrey and pulled her to the edge of the desk.

Stacie was taking her time, almost painfully so. She parted Aubrey's legs wider and kissed the inside of her thigh. Aubrey's hands tightened on Stacie's shoulders in anticipation but the brunette just switched to the other thigh.

"Stacie," Aubrey groaned. "Please."

Stacie smirked up at the blonde before burying her head between her legs. Aubrey took a sharp breath before moaning. One of her arms was propping herself up so she could lean back a little and the other was in Stacie's hair.

"Oh god," Aubrey moaned. Stacie concentrated her efforts a little, mixing short flicks of her tongue with long strokes. She reached up and put an arm over Aubrey's hips to keep them in place while she thrust two fingers into her.

She worked her fingers slowly at first but quickly realized Aubrey was getting close - she switched to hard and deep, curling her fingers upward.

"Stacie…" It was meant to be a warning but she stopped being able to form words. Stacie felt Aubrey tighten around her fingers and her whole body tensed. Stacie kept at it until she felt Aubrey's muscles relax under her. The blonde pulled Stacie up and captured her lips, tasting herself.

"You're so fucking hot," Stacie said, biting her neck lightly.

Some time passed before they were done in Aubrey's office, each completely spent.

Stacie watched Aubrey button her shirt and try to fix her collar in a way that would hide the mark the brunette left there. She reached over and lightly touched the spot. She felt Aubrey shiver beneath her fingertips.

"Do you want to get food?" Stacie asked. "I'm starving."

Aubrey smiled. "Yes. I'm starving too."

They went to a restaurant a few miles away, neither particularly concerned about seeing anyone from work.

After they ordered, Stacie sensed that Aubrey was nervous about something. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. It's just…" Aubrey looked down at her hands for a second.


She looked up and met Stacie's eyes. "I don't just have sex with people. I never - well, anyway - I don't want just sex here."

Aubrey watched a slow smile take over Stacie's face. "I don't want that either."

"You don't?" Stacie shook her head. Aubrey grinned before sighed lightly. "We'll have to tell your dad, you know."

"I know. I don't think he'll mind."

"I have a hard time believing that."

Stacie chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "He likes you a lot." Stacie reached over and held Aubrey's hand. "And… did he ever tell you how he met my mom?" Aubrey shook her head. "She was his secretary."

Aubrey's eyes widened. "Seriously?"

Stacie nodded, laughing. "He always says the heart wants what the heart wants, so it would be a little hypocritical of him…"

"It might not be that easy. I'm his business partner, you're his daughter - it's different."

"That's okay. I don't need it to be easy." Aubrey smiled as her thumb brushed over Stacie's hand. They were both quiet for a few moments.

"You make me ridiculously happy." Aubrey blushed a little after saying it. Stacie squeezed her hand.

"You make me ridiculously happy too."