Disclaimer :I do not own Harry Potter.
Small hands as white as lilies Sign the next move.
"Queen to H3," Daphne intones for her sister. Astoria claps her hands as her queen moves to the next square and clinks Daphne's knight away. Their cat Buttons-who is seated in Astoria's lap- meows in response, like he is encouraging Astoria's win. She strokes his fur.
"Don't think you'll win, just because of that," Daphne warns, although as her emerald eyes stare into her sister's blue, and Astoria's ruby lips curve ever so slightly, they both know that is a lie. Astoria always wins; it happens every time.
In fact, if anyone asked Daphne, she would argue that Astoria had won from the moment she was born. She won the moment she came out of her mother's womb with skin as fair as untouched snow and gentle golden waves of hair, and actually looked like her mother. She will never be the target of accusatory glares and whispers that follow her wherever she goes. She will never have to endure the awkwardness of explaining why her hair is black and kinky instead of blonde and straight, nor will she ever have to insist that the natural brown of her skin is purely from the sun.
Still, there is no doubt that Daphne Greengrass is her father's daughter. She has the classic "Greengrass Green" eyes-unlike Astoria, who has her mother's blue- , his cheekbones, the same pert nose, and she even makes the same jaunty movements just like he does when he walks. She is obedient to both her father and his wife's every whim and addresses her as her mother just like Astoria does, yet it is her sister who is the favorite. Her sister whom her parents have doted on from the moment she was born, and receives more than twice the attention that Daphne does. Still, it's not all her fault, Daphne admits. After all, she can't help being born mute and deaf.
The moment her parents discovered that their little girl could not hear a word they were saying, thousands of Galleons were spent on Healers without hesitation. However, their efforts were in vain. Eventually, they had no alternative but to accept that their daughter would never be able to hear and may never vocalize more than simple sweet giggles. And so it was that the entire family learned how to Sign, and their daughter learned to read lips and communicate through writing and her body language.
Their deaf, mute, and legitimate daughter, Daphne reminds herself. Yet on some level, can she really blame them? Astoria is the girl whose smiles and embraces make the sun shine and put the stars in the sky, she thinks, as Astoria gently nuzzles Button's face and rubs his fluffy white belly. She has a heart of gold to match that hair of hers. Daphne smiles wryly. She would be lying if she were to say she hated her sister. She feels quite the opposite, actually. I dote on her as much as everyone else does.
A sudden tap on the table interrupts her train of thought. It is your turn now, Astoria Signs.
Daphne nods and moves her king without thinking. I have literally just given her the perfect opportunity to checkmate, she realizes.
Astoria Signs her next move.
"Are you sure?" Daphne signs back, certain she could not possibly have understood. Astoria nods.
"King to E7. "Daphne says, and the piece obeys.
Daphne gazes at the scenario happening below before she makes her next move. "Checkmate."
A/N: A couple of things in case anyone's confused: Astoria and Daphne are playing Wizard's Chess, which is why Daphne has to speak for Astoria, since in wizard's chess you have to give the pieces commands vocally. Secondly, yes I read the article about disabilities in the wizarding world on Pottermore. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I think it's great that people suffering from illnesses and disabilities can have them be instantly cured if they wish. On the other hand, it does kind of-in my opinion- stifles some creativity for possible fanfics and headcanons, and I know some people with disabilities have commented that the way it was worded (unintentionally) sends the unfortunate implication that you can't grow up in the wizarding world with a disability, and moreover, it's just not good representation for people who have disabilities. I decided that as much as I love JKR, for the purpose of this fanfiction I will just ignore the article on Pottermore. Also, Draco and co will appear later on, I just couldn't find a way to weave them into this chapter.
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